Fair Play

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Fair Play Page 24

by Fox, Cathryn

  He nods, and I don’t miss the hint of guilt in his eyes. “I messaged her every day when I was away. To see if she was okay, and if she and Piper needed anything. She’s only started answering me since I’ve been back. I didn’t want to say anything, Ella. I know she’s not answering you yet.”

  After everything that went down, he’s still a man who cares, and my love for him grows just a little more. “How is she? How’s Piper?”

  “They’re both in good hands.” His fingers fly across the screen and I drop down onto my pillow, because whatever he’s texting her is not meant for my eyes. Just then my phone pings, and I snatch it off the nightstand to find a message from Mom letting me know things are going well. I text back that I’m happy to hear that, but can’t shake the uneasy feeling mushrooming inside me.

  Landon puts his phone down, and stands. “Come on.”

  “Where to?”

  “You need a distraction. Let’s go shopping. Sitting around here worrying isn’t helping you.”

  I shake my head, even though Landon standing before me naked is all the distraction I need. Over the last year, his body grew harder, more defined. “No, I’m not in the mood for shopping.”

  “Christmas is tomorrow, Ella.” He takes my hand and tugs it until I’m standing. “Have you bought gifts for your family?”

  “No, but—”

  “Then let’s get dressed. We’ll grab something to eat in town, and hit the mall.”

  I groan. “The mall the day before Christmas. Are you insane?”

  His grin is wickedly mischievous. What the hell is he up to? “That’s one of the nicer things I’ve been called.” He puts his arms around me, buries his face in the crook of my neck and inhales me.

  “What’s the point, Landon?” I sag against him. “No one is going to be here for Christmas.”

  He inches back. “Hey, you don’t know that for sure.”

  I shrug and gesture to my phone. “I kinda do. Mom would have said they were coming back for Christmas. They’re not going to leave Ivy and Piper, and I’m sure Ivy doesn’t want to see us together.”

  “I think we should go sit on Santa’s knee and ask for this Christmas miracle.”

  I laugh at that. “I am not sitting on some random dude’s knee.”

  “Fine, then,” he laughs, and plunks himself down onto my bed, and pulls me onto his lap. “Ho. Ho. Ho. Now tell me little girl, what would you like for Christmas?”

  I grin, loving that he’s trying to lighten my mood and help me through this, when he too is in so much pain. “I want my family around the tree.”

  “Santa will see what he can do.”

  I shift, put my legs around him, and press my lips to his. We exchange long, passionate kisses, and cling to one another. Landon finally breaks the quiet, and tucks my hair behind my ears.

  “Okay, let’s move it, because if we sit here any longer, I’m going to throw you down and take you hard.”

  “Hmm.” I tap my chin. “I’m not sure you’re selling that right, because I’m not opposed to that idea at all.”

  He smacks my ass. “Later, I promise. Right now, we have to go.”

  “Have to? What are you up to, Landon Brooks? Why do we suddenly have to be at the mall, and since when did you like shopping?”

  He frowns. “I just think we should get gifts, in case your wish comes true.”

  I stand, and hug him. “I want your wish to come true too.”

  “Piper is mine. She has to be.”

  With that, we both shower, lingering in the spray far too long, dress and head to the mall. There is a new lightness in my step as I take in all the faces, everyone rushing about, purchasing gifts for their loved ones. After a while we make our way to the food court, and grab a couple slices of pizza. Landon’s phone pings as we eat, and he pulls it from his pocket, and checks the display.

  “I have to take this,” he says and stands. “Do you have any more shopping to do?”

  I nod, and put on a smile despite the anxiousness inching its way through my veins. “Yeah, there’s a couple more things I want to grab.”

  “Meet me at the car in thirty minutes.”

  I nod, and glance around the food court, noting the way he’s garnering so much attention, despite the ball cap pulled low. Sometimes I forget he's a big superstar, a man who could have any woman he wants, and chose me. I smile at that, as he disappears around the corner, his fingers flying across his phone.

  Thirty minutes later, after I grab a few more presents, even though my wish can’t possibly come true, then I meet Landon at the car. I know him well enough to know he’s up to something. That smirk he’s trying to hide says it all, but I’ll let him have his secrets, for now.

  Back at home, as the sun begins to set, we plug in the tree and snuggle on the sofa, as we watch our favorite Hallmark movie, and of course when I say our favorite, I mean mine, but he’s sweet enough to watch it with me and pretend he likes it. As the hands on the clock approach midnight, we head up to bed, and snuggle under the blankets. While I love being with him, there’s still a measure of guilt inside me. There shouldn’t be, I realize that, but I can’t help it. I won’t be whole again, until my sister is better. Sleep pulls at me, and I’m so comfortable in his arms, I drift right off.

  A loud bang pulls me awake, and my lids fly open. I turn to find the other side of the bed empty, and my throat tightens. I kick off the covers and check the time. What is Landon doing up at five in the morning? Tires crunch on the ground, and my stomach lurches. Is he leaving? He was so worried about ruining everything, there’s a part of me that’s worried he’s running away, distancing himself because he thinks he’s the root of our problems. Apprehension worms its way through my veins, and I walk to the window.

  “Ohmigod.” I blink once, and then twice, sure I must be seeing things. I pull a robe on over my pajamas, and hurry downstairs. When I reach the bottom, the fresh scent of coffee reaches my nose. I dash into the kitchen, but find it empty. Voices trickle in from the living room, and I tighten my belt and quietly leave the kitchen to find my family, everyone, including Landon, standing before the Christmas tree. Tears pound behind my eyes, and when Ivy turns my way, sweet Piper in her arms, I can’t hold them back any longer.

  I cry, and cry and cry some more. So does my sister, and when she hands the baby to Landon, it’s all he can do to keep his tears at bay. “Landon,” I choke out.

  “Merry Christmas, Ella.” His smile is soft, warm and shaky when he adds, “See I told you, Christmas miracles do come true.”

  “You…you arranged this?” My gaze slides to Ivy. Does she even want to be here? Silence deafens me as we stare at one another, and after a moment, she takes a step toward me, and I falter backward just a bit, but she reaches a hand out to me, and I freeze, not knowing what to do, or what mental state of mind she might be in. I never meant to hurt her. I would never do it on purpose.

  “Ella,” she whispers softly, and without thinking I reach for her too. She steps into me, puts her arms around me and we hug. The sound of Mom’s tears reach me, and I close my eyes, my heart hurting in my chest. “I’m so sorry, Ella.”

  I sniff, and inch back. “I’m sorry too.”

  She shakes her head. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and I want you to know that I’m doing so much better. Thanks to Mom and Dad, and all the work I’ve been doing with the doctors.” She touches her head. “I wasn’t right in here, and I didn’t want to return your calls or messages until I was, and then I wanted to see you face to face, and tell you I’m sorry for hurting you. I can’t ever forgive myself.”

  “I forgive you,” I say.

  “I don’t deserve your forgiveness.” She sniffs and glances over her shoulder. “I’m sorry for hurting Landon too.”

  Landon takes Piper’s little hand, brings it to his lips and kisses it. My heart squeezes so tight, I can hardly breathe. He did this. He arranged for this beautiful, perfect Christmas gift, for me. I wish I could give him somethi
ng equally important.

  Ivy turns, exchanges a look with Mom and Dad, then focuses in on Landon. “I wasn’t sure if she was yours or not. I slept around, wanting to get pregnant. For reasons I’m not proud of.”

  “She’s mine,” he says. “No matter what. I don’t want to take a paternity test. It doesn’t change anything. She’s mine.”

  “We should have a test to be certain. We need to be certain.”

  “I am certain.” The pain in his eyes, the vulnerability on his face cuts through me, lays my soul wide open. I step up to him and put my hand on his heart.

  “I want her to be yours more than anything in my entire life. But if she’s not, if someone else is the father, that person needs to know.”

  “No, Ella. No.” Grief rips across his face, and more tears pour down my cheeks. I want to make this better for him, want to take his pain but I don’t know how.

  “Just think about it,” I say trying to get the words out past a raw throat. “If she’s someone else’s daughter, and I don’t think she is, then she’ll have twice the amount of love.”

  He hugs his little girl tighter. “I can’t lose her. I can’t.”

  My heart explodes with the love I have for this good man, and I’m beyond thankful that we found our way back to each other. Landon is a true hero, a man of integrity, a man who stands up for what he believes in, and never shirks responsibility. A man who loves with all his heart, and I can’t believe I’m in his orbit, and a recipient of all that goodness. A part of him cares for my sister too, of that I’m sure and he most definitely loves his child.

  “You won’t lose her,” Ivy assures him. “You’ll always be in her life, as a dad or an uncle.”

  A big hiccupping sob catches in my throat. I turn to my sister, and pull her back into my arms. “Thank you,” I say, the weight on my shoulders eases as she accepts my love for Landon and his for me.

  “Thank you for not hating me, Ella.” We hug and cry and Mom and Dad just cling to one another. After a long moment, Landon breaks the quiet.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I need coffee, and presents and lots and lots of snuggles with my daughter.”

  We all laugh at that, the air in the room lighter as we sniff and wipe our noses. “I’ll help you,” I say as Landon hands his daughter back to Ivy. We step away, and in the kitchen, he turns to me, and our eyes meet and lock. No words need to be said, so instead we hold one another for a long moment, and I revel in his strong heart pounding against my chest as I go up on my toes and kiss him.

  “Merry Christmas.” I smile. “I’m pretty sure this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”

  He gives me a mischievous wink. “Not yet.”

  I eye him. “What are you up to?”

  “Let’s get the coffee, get back in there and find out.”

  “Landon, what have you done?”

  He whistles innocently as he grabs the milk from the fridge, and I put the mugs filled with coffee onto a tray. In the living room, Ivy, Mom and Dad are playing with Piper, and my heart misses a beat as they all smile up at me. I glance at the glistening tree, the little white flashing lights, and that’s when I notice a present nestled in the branches.

  “It’s for you,” Landon says, stepping up behind me, his hands on my arms, rubbing up and down to keep me warm.

  Ivy stands, picks up the present and hands it to me. “This was a joint effort,” she says, and I glance back at Landon.

  “Is this what all those private texts were about?”

  “Maybe,” he says and I shake my head at my foolish insecurities, thinking this man might be leaving.

  Present in hand, I drop down onto the sofa, and I glance at Mom and Dad who are smiling. “Thank you,” I say to them, and Mom takes Ivy’s hand and pulls her down next to them. With every set of eyes in the room staring at me, including Piper’s, I rip into the package. A loud laugh bubbles up from the depths of my throat when I set eyes on the gift.

  “I can’t believe this,” I say, through a sob. “You guys got me a Furby.”

  “You don’t like it?” Landon asks, worry in his voice.

  “I love it.” More tears fall. “How did you know?”

  “I’ve never forgotten about the lipstick, Ella,” Ivy says quietly. “That was so sweet of you.” She glances down, a look of sadness on her face when she adds, “You saved all that money to buy me lipstick, when all you wanted was a Furby. I should have been a better sister. I should have gotten it for you.”

  “Well, you just did,” I say, joy filling my heart with love. “It means more to me now then it would have back then anyway. I love it. Thank you, Ivy.” I put my hand on Landon’s lap. “Thank you, Landon,” I say, understanding how hard it must have been for him to find this gift, and that’s the reason for the secrecy at the mall. “This is perfect.” In fact, everything is perfect. My whole family is here, Ivy is doing better, and no matter what, Piper will always be a big part of Landon’s life, because this man will one day be my husband.

  “One more thing,” Landon says, and drops down to one knee in front of me.

  I gasp and glance at Ivy. She’s accepted our love, but will this hurt her. She smiles and nods, like she was aware this was going to happen, and I can only imagine Landon talked to her about this, to make sure she was okay with it.

  “I love you, Ella.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I say as tears pour down my face.

  He wipes them away, and I glance at my Mom and Dad, my sister and my niece. “This is the best Christmas ever.”

  “It’s just the start of many,” Landon says, and I believe him. Everything and everyone I hold close is in this room, and I know Landon isn’t going anywhere, except to my bed, where I plan to show him exactly what he means to me. As I look into his dark eyes, I know in my heart Landon isn’t the man I want to grow old with, he’s the man I want to stay young with and I plan to do just that.



  One Year Later:

  I scoop Piper up from her crib, and sneak downstairs. The rest of the family is asleep in the old homestead, but Piper and I want to get the tree lit and put a few more things in the stockings before everyone wakes up. Turns out Piper was my daughter after all, and the best gift that has ever been given to me. Honestly, I cried for a whole week, but don’t tell anyone. I mean, I’m a bad-ass footballer and don’t want to have to cash in my man card.

  Over the last year, Ivy has been getting better and better and found a really great guy of her own, one she loves, and one who loves both her and Piper. Our co-parenting has been going great, as we both have Piper’s best interests at heart.

  “Aren’t the lights pretty,” I say to Piper as she smiles up at me. My heart misses a beat as I take in her eyes. I don’t think I could be any happier than I am right now. Ella’s career is going great, and she even got a promotion and I always tease that she’s one step closer to working with Spielberg. Me, well, I’ve been playing football, and in my spare time, not that I have a lot of it, I’ve been working on that screenplay. Ella’s been helping and she thinks it has real potential. I’m so glad I kept with the English classes, and my beautiful wife was my tutor. We married over the summer, and my parents and sisters were elated to see us so happy. Both Ivy and Peyton stood up with Ella, and Ella and her sister have grown so much closer over the year. It fills my heart with happiness and love. I truly am the luckiest man on the planet.

  “What are you two doing up?”

  I turn to find my gorgeous wife standing in the doorway, smiling at us. “We wanted to make sure the lights were on when everyone got up.”

  “You know,” Her smile is warm and soft as she looks at me. “You’re like a child when it comes to Christmas.”

  “Wonderful things happen at Christmas, you know that.”

  “You’re right, they do,” she says, and holds her hands out for Piper. I love how much they love e
ach other, and how much my own family loves my girl and my wife. We’ll be flying to Texas later in the week to have a second Christmas with them. No way were they going to let me get away with Christmas in California two years in a row.

  “Come here, chicken nugget,” Ella says, and I hand her over. She drops down onto the sofa.

  “Why are you really up?” I ask. She’s been so tired lately, going to bed early and sleeping in, I hadn’t expected to see her for hours.

  “Well,” she says, a grin on her face. “I was hoping to slip something into your stocking before you got up.” She stifles a yawn. “But I should have known you’d be up before me.”

  I sit on the floor in front of her and take Piper’s little hand into mine. “You don’t have to put anything in my stocking. I have everything I need right here.”

  “Oh, okay then. But it was something that you don’t have, and I thought you’d like it, but if you don’t want—”

  “I want.” I laugh. I really am like a kid at Christmas time.

  She laughs with me. “Close your eyes, Landon.”

  I do as she says.

  “Hold out your hand.”

  I hold my hand out flat and she places something on my palm. “Can I open my eyes now?”

  “I suppose.”

  I open my eyes and stare at the plastic stick sitting on my palm, a pink plus sign on it. It’s early, and my brain isn’t up to speed, so at first I don’t realize what I’m holding. I glance up at Ella, and the second I see the spark in her eyes, and the smile on her face, the pieces of the puzzle come together. Ella has been tired because she’s pregnant and carrying our child. How could I not have figured this out?

  “Ella…” I can hardly talk, as my heart hammers and tears fill my eyes.

  “You’re going to be a dad again,” she says, her chin quivering as emotions overtake her too.

  “Ella,” I say again and pull her into my arms. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Believe it, Dad.”

  “Dad,” Piper says, and we laugh.


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