Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 18

by Bet Milner

  "Fine! Keep it! I certainly don't want it!"

  "So you two have known each other since college?" Tania asked.

  "Yeah. How did you know that?" Reese was shocked that the stars knew anything about them other than her name.

  "Julia may have mentioned it once it twice. She really does have difficulty talking about anything other than Danni."

  Julia knew Tania was trying to embarrass her but it wasn't working. She was about to respond with her biting wit when Reese spoke.

  "Danni has that same problem. It's like living with a broken record! You should hear the songs she's written about her."

  Danni shot Reese a warning glare which was caught by the brunette sat beside her.

  "Songs?" Julia grinned and looked curiously at Danni.

  "She is exaggerating. A bit." Danni chewed her lip feeling under scrutiny. She doubted she'd be able to ever keep anything from the woman she had fallen for and was glad when the doorbell rang. "Pizza's here!" She shot off the sofa and paid the guy promptly before carrying the hot contents to the table.

  Reese went off to get more drinks and then they all sat down to eat. The conversation soon turned to Danni's album.

  "We've recorded the first four songs and Gary wants to go ahead and get that one I showed you released. We start touring in two weeks which is exciting."

  Which one?" Tania asked curiously.

  "Play it!" Reese squealed to which the other two women nodded excitedly in agreement.

  "Naa. I got cheesy fingers." Danni protested. Really, she was just embarrassed to play it in front of Tania and Julia. Of course, Julia had already heard it but playing it live with her sat a few feet away was an entirely different story.

  Julia seemed to sense Danni's discomfort and maybe she was a little uncomfortable with it too now she thought about it. "Well, no use in getting your guitar all dirty. How about we listen to my copy?" She pulled the CD from her handbag.

  Tania looked open mouthed at the brunette and Danni grinned. "Give me that!"

  She snatched the CD out of Julia's hand and read the cover. She giggled and showed it to Reese. Reese wiggled an eyebrow at Julia and went to put the CD in the player. "Good job, for sure!"

  Danni was crimson knowing everyone in the room had just shared in their private joke. Julia rolled her eyes at Reese. "Fine! Fine! Take your shots while you can! You get one free then I think Danni and I would very much like to get a clean slate, so make it count!"

  Reese rubbed her hands together excitedly at the prospect. She liked Julia but she wanted to get stuff off her chest. She wasn't the type to let things bottle up.

  "Okay. Danni. You are the biggest fool on the planet. One for getting involved and two for doing that other thing. I already told you that in so many words after you got back from New York." She scowled at Tania as if to say 'I know what you did.' But I have to say I can see why you did it.” She winked at Tania ho just looked blasé. “Julia, I hope you got your crisis under control, I mean, I don’t know you for shit and I’m sure you got your own issues but I swear to God, you better not mess with my best friend's heart like that again because I guarantee you, I will come for you bitch and all that celebrity jazz ain't gonna mean shit!"

  Julia pursed her lips. She could feel herself getting angry at Reese's words but she also knew they were best friends and if someone had treated her friend like that, she'd also be quite reluctant to welcome them into her home with open arms. She breathed deeply and smiled sincerely.

  "I know Reese. You're right. I promise I have absolutely no intention of messing Danni around any longer and if I did, you would be well within your rights to kick my ass!" She raised her glass and held it up in a toast towards Reese. "So, now that's out the way, think we can have a few more drinks and maybe even go a ways to becoming friends?"

  Reese clinked her glass against Julia's and grinned broadly. "Deal! But, we're gonna need shots before that track plays. I don't want anyone bawling unless it's the result of a mind blowing orgasm!" She quickly pulled Julia into a side hug and rubbed her arm before running off back to the kitchen.

  Danni stood up and took Julia's hand in her own, pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles then whispering, "She likes you."

  Julia's eyebrows shot up in disbelief as she looked at Danni questioningly. "I hope you're right. I'd hate to hear what she says to people she hates."

  After the women had eaten their fill and the drinks had been flowing freely for a couple of hours, the mood was one of old companions in the tiny lounge. Julia and Danni were cuddled on one sofa and Tania and Reese were all but molesting each other on the adjacent couch. Reese had put a movie on but nobody was really watching it, too engrossed in present company.

  Danni pulled the throw blanket off the back of their couch and placed it over their knees. "Are you cold?" She asked the brunette and without waiting for a response, began rubbing the woman's thighs.

  Julia cuddled closer to Danni and pushed her hand under the seam of her t-shirt. "A little." It was an innocent touch as fingers lightly traced the skin of the blonde's abdomen but it sent bolts directly to her nipples, causing them to strain against the thin fabric of her bra and t-shirt. Julia's head was resting on Danni's shoulder and she couldn't help but notice the reaction and the shallow breaths of the blonde. She smirked as she allowed her thumb to toy with the waistband of Danni's jeans and her fingers brushed provocatively against the seam.

  Danni's breath audibly caught in her throat and Reese shot her a glare. Julia bit her lip knowing she was being inappropriate but also enjoying the power of causing such strong sexual responses in the woman. She cleared her throat. "I've had a lovely evening but I really should be getting back to the hotel now. Danni, would you mind accompanying me?"

  Tania and Reese smirked. They knew exactly what that meant.

  "Uhm sure, yeah do you want me to uhm... come with you or..?" Danni was frazzled. She didn't want to be presumptuous but her body was pounding and causing her mind to play tricks on her.

  "Of course silly! Unless you don't want to come with me." Julia's eyes had suddenly turned a much darker shade and she looked aroused.

  Reese giggled and Tania shook her head. "This is so painful to watch."

  "I know right! They're like clueless kids. Danni! Dude! She wants you to come with her!"

  Danni scowled. "Butt out Reese!"

  "Just saying what I see! Now get! I'll give Tania a ride..." She turned her attention to the older blonde with a sly grin. "...if you want me to that is."

  Danni gave Julia an apologetic smile for her friend's lack of subtlety but Julia just grabbed her hands and almost dragged her out of the apartment with a huge grin. As they hurriedly left, they heard Tania.

  "Oh I want nothing more than for you to give me a ride."

  With the door firmly closed behind them, the pair fell against it laughing. "I'm sorry about that! They are so blatant!"

  Julia shook her head and giggled. "It’s fine. Honestly, we are all adults and they weren't far off the mark. All I've thought about since I got here was how much I want to be with you Danni. I need you." Julia pulled her against her body and sucked at her neck. They were in the hallway of the apartment block and Danni was alight with passion once again.

  "Oh God, Julia I want you so badly. I have done for a long time. I want nothing more than to fuck you hard right here." A door slammed hard across the hall as if to announce their lack of privacy. "But let's get back to the hotel. I'm sick of being interrupted. You deserve my undivided attention."

  Julia kissed Danni once more and they called the elevator. "As do you, dear." They made their way out to Julia's car that has been waiting and as they got out onto the street, Danni noticed how quiet and pensive Julia had suddenly become.

  "Everything okay?"

  Julia smiled coyly. "It's nothing, I'm just... a little nervous. I've never..."

  Danni took her hand and placed a gentle kiss to the fingertips. "I know. We don't have to do this if you
don't feel comfortable. I can just turn around and head back upstairs and hope Reese and Tania haven't defiled my bed and..."

  Julia shut her up with a kiss. "Danni. I want this. I want you. I just don't know if I'm going to be any good at it." She seemed so unsure of herself. A far cry from the confident and self-assured actress Danni had always known her to be.

  Danni smiled tenderly as she got in the car with the woman. She whispered, "You'll be amazing. Just do what feels good."

  Julia shuddered as Danni's words tickled her ear.

  "Touch me how you touch yourself." Danni's hand trailed down her torso lightly caressing her skin. Julia gulped.

  "Show me what you like and tell me if I'm doing something right." Danni's hand was dangerously close to Julia's mound and her breath was coming in gasps. Julia thought she'd never been quite so turned on in her life from just a few mere touches and exquisite words.

  She grabbed Danni's hand and stilled it against her. She pulled her in for a kiss and whispered against wet lips, "I need you to stop. I'm on the edge Danni."

  Danni shuddered. She knew exactly how Julia was feeling because she herself was close. She glanced at the driver's GPS and checked the ETA. Three minutes. She pulled herself off the tantalizing woman and shoved herself up the corner against the adjacent door.

  Julia looked at her with longing. The sudden lack of contact had left her reeling and she didn't like it one bit. She stared intently at the blonde, their eyes devouring one another. No words necessary to elaborate on their desires. Danni ran a hand through her own locks and licked her lips, tasting the remnants of Julia's lipstick. The brunette crossed her legs tightly and pursed her lips together at the sight. There was no doubt in her mind now as to how good they would be together. They barely needed to touch to stir arousal in one another. Danni let her gaze drop to where legs were clenched and her own pussy responded. She could not wait to touch it, taste it and a small shuddered gasp escaped her lips. One minute to ETA.

  Julia was noticing every little detail now. Every tell Danni had that confirmed how turned on she was. So this is eye sex. She considered. She wondered how she'd managed to go her whole life without ever feeling so electrified. If they didn't get to the hotel soon, she doubted she'd be able to control herself.

  "We're here Ms. Jones." The driver finally announced their arrival and without any hesitation or another word, both women jumped from the car and Danni trailed in quick step behind the brunette.

  "Come on. Follow me." Julia grabbed her hand and pulled Danni inside the elevator and pressed the twenty-first floor button. Danni groaned. It felt like the longest elevator ride she'd ever taken. It stopped abruptly on the fifth floor and two young girls got in.

  "Oh my God! Julia! Please can we get a photo with you?"

  Julia was not in the mood considering her current level of arousal. She smiled apologetically and as the elevator opened on the thirteenth floor, she got out saying, "Sorry, this is my stop."

  Danni dashed past the girls and got out too. Once the doors closed she stared at the brunette who was still stood staring at the elevator. "So... should we?"

  "Wrong floor. I'm on the twenty-first. We'll wait for the next one."

  Danni grabbed the brunette's hand and grinned. "I thought you always stopped for pictures."

  Julia huffed impatiently and pulled Danni back in for a kiss. "Not when there's an extremely hot blonde I want to be with in my close proximity."

  The elevator pinged and they reluctantly broke apart again. There was an old couple stood inside and they got in without speaking or touching. It really was the most sexually frustrated Danni had ever felt in her life. She watched the numbers light up all the way up to the twentieth and they stopped again. The couple got out and Julia smiled at them although Danni was sure it was to hide her rage. She clicked the buttons to close the doors repeatedly and when they finally reached her floor, she sighed out in relief and all but ran to her room. She fiddled with the key card unable to make it turn green and getting more and more frustrated.

  Danni giggled. "Need a hand?"

  "I'm not usually this impatient Danni, goddamnit, stupid freakin'... ahaa!" The lock turned green and she pushed the door wide open. Danni didn't wait for an invitation. Not that she could have done anyway as Julia grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her inside the room.

  Finally the pair had free roam over the other's body. Away from interruptions, only they existed in the bubble of their own creation. Julia had suddenly forgotten her earlier inhibitions and nervousness and was pulling Danni's t-shirt off over her head, desperate to feel the woman's skin. She stared down the bare torso and whimpered upon noticing the light outline of Danni's abs. She traced a finger along the muscles. "You are so beautiful."

  Danni blushed. She was proud of her abs and was glad Julia liked what she saw. Danni carefully lifted Julia's shirt off and over her head and slung it unceremoniously somewhere behind them. Her gaze instantly fell upon the gentle curve of her breast encased in black lace.

  Danni felt her heart stop as nipples puckered under her appreciative eye. She reached out and gently stroked the woman's cheek. "You are perfect Julia." She kissed her and her hand trailed down, tracing a thumb over a hardened nipple, teasing it further to attention. Julia trembled under the touch and pulled the blonde closer so their skin was touching. Danni undid the jeans and yanked them to the floor. She knew they'd tortured each other long enough and they were both more than ready for each other. She stepped out of her own pants and watched as Julia, now confident in her own skin, pulled herself free from the lace bra and panties and stood there in all her naked glory, only a small grin adorning her face.

  Danni discarded the last items of her own clothing and fell to her knees as if worshipping the body before her. Her lips found soft flesh and sucked gently whilst hands grabbed firmly at hips. She moaned as the scent of the brunette's arousal permeated her senses. She trailed south and found the delicate bud her tongue had longed for. Julia bucked as Danni's tongue made contact with her overly sensitive clit. She had been on the verge of orgasm since the beginning of their evening and now the deliciousness of feeling the blonde's soft, warm mouth on her sent her body into a cataclysm of sensory overload. "Oh Danni!" She shivered out the words as her hand grabbed at blonde locks and a warmth spread across her entire body. Danni sucked the nub gently, grazing her teeth slightly against it and was sure that her own juices were pooling underneath her. Julia tasted like heaven. Intoxicated, she ran one hand up her torso and grabbed at a breast, while the other pushed a finger inside slick walls. Her own hips bucked as she felt Julia's orgasm building. She flicked her tongue against the clit and soon enough, Julia was trying to meet the thrusts as she added another digit, her own hips writhing. She wanted to give this woman everything she desired. She was aware of Julia's fingers lacing through her hair and slightly digging in nails grabbing her shoulder. With a final buck, Julia's body went rigid against her face and fingers and she gushed deliciously as she released her monster of an orgasm.

  "Mmm, Danni." She could barely talk, only vibrate out the sounds as her orgasm had left her feeling completely airy. She was certain she'd never come as hard as that and she was positive she'd never ejaculated before.

  "That was so hot, Julia." Danni murmured as she ran her hands up the brunette's thighs. She was still knelt on the floor. Her own pleasure had built to an almost uncontrollable level. She hadn't expected such a violent reaction from the brunette's body and it had only worsened her longing for her. Julia seemed to snap out of her haze and she quickly pulled Danni to her feet, desperate to kiss the woman who had just given her the most amazing experience of her life. She kissed her deeply and her hands wandered all over the slightly damp skin. She wondered whether it was Danni's sweat or her own arousal. Either way, it turned her on. Her hand reached towards the glistening mound between the blonde's legs. She'd never touched a woman before and instantly she was hooked. Danni was velvety smooth. Her fingers easily slippe
d inside the woman and her fascination grew with every ministration. Her thumb circled the hard nub and her stomach did somersaults as she heard Danni's throaty reaction to her touch. "Oh fuck Julia. That's so good." Danni moaned as they finally made their way to the bed. Julia's legs were like jelly and she was sure if she didn't sit soon she would likely fall over. She lay Danni down and gently explored her body. Danni didn't rush her. She was honestly on the verge of her second orgasm already. She had come with Julia without as much as a touch. Now she was savoring the feel of the tentative touches of the other woman.

  Julia plunged inside Danni and curled her fingers. That's how she liked it and she hoped Danni did too. Oh! She could feel her walls clenching silkily around her fingers. She looked on the woman's face and instantly became aroused again. The sight of Danni's eyes hooded lazily and her lips parted slightly in an O shape made her weak. She watched as her touches caused the woman to buck against her. She wanted to make Danni come the way she'd just done for her. She wanted to taste her and so she did.

  Without hesitation, Julia dipped her head and trailed kisses down the woman's abdomen. She licked straight up between folds and shuddered at the musky yet sweet deliciousness that was Danni Rose. It was addictive. More so when she caught the woman's gaze. She was done for. Danni watched in amazement as the woman sucked and licked at her center as if she'd done so a thousand times. Nothing turned her on more than watching and nothing compared to watching Julia. "You are amazing." Danni stated between gasps of pleasure.

  Julia slid two fingers back inside and began pumping as she gently sucked Danni's clit and flicked her tongue against it. Soon Danni was writhing beneath her and the sight of her coming undone gave her chills. Danni's hips ground harder seeking more pressure and Julia obliged letting Danni take her own pleasure against her face and hand. Finally, she let out a shudder and her hips dropped back against the bed.

  "Oh damn! I wasn't expecting that!" She laughed and pulled Julia up to cuddle. They were both sticky and sweaty and overly sensitive to the other's touch but neither really cared. Too sated in their desires and overcome with tiredness, they were soon snoozing lightly. It could have been hours or only minutes but Danni awoke to the delicious feeling of Julia grinding against her thigh. "Hmmm. Ready for more I see!"


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