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Better Than Fiction

Page 11

by Bet Milner

  "Okay, this is definitely not what I was expecting. It's actually pretty low key and I haven't seen a single stripper pole yet!" Danni commented to which Julia rolled her eyes.

  "I told you it wasn't that kind of place and yet you doubted me!"

  Danni rolled her eyes. "Hey, there is still time! We don't know what's behind those curtains. Could be a gigantic scary rocking horse behind curtain number one!"

  "A what?" Julia gasped.

  "A big, oh never mind! Wanna grab another beer?"

  "What the hell."

  They sat on a couple of bar stools and started chatting again as Danni glanced around the room. "So, see anyone that catches your eye?"

  Julia looked around and shrugged. "Not really, no. I'm terrible at this. What about you?"

  "Maybe. Not sure yet."

  "Maybe? What's that supposed to mean?" Julia felt an unease once again.

  Danni grinned. "It means maybe! I'm not in any rush and to be honest, I'll be happy if you get your kicks tonight. I'm actually relishing being single for the first time in four years. I feel free."

  The brunette tilted her head. "Okay, don't tell me. I'll get it out of you before the night is through." Julia turned her head and caught a glimpse of a man approaching them.

  "I couldn't help but notice you from across the dancefloor. Can I buy you a drink?" He offered Julia. She turned to look at him and plastered on a fake smile.

  "Then I'm sure you noticed I already have a drink, thank you." She didn't mean it to come out so harsh but she was used to shooting people down after years of practice.

  "Then maybe a dance?" The mysterious man insisted.

  Danni kneed her gently and Julia took the hint. "Sure. Why not." She allowed the guy to lead her away and glared at Danni with disdain. The blonde laughed and took a swig of her beer. She turned herself around on the bar stool to keep a watchful eye on her friend, or at least, that's what she told herself. Someone sat beside her and she carried on swigging her beer and staring directly ahead.

  "She's got you under her spell too?" A familiar voice stated.

  Danni looked at the guy who had sat down and was shocked to realize it was no other than Julia's co-star Garth Humbert. She choked on her beer and the charming man laughed and offered her a paper napkin. "Thanks, sorry you just caught me off guard."

  "It's fine. I suppose I tend to have that effect on women. I'm Garth by the way, and I believe you are Danni Rose, am I right?"

  Danni nodded and it took her brain a few moments to realize why he must know who she was. Obviously he kept up to date with Julia's social media accounts. "I'm not into her. We are friends. She's helping me with some contract negotiations." She had no idea why she felt the need to justify herself to him.

  He grinned. "Good job you're a singer and not an actress! I must say, I'm surprised to see her out at all. She's usually such a good little wife although I can't see why. Brent is nothing more than a social climber and fame whore. She deserves better than that."

  Danni looked at him with a furrowed brow. "So what's your angle here? Is this how you usually come on to women because leading with declarations of love for their friend usually doesn't bode well?"

  Garth laughed. "Sorry, that's not what I'm doing, no. But I will admit you are very attractive and if I had the balls to get between whatever this is," he gestured between herself and the brunette dancing with the random stranger, "...I would, but alas, she's made it crystal clear to me many a time that she simply isn't interested and I have enough sense to see that hitting on you would be a waste of time."

  Danni laughed and clinked her bottle against Garth's. "Smart dude!"

  Julia had seen Garth approach Danni and she felt panicked. She knew what he was like and that he could charm the pants off of most women. She watched as they chatted and laughed together and began getting annoyed. It was irrational and unlike her to act like this. She assumed it was because in her mind, Garth was her back up and even though she didn't want to sleep with him, she certainly didn't want him and Danni to either. She saw they were both staring at her and she impulsively kissed the guy she was dancing with. It was petty and stupid and the complete opposite of what she wanted to do. She regretted it instantly as the guy took it as a cue to allow his hands to roam up and down her ass and tried to snake one under her skirt. She grabbed his hands forcefully and broke their contact. "Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room." She shuffled away as quickly as she could and was surprised to see Danni running after her.

  "Hey, you okay? Looks like things were going pretty well with that guy."

  Julia splashed cold water on her face. "Just splendid. How's Garth? You two seem to have hit it off wonderfully." It sounded harsher than she'd intended and Danni seemed to sense the iciness in her voice.

  "What's that supposed to mean Julia? If you wanna hook up with Garth I'm pretty sure he's just waiting for the green light." Danni was annoyed and the alcohol had already impaired her ability to censor herself. Julia was just plain rude to her and acting like a petulant child.

  Julia winced realizing how bad it must have sounded. "Danni, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry. I think it's the alcohol." She paused and grabbed onto Danni's shoulders. "I do not have any interest in Garth whatsoever and if you want to pursue that avenue then I support that. Just, be careful."

  Danni looked deep into sincere chocolate eyes. There was something else. That wasn't the way someone reacted if they had no interest in someone. "I don't get it Julia. You stick your tongue down that dude's throat then run off to the bathroom and berate me for talking to your friend. I thought we were having a good time?"

  "We are! That was a mistake. I don't know what got into me, I just thought what the hell but I instantly regretted it. Sorry. I was angry at myself for being impulsive, not you." Julia smiled apologetically. Danni relaxed a little. She could see Julia really hadn't meant to snap at her and she figured the alcohol was messing with them.

  "So what do you wanna do?"

  Julia thought for a second. "Well, let's go and have a drink with Garth and I should probably tell that guy... I didn't even get his name... that I'm not interested. Then let's just see where the night takes us. I'm not ready to leave just yet, are you?"

  "If you're sure."

  "I am."

  They walked back outside and took up a table calling Garth over. The guy Julia had kissed earlier was already hanging around a much younger woman with peroxide blonde hair and a skintight dress. Julia laughed and cocked an eyebrow at Danni. "So much for letting him down gently!"

  "What a douche! He had the hottest woman in the room and had the nerve to go chase Barbie as soon as you turned your back!" Danni didn't realize what she'd said but Garth and Julia did.

  Garth cleared his throat. "So Julia, have you had the script through for next week's shoot?"

  Julia nodded. "I have." She looked at Danni and then back to Garth. "Can we stay off the topic of work tonight?"

  Garth smiled. "Sure. Sorry. Anyone fancy a game of pool? There's a table just around the other side of the bar."

  Danni whooped. "Bring it on! What are the stakes?"

  Garth and Julia looked at each other and laughed. "No stakes dear. Just good old fashioned fun."

  Danni groaned. "Okay fine! But I know it's only cos' you know you're both gonna get your pampered asses whipped."

  They headed off to the pool table and a group of women stood off to the side watching. Danni assumed they were watching Garth and rolled her eyes and whispered to Julia. "Looks like someone's got a cheering team." Julia laughed.

  "As always!"

  Danni flipped a coin while Garth racked them up. "Call it."


  "It's heads. My break." Danni lined up her shot and pounded the balls sending them flying in all directions. She sunk two in one go then lined up her second shot. Julia couldn't help but notice the blonde's figure as she bent over the table. Her eyes travelled over the cute little ass in tight leather and she blushed
when she realized she had just blatantly checked the woman out. What was wrong with her tonight? Danni missed the next shot and Garth took his chance. She came and stood a bit closer to where Julia was sat and asked, "How do you rate your chances with me?"

  Julia's mouth fell open. "What?" Did Danni notice she had just checked her out?

  "Well it's obvious I'm gonna whip his ass. Winner stays on. So you think you can take me?" She knew what she was saying and exactly how it sounded. The flirt in her hadn´t been out to play in a long time and being around the woman she’d secretly crushed on for years wasn’t making it easier to control.

  Julia audibly gulped and composed herself. Danni was talking about pool. She felt a bit silly for thinking otherwise. She decided to have a bit of verbal fun with the woman. No harm right? "I could totally take you. I think my chances are looking pretty good from where I'm sitting." It was flirty and she knew it. There was something inside her itching to rile Danni up.

  Danni smirked. "Hmm, you talk a good game but actions speak louder than words."

  "Says the lyricist!"

  Danni laughed as she walked back to the table. She lined up the shot and sank another ball making Garth groan. One of the girls walked up to him and placed a hand on his arm. Danni pocketed another two balls and lined up her shot for the eight ball. She called over to Julia. "Sometimes words just don't cut it." She potted the eight and Garth chucked his cue on the table.

  "You're up Julia. I'm out! Tracey here wants to help me recover my ego so I'll leave you to it! Have fun!" Garth dismissed himself with one of the girls in tow.

  As Danni racked up and a woman approached her. "You're pretty good with a stick. What else are you good at?" Danni blushed. She might have used that line once or twice in the past and she admired the woman's courage. She looked up and saw a rather attractive woman. She looked over at Julia and saw she was also talking to some guy so she thought there was no harm, plus she hadn't flirted with a woman for a very long time.

  "Sticks, licks, tricks. Anything for kicks. Depends what I'm in the mood for."

  The woman smiled seductively. "I can believe that. Want a shot of something?"

  Danni noticed Julia was now alone again and approaching the table. "Yeah sure. Maybe after this game?"

  The woman nodded and walked off to take a seat a short distance away. Julia chalked up her cue and smiled at Danni. "Everything okay?"

  "Yup! Wanna break? I want to give you a chance."

  Julia laughed throatily. "Ooh, them be fighting words Miss Rose! Toss it. I call heads."

  Danni tossed the coin and let it land in the middle of the table. She winked. "Good call."

  Julia lined up her shot and sank three balls on the break. Danni's eyebrows shot up and she whistled. The brunette ambled around the table with a swagger in her step. She bent over the table in front of Danni, quite aware of the fact her skirt was probably showing off more than necessary. In her huskiest voice she asked, "Still think you can take me?"

  Danni backed up and steadied herself with the cue. Her knees were weak and she could have sworn Julia was deliberately putting on a show for her. She watched as the brunette potted another three balls in quick succession and stole a quick glance behind her at the woman who had approached her earlier. She grinned and called out, "That shot sounds pretty good right about now!"

  Julia pouted as she overheard what Danni had said and lost her concentration causing the cue ball to jump off the table. She scowled at Danni and stood back to let her take her shot. She watched as Danni caught up to her and she stole a few glances at the woman who was waiting patiently to the side with a couple of drinks. She was cute but not good enough for Danni. Danni deserved someone much hotter. Did she even have a type? What was it? Why did Julia even care?

  Danni missed the last shot and turned to meet the flirty woman. Julia watched as her friend linked her elbow with the woman's and downed the shot then kissed her. She was stunned. It was hot but so, so wrong! Julia stood there open mouthed and feeling a million things she didn't understand. Rage, jealousy and desire bubbled inside her and she walked off before any of it could manifest in front of Danni. She went to the bathroom and locked herself in a cubicle. Too much alcohol had let her emotions get the better of her this evening. Too many mixed drinks and signals. Could she really be having some feelings other than platonic ones for the blonde? There was a knock on the door.

  "Julia, are you in here? Are you okay?"

  Julia flushed the toilet even though she hadn't used it and decided to put her acting skills to good use. She came out and pushed past Danni. "Excellent! I just had to pee so badly I couldn't concentrate on my shot and rather than let you win the game, I thought I'd have a little break while you were occupied." She smiled a million watt smile and dried her hands. "Shall we go and finish what we started?"

  Danni saw a little vein pulsing in the side of Julia's temple and she groaned. It was obvious now to her alcohol fueled mind what she had to do. It was painfully clear her last move was a huge error of judgement. She took Julia's hands in her own and stood face to face looking down at their joined hands. "How am I supposed to finish a game that I didn't even know I was playing?"

  Julia blushed and looked everywhere but at Danni. "I don't know what you're talking about Danni. I've never been good at riddles."

  Danni took a deal breath and looked up. "I think... and I could be wrong and if I am then I'm screwed. I think you want to order some coffee." She closed the distance between their lips and gently kissed her. It was slow and tentative at first as she waited for the brunette to push her away or hit her. Julia's lips parted in a gasp and Danni traced a tongue along her bottom lip seeking permission. It was granted and they pulled each other closer, melting into the kiss. It felt like hours but in reality it was only seconds before Julia pulled away with a startled look on her face. Danni sighed.

  "I'm sorry. I thought... shit I fucked up again.

  I'm so sorry. See this is why don't have female friends other than Reese because I always end up..."

  She was cut off by Julia's lips smashing back into her own.


  They broke the kiss and looked expectantly at each other, neither wanting to talk first. Danni knew she was done for. That kiss was magical. Better than she'd ever dreamt. She wanted to kiss her again but they were still stood in the bathroom of the club and she wanted more than that for the spectacular woman. "Do you want to go back and finish that game of pool?" Danni asked.

  Julia shook her head. "I think I've had enough of this place." She didn't know what else to say or what it was that she wanted to do right now. The kiss surprised her. She surprised herself by returning it. She hadn't wanted Danni to ruin the moment by fretting over whether or not she had made the right move and the kiss was impulsive on her part but felt right. Right about now, she was too drunk to fully consider the implications. She just wanted to ignore it and put it down to a drunken fling but her core was alight. She bit her bottom lip and stole a quick glance up at the blonde. "You're a really great kisser."

  Danni blushed hard and laughed. "So are you. Come on, let's get out of this place. I'm pretty hungry."

  Julia nodded and followed Danni out of the bathroom then out of the club. She was still very confused but also quite curious about that kiss. Once they were in the car, she sat silently watching the blonde out the corner of her eye. Her heart skipped a beat when Danni casually took her hand in her own and placed a chaste kiss on the back of it. She'd never considered that she could be attracted to women. The thought had never crossed her mind once in her life until that dream and yet she was definitely feeling something for Danni. Maybe it was just the alcohol but right now she didn't care. It was the most physical contact she had had with someone in a long time and she was not against kissing the woman again. She leant in and tentatively placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips. Danni smiled sweetly as the car pulled to a halt outside a fast food joint.

  Once inside the restaurant under t
he bright, fluorescent lighting, Julia began to sober up almost immediately. She felt quite uncomfortable and confused regarding their friendship. Had Danni had a crush on her this whole time and she hadn't realized? Had she somehow come across as interested in the blonde? She wanted a friend, not a fling and she was angry at herself for letting her sexual frustration jeopardize their newly acquired friendship.

  Danni was looking at the overhead luminous menu oblivious to what was going through Julia's mind. "I think I'm gonna get the bacon double cheese burger. What are you in the mood for?"

  "This was a mistake Danni." Julia blurted out.

  "What? We can go get pizza if you prefer." Danni spoke realizing as soon as the words left her mouth that their food choice was not the mistake Julia was referring to as an eyebrow was quirked in her direction. "Oh. Yeah, sorry. It's fine let's just forget about it. Pretend it never happened."

  "I am really sorry Danni. I've had a wonderful evening. I think we both just had a little too much to drink and boundaries were crossed that shouldn't have been. I'm not that type of woman, I hope you know that. I don't... kiss..." Julia felt awful considering what Danni had confided in her previously about straight women coming on to her for kicks. She really hoped this hadn't put their friendship at risk.

  "You don't need to apologize. I kissed you. I shouldn't have, I just thought... well, it doesn't matter what I thought. I was wrong so I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward position. If you don't want to be friends anymore, I totally get that."

  Julia shook her head. "Danni, of course I want to be friends. It was just a kiss and I returned it. Three times. I just don't want you to think I make a habit of doing that. I don't know what came over me. It was a great night and you are great company, and an amazing kisser. It's just I'm not..."

  "You're not attracted to me." Danni cut in.


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