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Better Than Fiction

Page 20

by Bet Milner

  "You think I'm embarrassing?" Danni scoffed pulling a little further away from her grasp but not enough to break contact completely.

  Julia's face dropped. "No! That's not what I meant Danni."

  Danni laughed. "I'm just kidding with you! I must admit, you should be embarrassed though... the way you were gawking at me and ignoring that poor fangirl's question. I can't blame you though, I do have that effect on women!"

  Julia slapped her arm playfully and quirked an eyebrow. "Hmm, I've noticed. Am I going to have a problem keeping your attention, dear?" She pulled Danni back in roughly by her collar and splayed her fingers against the bone there unsure whether to push or pull.

  Danni hovered closer to her lips and hummed. "Never." She closed the tiny gap between them and sucked Julia's bottom lip inside her own. A groan of approval was felt although neither woman knew exactly who it belonged to. "You are going to have a problem keeping me away from you though." Danni whispered gently in her ear sending tickles and shivers down Julia's spine.

  Julia grabbed a fistful of hair and gently yanked Danni's head to one side. She whispered back with the seduction of a skilled predator, "I can't see that being a problem at all."

  God knows how long they were locked together and feeling each other up in full view of Julia's co-workers. The pair had completely forgotten themselves or where they were and there was quite an audience. Tania could hear the whispers of 'I didn't know she was in to women,' and 'what happened to Brent' and she scowled at her coworkers before interrupting the lusty ladies.

  "As much as I enjoy a little bit of live porn Julia, A, you have an audience and B, we have to get back out there to our other adoring fans."

  Danni and Julia suddenly became painfully aware that their little bubble was not their own and Julia quickly withdrew her hand from where it had snaked down subconsciously between the blondes legs.

  She cleared her throat and backed away from the seductress, shaking off the desire as best she could. She looked around unapologetically and grinned at the shocked faces. "Well I guess I'm out." She shrugged with a giggle and turned back to Danni pulling a key card from her pocket.

  "Give me two hours and then you have my undivided attention."

  Danni took the key and licked her lips. Two hours! What the hell was she going to do for two hours? She watched astutely as Julia's perfectly perky ass sauntered away.


  Danni skulked around the hotel room waiting for Julia to return. There wasn't much to do. She'd been home and showered quickly after the studio and all she wanted was to hold the brunette in her arms and make love to her. It had been so long since Danni had felt anything remotely like this. It seemed as though all her dreams were coming true as if by magic.

  Next week, she'd be starting her tour and she hoped that at least a couple of her dates and cities would coincide with Julia's shooting schedule. The lovesick fool in her would happily give up everything if it meant that she and Julia could be together and stay in this bubble they'd created in less than twenty-four hours, but she knew that music was her dream and she'd be a complete idiot to let her emotions and libido influence any major decisions.

  She and Julia was a huge, fucking amazing bonus that she'd only allowed herself to fantasize about in her wildest dreams. Danni knew she had put her on a massive pedestal and that realistically, the fall would be much, much greater than anything she'd ever experienced.

  When you admire someone so much and expect greatness from them, you're usually disappointed with the reality and Danni hoped that wouldn't be the case. It's one thing to long so deeply and anonymously for someone, it's quite another when it finally happens.

  There would definitely be compromises to make in this high profile relationship and as much as Danni had tried to convince herself that she'd be happy with just a kiss, just once, she knew it would never be true. She needed to be Julia's completely and she needed to be the same for her. No more wondering about or doing her own thing. No more thinking about the green grass on the other side of the field. She found a pen and began scribbling down some more lyrics.

  'Possess me, caress me, you're under my skin

  Hanging around waiting for you to come in

  Pick me up, put me on like your favourite coat

  Wrapped round you warm lips caressing your throat'

  It made her laugh out loud. Boy was she gone! She quickly shoved the paper in her jacket pocket as she heard a gentle knock on the door. She hesitated to open it thinking Julia wouldn't knock on her own door then remembered she'd given her the key card. She straightened her hair and pulled the door open smiling. It was room service. They wheeled in a trolley and hurried back out of the room. Danni hadn't ordered anything and was scratching her head when another knock sounded at the door.

  This one was much more frantic and playful. Danni laughed as she approached the door again and the ratatatat continued picking up a rhythm. She swung the door open and Julia burst through and all but squashed Danni against the wall. "You took your time!"

  Danni laughed again. "Me? I was here within ten seconds! How was the photo session?"

  Julia spotted the trolley, grabbed the champagne bottle out of the ice bucket and quickly uncorked it. "It was long!" The pop of the cork made her giggle and she filled two flutes with the bubbly liquid. "I ordered up just before I left as I don't plan on any more interruptions this evening. I promised you two things." She said with a smirk and handed Danni one of the glasses.

  "And what was that?"

  "The first was a few months ago. I promised you champagne." They clinked glasses and took a small swig. Danni fiddled with the stem of the glass. "I remember. And what was the second thing?"

  Julia downed the remains of her glass and took the flute from Danni's hands, replacing the space there by lacing their fingers together. "My undivided attention." She sealed her words with a kiss that she hoped could express all her desire, the promises she wanted to make, the burning that she felt for this woman.

  Danni moaned deliciously against her lips and as their kiss deepened, she felt herself being coaxed backwards toward the bed. She wasn't complaining. Although earlier her head had been filled with questions and the desire for Julia to express her commitment to her, now all she could think or feel was the fire between them. It was a hunger like no other. Now she had tasted perfection once, she craved it and Julia was giving her everything she desired.

  The brunette somehow managed to drop Danni onto the bed gracefully whilst removing the blonde's shirt. It was an impressive move and if Danni had been able to think clearly in that moment, she may have asked herself if she had been fibbing about her lack of experience with ladies in the bedroom. She wasn't thinking though. Not now the vision of loveliness straddling her thighs was currently discarding her own shirt in what could only be described as a torturously slow strip tease.

  Danni groaned. "How are you so beautiful?" It was only meant to be a thought, not a spoken question. Not that she cared. Julia's eyes darkened. She could see the desire clearly across the blonde's face and her words had only served to set her own cravings alight. How many people had said that to her over the years? How hollow and meaningless had their compliments sounded to her ear and slid off her like water droplets, incapable of permeating her skin. Not now. Not with Danni. Since their first verbal exchange, she'd hung off every word and it nourished something inside her. She had of course been slow to realize the sexual connotation but boy was she going to make up for lost time.

  A shiver puckered her nipples as she slowly removed her bra and exposed herself to Danni's gaze. They had seen each other naked last night. They had touched and tasted and tickled and yet it still felt like a game of discovery.

  She watched as green eyes focused first on her eyes, then lips, then naked breast and she slid herself across the core beneath her own seeking contact, it was as if the gazes had been touches. Danni worked her hands slowly up muscular thighs, for the first time noticing just how much definition
was there. She needed to feel the skin beneath the thick jeans.

  Danni's nimble fingers made light work of the top button and zipper and Julia shuddered as the tips made contact with her abdomen. She realized she'd have to unsaddle the woman so her pants and Danni's could be removed. Lifting up impatiently, she rapidly pulled off the jeans and threw them to the floor. Danni took the opportunity to lift her own ass off the bed and shuffle out of her pants. Julia chuckled and helped pull them clean off before climbing atop her lover once again. Danni's hands smoothed over the thighs once more and she couldn't take her eyes off of them. Julia's own hands gently covered Danni's and she guided them higher. Danni grinned. "Getting impatient?"

  Julia pouted slightly but held Danni's gaze as she pushed one of the blonde's hands against her panty clad mound and sighed. "Maybe." The word vibrated out like a moan and Danni quickly sat up to devour the woman's throat on display above her.

  Her hand quickly pushed past fabric and found the warm, slick skin it desired. More moans as she sucked on the woman's neck, increasing her depth with each purposeful stroke and grazing the sensitive bundle of nerves above her opening. Danni wouldn't make her wait for this orgasm. She would give Julia anything she so desired whenever she desired. She wanted to be all that she desired. Julia's climax built quickly. Her body rocked deliciously with each stroke and soon enough she felt her hips squirming in the blonde's lap, bearing down to meet each thrust. She was so wet that her thighs were sliding against Danni's. She tried to squeeze them closed as she came hard but couldn't, so she held on to Danni's shoulders and let the crescendo wash over her whole body and spill warmly into the blonde's lap. She collapsed forward panting heavily. "I...I..."

  Danni hushed her and gripped her chin lightly. She kissed her with such tenderness and passion, Julia thought she might cry. A few tears spilt from her eyes but they both knew it wasn't from sadness.

  Danni held her as she trembled in her arms and gently rolled the woman onto her side so she could catch a breath. She simply lay there stroking Julia and kissing her cheeks, chin and nose until her breathing became less labored and her legs stopped trembling. She had never been so forward in claiming her own pleasure and was a little embarrassed but Danni seemed to have enjoyed it immensely.

  As her heart finally found a steady rhythm, she smiled and kissed the blonde back, eager to make her feel as good as she was right now. Her mouth slowly worked its way down along every inch of flesh, nipping and sucking until it found its destination. Danni's breathing was ragged with anticipation. It wouldn't take much for her to come.

  Julia settled herself between sturdy legs and wrapped her arms around them, hooking them up on her shoulders. She hovered there for a while grinning at the feast laid out just for her. Succulent Rose was certainly her new favorite taste. She lowered her head almost reverently and her tongue quivered as it made contact with the hot center. Danni bucked slightly and whimpered.

  The brunette grinned again and pushed her tongue as deep inside as she could, curling it up as she removed it, savoring the heady flavor then licked up firmly and flicked her tongue against her clit eliciting another moan of pleasure as hips raised to increase contract. Julia obliged by flattening her tongue and slipped two curled fingers inside, pumping slowly at first but then increasing as Danni rode her face and tongue. It felt exquisite to her as the force increased and wetness smeared her face it thrilled her immensely that she was able to elicit such strong sensations in the woman. She felt pride mixed with desire pool in her stomach as Danni finally released and dropped her hips back on the bed.

  Julia crawled back up as Danni panted. She watched as her chest rose and fell rapidly and some droplets of sweat trickled between her breasts. She smiled and gently kissed her shoulder, pulling her into a warm embrace. They stayed like that for maybe a couple of minutes, maybe longer. Time really was of no consequence in that blissful moment. Julia looked silently into Danni's eyes and smiled. "I'm so happy."

  Danni smiled back. "Me too." It didn't feel enough but at the same time, it did. That simple statement seemed to portray more sentiment than any other words she'd uttered in her life. They kissed lazily. It wasn't frantic like earlier, just content and discreet. Danni's stomach rumbled causing them both to laugh.

  "Let me grab some food." Julia plodded barefoot, well bare everything in fact, over to the trolley laden with goodies. Danni hadn't thought to look what was on there earlier and now she sat up curiously as Julia wheeled the whole thing over to the side of the bed.

  "There are strawberries, chocolate, pastries, a cheese platter and some bread rolls. I didn't know what you'd be in the mood for so I got a bit of everything." Danni's face beamed as the brunette sat down on the bed and fed her strawberry.

  "You are the cutest!" She said around a mouthful and as the juice dribbled down her chin, Julia swooped in and licked it off making Danni laugh harder. They tucked into a few things and refilled their champagne glasses. The conversation came easily as it always did.

  "So, where are you filming next week?" It was a topic she hadn't wanted to burden their evening with because it meant thinking about their impending enforced separation.

  Julia swallowed the contents of her mouth and licked her lips. "Back in L.A. for most of the green-screen stuff. How about you?" She really wished Danni hadn't started this conversation just yet. They could've talked about it tomorrow. It felt so impersonal to yack business while they were both quite naked.

  "Umm, Mr. Starr wants me up in New York for the album launch. I'm doing Hello Today on Monday to kick it off then a few smallish gigs around the city during the week. Malls and such. Should be there until Sunday. Think you'll be around?"

  Julia leant in closer and brushed a crumb away that had fallen on Danni's breast.

  Danni laughed. "Did you just flick my boob?"

  Julia laughed because of course the woman would think that. "No, you idiot! You eat like a pig! I was cleaning you up."

  "Oh well in that case...” She pulled Julia onto her back and began oinking and tickling the woman.

  "Dann... hihihi... Stop it you... hahaha... you freak!" She tickled back as good as she got and soon had the upper hand, pinning Danni's wrists to the bed. She had managed to straddle her again and she smiled realizing that this was her favorite view of the blonde. "Thank you for lightening that conversation." She kissed her and whispered. "Don't worry about schedules. We'll make it work somehow. I promise."


  Danni came off stage buzzing. It had been her first solo gig on the tour and the adrenaline was still coursing through her body.

  "Good one Danni! You killed it!"

  "Thanks Dave. You too." Starrdom had set up a handful of session musicians to start the tour with her and the standard of playing really was outstanding. It was such a relief not having to worry about her band being off their faces and forgetting the timing or beats. She could concentrate on her own performance. She'd done a forty minute set showcasing her album tracks. She was still quite unknown but the feedback she was getting so far was amazing. She gathered her things back stage and decided to call it an early night. Tomorrow morning she was going on her first ever TV. interview and her nerves were all over the place.

  "Pick up's at five-forty. You need a wakeup call?" Dave bellowed over to her as she was about to leave.

  "Naa, it's cool. I'll be ready! See you tomorrow."

  She left out the back door and got into the car which was waiting for her.

  As soon as she got in, the driver set off and she switched her phone back on. A message from Julia popped up wishing her luck for the evening. She smiled and messaged back how she had just finished and was in the car heading back to the hotel.

  She knew Julia was in L.A. for the rest of the week so she wasn't likely to see her, although their phone calls and messages had been consistent and reassuring. It had only been a few days since they last saw each other but she already missed the woman.

  The car pulled up at the hotel and
Danni took herself straight up to her room. Starr had put her up in a luxury suite similar to the first one. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out for the count.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  "Thank you for joining us this morning Danni Rose. It's a pleasure to have you on the show!" The audience clapped as the presenter of Hello Today introduced her officially to the world.

  "Thanks for having me!"

  "So you have a single and an album coming out, can you tell us when that is?"

  "Yes, my single He Won't Love you Like I do is out today on all major platforms and in record stores, so go buy it world!" She felt slightly self-conscious addressing the public through the TV cameras but figured this is what she was there for. The audience laughed a little.

  "I want to talk a little about the single in a moment, but first, tell me more about the album."

  "Yeah sure. It's called A Taste and will be out on the twenty-eighth of this month. It's an eclectic mix of upbeat and ballads, a bit rock, a bit pop. It's a bit of a journey that I hope the listener will enjoy as much as I have done recording it." She was so nervous. She could feel her cheek twitching as she spoke and hoped it wasn't visible on camera.

  "You heard it first here America. That's A Taste by Danni Rose, in stores and online on the twenty-eighth. Now, going back to the single which is out today, tell us what inspired that?"

  Danni knew it was coming but her face reddened. "It's a tale of watching someone you like make bad decisions to sum it up I guess. It’s really about unrequited love."

  "There are some very intriguing references in the lyrics, red carpet for example. Can we assume this was written about someone we can all recognize?"

  Danni's knee started bouncing around and she smiled. "I guess people can assume what they want from my lyrics. I sometimes write about my own life experience, other times I draw inspiration from fantasy and dreams or something I've read somewhere. What ever people want to take from that is up to them. A song can mean something to one person and another thing to someone else so let's let the listener decide." She sat back proudly that she'd managed to not blurt out Julia's name. She wanted to scream it from the rooftops but she also liked having some secrets.


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