Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 4

by Bet Milner

  "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Such a pleasure to be performing here for you tonight. I'm Danni Rose and this first song is dedicated to you guys."

  There was a round of applause and she began singing the first of many covers. She was halfway through when she noticed the chocolate hair and eyes at a secluded table on the far wall. 'Damn it Danni! Pull yourself together! Now you're hallucinating about her!' She thought to herself and turned her gaze center, towards the bar.

  She continued on for another two songs refusing to look back towards the table. "This next song is an original and it's called Destined to Roam."

  A whoop went up from the table at the far wall and Danni and a few other people turned to see who had reacted that way. It couldn't be! It really was Julia Jones. Danni almost croaked as the first lyric of the song disappeared out of her brain. She stalled by repeating the introduction on the guitar and composed herself. What was she doing here? 'Concentrate Dude! It's her favorite song and you're about to fuck it up!' She scolded herself and finally remembered the opening lyrics.

  A few of the younger audience members tried to mouth along to the chorus but what shocked her more was Julia's lips moving along to every lyric and the look of utter joy on her face. Danni could feel her chest and cheeks flushing and a warmth spreading over her. God almighty! The woman was even more stunning in real life. She finished the song and Julia cheered along with at least a dozen other guests. Danni started her next cover and continued stealing glances at the siren from her dreams. It was surreal. Whenever Danni played one of her originals, she could clearly see Julia mouthing along to the lyrics and she wondered how on earth she'd heard half of them. The only stuff she'd recorded was on an old MySpace account, aside from a few amateur videos from guests at various shows. She hadn't planned on playing it tonight as she still wasn't a hundred percent happy with the guitar solo. Normally Jimmy would help her out with that bit but she felt she had to. After all, she'd written the song about Julia.

  She started singing Genie and saw Julia grin and whip out her phone. Her heart raced as she finished up the song and the crowd applauded. "Thank you everyone. I'm going to take a quick break and I'll be back with you shortly." Danni placed her guitar down on the stand and nodded to the bartender to switch on the background music. Her palms were sweaty. Actually, everything was sweaty and she downed the forgotten bourbon that had been beside her the whole time. She walked off to the bar and was stopped by a few people wanting to compliment her on her performance. She thanked them and quickly went to the bathroom. She couldn't think straight at all. She ran her hands under the cold water and patted her cheeks hoping to reduce the redness. Once she was ready, she went back out and ordered another drink, taking a seat at the bar and pulled out her phone.

  There was a video tagged of her on Julia's story with the caption, someone sign this woman! And three heart symbols.

  Danni grinned and stole a glance over at the table. Julia was staring right back.

  Danni's phone vibrated and she read the message.

  Great show. Willing to come and meet a fan in person? ;-)

  Danni gulped hard. She took the bourbon and asked the bartender if she could get another. He filled a second glass and she carried it over to the table.

  "Hey. Thanks for the shout out!"

  Julia smiled broadly. "Don't mention it! What are the odds that United would book me into the very hotel you were playing this evening?" Julia motioned for Danni to take the seat next to her which she did nervously.

  "Well, I like a gamble but I wouldn't have taken those odds!" Danni pushed the second glass towards Julia. "To say thanks for the tag. It's bourbon, I don't know if you like it but, well, here."

  Julia took the glass and cocked her head to the side. She raised it in a toast. "Danni Rose, lovely to meet you. I'm Julia Jones."

  Danni grinned and clinked their glasses. "Nice to meet you too, although I have to confess, I already knew who you were."

  Julia smiled coyly. "I must just have one of those faces. You're probably confusing me with that actress, you know the one!"

  Danni laughed. "Oh yeah! She was in that alien trilogy thing. A striking resemblance!"

  Julia's eyebrows shot up. "To the alien?"

  Danni guffawed. "No! To the actress!"

  They both shared a giggle and sipped their drinks.

  "Seriously though, I really do love your music. I don't usually message complete strangers out of the blue like that."

  "Thank you. That means a lot. Me neither by the way. I never sent a message to someone like yourself before. But I have to say I am a big fan."

  Julia smiled. "Well that makes two of us!"

  Danni couldn't believe she was sitting chatting to her idol as if it were a regular Friday night in any random bar. She was intrigued. "So you say your flight was cancelled?"

  Julia nodded. "Yeah, I was supposed to be going home for a whole week off and they grounded all flights into New York. I was connecting at Logan and they gave me the choice of alternative transport, aka a long ass drive, or a night in one more hotel. I have to say though, I'm really glad I got to see you play live. I never get to do this kind of thing anymore."

  Danni considered the revelation. "It must be hard not having the freedom to do what you want to do when you want to. I love performing but I like my anonymity. I like the fact that if I post a drunk story, only a handful of people are gonna see it!"

  Julia laughed. "Genie sounded much better this evening!"

  "Thanks." She blushed.

  "You are right though. Everyone just assumes it's all glamorous parties and lots of fun, and it is... to a degree. But it's also a huge compromise in terms of privacy and anonymity. You'll learn that for yourself soon enough."

  Danni grimaced. "You seem to have a lot of confidence in me!"

  "And you should too. You have this aura, this star quality and I can't believe you haven't been snapped up by a label already. You just need to market yourself more. And you alone without DangeRose ... even better!"

  Danni was still in a haze. It was the most surreal night of her life and she didn't want to cut it short but she had to go back and finish her set. She wondered how this woman knew about the band but was having a hard time forming sentences. "Thanks so much. Hey, I've gotta go back and finish, do you mind?"

  Julia shook her head. "No, not at all. I'm looking forward to it. Sorry for monopolizing your time."

  Danni was already standing and she looked down into apologetic eyes. "You didn't. Honestly, you have made me night!"

  Julia blushed as Danni walked back towards the stage. She really liked her and hoped they could chat again after the show. She sipped her drink and rolled it around in the glass. She didn't usually drink bourbon but then, she didn't usually do a lot of things she found herself doing over the past few weeks.

  Danni took to the stage again unaware of the shifted attention in the room. There were whispers between some of the younger crowd who had figured out who the woman at the far table actually was.

  Julia knew she was now being stared at and it made her a little uncomfortable. She didn't want to be hassled by fans. Not tonight. She stared intently at the blonde on stage as she continued with her set and hoped the group of youngsters would have the decency to leave her be.

  Danni's song choices were slowly becoming more upbeat and Julia could feel her heels tapping along to the beat. She couldn't take her eyes off the woman and their conversation had only piqued her interest further.

  "Can I get you anything else Mrs. Jones?" The manager asked as he hovered around the table.

  "I'd quite like another bourbon please. Could you leave the bottle actually?"

  "Right away Ma'am."

  The manager disappeared off behind the bar and returned with her request and an ice tray. She smiled gratefully and focused her attention back on the blonde. Danni's next song was another original, one that Julia hadn't had the pleasure of hearing before and she listened to the lyrics as the J
D warmed her from inside.

  'You're there doing what you always do

  And I think that's quite mean

  Makes me look desperate when you shut me out

  No time in your routine

  Can't get you to compromise.

  Seems like what I want comes second in your eyes

  Is this all? You promised me the world

  And like a fool, I hung on every word and crawled to you

  Is this all? You promised me you'd be

  The rock that I could always lean on in my times of need.'

  She wondered if it was a true insight into the woman's private life and if it meant something to her. She related to the words as they seemed to sum up how she felt in her own relationship. Brent was never around. He'd made promises that she knew she shouldn't have ever believed. He'd assured her that no matter what, there would always be time for her wherever their careers took them. She wiped at her eyes as she realized just how lonely she felt in her sham of a marriage. She felt hurt knowing that he was likely involved in a semi-serious encounter with Harley Simms. She knew how he was on set and the charm he exuded. Julia had seen various gossip magazines questioning their relationship and making not too wild assumptions about what really went on behind closed doors. Yes, they had an agreement and she had accepted that, but this movie felt different. This has felt like the beginning of the end and she hated feeling so in the dark and desperate to see him when he was obviously not even bothered that she hadn't arrived yet. She looked at her phone quickly. He still hadn't called. Not even a message and she knew he was scheduled to be back in New York tomorrow morning.

  Danni played the next couple of covers and introduced yet another original to the mix.

  'One look and I can't get my bearings,

  Your sultry smiles are amazing.

  Feel higher than I have ever been,

  No drug compares to your everything.

  One look, one smile, one taste

  Would tip me over, I'd not recover.

  I'm lost, I'm wasted, no escape.

  It'd be game over if I were your lover.'

  The song raised questions in Julia's mind. There was a line in it that said, 'but I know you'll never be mine, you're not that way inclined.' It was the only line in the song that gave anything away about its intended recipient and it titillated her somewhat to guess as to whom it was Danni Rose had crushed on badly enough that she'd write such an intriguing song. The bourbon sent a flush to her cheeks as Danni caught her eye and sang 'if I were your lover.'

  Danni was blushing furiously the whole way through the song. She knew it was risky giving herself away so publically and in front of the woman that had inspired the lyrics she was currently singing.

  A part of her wanted Julia to hear it but she had never sung it publically. She hadn't even played the song for Jimmy because she knew it would hit a nerve. She felt free tonight though. She'd written innumerous songs about women but over the past few years she tended towards omitting the pronouns. Reese had said that it was obvious from the word choice that certain songs were about her girl crushes or her past experiences with the fairer sex but this particular song was much more direct with references to tasting the object of her desire. She caught Julia's eye to gauge her reaction. She could see a small blush on the woman's cheeks and she cursed herself for making her uncomfortable. Did she know the song was about her? Danni hoped to whatever magical creature in the sky that she didn't. She really liked chatting to her and hoped they could do it again.

  Julia pondered a few things as she sat enthralled with Danni's performance. The woman never changed the pronouns to 'he' in the covers she did. She knew Danni was dating the lead guitarist in the band because she might have read it on her profile at some point. She also may have seen all their photos together as she scrolled carefully to the beginning of her Instagram posts. She was not one to judge and she knew better than most that a picture could tell a thousand lies. It only sparked her interest further to get to know the real Danni behind the vague social media facade. The person who was capable of writing such thought provoking and clever lyrics and who felt so deeply about subjects that reached into her very soul.

  Danni finished her final song and thanked everyone for their attention. She began bagging her guitar and winding up the leads. Julia walked over to her, forgetting where she was and who might be watching. She handed her a freshly filled glass of the brown liquid. "To say thank you for making my evening so much more entertaining."

  Danni blushed again and smiled as she took the offered drink. "That's so sweet! Thanks."

  "So, do you have any other shows or arrangements you need to rush off to?" Julia asked feeling slightly self-conscious. She was behaving so out of character.

  "No, I was gonna hang around here for a while and then maybe meet a friend for a beer but she doesn't finish work until three." Danni slung her guitar on her shoulder and jumped down off the stage so she was now at eye level with the brunette.

  Julia felt her pulse quicken with nerves and she didn't know why. It was a feeling she hadn't had for years, not since her auditioning days. "How would you like to help me out with that bottle over there?" She nodded towards the table she'd been sat at and looked expectantly at the blonde.

  "Uhm, sure. That'd be kinda nice but please tell me to take a hike if you want some time to yourself. I bet you're exhausted."

  Julia laughed. "Honestly, no! I slept the whole afternoon and I could do with some company if you don't mind. I wouldn't want you to feel obliged to entertain me. I rarely just get to chat with other women."

  A group came over to ask Julia for autographs and pictures. Danni saw the brief flicker of frustration in her eyes and the plastered on smile as she signed their hotel leaflets. Bud walked over with a stern glare. "Is everything alright here?" He asked Julia.

  "Yes, thank you. Everything is fine." Julia politely lied. She knew it was too much to ask to have a whole evening without being harassed and once one group approached her, the floodgates would soon enough be open.

  Danni gave Bud a quick head nod. "Bud, is there anything happening in the Ruby Lounge?"

  He looked at Danni with a knowing expression. "No. It's all yours. Danni would you like to escort Mrs. Jones to the Ruby and I'll have someone come and tend the bar for you there."

  Julia looked at Danni with a curious smile.

  "Thanks Bud." She winked and motioned for Julia to follow her through a hidden side door Julia hadn't noticed beforehand. "I figured you'd want a bit of peace, if I'm being presumptuous though, tell me to fuck off!"

  Julia smiled when she saw the small empty bar that Danni had led her to. "You aren't! Thank you. I love interacting with my fans but sometimes I just need to be myself away from prying eyes. How did you know about this room?"

  Danni shrugged. "I used to work here a while back and this bar was always reserved for high profile guests who needed some privacy or business meetings. It didn't get used much though! I think I figured out why Bud has been kissing my ass all night!"

  Julia laughed as she took a seat in one of the comfortable looking armchairs. "Oh really? And why's that?"

  Danni blushed. "He probably assumed you and I were friends when you showed up to the gig."

  Julia smirked. "Well technically, I suppose we are. I think I've chatted with you more than I have my own family lately."

  Danni grinned like the cat who got the cream but felt bad for deceiving the woman. "Can I be honest for a second?"

  "I'd like it if you were." Julia drawled and took a sip of her drink.

  "It's just, I'm having a hard time believing that you'd actually talk to me like a normal human being! You're like, super famous and I am loathed to say it out loud but I'm a super fan. I don't wanna make you feel awkward or anything but I have been following you on social media for a really long time." Danni looked pained as she unburdened herself from her guilt. She felt like a stalker and a pervert now she was face to face with the woman she had ob
jectified so many times.

  Julia pursed her lips together and looked down. "It must be a strange situation for you. I do understand. People tend to project all sorts of ideals and assumptions on to people in the media. The thing is Danni, I'm just a regular woman who likes to do regular things. I appreciate you being honest with me though and I thank you for thus far talking to me like a normal person. Can I be honest with you now?"

  Danni looked up now as she'd been unable to meet the woman's eyes. "Sure."

  Julia blushed. "I´m a bit of a music lover and when I saw your comment on Twitter, your profile picture caught my eye. I've been a fan of yours since I first heard Destined to Roam. I find your music intriguing and I very rarely click with other women. I usually feel quite threatened by talented ladies in the industry. Can we make a deal?"

  Danni was still reeling from the revelation and wasn't sure she was ready to hear what the woman had to say next. She swallowed hard. "Okay."

  "Let's pretend we're just two old friends catching up in a bar and I´m not Super famous, to quote your words, not mine."

  Danni laughed as Julia made air quotes. "Deal! Have to warn you though, I talk a lot of shit!"

  Julia laughed and refilled her glass. "So Danni, what have you been up to lately?"

  "Not much really. Just writing bits and bobs and getting wasted with Reese."

  "Is Reese the girl from your story?"

  "Yeah. She's a nutball!"

  "She seems like a lot of fun. I used to have a friend just like her. We were always a riot when we got together." Julia smiled wistfully.

  "How come only used to?"

  "She got married, had kids and we just grew apart I suppose. Not much in common."

  "Yeah I get that." Danni took another swig and reminded herself of the deal they'd made. "What's going on with you?"

  "Just work as always. My boss has been brutal lately making me work all over the place. Thankfully, I've got a week off now so I plan on doing nothing except hanging around in my pj's and reading trashy books!"


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