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Fair Play

Page 5

by Fox, Cathryn

  I found a lot of things, mainly his impressive collection of old DVDs. It’s insane that we have the same taste in movies. “I ah, was looking for the bathroom.” It’s not a lie. I was looking for the bathroom, when I stumbled upon his room. Temptation proved to be too much, and now…busted.


  Seriously though, I was surprised that he loves movies as much as I do, even the classics. Maybe that’s why he asked me to come tonight. Maybe he wanted a movie partner. I’m smart, quiet, a wallflower. Definitely not the kind of girl a hot football player sleeps with. I told him I was a film student and liked movies, so yeah, I guess he wanted me here to help him find the next cult classic. Ohmigod!! Maybe he wants me to watch porn with him. Maybe he thinks I’m a big old horny college student.

  He wouldn’t be wrong.

  Then again, he invited me before he knew I watched erotic movies.

  “I got lost,” I say and he stares at me, with what I think is disbelief all over his face. It’s hard to tell in the dark.

  He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “Across the hall,” he says, and I swallow as his voice, husky and deep now, curls around me, sending shivers down my spine. My nipples tighten, as he pulls in a labored breath, like he can’t quite fill his lungs. What is going on with him?

  Wait, does he think I’m Ivy? I mean the two were pretty wrapped up in each other tonight, and with my new blonde hair—although he likely can’t see it in the dark—there’s a good chance he could think I’m Ivy. I mean, he did shut the door, locking the world out and us in and let’s face it, a girl only goes to a guy’s room for one reason at a frat party—and it’s not to snoop. Plus, he’s been drinking. I’m not sure how much, but there’s a good chance he’s too drunk to know the difference between us.

  “I should go.” My God is that my voice? Since when did I ever sound husky? I guess that’s what arousal does to a person’s voice. I force my quivering legs to work, but as I get closer to him, catching his scent, my entire body vibrates in a way it never has before, clearly reacting to the hot-blooded male standing before me.

  So what are you going to do about that?

  He extends his arm, and captures me around my waist. “Or you could stay,” he says, easily positioning me in front of him, manipulating my body like I weigh no more than a football. Why the hell do I like that so much? Am I really one of those girls who likes when a guy goes all alpha? Oh good God, I might be. His head dips, and his mouth is right there, inches from mine.


  Oh, man, why did that stupid word have to jump into my brain. Oh, probably because I need to make a fast decision—a decision that could very well change me. So what’s it going to be? Am I going to text torpedo to Peyton? Or V-card?

  “You want me to stay?” I ask, needing to hear him say it, even though I’m like ninety-nine percent sure he thinks I’m Ivy.

  He hesitates for a brief second, and my blood instantly runs cold. Oh, crap, maybe he suddenly realized it’s me, and knows he made a mistake.

  “Yes, I want you to stay,” he finally says, his voice a low, husky murmur that slides over my skin and settles deep between my legs. “Tell me you want the same.”

  Is this it? The moment I hand over my V-card?

  “I want the same,” I say, and lean into him.

  Ohmigod, I’m doing this. I’m really doing this.

  His hand slides around my neck, and a low tortured moan vibrates around me as he fists my hair and presses his lips to mine. He inches back and asks, “Is that what you were really looking for?”

  My mind whirls, races, searches for the truth. On some level was I hoping he’d find me in here and kiss the sanity from my brain, because yeah, what I’m doing isn’t smart. I barely know this guy. Am I really going to get naked with him and hand over my virginity?

  “Yes,” I murmur, answering his question as well as my own. He gives me a nudge with his body, backing me until the backs of my knees hit the bed, and that’s when my one working brain cell nudges me. I need to text Peyton. He backs up an inch, reaches over his shoulder and tugs off his shirt, and the second I take in all his hills and valleys, I damn near bite off my tongue. Swallowing hard I lift my phone and he angles his head, confused. “I have to send my friend a text. Girl code.”

  “Right,” he says, and I quickly text—torpedo.

  I’m about to set my phone down when an eggplant and a thumbs up emoji pop up. A low chuckle climbs out of Landon’s throat. Dammit, he wasn’t supposed to see that. I set my phone down on his nightstand, and take a fueling breath as he closes the distance between us. His body is warm, his fingers hot as he pulls me against him again, and I try not to react like the virgin I am when I feel his hardness press against my stomach.

  Strong hands tug on the belt holding the dress together, and a jolt of excitement and nervousness rushes through me.

  “Fuck,” he grumbles, as the dress falls away and puddles around my feet. “I need to see you better.”

  He makes a move toward his lamp, and I wrap my hand around his arm to stop him. “No lights,” I say, and he hesitates again. “I like this mood better.”

  He runs his knuckles down my arms and goosebumps break out on my flesh. God, I love the way this guy touches me. Although I have nothing to compare it to.

  “Yeah?” he asks. “You like it in the dark?”

  “Yeah, and I think it will be more fun to feel my way around,” I say, and he chuckles lightly as I put my hands on his chest. His muscles ripple beneath my fingers as I begin an exploration, starting with his chest, my fingers moving over all eight abs until I reach his pants. I hesitate for a brief second, and he takes my hand and slides it lower, until I’m cradling his cock through his jeans.

  Damn that is nice—and big. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? I guess I’ll soon find out.

  I take my time to explore him, and a new kind of eagerness builds inside me. Suddenly anxious to see him naked, I pop his button, but he grips my hand and stops me. My heart speeds up as my gaze jerks to his.

  “I need my mouth on you before anything,” he says, and slides one hand around my body, to pull me against him. His hungry lips find mine again, devour my mouth, bite at my lip. Tomorrow I’ll have marks and I’m not even upset about that.

  His lips leave mine and travel downward. Using his thumbs, he lightly brushes my hard nipples through my bra and a moan I have no control over rises in my throat and seems to excite him. His soft chuckle whispers over my skin as he reaches behind me and in one swift movement, he removes my bra. Apparently his nimble football hands are adept at many things, but I don’t want to think about that right now. Nope, I can’t think about it. Not when he’s staring at my breasts like they’re a big hot fudge sundae and he hasn’t eaten in days.

  Lord help me.

  “Such perfect tits. I might want to fuck these,” he murmurs as he holds them and bends to take a hard nipple into his mouth. Mercy. Do all guys talk like him? Do I even like that?

  Ohmigod, I do.

  His tongue swirls, his teeth nip and I shut my eyes against the onslaught of pleasure. I’ve touched myself before, of course, but nothing has ever felt this good. The heat of his mouth sears my skin, and I feel the pull all the way to the needy spot between my legs. I breathe in his intoxicating scent as he moves from one nipple to the other. My hips roll instinctively, searching for…something.

  Landon’s hands slide down my body and grip my hips, his fingers biting into my flesh as he holds me still, like my movements are just too much for him. While I’m not sure if that’s true, I work to roll them again, to bump up against his hard cock, and he tears his lips from my nipple.

  “You are so fucking sexy and if you keep that up I’ll be done before I’ve even started.”


  I smile secretly, liking this effect I have on him. He stands to his full height, and my body is flush with his as he slides his hands down my back. A hard shiver goes through me as his fingers dip into my p
anties, and I toss up a silent prayer of thanks that I wore my only pretty pair. Maybe I should have let him turn the lights on and see my body, my lace underwear—my face.

  Nope, not going to do anything to ruin this night. I’m still not sure which twin he thinks he’s with and I’ll deal with that dilemma later. When my body is not screaming for his touch. When my pesky V-card is not begging me to get over myself and make love already.

  Make love?

  Oh, what a joke. I am not stupid enough to think this is anything other than sex, or that this isn’t a one-night thing. The ballers are all a bunch of man whores with revolving bedroom doors. He nudges my panties down, sliding to the floor with them. His mouth is inches from my sex, his breath hot on my mons as he taps my legs for me to lift. I lift them one at a time and he tosses my scrap of lace over his shoulder.

  I take a deep breath as his thumb goes to my wet pussy, and he casts a quick glance up at me. Fearing he can sense my nervousness, I put my hands on his shoulders and squeeze, giving him encouragement. But all my unease fades away the second his scorching hot tongue makes contact with my clit.

  “Ohmigod,” I say out loud and his chuckle reverberates through me.

  “Like that do you, Angel?”

  “Yes,” I pant. “More please.”

  I catch his grin in the dark before he buries his face between my legs again, and I close my eyes. Angel. Yeah, maybe that’s the perfect name because I sure as hell feel like I’m in heaven. I run my hands over his broad shoulders, loving the way his muscles bunch beneath my hands. He tongues me, and I grip his hair, and pull him against my pussy a little harder. Dear God, who am I? I don’t know and I don’t care.

  I want this.

  I want him.

  Before I even realize what’s happening, I’m on his bed, and he’s widening my legs with his body, pushing my thighs open until I’m on full display. A loud, tortured growl crawls from the depths of his throat. I wish I could see him. I wish I could see the look on his face as he takes in my nakedness with his fingers. I’ve never been ashamed of my body. I’ve just never really been the object of a guy’s attention before.

  His big hands slide up my thighs, and I let loose a moan as he presses the rough tip of his finger to my clit. I toss my head from side to side, and grip the bedding. “Do you like what I’m doing to you, Angel?” he asks.


  “Was this what you were looking for?”

  “It was,” I admit—to him and myself. What’s the point in keeping any secrets? I want everything he wants to give me, and I’m not about to hide the truth when the hottest guy on the planet is doing the most delicious things to my clit. That would make me the world’s biggest fool, and while this might not be my smartest decision, I’m no fool.

  He inches a finger into me, and I bite down on my lip. He groans. “You are so fucking tight, Angel.”

  Oh, that’s because I’m a virgin.

  He goes still, and I can’t help but wonder if he just had the same thought. “Not too tight for your cock,” I say, surprising myself. Looks like all that porn watching has paid off, because he’s back to fingering me, all hesitation gone. I move my body, rock into him, not because it’s what I think I’m supposed to do but because I’m so damn needy.

  Heat races through my body, centers on my core, and I am only seconds from climaxing. I try to hold back, I really do, but when he takes my clit back into his mouth, sucks hard, like the team’s next win might depend on it, the world closes in on me. I take a fast breath and then another as his thick finger strokes the sensitive bundle of nerves inside me. Then suddenly the world stops spinning, time suspends, and nothing but the strong, exquisite sensations in my body matter.

  I tug on the sheets, and lift my head as a vortex of pleasure centers between my legs. “I’m…I’m…”

  “Yeah, Angel, come for me.” The sheer pleasure in his voice brings on another hard explosion. “Just like that.”

  My hot liquid heat soaks his finger as he continues to move it in and out of me, and with the way he’s rubbing his lips against my pussy, I know when he finally comes up for air, his face will be soaked. I have no idea why the idea of that turns me on.

  He laps at me, drinking me like I’m the best thing he’s ever tasted, and I grip his hair again, wanting his cock in my mouth.

  “Landon,” I beg, and tug, wanting more…wanting everything, wanting things I probably don’t even know about yet.

  “Not done with you, Angel,” he says and swirls his tongue all over me. He stays buried between my legs, not moving until he’s damn well ready, and while I do want to touch and taste his cock, I’m not going to put up a fight.

  Ever so slowly he goes back on his heels, and with my eyes completely adjusted to the dark, along with the lamp light shining in from outside, I can take in the motion as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Wanted to stay down here all night, but I desperately need to be inside you. I think I might just die if I don’t get my cock in you within the next few minutes.” He brushes his finger along my slit as he takes his cock in his other hand and strokes it from base to tip, and a little squeal catches in my throat.

  “Something the matter, Angel?”

  “You’re just…big.” He cocks his head to the side and I mentally scold myself. What a stupid, innocent thing to say.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  As I take in his dark face, the way he’s studying me, my nerves relax. While this guy is a man whore, everything in the way he just touched me, pleasured me, reassured me with his words, puts me at ease.

  “I know,” I whisper. “I…I trust you.”

  He goes perfectly still and for a second I wonder if he’s breathing. God, did I say the wrong thing? Finally, he breaks the quiet and says, “Yeah?” I don’t miss the doubt in his voice. But there’s something else there too. Something that sounds like pride. He likes that I trust him. What? Do people not have much faith in him off the field? My heart pinches at that. Landon is a lot of things, but underneath it all, I really think he’s a good guy with a good heart.

  Don’t fall for him, girl.

  I quickly remind myself this is a one-night thing, and say, “We need protection.”

  He nods quickly, like my words pulled him back from somewhere, and reaches into his nightstand. Back on his knees, between my legs, he opens a foil package, but I’m fascinated by his cock, the length, the girth and its hardness. I sit up, and adjust my body, putting my mouth close to him, and a growl tears from his throat.

  “Angel, you can’t—”

  His mouth slams shut with an audible click as I take the crown into my mouth, and weigh him in my hands. I’m not an expert at this. Heck, I’ve never done it before, but judging by his moans, I don’t think it matters. I lean forward and he sinks to the back of my throat, and my damn gag reflexes kick in. Dammit. Embarrassment floods me, and he cups my cheeks and pulls me from his dick.

  For a second I expect him to laugh at my inexperience, to tease me a bit, but he’s dead serious when he says, “You don’t have to do this.”

  The tenderness in his voice messes with me a little, and once again I have to remember I’m just one girl of many in this guy’s life. “I want to.” How many times does a girl get to learn about sex from a guy who’s an expert? A guy she’s always lusted after.

  I lick his crown, and massage his balls in the palms of my hands, and he grips my hair, curls it in his fingers. He pulls his cock from my mouth as I steal a quick glance up at him, and he leans down and taking me by surprise, presses a tender kiss to my forehead. Warmth moves through me, and I take him back into my mouth again, loosening my muscles so I don’t choke again.

  I moan without thinking and his loud growl follows. I never knew I was such a tease, but I like watching this man become unhinged.

  “Angel…I can’t…”

  I let him tug himself from my mouth and fall back onto the pillow. His gaze drops to my chest as he sheathes himself. Is h
e going to fuck me there? He settles his body over me, and his mouth finds mine as he takes my legs and hooks them around his back, opening my sex wide for him.

  His thick crown presses against my opening, and I want to slam my eyes shut and hold my breath, but he’s watching me, his eyes locked on mine. I take a slow breath as our lips meld and explore the contours and curves of our mouths. Landon watches me I can’t help but think he’s gauging my reactions, but there’s no way he can know I’m a virgin, right?

  He tenderly smooths my hair from my face, when suddenly his hips thrust forward. I open my mouth to let out a scream, but no words form as he sinks into me. He fills me, buries deep and goes still for entirely too long. My breathing changes, fast shallow pants as my entire body stiffens.

  He curses under his breath, “Jesus Christ, I’m hurting you.” When I don’t answer, can’t find my voice to answer, his chest leaves mine as he inches back, his eyes moving over my face. “Are you—”

  I grab him, pull him to me. “Landon,” I plead and lift until my lips are back on his. “Please…I want more.”

  As I rock against him, encouraging him to move inside me, he follows me back onto the bed, his lips kissing mine as he pistons his hips, his big, glorious cock stretching me in ways I’ve never been stretched. I lightly scrape my nails over his back, and breathe through the sting until my body begins to tingle all over, every nerve coming alive with pleasure.

  “Yes,” he moans as I rock with him, rising up to meet each glorious thrust. “You are so hot and tight.”

  “It’s because you’re so big,” I tell him and that seems to satisfy him—probably strokes his ego too. But I don’t care. The man’s ego deserves to be stroked. Everything on him deserves to be stroked when he can bring this kind of pleasure to a virgin.

  His eyes find mine again, and his face is pained. “You are so goddamn beautiful, I’m not going to last.”

  “That’s okay. I want to feel you.”

  “Not before you come again.”

  “I don’t think I can,” I say quickly.

  “Yeah, you will,” he says and clenches down on his jaw. He looks like he’s in total agony, but I do love a confident man with a plan.


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