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Better Than Fiction

Page 17

by Bet Milner

  R: Your wish is my command!

  Julia quickly flipped open her laptop and put the CD in to play while she changed her outfit. The melodic sounds filled the room and any anxiety she may have been feeling quickly melted away upon hearing the lyrics.

  'You gave me everything

  taught me how to win

  then went back to him.

  And I see you on the carpet

  Acting like we never started

  anything at all.

  Now he's holding you so tightly

  While my dreams are haunted nightly.

  Wish you'd called.

  Cos' he won't love you like I do.

  He isn't good enough for you.

  And he won't appreciate the way

  that you sit and wait in vain

  He'll just do it all again.

  And he doesn't need you like I do

  He can't see your heart is bruised

  He’ll only make you go crazy

  So darling come away

  With me someday.

  I took a silly chance

  Knowing you'd never dance

  With this romance.

  And I wish that your soft kisses

  Wouldn't make me reminiscent

  Knowing what we missed.

  Because it's him with you tonight

  While I hold my breath and hide

  Won't get over this.

  No he won't love you like I do.

  He isn't good enough for you.

  And he won't appreciate the way

  that you sit and wait in vain

  He'll just do it all again.

  And he doesn't need you like I do

  He can't see your heart is bruised

  He’ll only make you go crazy

  So darling come away

  I hope and pray.'

  Tears streamed down her face and she wished she'd heard this song months ago. She wished either her or Danni had had the guts to really talk. She had no idea that Danni had suffered as much as she had. She had no clue that she felt so deeply. She wiped the tears away and checked herself over in the mirror. There was no point dwelling on that now. What was done was done. They’d both made huge errors in judgement and missed out on time they’d never get back. Danni was here now and she wasn't going to let her go again.

  "You look happy." Tania commented as the stars were led to the photo session.

  "Do I?" Julia grinned.

  "Something to do a certain Rose appearing?"

  Julia's mouth fell open. "How did you..."

  Tania rolled her eyes. "Oh I saw her come in earlier. I also saw the pair of you leaving the autograph session together. Care to share?"

  Julia's face burst into a grin. "This is why I hate gossip. I never get to announce anything!"

  "Boo hoo, what a shame! So?"

  "So... I told her that I wanted to date her."

  Tania squeezed Julia's arm. "And she agreed, of course."


  They rounded the corner and walked into a bustling room full of fans waiting for their photo op with the stars. Tania quickly whispered while they still had chance.

  "So I take it our plans are out of the window for tonight?"

  Julia shrugged apologetically and mouthed 'sorry' as she was herded over to her photographer. Tania rolled her eyes playfully. Of course she didn't really mind that they wouldn't be getting that drink. She was over the moon that Julia was finally gonna earn her lady loving badge.

  The fans were making cooing sounds as Julia’s photographer called the first one over and she put her arms around the shaking girl. Danni watched proudly as Julia made her feel at ease and coaxed her into an awesome pose. She could hear the mutterings of various conversations.

  ‘I’m dead! I can't believe I'm breathing the same air as her!'

  'I think I'm gonna throw up.'

  'I'm having a panic attack!'

  'This is my dream come true.'

  'I think I'm gonna cry!'

  'Do you think she will let me hold her?'

  Danni's heart was aching for these girls. They were almost all girls in fact and she realized that not long ago, she would have been saying similar things. She turned to one girl. "You know, she's a really nice person. I bet she will let you hug her and she'll hug you back."

  The girl's eyes lit up and Danni was pleased that she'd managed to calm her down a bit. In between photo's, Julia kept catching Danni's eye. She rolled her eyes at her which Danni figured was because of her insistence on coming to the photo op. A few moments later after another couple of girls had their photo taken, she winked and a smug expression crossed her face knowing she'd caused Danni to blush.

  Julia was teasing and she knew it. She couldn't help it. Something about watching Danni squirm over in the corner waiting for her number to be called was so endearing.

  There was a pulse between her legs every time she stole a glance in the blonde's direction and she wanted her to know she wanted her. She wondered how long it would be until her number was called. She considered all the possible ways she could get away with a sneaky kiss in front of all these fans. It would certainly be a cute coming out story. She'd been talking to Tania and apparently that was something she had to plan.

  The photographer called out another number and Danni stepped forward. Julia beamed at her uncontrollably. "I can't actually believe you paid for this!" She teased and put her arm around the blonde, letting her hand trail down to her ass.

  Danni blushed unable to fathom how the woman was being so brazen after having so many issues for so long. "Well, you're buying the pizza."

  Julia scoffed. "Oh really? That's a romantic first date making me pay for my own food!"

  Danni felt brave and lunged Julia forward across as if they were about to dance or she was going to pick her up. Julia giggled and held on tightly to the blonde's neck. "Don't you dare drop me Danni Rose!" She squealed. All eyes were on the pair goofing around, apparently for the camera but their eyes were trained on each other. The photographer had the good sense not to butt in with questions. Normally he'd stop the session and call security if anyone got too handsy with the stars but Julia hadn't even looked at him and she seemed overjoyed. He shot a couple of frames and cleared his throat.

  "Any other poses you'd like to do Ms. Jones or shall I call the next one?"

  Julia looked up biting her lip and then looked at Danni with a cheeky grin. "Just one, Ben." before she could think too hard on it, she stole a quick peck on the lips from the stunned blonde and then giggled pushing her away. "I think we got that, right?"

  Ben chuckled. "Oh I think everyone and their grandma's got that Ms. Jones!"

  She waved her fingers at Danni and then remembered something. She called over. "Oh, Danni..." Danni blushed again feeling all eyes on her. She looked at the brunette who mimed a pen scribbling and mouthed, "...address."

  She breathed in and smiled as she whipped out her phone and sent her address to the brunette. She winked and a small air kiss was returned as she finally left the buzzing room.

  Julia could hear the fans whispering and she suddenly became quite self-conscious about what she'd done. Another girl came up for her photo blushing profusely. She timidly asked, "Is she your girlfriend, like romantic girlfriend?"

  Julia blushed back and winked at the girl. "Well I sure hope so." She smiled into the camera. It was out there now and she knew it would spread like wildfire among the fandom. There was no point in hiding it. She didn't want to hide her relationship away. It would be hard enough as it was for them to have any semblance of a normal relationship, especially with Danni's career about to take off.

  She knew there would be questions but she didn't care too much. She'd been reading up on GwenAsh and had to admit many of the stories were quite titillating although she often switched out Tania's character for Danni in her mind. It was a risk to her career as Tania had pointed out. Openly gay and bisexual women had a harder time getting the big parts but it was a price she
was willing to pay to finally, hopefully, gain some shot at love. Love. The word swam around her head making her giddy.

  The next girl came to take her picture and commented with a sly grin. "I knew it!"

  Julia laughed. "Knew what?"

  "That you were at least bi! Thanks by the way. I had a bet with some girls here and now they owe me ten bucks each!"

  Julia faked shock and gasped. "Well you knew more than me! Wish I'd gotten the memo a bit earlier."

  The photo session drew to a close and Julia walked over to Tania's area. She was just finishing the last photo and looked at Julia sheepishly. When the fan had gone, she sighed. "Have you checked your phone yet?"

  Julia looked confused. "No. Why?" She pulled it out and saw three messages from Danni. Quickly she opened them.

  The first one was her address. She read the others.

  D: So I made a deal with Reese and she's been bugging me for ages about it. I know you said you and Tania are friends now but I wanted to check with you first that it wasn't awkward.

  Julia looked up at Tania with her heart beating fast then looked back at the final message.

  D: Reese asked for Tania's number. I'm gonna check with her too but I wanted you to know that I'm gonna message her okay. I kinda promised in exchange for Reese cleaning the apartment up. X

  Julia laughed and Tania looked relieved. She quickly messaged back.

  J: I think I can live with that. In fact... why don't we go one better than that? Make it a foursome tonight. Xx

  Julia spoke to Tania. "How do you feel about a double date?"

  Tania grinned. "Am I gonna regret saying yes?"

  Julia laughed. "From what I know of Reese, I'd say sparks will fly, for good or ill."

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Julia and Tania nervously pulled up outside the tiny apartment. Danni and Julia had agreed to keep it a surprise that Tania was coming over. Julia wanted Reese to like her. She already liked her from what she'd seen on those Instagram posts so long ago. She also hoped that having Tania there would keep Reese from putting her under scrutiny. She was certain that the woman had bad mouthed her sufficiently for what had gone down in New York. Julia rang the doorbell and Danni appeared instantly with a warm smile.

  "Hey. Come on in!" She let them pass but not before catching a quick peck on Julia's cheek. She turned to Tania and tried not to remember the last time they'd been in the same room as each other. "Hey Tania. How are you doing?" She awkwardly hugged her and Julia had to seriously calm herself remembering everything that had been said and agreed on. Water under the bridge she said to herself and stepped into the apartment.

  "Reese! Get your ass out here please!" Danni bellowed closing the front door and taking the offered wine from the women.

  Reese pushed open her door and tried desperately to close it without revealing what was behind it. She hadn't noticed the women in the room just yet as she was too busy making sure nothing fell out. She leaned back against the door and blew her bangs off her face before finally looking up. "Oh, Hi!" She bounced over to Julia, clearly shocked to see Tania Watson standing in her lounge. She shook her hand and glanced over to the hot blonde stood next to her. "I'm Reese. Nice to finally meet you Julia." She looked at Tania again and grinned extending a hand. "Hi."

  Julia looked at Tania and could tell she was quite taken aback by the beauty of the younger woman. She'd let her stew on the way over in the car. Tania was convinced Reese was going to be awful looking or a freak of some description and Julia had not helped to settle her nerves. "Nice to finally meet you too, in the flesh that is! I have to say, I love your posts. Always make me smile!"

  Reese dragged her eyes off of the woman she'd crushed on in secret for a while and turned back to Julia. Danni was right. She seemed quite friendly and not the bitch she'd imagined her to be.

  "Thanks. Can I get you both a drink? We have pretty much every kind of alcohol you can imagine."

  Julia laughed. "That's right. You run a bar don't you?"

  Reese's eyebrows wiggled. She was flattered Danni had talked about her with these people. "Uh-huh. So what'll it be? No actually, let me guess!" She disappeared off into the kitchen and smirked at Tania as she went.

  Danni laughed. "Sorry, she does this thing where she thinks she can guess anyone's drink choice."

  Tania and Julia stole a glance at each other and smiled.

  "Here, take a seat." The two couches were folded up neatly and Julia was the first to sit. Tania sat on the other couch.

  "So am I seriously sitting in your bedroom right now?" Julia asked playfully.

  Danni dropped down beside her and squeezed her thigh. "Actually, this is my bed. Didn't think I'd get you in it so fast!"

  Julia shoved her shoulder. "On it, not in it!"

  "Potato. Tomato."

  "It's tomato, tomaaato!"

  "It's still a vegetable."

  "It's a fruit!" Both Tania and Julia said unison and laughed just as Reese walked in with a tray of drinks.

  "What's a fruit?" She asked and handed the first drink to Danni. It was, of course, a bourbon.

  Tania spoke. "Danni seems to be under the impression that a potato and a tomato are from the same classification."

  Reese shook her head and handed Julia a mojito. "Yeah, her experience with fruit is limited to pineapple on pizza and cherries in her Godfather. Forgive her. I'm still training her up!" She winked at Tania and handed her the cocktail.

  Tania tasted it and spoke not breaking eye contact. "Mmm, I think you just gave me a screaming orgasm."

  Reese licked her lips and her eyes gleamed. "Glad it didn't go unnoticed." She sat herself down next to the blonde star and took her own drink.

  Julia and Danni shook their heads trying to stifle a giggle. A match made in heaven for sure.

  Reese slowly sipped her drink through a straw and then offered it to the woman sat next to her. "Wanna taste my tight snatch?"

  Tania took the straw in her mouth and sucked. "Mmm, as sweet as it looks."

  "Okay!" Danni said loudly and grabbed Julia's hand as she stood up. "Wanna help me choose that pizza?"

  Julia laughed. "Hell yes!"

  They hurried into the tiny kitchen and burst into a fit of giggles.

  "What have we done?" Danni professed.

  "Oh Jees, it's like watching a badly scripted porno!" Julia laughed.

  Danni pulled her in for a cuddle. "Really? Have you watched many of those then?"

  "Hmmm. May have done." She kissed the blonde giggling in her arms. It had felt like an eternity since their last embrace and now, in the privacy of the kitchen the kiss was finally given the power and passion it deserved.

  The last time they'd kissed like this was in Julia's kitchen and she had been longing for it ever since. Hands raked up torsos, pulling each other impossibly closer with every ministration. Julia backed Danni against the countertop and with what felt like the most natural move in the world, slipped a knee between the blonde's thighs. Danni groaned hungrily pulling Julia's ass and grinding their jean clad pelvises maddeningly closer.

  Julia whimpered gently and pulled forcefully on Danni's collar, causing the top button of her shirt to undo and her elbow accidentally knocked the bottle opener off the counter causing a clatter against the tiles.

  "Did you find the menu?" Reese called from the lounge. She'd heard the bang and whispered to Tania, "You know they forgot to order the pizza right?"

  Tania giggled. "I'm certain they have a kink for kitchens." She leaned across and kissed Reese. "And I have something of a kink for you."

  "We should probably..."

  "Yup." Julia stepped back reluctantly and allowed Danni the freedom to move.

  "Think it's safe to go back in there?"

  Julia grinned. "Maybe we should announce our coming first."

  Danni's eyes hooded. "Say that again, please."

  "What? We should announce our... oh!" She laughed. "You have a dirty mind, Danni!"

  Danni nodded. "I d
o. But while we're on the subject, I really have no objection to you announcing that any time you like."

  Julia instantly felt another surge of lust ripple through her. The thought of all the possible ways Danni could elicit such a response from her was titillating. She pushed up against the blonde once more and sealed their lips together. "How about now?" She murmured seductively.

  "Careful what you wish for." Danni slid her hand down to Julia's mound and squeezed through the fabric. A soft breath caught in her throat and her body jerked forward into the touch.

  "Fuck, Danni!" She kissed her harder, desperate for more. Her cheeks were flushed and she could feel the blood rushing through every vein in her body. She'd never felt so alight with desire.

  Danni gently pulled her hand clear from the legs that clasped it and whispered through sucking kisses. "Not here. Not yet."

  Julia tried to catch her breath and settle herself down. Danni was right. This was not the place or time to become intimate. Not with Tania and Reese sat in the next room across. She broke away once more and nodded. "Sorry. You just make me so... ahem..."

  "Horny? Yeah I guessed from the lack of pizza ordering going on in here." Reese interrupted and, without batting an eyelid, grabbed the pizza menu off the refrigerator door. "Better get in here before I order extra spicy everything."

  Julia laughed. "Does she have a filter?"

  "Nope. Not a single one."

  "Good to know!"

  The women walked back into the lounge and sat down together to order the food. Tania raised an eyebrow at Julia and nodded at her fly. The brunette blushed and discreetly zipped it back up.

  "So I gotta ask, who's the biggest bitch on set?" Reese blurted out.

  "Tania." "Me." Both Julia and Tania spoke at the same time and laughed.

  "Knew it!" Reese giggled and casually flung an arm around the woman sat next to her.

  "She's actually really sweet though. It's more of a reputation than a reality." Julia added.

  "Liar!" Tania growled. "I earned that title and I intend to keep it thank you very much!"

  Reese and Danni watched. It was a little like watching Recoil in a live setting, minus the body paint.


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