Book Read Free

Falling for Jillian

Page 16

by Kristen Proby

  “Okay!” Seth hugs me hard again. “Thanks, Dad. It’s the best present ever.”

  “You’re welcome, buddy.” I kiss his head and we all file back into the house. After shedding boots and coats, we settle back in the family room to open the rest of the gifts. I pull Jilly back in my lap and settle in to watch her.

  “Open this,” she murmurs softly. Everyone else is opening gifts from each other, gasping and laughing and hugging. “This is from me.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, sugar.”

  “Of course I did,” she argues with a frown. “It’s Christmas.”

  I chuckle and open the large box, and then my heart stills when I see what’s inside. It’s a picture frame with a two-photo mat.

  On the left is a photo of me and Seth when Seth was just a tiny baby, maybe a week old. I’m holding him against my chest and my lips are planted on his tiny head.

  “God, I look young in this photo,” I murmur.

  “You were young in that photo,” Jill says.

  The photo on the right is of Seth and me and Thor, playing and laughing in the snow. Jill was standing over us and we were all smiling up at the camera. Even Thor looks like he has a big grin on his dopey face.

  “I took that the day we went snowmobiling,” she says.

  I nod and look into her eyes. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”

  “Your mom helped,” she says shyly and smiles over at my mom, who is, of course, watching us raptly.

  “I love it.” I kiss her lips chastely then reach down at the side of the chair and lift her gift into her lap. “This is for you.”

  She smiles in excitement and tears the paper away then pauses with her jaw dropped as her eyes take in every inch of the framed photo before her.

  “He’s a local artist,” I begin. “This was taken in Glacier National Park last year.”

  The photo is of the mountains during winter, with a lake cradled between them, and lighting up the sky are the northern lights, spreading across the sky in streaks of green and blue, just like the ones we saw a few weeks ago out in the pasture.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Her eyes fill with tears and she turns her face into my chest.

  “Hey, it’s okay, sugar. It’s just a photo.”

  “I’m hormonal,” she mutters, but leans up to whisper in my ear, “but this was the moment, Zack. Our special moment. And I’ll treasure this forever.”

  I hug her tight and kiss her temple, and I want to tell her how much I love her. It’s Christmas, and God knows I’m so in love with her I can barely breathe. But just as I’m about to whisper in her ear, Cara comes running over to us with a squeal to hug Jill and thank her for the earrings Jill gave her.

  “You’re welcome,” Jill says brightly. “They reminded me of you.”

  “You went nuts this year, girl,” Cara says as she rejoins Josh.

  “I couldn’t help it,” Jill replies. “I had the best time shopping for Seth.” She winks down at him and then focuses on Cara again. “You two need to start having babies so I can spoil them rotten.”

  Ty and Lo suddenly share a glance and it’s not missed by Jill.

  “What’s up with you two?” Jill demands.

  “Well, we weren’t going to tell yet, because it’s still pretty early, but we just found out the day before yesterday that . . .” Lo clears her throat and glances up at Ty.

  “We’re gonna have a baby,” Ty finishes with a proud smile.

  “Oh my God,” Jill breathes. “Honest?”

  Ty nods and then looks at Jill with uncertainty, but she jumps up off my lap and he stands just in time to catch her midair. “Oh my God!” she yells.

  “Are you okay?” Ty asks.

  “Why in the hell wouldn’t I be okay?” she demands and hugs him tightly around the neck. “You’re having a baby!”

  “I think I’m the one who gets to actually have it,” Lo says.

  “I’m so excited.” Jill hugs Lo tightly too, then pulls her brother back into her arms. “This is the best Christmas ever.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Ty,” she says and wipes the tears off her face. Fuck, she’s crying again. I can’t stand it when she cries. “You deserve a dozen babies, if that’s what you want.”

  “So do you,” he replies softly and my heart trembles. Jill can’t have babies.

  “Stop it,” Jill insists. “I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  Cara leaps to her feet and hugs Lo close to her and suddenly the room is a flurry of activity of hugs and well-wishes.

  “I’m happy for you, man,” I say to Ty as I shake his hand and pull him in for a hug. “You’re going to be a hell of a father.”

  “I have a good teacher,” he replies, and if I’m not mistaken, his eyes mist over as he looks from me to my dad. “You and Jeff have taught me everything I know about being a dad, man. I’m terrified, but knowing I have you guys makes it a little easier.”

  “You won’t need us,” I assure him, but then pull him in for another hug. “But I’m happy to help out in any way I can.”

  “Thanks.” He looks a bit shell-shocked, and I can’t blame him. Being a father may be the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but it’s scary as hell too.

  “There’s going to be a new baby around here to snuggle,” Mom exclaims excitedly. “If you need me to, I’ll come stay with you after he or she arrives to help out.”

  Lauren’s jaw drops and her eyes water as she stares at my mom. “You would do that?”

  “Of course. You’re our family.” She hugs Lo close and then pats her cheeks, in that way she does with those of us she loves. “This baby is our family too. I’m happy to help.”

  “I might take you up on that,” Lo admits and smiles shyly. “I don’t know what in the hell I’m doing.”

  “I get to help too!” Jill exclaims.

  “And me,” Cara adds. “This baby won’t be lacking for women to love on it.”

  “Thank you, everyone,” Ty says and hugs his sister again. “Thanks for including us in your family.”

  “You’ve been a member of this family since you were a teenager, son,” Dad says and claps Ty on the shoulder. “Don’t you forget that. Now, when are you going to marry this beautiful woman?”

  “Well, we’ve decided to move the wedding up to Valentine’s Day. It’s going to be a small wedding anyway.”

  “And this way, I won’t be showing yet so I can still wear a beautiful dress,” Lo adds.

  “Great idea,” Cara says. “Jill and I can help.”

  Jill nods enthusiastically and then yawns.

  “You okay, baby?” I murmur down to her as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t know why I’m suddenly tired.” She shrugs and when I tighten my arms under her breasts, she flinches. “Hormonal, I guess.”

  “Do you want to take a nap?”

  She shakes her head and smiles happily up at me. “No way, we have to get dinner started.”

  “Can we go ride my new snowmobile?” Seth asks.

  “You guys go play in the snow,” Jill says. “We’re going to cook and talk about you now.”

  “Oh good,” I reply dryly. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “I only say nice things, babe.”




  I roll over in bed and cringe when my breast is pressed against the mattress. Holy shit, what time is it? I glance at my phone and groan. Since when do I take naps at noon? I’ve never been a napper. Yet today, I was so exhausted after showing a house that I had to come home and sleep before my mid-afternoon appointment.

  This is the second time this week that I couldn’t make it through the day without catching at least an hour of sleep.

  I frown, my breast still cradled gently in my hand, and think back over the past couple of months. Huh. I haven’t had a period in a while. Which isn’t anything unusual since all of the extensive fertility tr
eatments I went through.

  Maybe I should make an appointment with Hannah.

  I google the phone number for the new OB/GYN’s office and click SEND.

  “Dr. Malone’s office, how many I help you?”

  “Hi, this is Jillian Sullivan. I have a history of abnormal menstrual cycles and my doctor in California used to prescribe me progesterone to regulate them. Is it possible to have a prescription written for that?”

  “Are you a patient of Dr. Malone?”

  “No, I’ve never seen her before, but I can give you the name of my doctor in California so you can get my records if that helps.”

  “That would be helpful, but even with those records, Dr. Malone will have to see you in the office. She won’t prescribe anything without establishing care with you first.”

  Damn! I was worried about that.

  “But,” she continues, “you can come in to give us a blood and urine sample anytime, and that way by the time your appointment rolls around, you should be all set.”

  “Okay, can she see me Friday afternoon? That’s the best time with my work schedule.”

  “Let’s see. Today’s Wednesday . . . Hmm . . . yes, she can see you at two o’clock.”

  “Perfect. Thanks.”

  The receptionist keeps me on the line for a few more minutes to gather demographic information and when we hang up, I’m already exhausted again.

  Geez, talk about PMS.

  I groan as I pull myself out of bed and pull my work clothes back on, already daydreaming about coming home after work and crashing again.


  I plug the address for the house I’m showing this afternoon into my GPS and set off across town. Today, I’m showing a home to the Petersons. This is a couple who knows exactly what they want, and I’ve been trying for six months to find the house that fits that bill.

  I pull into the long driveway of the beautiful, two-year-old craftsman home on the outskirts of town and smile when I see Mr. and Mrs. Peterson already standing on the covered porch, looking in the windows.

  “Hi!” I call as I step out of the car and approach the young couple.

  “Hi, Jill,” Whitney Peterson replies and opens her arms for a hug. “How was your Christmas?”

  “I had a great Christmas, thank you.”

  Bryan Peterson smiles and shakes my hand. “Fifteenth try’s the charm, right?”

  “Right.” I wink and unlock the front door then lead them inside. “This one hasn’t even hit the listings yet. When I saw it come through this morning, I had a feeling about it. And it’s priced exactly right.” I tell them the listing price and feel my heart quicken when they glance at each other and nod. “Let’s have a look.”

  The further through the house we go, the more excited the young couple seems to get. The bedrooms are spacious, the bathrooms equipped with exactly what they want. Even the master bathroom, which has been a bone of contention in past houses they’ve seen.

  “We’ll take it,” Bryan announces when we wander back down to the kitchen.

  “Just like that?” I ask with a laugh.

  “Just like that,” Whitney replies. “This is exactly what we’ve been looking for.”

  “What do you want to offer them?” I pull my iPad out of my purse and open my notes.

  “The asking price.” I raise a brow and do a quick mental calculation. Holy shit, that’s going to be an awesome commission.

  “You really want this house,” I reply.

  “We’ve been waiting a long time to find exactly what we want, and I don’t want anyone to come in and snatch it out from under us,” Bryan says with a shake of the head.

  “I can arrange for an inspection this week and get the paperwork in motion. I’ll send the offer as soon as I get back to the office.”

  Whitney squeals and jumps up and down, clapping her hands, then launches herself into her husband’s arms. This is my favorite part of my job, helping my clients find a home they love.

  “It’s been such a pleasure working with you both,” I say as I lock up behind us and we walk to our cars. “I’ll be in touch when I hear from the seller.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  I pull away with a wide grin on my face and I immediately push the button on my Bluetooth. I need to tell Zack.

  “Hey, sugar,” he says as he answers. He sounds out of breath, and my mind immediately shifts to the way he feels when he’s over me, inside me, making exactly that noise.

  “Jilly?” he asks.

  “I’m here. Sorry. Do you have plans tonight?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I need to celebrate. I just sold a house to a couple that I thought I’d never find the right house for. I want to take you out to dinner.”

  “I’ll take you out for dinner. Do I have to wear a monkey suit?” I hear the smile in his voice.

  “You’ll look hot in your monkey suit.” I chuckle and pull into the parking lot of my office. “I have some paperwork to take care of this afternoon and then I’m heading home.”

  “I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “Great. See you soon.”

  “Bye, sugar.”

  After adjusting my boobs in my push-up bra, I check my lipstick and grin when I hear the doorbell, then Zack coming inside. I love that he feels comfortable enough to make himself at home here.

  “I’m almost ready!” I call out and stuff my lipstick, phone, and debit card in a small clutch bag then smooth my hands down my long, black fitted dress. It falls to my feet, but is strapless, so I added a simple necklace and earrings. My hair is held on my head with about fifty pins.

  “Jesus Christ, Jilly.” I turn to find Zack leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest, as his eyes take me in from head to toe. He’s delicious in a dark gray suit and royal-blue tie. He’s clean-shaven and his hair has been tamed, begging for my fingers to mess it up.

  “You look fantastic.” I cross the room to him and reach up to adjust his tie, although it doesn’t need to be adjusted at all. I just want to touch him.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He cradles my face gently in his hands and lowers his face to mine, tenderly sweeping his lips back and forth, barely touching them, and it drives me crazy. My thighs clench and I grab onto his tie, pulling him in closer.

  “Say stuff like that and we won’t leave my house,” I whisper.

  “I’m okay with that,” he replies with a wolfish smile.

  “I have lots to celebrate,” I reply and pull away.

  He holds my black peacoat up for me and then lifts me in his arms and carries me out to his truck so I don’t have to trudge through the snow in heels.

  “You’re very chivalrous,” I comment and plant a kiss on his cheek.

  “No need to get your fancy shoes wet.” He sets me in the truck and drives us to a restaurant that sits on the lake. It’s one of the more expensive places in town, with white tablecloths and excellent food.

  “Swanky.” I wink at him as he leads me inside.

  “I’m in a tie, sugar. And you’re celebrating.” The hostess guides us to a table in the corner, looking out on the lake. It’s dark now, but the lights from the houses along the shoreline reflect in the water.

  It’s romantic.

  After taking our wine order, the waitress leaves us to read over the menu.

  “So what, exactly, are we celebrating? I’ve been in suspense all day.”

  “Do you know Bryan and Whitney Peterson?” I ask. Zack frowns and moves his head side to side, thinking.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “They moved to town about a year ago, and started looking for a house to buy last summer. I’ve shown them fifteen houses, and they didn’t like any of them. I think all of us had given up hope that we’d ever find the right one. Then, this morning, I saw a house that was just put on the market today, and I had a gut feeling.”

  “So you showed it to them . . .”

  “And they bought it!” I announce and clap my hands. “They loved it. Jumped right on it. I’m so happy for them.”

  “Well done, baby.” He smiles widely and clinks his wine glass to mine. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” I feel my cheeks heat as the waitress returns to take our order.

  “So what happens now?” Zack asks and takes my hand in his.

  “Well, I already sent over their offer. There will be an inspection, and if all goes well, they should be proud new homeowners soon.”

  “Talk to me about your job.”

  I cock my head to the side and think about his request. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything. Why you chose it. What you enjoy about it.”

  “I got into it because I like looking at houses. Always have. Maybe I’m just naturally nosy.” I wrinkle my brow as I think about it. “So it seemed natural to sell houses. It’s a puzzle.”

  I lean in, getting excited as I describe my job to Zack.

  “Finding the perfect home for a family or couple is fun. Everyone has different expectations. Different needs. So, I enjoy talking with those I’m working for, get a feel for what they want, and find the perfect home for them.”

  “So it’s about the people you work with.”

  “It really is.” I nod as I think about it from that perspective. “When I’m working with a client, I speak with them frequently. Whitney Peterson and I email back and forth at least once a day. I develop a relationship with these people. Of course,” I add and sip my wine, “some people are weird. Those I don’t speak to as frequently.”

  “Your eyes light up when you talk about your job,” he murmurs. “I love you, sugar.”

  I feel my eyes grow wide as I stare at this dear man before me and feel the floor drop out from under me.

  Did he just say what I think he did?

  He blinks, as though coming out of a trance, and begins to look embarrassed, but before he can apologize or say anything else, I lean way out over the top of the table to plant my lips on his. He grips my wrists, as though grounding us both, and kisses me back with all of the passion and love that were just in his eyes. I pull back just an inch and stare into his deep chocolate gaze.

  “Say it again.”


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