Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 19

by Bet Milner

  Julia bit her lip. "I think I've found my new favorite thing." She cheekily slipped her hand between them and played with Danni's clit.

  "Oh really! And what's that?"

  "You dear."


  Julia awoke to a gentle humming sound and a low glow in the room. She blinked her eyes a few times and focused on the small candle which was glowing on a table on the opposite side of the room. Danni was hunched over scribbling something. Her long blonde locks were flowing over her still naked frame. Julia checked the time on the bedside clock. "Danni, what are you doing? Come back to bed."

  Danni looked around slightly embarrassed. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I just needed to get this down before I forget it."

  Julia kicked the sheets off herself and plodded over to where Danni sat to peer over her shoulder. "Is that a song?"

  Danni covered the page blushing. "Yeah. I uhm, I guess you inspired me."

  Julia felt a warmth spread across her entire body. She perched herself gently on Danni's knee and placed her arms around her neck. "Can I hear it?"

  Danni kissed her, losing herself in the luscious lips that had inspired her latest sappy poetic song. "Eventually. It's not finished and I don't have my guitar."

  Julia kissed her again. "Please? Just a little sample. You are so talented. You know it's quite a turn on." She was already beginning to feel the flush of passion rising in her yet again.

  "Oh really? Well, if that's true then I guess I owe it to you. Don't laugh though."

  Julia hugged her tight and stared directly into her eyes. It felt so intense. Danni had never sung to someone so intimately and she was embarrassed by the intensity of Julia's gaze.

  "Are you gonna move?" She asked as she glanced over the lyrics.

  Julia shook her head firmly. "Sing to me Danni Rose."

  Danni took a breath and began softly singing the newest lyrics to the woman currently sitting in her lap.

  "A taste of heaven on my tongue

  Stay with me, the night is young

  Lips so soft and eyes so bright

  I'm getting drunk on you tonight

  Goose bumped skin our hands entwined

  Innocent, so warm and kind

  Feasting on a perfect sight

  I'm getting drunk on you tonight"

  Julia shivered as she listened to the flattering lyrics. It made her feel so special to know this talented woman had written such a beautiful song about her and with their recent love making still fresh in her mind, she took Danni's fingers and kissed each one seductively.

  "Hmm. I love it. It's exactly how I feel."

  "How's that exactly?" Danni inquired.

  "Drunk on you. You are intoxicating."

  That was it. The song could wait. Danni's attention was firmly back on the goddess of a woman currently purring sweet nothings and wriggling in her lap. She picked her up and carried her back to the bed. "Oh you are the intoxicating one. I'm completely addicted to you." She lay on top of the woman and worked one leg between her thighs causing another gasp of pleasure to escape Julia's lips. Gently grinding against her core, she kissed her hard, biting playfully at her lips. "I just want to eat you up and drink you dry."

  Julia moaned at the mere thought. "That sounds delicious."

  Danni worked her way back down to her new favorite place and tenderly followed through on her words with actions. She loved the way Julia's legs felt on her shoulders and the strong muscle twitches that flexed and quivered against her ears. Julia's toes glided down Danni's smooth back and found an ass cheek. She could feel the toes curling and uncurling with each flick of her tongue and the blonde had to admit that it was turning her on even more than she already was. Julia's right arm reached down and grasped for Danni's. She pulled it up across her torso and directed it to a pert nipple. Danni obliged and moaned into Julia's hot sex and the brunette in turn arched her back and moaned. Danni took it as her cue and pumped deep and hard into the woman, eliciting guttural gasps of approval. She plunged harder and curled up to reach the sensitive spot that made Julia squirt so violently the last time and, with a few pumps, it happened again. Danni smiled dreamily and lapped up as much of the juice she could. She'd never experienced anything quite as exquisite as Julia and she never wanted to have anything less than her ever again.

  Julia stretched out lazily and sighed deeply. "Danni, you and I are going to have some serious issues if this is to be a regular occurrence."

  Danni looked up worriedly and crawled up to lay next her. "Why? Is everything okay? Did I hurt you?"

  Julia giggled and rolled on top of the blonde, pinning her to the bed. "No you didn't hurt me! Oh God Danni! I meant, it's four in the morning and sleep is the farthest thing from my mind." She leant down and kissed her like she would disappear at any moment. "I have a panel at ten so I'm going to fuck your brains out and then you and I are going to cuddle up and sleep for at least three hours."

  "Only three hours?"

  "Well, you can stay here and sleep more while I work and I could come back on my break and..." Julia made her point by sliding against the blonde's skin.

  "You are insatiable."

  "Only with you."

  "You should get some rest. Those kids paid a lot of money for a photo op with you. Don't want you bleary eyed in all the shots." Danni was really feeling terribly guilty about keeping the woman awake all night and really, her words were more for herself as she tried not to react to the brunette's mouth currently clamped around her nipple. Her mouth slipped further down paying special attention to the skin just above Danni's hip.

  "I couldn't even sleep now if I wanted to." Julia's mouth found its way to Danni's folds. She sucked gently and Danni couldn't find the strength to protest any longer.

  "Fuck me, Julia!"

  "With pleasure."

  Julia's alarm buzzed at eight-fifteen. She glared at it as though it were the bane of her existence, in that moment it truly was. Her head was pounding from lack of sleep and whatever Reese had laced her seemingly innocent drinks with. Her thighs felt like she'd run a marathon and her pussy was sore. She hadn't fucked like that since... come to think of it, she'd never fucked like that. She looked at the sleeping beauty next to her and heard gentle snores. As much as she wanted to wake her, she was also desperate to take a hot shower and thought it would be cruel to wake the woman up who had managed to sleep so deeply through her obnoxious alarm.

  She quietly removed herself from the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. She took her time, allowing the hot spray to soothe her muscles. She was definitely going to need caffeine today and lots of it. Luckily, she thought to bring some guarana capsules just in case she had to pull any all-nighters. She grabbed two from her travel bag and swallowed them down with a glass of water. It was a tip she'd learnt from a colleague on set after a particularly grueling eighteen hour shoot.

  Once out of the shower and dressed, her stomach rumbled. She planned to call room service but thought better of it so as not to wake Danni. She decided to call on Tania and see if she felt like sharing something before they headed off for the day. She snuck out of her room and walked across the hall to Tania's room. She knocked the door a few times but there was no answer. Julia was just about to go back when she heard the elevator ping open and a rather disheveled looking Tania stepped out. Julia grinned.

  "Good night?"

  Tania took off her sunglasses dramatically and breathed out in relief. "Oh thank God it's just you. Come on in before anyone sees us."

  Tania opened the door and Julia followed her inside stifling a laugh at Tania's appearance. Her hair was matted and her mascara was black underneath her eyes. Tania caught her staring.

  "Oh don't judge me! I know for a fact Danni didn't come home last night and by the look of you scuttling around in the corridors, I'd say a certain blonde is still sleeping in your room."

  Julia nodded smugly. "I thought I'd let her rest a while. No sense in both of us being exhausted all day. Do you mind if w
e order breakfast to your room? I'm starving and I think you and I could both do with some serious coffee."

  "Agreed. I need to shower and to do something with my hair. Reese is an animal!" Tania winked.

  "So you aren't mad at me for setting you up?"

  Tania laughed. "Julia my sweet, I'm far from mad! Reese is certainly more than I expected. If anything, I wish you'd introduced us sooner. Such a shame we're leaving tomorrow."

  Julia looked sad. "Don't remind me."

  "So. How do you feel about you and Danni? Was she worth all that drama?"

  Julia smiled dreamily. "Danni is... amazing, wonderful, talented. I really hope we can make it work between our crazy schedules."

  Tania patted her shoulder comfortingly. "Oh dear. Looks like you're a goner."


  Danni woke up to an empty room. She knew Julia had to work but she still felt a little awkward sleeping in the woman's hotel room without her there. Her stomach rumbled and she looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was almost eleven. She jumped up looking for her phone. She and Gary had a final revision at one p.m. and she really couldn't miss it or she'd risk delaying the release. She text Julia a good morning and a thank you for letting her sleep then she called Gary.

  "Hey Gary. Think we could push that meeting back until two? I know, I know. I'll be there. Thanks you're an angel." She hung up and a message from Julia popped up.

  J: And a good morning to you too! Hope you managed to sleep well. I'm coming up in about 20 mins. Order some breakfast. Xxx

  Danni sighed. She wished she could stay but she needed to get home, changed and decent for their meeting. Hopefully she could slip away early and maybe spend some more time with Julia before she left again. She messaged back.

  D: Sorry. I have a work thing at 2. Can I see you later? Xx

  She started to dress and splashed cold water on her face. She grabbed some toothpaste and tried to brush her teeth with her finger.

  J: Oh I'm so sorry Danni. I didn't even think to ask if you had plans. Sure. I'm here until tomorrow morning. Message me when you're done and we can arrange something. Xx

  Danni grinned and decided to leave a little surprise for Julia. She folded up the song lyrics on the hotel paper she'd scribbled on last night. It had been years since she'd made one and it took a few attempts to get right but she managed it. She left a note with the origami and called an Uber.

  Julia got back to the room and plonked herself down on the bed. She was exhausted and she'd still got another eight hours to get through. The sheets smelled of Danni and she breathed in the scent deeply. How she missed her presence already and they'd only been apart for a couple of hours. It was going to be torture once she was on location and Danni was God knows where on tour. A little white object caught her eye on the table. She quickly jumped off the bed to check it out and when she saw it, her heart melted. Danni had left her an origami rose and a short note. She read what was written and smiled to herself as she went back to the bed with the Rose in her hands. She was soon enough dozing lightly and awoke to the sound of her phone buzzing on the bedside table. It was Tania. She grabbed the phone and answered it groggily. She'd managed to sleep for almost an hour and had nearly missed her next session.

  She thanked the woman for alerting her and rushed to straighten her hair and make-up before heading back down to the convention.

  The crowds had already been seated and Tania shot her a look from off stage. She shook her head and smiled. The announcer saw her waiting just off stage and announced to the audience her arrival. Immediately, a roar of excitement swept across the room. The cheers and applause almost deafened her as she took the one remaining empty seat on the panel. "Sorry I'm late." She announced and the audience laughed in a raucous. It was a direct quote from one of her most famous scenes in the movie, not that she’d even considered that as se said it. It could have almost been scripted and she thought it was definitely a line she'd re-use if needs be.

  The announcer addressed the audience and explained the type of questions that would be allowed and ones that should be avoided, such as anything too personal or related to other movies the actors may have been in. It was the usual drill and Julia had to force herself not to yawn. Not that she was bored, just extremely tired after her adventures last night. She spotted the two girls from the elevator in the front row and gave them a cheeky wink. They grinned and whispered to each other happily and Julia felt a little less guilty about blowing them off last night. She loved her fans but she was rather preoccupied last night with her own desires.

  The questions began pouring in and the panel all took their turns answering and redirecting to one another. Somebody asked what her most memorable on set mistake had been. "I think when Garth and I were shooting the scene where we shared our first kiss." The crowd roared in approval and she continued. "We had to do six takes because every time we kissed, his lips were covered in red body paint and he looked like a vampire after devouring his victim!"

  The audience laughed and Garth blushed slightly at the memory. It hadn't been funny at all. He could still taste the make-up and it had been one of their longest shoots ever.

  Another question from the audience.

  "My question is for Julia. Who would you like to share an on-screen kiss with?"

  She grinned. There was one person she'd love to kiss again and soon if she would hurry up and get back here. She answered. "Hmmm, well that's a difficult question. There are so many actors and actresses who are so talented. It would be a privilege to share an onset kiss with any of them but I suppose, if I had to choose just one, I think I'd have to say Greta Davis who plays the alien queen. I think our make-up malfunctions would be interesting!" It was a cop out and she knew it. Greta Davis was in her late sixties and had only appeared in a few scenes. The make-up was too uncomfortable for her and honestly, she was such a huge star in her own right, Julia was surprised she’d even considered the part in the first place. She really did have a lot of respect for the woman. The audience clearly wanted something juicier to get their teeth into but Julia wasn't in the mood for starting rumors.

  Another question was directed to Tania. "What is something you and Gwen have in common?"

  Tania grinned. "Quite a few things actually. I can be as much of a bitch as she can and she's not afraid to go after what she wants, much like myself." There was a hushed mutter of approval in the audience and Julia shook her head smiling. Tania loved to play up her inner bitch and until recently, she would have believed it was a true character trait but she knew better now. She spoke up.

  "I disagree. Tania and Gwen both like to let people think they are bigger bitches than they really are. Underneath all that bristle, they are big softies." Tania rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Julia would sell her out like that again.

  "Julia is the only big softy sat on this panel!" Tania scoffed and nudged her friend with a wink. Julia just grinned back with a silent warning. When she looked back up to the audience, she saw Danni grinning back up at her as she made her way to a vacant seat. Her heart leapt and she subconsciously wetted her lips as their eyes made contact. A few more questions were asked but her concentration faltered and Danni laughed when she realized Julia hadn't heard the one directed at her. She mouthed 'answer' at the brunette and Julia bolted up in her chair. Tania laughed. "I think you'll have to repeat the question my sweet. Julia seems to have left her ears back on Ashra's spaceship!"

  Julia smiled through a blush and the girl repeated the question. "I asked if there's going to be any wedding bells ringing in the next arc."

  Julia bit her lip and suddenly couldn't meet Danni's gaze. She thought about her answer carefully. "Well, it's early days for them. They are both from different worlds with crazy schedules, but who knows what could happen in the future. If the writers feel that's the right direction for Ash, then it could happen. I don't have the script yet though so I'm as in the dark as everyone else." Her gaze traveled back to the blonde in the audience
. Suddenly her head was filling with silly romantic notions of Danni walking down the aisle in a steampunk tuxedo. She couldn't wait for the Q&A to be over so she could steal a kiss and maybe more from the woman of her dreams, her Rose.

  It was finally over and the panel left the stage. Danni stood from her seat and wandered out into the lobby with the crowds. She knew Julia had another photo session to get to and she'd probably be waiting around for a few more hours before they could have any privacy. She was at a loss as to what to do when a tall burly security guard walked over to her. "Are you Danni Rose?" He asked seriously.

  Danni's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Uhm, yeah... I..."

  "Follow me please Miss. Ms. Jones has requested your presence."

  Danni couldn't hide the satisfied smirk as he led her off to the special place where only the stars could access. She heard a mutter behind her as a group of girls must've heard him but instead of feeling privileged, she felt a bit self-conscious.

  This is what their relationship would be like from now on. Stolen moments and constant scrutiny from the public. Whispers and rumors about were they or weren't they. She suddenly felt quite saddened. Julia would never just be hers. Her sadness soon dissipated when she saw the sheer joy and unabashed desire on Julia's face. "We are going to have to do something about you distracting me at work!" Danni looked confused until the brunette suddenly and quite forcefully planted a steaming kiss on her lips and pulled her tight against her body. She melted into it and all her doubts and walls slipped away.

  As they broke lazily, Danni grinned. "You're the one that summoned me back here. You can hardly blame me for distracting you at work!"

  Julia laughed self-consciously. "As soon as you walked in, all I could think about was kissing you. I have never been so embarrassed on a panel in my life!"


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