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The Ravana Clan Vampires: a Young Adult Paranormal Romance (Complete Series)

Page 62

by E. M. Moore

  Nothing was about to come in between my princes and I. Not after we’d come this far and worked this hard.


  It’d been a week since the Council meeting, and the Council chambers had turned into an FBI room. At least, what I imagined an FBI room to look like. There were big maps on every wall with little dots pinpointing an area of interest. The black dots were where Soren said Dumont had been before. The red dots meant Connor had found an uptick in disappearances and crime in that area. The blue dots were information that came through our call center.

  Yep. Turned out when you rally people behind you, they do just that. A vampire clan out in Nebraska had an in with the local police, as in he was the chief of the local police. He was able to make a Wanted poster for Dumont and spread it all over the country with a hotline number on the bottom that came direct to this room. Guards and servants alike had volunteered to answer the lines and sift through the information. Every time someone called, they put a blue dot on the map. Sure, some of those blue dots were probably crazy people who thought they saw aliens on every street corner, but we were treating all the information as valuable.

  The information was working. A few of the areas on the maps were starting to look a little crowded with dots of every color. The next step, according to Lex, was to send out a purely informational scouting team, a team that could fly under the radar at all costs. We wouldn’t want to tip Dumont off again and let him know we were close to finding him.

  The most valuable dots on the maps, though, were the gold ones. These were tips from vampires themselves. Everything was anonymous and came through one special hotline that was separate from the human one. It turned out Dumont was also trying to get vampires on his side, and had been doing so for some time. Though the vampires weren’t anxious to have Dumont leading again, they were also too afraid to say anything to Gregor until now. Without fear of retribution, they were opening up again, letting Dumont’s secrets slip one-by-one.

  In particular, there were two spots on the map that needed looking into as soon as possible. I stood in front of them now, tapping my finger against my lip. Lex had yet to decide if she wanted one team to investigate both or to split into two teams. It was a tough call.

  A hand fell on my arm, and I jumped. The hand squeezed my shoulder and that’s when I realized it was Christian. He leaned in and whispered, “My mother would like to talk to you.”

  My stomach clenched. I knew this was coming. She hadn’t been much help with what Nicolai had done, only saying it was possible the reaction to being ‘marked’ would wear off. Her other idea was to have each of them bite me and see if that negated the pull to Nicolai. Perhaps then I’d feel the pull to all of them, or maybe just to the last one to bite me. No one really knew because no one had wanted to share someone before. We were really at a standstill with that, not knowing the best way to proceed. “Did you talk to her?” I asked.

  Christian breathed out. “Yes.”

  I’d asked him to. He’d been the one less likely to forgive Nicolai for what he’d done. They still weren’t on talking terms, which made me nervous, and jittery. I wanted all five of us together like we were before, not one piece of my heart refusing another piece of my heart. “What did she say?”

  He sighed. “You know what she said. She said the same thing you’ve been trying to tell me about how Nic is reckless and does things without thinking and that I should just get over it because things are going to work out anyway. This is just a small blip in our long life together.”

  I smiled. I really did like Isabelle. “But you’re going to ignore her, aren’t you?”

  “For the time being.” He straightened, his shoulders pulling back to his leadership stature. “I’m my own person, Ariana…”

  I turned toward him finally, the dots I’d been staring at for the past few hours momentarily camouflaging Christian’s face as if they were implanted on my eyes. “I know that.”

  He put pressure on my shoulder to lead me away and I followed him. “She’s in the sitting room waiting. You need a break from all that stuff anyway. Has Lex made a decision?”

  “No, but she will soon.”

  “That’s probably why Isabelle wants to talk to you now. She’s afraid you’ll run off and— and…”

  “—something will happen. You don’t have to sugarcoat it, Christian. I know there are risks involved and whoever doesn’t think so is just plain nuts.”

  He chuckled to himself as he led me down a few hallways and then to a door. “I guess I’ll see you afterward.”

  “You’re not coming in?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not today.”

  He pushed the door open, and I walked through. Isabelle, with her beautifully proportioned face and body, rose from the settee and walked toward me, her arm outstretched. She reminded me of the Regency era where poise and conduct mattered most. She wore a pantsuit like a modern-day businesswoman, and she knew how to wear it too. She screamed authority at every turn of her chin and graceful line of her neck. “Thanks for coming, Ariana. We haven’t spoken in a while and seeing as how something happened between you and Nicolai, I thought it was about time.”

  She moved to the settee and sat again after releasing my hand. I followed after and sat in the opposite cream-colored sofa with gold trim. “Nicolai didn’t say much about the conversation you had with him. In fact, he hasn’t said much to me since.”

  Her lip curved up. “He feels terrible about what he did to his brothers, but at the same time, he can’t come to terms with feeling bad about acting on his feelings. He’s so much like my Gregor that it’s almost funny. Even more so when both of them can’t get along like now.”

  I watched her settle herself, her leg crossing over her other. “I know he really wants to fight.”

  She sat back and arched an eyebrow. “What do you think about that? Should a prince like Nicolai be let out on the dangerous missions you go on?” I narrowed my eyes at her and her lip twitched. “I promise it’s not a test, Ariana. I’ve long ago accepted and approved of your relationship with my sons. I’m genuinely curious about your thoughts on it.”

  “I think… Well, I think that regardless of Nicolai’s position, he should be able to do what he wants. I’m not saying I wouldn’t be scared to let him do such a thing. I care for him, deeply. If something were to happen to him, I would be heartbroken, but I see the way not doing anything makes him feel and that also bothers me. I guess I wish Gregor would reconsider because at this point, Nic will probably do what he wants even if it means doing the exact opposite of what Gregor wants him to do.”

  She nodded, her silky hair shifting over her shoulders as she did so. “I agree.”

  My head reeled back. “You do?”

  “Is it so surprising to hear me say that? I love my sons more than anything, that is true. But like you, I feel everything they feel. Nicolai is so unhappy standing back and observing what is happening. Even if it means he puts himself in danger, I believe he should do it. I’ve tried to talk to Gregor, but—” She smiled. “I’m not sure it’s working. He’s always been steadfast in his decisions. You are the woman in their lives, besides me, of course.” She gripped her hands in front of her until her knuckles turned white. “I respect you very much, Ariana. I am sorry Nicolai has done what he did to you. Do you blame him?”

  I shook my head immediately. “Blaming him would be like blaming myself. It’s done, it’s over with. I would just like to be able to fix it. I see how it’s impacted not only my relationship with Connor, Christian, and Stephan, but my relationship with him too. I just want things to go back to normal. Do you have any advice?”

  Isabelle steeled her shoulders back and drilled her eyes into me. “Have my sons told you anything about me? My life? My abilities?”

  “They said that you could tell things about people. You chose them for your sons because you knew what kind of attributes they would bring to your family. You knew they would make good princes.”

; She nodded. “I like to call it being a good reader. From the moment I learned about you, I knew you and my sons would change this world we live in.”

  My eyebrows furrowed. Change this world? How so? This world was about as ancient as could be. Changing it was like walking through quicksand.

  “No need to look so perplexed, child. You’ve already started changing this world. Was it not you who brought honor to guards? Is it not you and the princes who are trying to bring together the two species for a better purpose? Are you not already considering changing the rules so that you can one day be with my sons in any way you want to be? You have already—and will be—changing this world for as long as you are in it. Of that, I’m certain.”

  I swallowed, feeling the weight of what she said on my shoulders.

  “My sons have always been independent thinkers, as well as Gregor, but they needed only you to take that extra step. If they had brought you here, and you weren’t the person you were, would we have had a Medal of Valor? Would Lex now be in charge of security? Would we have overruled the law about vampires and guards not being together? This is just the tip of the iceberg for you all. Whatever you guys will do to change this world, you will have to do it together. It’s what I feel, what I see.”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. My heart hammered against my ribs so hard I was sure Isabelle could almost see it, and I was positive she could hear it with her extra special vampire hearing.

  “Christian tells me you want to have children.” My eyes bulged out of my head, but she merely waved my surprise away. “He wasn’t giving up your confidence, I assure you. He was only concerned that Nicolai, having done what he did, would ruin this chance for you. If you can never fix it, how will that impact your future plans? Tell me, Ariana, do you think you’ll ever make the change to become a vampire?”

  “We would have to overturn the rule first.”

  She smiled. “Exactly. And yet you sit there looking as if you have done nothing for this world already. I am very happy for my sons to have found someone like you. I know right now things aren’t perfect, and I can’t tell you how to work around what Nic has done, but I can tell you it will all work out in the end. You five are meant to be together to change this world, and I have a feeling that you will be doing things together for a long time to come.”

  “I hope so.” I gave her a small smile. “Do you know how you got this ability? Soren also says that he’s a good people reader. I haven’t seen him in a while, but he knows about my relationship with Nicolai. It was almost like he could sense it.”

  “Soren? Your captive?”

  I nodded.

  “Hmm. I haven’t met anyone like me, but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be. Are you worried he’ll tell people about you and Nicolai?”

  “No, not at all. I was actually wondering if, when all this is done, you could help me help him. With your abilities, you can tell if people are good for this world. Well, I think Soren is. He has helped us in the search for Dumont, and I believe he wants to live his life differently now.” Her forehead wrinkled. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to set him free after all this. If you read him, maybe Gregor, and whoever else has to make the decision, would trust your judgment and let him go once we’ve settled the Dumont problem.”

  She was quiet for some time. I sat back and waited, almost watching her internal dialogue as she thought things over. Finally, she said, “I will do that for you, but I do promise to tell the truth. If I sense any hatred or bigotry in Soren’s heart, I’ll not consent to letting him go free.”

  “I can live with that.”

  Isabelle stood, signaling the end of our meeting. I rose with her and was just about to turn away when she grabbed me and pulled me close. Her arms wound around me in an awkward embrace. “Keep my sons, and yourself, safe.”

  I lifted my hand and patted her on the back, closing my eyes in the process. It had been a while since I’d been hugged by a mother figure. It was as foreign to me as food and speech from a different country. I nodded into her, and the soft fabric of her blazer rubbed against my cheek.

  “All will end just as it should.”

  I nodded again, sure she was trying to tell me something important, but not getting any of it. Though, I supposed that was the problem with having another sense that other people didn’t have. Maybe she was just trying to be positive, but for some reason, it felt like a message.

  The door handle jiggled, and then burst open. Isabelle quickly stepped aside, and my hands fell to my waist. Christian came running in. “We can’t find Nicolai.”

  My heart lodged in my throat. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, he’s nowhere on the property and no one has seen him since yesterday. Have you?”

  I shook my head. I saw him before I went to sleep in Stephan’s room, but that had been the last time. He’d been avoiding me lately, my subconscious telling me it was because he felt guilty for what he’d done and didn’t want to face me as I constantly tried to tell him that it was okay. Of course, there was the other reason, too. That we couldn’t be with one another while we figured everything out. Not that Nicolai was like that, not wanting to see me just because he couldn’t have sex with me, but I could see him keeping his distance if he didn’t trust himself with me and didn’t want to let his brothers down again.

  I peeked at Isabelle. Her face was stoic, her lips a thin line. Christian’s eyes narrowed at her and then he waved me forward. “He’s not picking up for me, but he might pick up for you. We need you to call him. Now. Father’s in the Council room with Connor who’s trying to get a lock on his cell phone.”

  “Cell phone? Why? What does everyone think he’s doing?”

  “He got in another fight with Father last night. He seems to think he may have took off in search of Dumont by himself.”

  Christian pulled me forward. Before he led me through the doorway, I looked back at Isabelle. She was clearly unhappy, her eyes set in worry, but at the same time, I didn’t see any of the surprise or excitement that a missing son would’ve gathered in her. One last look at her downturned eyes, and I was pulled away from all her secrets.


  Christian and I ran through the hallways and burst into the Council room once more. Everything was in a flurry. Calls still came in and were being answered orderly by the volunteers, but Gregor was in the center of the room, pacing, his hands on his hips. When he saw us enter the room, he stopped and ordered me to call Nicolai at that moment. With a shaking hand, I pulled out my cell phone and clicked on “Dark, Sexy, & Badass.” I didn’t know what I expected. I supposed I expected that he wouldn’t pick up for me since he hadn’t picked up for his brothers or his father. But, at the second ring, Nic said, “Hey.”

  My mouth dropped. “Hey? Are you serious? Where are you?”

  “I’m in Christian’s car.”

  I peeked at Christian. I had no doubt all the vampires in the room could hear this conversation, but luckily enough, it was only Gregor and the princes in the room with that special trait. Christian didn’t even bat an eye. “And why are you in Christian’s car?”

  “I had a hunch on where Dumont might be. Listen, I know everyone’s there and they’re probably all pissed at me, even more so now than before, but I think I’m onto something. I’m going to lure Dumont out by being myself. I think I can play with him, tell him I’m sick of my father, and I want to be on his side as long as he’ll give me a spot in the leadership of his Council when they overtake my family. Then, I can move in and take him just like we’ve all been wanting to do. I can be of use, Ri, and I think this is the way to do it.”

  “This is stupid,” Christian said. I repeated that to Nicolai.

  “And reckless,” Connor said. I also repeated that to Nicolai.

  He chuckled. “Well, that’s kind of my thing, isn’t it?”

  Gregor looked too furious to talk, to comment on anything. I turned my back and cupped the cell phone to try and make the
conversation more private. “You’re not doing this for any other reason, are you, Nic? I mean, you’re not doing this because you made that mistake, are you? I promise you, your brothers wouldn’t have wanted you to do this no matter what you did to them. It’s not worth it.”

  “You don’t think I can do it?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just think when people go rogue, bad things can happen. I wished you’d brought the idea to Lex, so that we could expand on it and send you in with backup at the very least to make sure you were safe.”

  “But that’s the thing,” he said, his voice getting stronger. “I can’t do that because you guys would give me away. It has to really seem like I’m doing this on my own.”

  “That’s what you want to do now? You want to go off on your own? You could’ve at least told me, Nic.”

  “You would’ve tried to stop me.”

  “I’m not sure that I would’ve.”

  “That’s what my mom said.”

  I closed my eyes, my shoulders dropping. So Isabelle had helped him out with this plan. That was probably why she asked me how I felt about Nicolai participating in this fight against Dumont too. “You know I’m always behind you.”

  “Listen, I’m almost there. I have to go.”

  “Can you at least just tell me where you are so that we can go there now? What if you get into trouble and you need us to come save you?”

  “Sorry. Can’t do that.”


  “I said I’m sorry.”

  The phone paused for a few seconds. Dead air filled the expanse between us. I gripped the phone tighter in my hands. “Don’t you dare hang up on me.”

  There was another few seconds of pause before Nicolai said, “I really do have to go. Bye, Ri.”

  Rage spurred inside me. I’d done some things that were considered dangerous, but I’d never put myself this much at risk without others, without having qualified people there that I knew would help me if something had gone wrong. I meant what I said. When people went rogue, bad things could happen. “I’ll never forgive you for this, Nic. Turn around now.”


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