Bartered: A Western Romance

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Bartered: A Western Romance Page 11

by Mary Wehr

  Jake pushed back his hat and chuckled. “Grace knows I want to sell the saloon and sees this as a chance to reform me. Every time I walk by the Blue Bonnet she sends Amelia out with some kind of homemade treat along with an invitation to supper, which I graciously decline. She tells me how going to church is a good way of cleansing one’s soul of sin.” He shook his head. “If I went to church the building would collapse.”

  “That’s not true. You’re not a bad man, Jake.”

  His eyes darkened. “Are you sure about that, Emmaline?”

  “Positive. You never answered my question.”

  “And what question was that?”

  “Why you didn’t accept Hank’s offer.”

  He shrugged. “That would’ve been the respectable thing to do and we both know I’m not a respectable man.” With ease, he flipped her over.

  Caught off guard, Emma pummeled his legs. “What are you doing?”

  “Spanking you for wearing this revealing dress and for not returning to the saloon with Trudy.”

  With her hair hanging in front of her face, Emma reached blindly for the wooden legs of the chair. She sucked in her breath when his hand moved along the small of her back down to the curve of her waist to rest on her belly.

  He hoisted her body against the solid warmth of his abdomen, keeping her restrained while his other hand caressed her bottom. She moaned and arched her back, seeking more of his touch. Instead, he slipped his hand lower and grabbed a fistful of material.

  “Jake, please not on the bare.” It was like talking to the wall. Her dress was pushed up and her bloomers pulled down to the backs of her knees. She was soundly trapped.

  “Why are you being punished?”

  “You tell me. I didn’t go out alone. I went with Trudy.”

  “And came back with Chad of all people.”

  A blaze of fire streaked across one cheek. She would not cry out and give him any satisfaction whatsoever. Another swat landed heavily on the other cheek and she barely managed to stifle a groan of pleasure.

  Emma called herself all kinds of crazy for craving the feel of his hand striking her naked bottom.

  “My, my, your ass sure has a nice glow,” he remarked, his tone fairly oozing with pride.

  “Admiring your handiwork?” Emma pouted.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” His hand skimmed over one nicely rounded cheek. “Emmaline, you have a gorgeous ass. Did a man ever tell you that?”

  “Of course not,” she fumed. “I don’t go around showing my behind to men.”

  “What about Mr. ‘believe you me’?”

  “I assume you’re referring to Chad Montgomery?”


  Despite her vulnerable position, Emma couldn’t pass up the chance to get even. “Not yet.”

  “You mean not ever.” As expected his hand fell heavily upon her bottom. “From now on you’ll be staying in the office.”

  “But what am I supposed to do to pass the time? At least upstairs I can occupy myself by doing the mending and washing.”

  “Sorry, but the girls will have to do their own mending or bring it down here. I can’t trust you so this is the way it’s going to be.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Emma lowered herself gently into the water. Her tender bottom could sure use a good soaking and she could use some time to gather her thoughts about Jake. She pulled her knees up and rested her chin on folded arms.

  He’d been absolutely livid when she came back to the saloon with Chad. He’d acted like a jealous suitor and now she had to stay in his office instead of sharing a room with Trudy. As far as she was concerned he was being way too protective. Either that or he was beginning to have feelings for her. She could only hope.

  Spying on Claire had been wrong but for some reason, she couldn’t tear herself away from watching the erotic scene taking place. How she longed to be the one who was on her knees and Jake the man towering above her with his hand tangled in her hair, demanding that she suck his cock.

  He’d be fully dressed while she was naked and vulnerable. He’d remind her how he was the one in charge and she had to be punished.

  An ache began to develop between her legs. Some of the stories the girls told her about what they did with the men they took upstairs had been downright shocking. She couldn’t imagine having a man’s face between her legs licking and sucking at her privates. It sounded dirty and yet highly arousing.

  When Jake’s finger had barely grazed her pussy during her first spanking she nearly shot through the roof. What would she do if he used his tongue down there?

  Emma allowed her knees to fall open. One finger flicked the swollen bud between her legs and she imagined Jake’s tongue lapping at her.

  “Oh, Jake,” she breathed.

  “Now ain’t this a pretty sight and it’s not even my birthday.”

  Startled, Emma lost her balance and slipped beneath the water. Within seconds she came up spitting like a wet wildcat. “Jake McCabe, how did you get in here? Get out this instant.”

  “I like it right here.” His eyes fell to her breasts.

  Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “You are a barbarian. I said get out.”

  “If you’re trying to hide those beauties it ain’t working and just for the record, I told you to latch the door. Besides, this is my place and I have no intention of leaving, so pretend I’m not here and carry on.”

  “I will not carry on,” Emma spat indignantly. “Could you please hand me my towel?”

  He acted as if he hadn’t heard a word she had said. “My naughty Emmaline, tell me what were you doing when you shouted my name? Were you playing with yourself?”

  “Absolutely not and you are a cad to even say such a thing.”

  Jake pushed away from the doorjamb and slowly approached the tub. Emma wrapped her arms around her knees and watched with bated breath as he knelt on the floor. One hand disappeared into the water. Long thick fingers touched her toes.

  “Don’t touch my toes,” she warned.

  Jake chuckled. “Ticklish, eh?”

  He continued to move his hand around beneath the water. Both shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows exposing powerful forearms. One hand was braced on the side of the tub to keep his balance while the other was still busy under the water.

  “What are you doing, Jake?”

  “I’m trying to find the soap. I thought I’d offer to wash your back.” His eyes glittered wickedly. “And perhaps your front.” He winked.

  His face was so close she could smell his male scent. His nose was straight, his mouth curved sensuously, and his jawline firm and strong. Their eyes met and held.

  “You do realize that I’m doing this for your own good.”

  “Doing what? Wanting to wash me like a child?” She could barely speak above a whisper.

  He waggled his brows. “I kind of like the sound of that, but I was talking about your new quarters. This way I can keep an eye on you. Chad could’ve easily overpowered you and forced himself on you.”

  He was questioning her ability to protect herself again. “Nonsense, it was broad daylight. He wouldn’t dare do such a thing with witnesses around.”

  “See, Emmaline, this is what I’m talking about. This is what I can’t seem to pound inside that pretty head of yours. People don’t give a shit around here. They ignore cries for help because they don’t want to get involved. Montgomery could’ve pulled you behind any one of these buildings and did who knows what to you.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to lose you, Emmaline.”

  “Do you worry about the other girls like this?”

  “The other girls are in my employ. As long as they’re back here on time for work, what they do and with whom is none of my business. It’s different with you.”

  “You really care about what happens to me.” It was more of a statement than a question and a spark of hope flared in her chest.

  “Absolutely.” He stood up. “If someth
ing happened to you I swear your mother would find a way to kick my ass from beyond the grave.” He propped his fists on his lean hips. “I can’t trust you to obey me, little girl, so from now on you’ll stay in my office.” He grabbed the towel. “Out with you now.”

  Hopes dashed, Emma got out of the tub, not caring that she was totally naked.

  He placed the towel around her without batting an eye. “You got fifteen minutes to get yourself together or I’ll do it for you.” He spun on his heel and left.

  Feeling numb about the sudden change in his demeanor, Emma dried off and slipped into her shirt and pants. When Trudy walked in she said, “I got some bad news.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Jake doesn’t trust me anymore so I have to stay in his office from now on.”

  Trudy’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “I knew seeing you in that dress would work him up into a lather. I’m going to miss you for sure, but just think about all the possibilities that will be at your disposal.”

  “Like what?”

  “Do I have to spell it out for you? Seduction. You’ll be alone with him in that itty bitty office. So what are you going to wear or not wear?”

  “Trudy, I could be totally naked and he wouldn’t give a hoot. All I am is a nuisance to the man.”

  “I’m not too sure about that,” Trudy replied with a shake of her head. “I see the way he looks at you.”

  “How does he look at me?”

  “Like a starving wolf ready to gobble you up. Come on, Emma. We’ve had some very interesting chats in this room. Surely between the two of us, we can think of some way to get him to notice you as a woman.”

  Emma opened her mouth, had a second thought and closed it again.

  “What were you about to say, Emma?”

  “Nothing. It’s a stupid idea.” She fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. After a while, Trudy followed suit. They both lay there in silence then Emma asked, “Have you ever tried to count the cracks in the ceiling?”

  “I don’t care about cracks in the ceiling, you silly goose. I want to know what you wanted to say before you chickened out.”

  “I didn’t chicken out.” Emma nibbled on her bottom lip. Seeing what she had in mind had been easy; she just wasn’t sure how to say the words out loud.

  “Fine. I guess you don’t trust me.” The loud sniff that followed sounded hollow and deliberate.

  “Don’t think I believe that line of bullshit you just threw at me,” Emma scolded. “Look, if you really want to know I’ll tell you.”

  “Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable,” Trudy argued.

  “Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat, do you want to know or not?” At Trudy’s nod, Emma looked her in the eye. “It’s a dream I have sometimes and it’s awfully dirty.”

  Trudy giggled. “I would hope so.”

  Before she lost her nerve Emma quickly revealed her dream. After she finished Trudy stared at her without saying a word. “I told you it was stupid.”

  “Stupid?” Trudy jumped off the bed and clasped her hands together. “I think it’s a marvelous idea and you’re right. It is dirty.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It was still early in the day when Emma made her way down the stairs. Her spirits were high. Even though she’d miss Trudy and their intimate and sometimes silly conversations, she looked forward to spending more time with Jake.

  Emma stopped to switch the small bag she carried to her other hand and saw Megan leaning against the railing with one stilettoed foot resting on the bottom step. The woman looked as if she wanted to rip someone’s hair out.

  Taking a deep fortifying breath, Emma continued down the stairs. Nothing was going to spoil her good mood. Not even Megan.

  “You’re a real piece of work, Emmaline. You act all virginal, but deep down all you want is Jake’s dick inside you.”

  Emma calmly set down her bag. “It’s not my fault your shameless attempts to get Jake into bed haven’t worked.”

  “Who says it didn’t? I know for a fact he and Dory fucked their brains out back when his father ran the place so why not have a go at me? But I’ll give you the same advice that Dory gave me. Jake’s still stuck on his ex-wife so don’t go having any high expectations, missy.”

  Emma’s highs spirits took a drastic dive.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Megan broke into a wide smile.

  “We were just having a friendly chat, is all. Ain’t that right, Emma? I mean, we don’t want to upset Papa Jake.”

  Emma mumbled something incoherent and picked up her bag. She watched Megan walk away with an exaggerated swing to her hips.

  One dark brow arched high, Jake asked, “Was she telling the truth?”

  “Would she lie to you, Papa Jake?” Emma snapped waspishly. Megan had accomplished what she set out to do. The image of Jake having sex with Megan had gotten to her more than she thought it would and the possibility that he could still be in love with Lucille hurt.

  He grabbed her small bag. “What’s got your bloomers in a wad all of a sudden?”

  “Just forget it, okay?”

  “Fine,” he fired back and left her standing there.

  Emma hurried to catch up to him and glared holes into his broad back. He unlocked the office door and waved her inside. “Come on, pick up your feet. This isn’t a jail cell.”

  “You’re such an arrogant man,” she threw over her shoulder.

  The door slammed shut. “Darn if you ain’t right about that.” He placed her bag on top of his desk and smiled.

  Emma thought for sure she’d swoon. He was positively gorgeous from head to foot and everywhere in between.

  “You need to smile more often, Papa Jake.”

  His smile changed to a scowl. “Are you going to tell me what Megan said or must I spank you until you do?”

  He was too close, way too close for her to breathe comfortably. His solid muscled body was just inches away from hers. He was a head or two taller but all his pertinent male parts managed to ignite every erogenous female part of her body.

  Since she wore no binding or corset, the material of his shirt rubbed against her bare nipples, which dampened her inner thighs.

  “It was nothing important.” She waited anxiously for him to go through with his threat.

  Jake pushed away from the wall and ran both hands through his hair. “I always worried about you and what you thought of me, Emmaline. I guess you’re surprised.”

  Emma nodded and he continued.

  “Sure I bitched about having to watch over you. I had things I wanted to do then you’d come along with your parents and I got stuck taking you to that damn swimming hole.” He chuckled. “I even got to thinking that you asked to go just to get on my nerves.”

  Emma couldn’t hide a grin even if she tried.

  He laughed out loud. “See, I was right.”

  Emma moved toward him. “I only wanted to be near you. You were—are my hero, Jake. A little girl’s dream of a dashing prince coming to her rescue on his fierce steed.”

  His expression darkened. “I’m no one’s hero, Emmaline. You’re thinking about a boy who no longer exists. You don’t know where my tastes lie when it comes to bedding a woman. You heard the girls tell you what I do when they don’t toe the line. For all you know I get off smacking a woman’s ass and hearing her scream in pain. You heard all the gossip about why my wife left me.”

  Emma shrugged. “I never believed for a second that you beat Lucille. As for the other thing...” Her face grew hot. “I have doubts about that too.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. You’re way too trusting, Emmaline. Remember when I told you I saw you at that swimming hole?”

  How could she forget? “I bet you thought I looked all gangly and had a good laugh when you got home.”

  Jake took hold of her chin and angled her head so she had no other choice but to look at him. “If that’s what you think about yourself then you gotta be delusi

  “Jake, I’m nowhere near as pretty as the women who work for you.” Her eyes lowered. “Or the ones you spend time with.”

  Jake swept her up in his arms and sat down with her on his lap. “Now listen here, young lady. You don’t need all that gook on your face to look beautiful. Furthermore, I didn’t laugh at you. I couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare at you and when you stepped out of the water soaked to the skin I broke out in a fuckin’ sweat. I couldn’t believe how much you’d grown. Your breasts were full and high with the most gorgeous nipples poking through your thin chemise.”

  Emma lowered her head onto his shoulder. “Amelia spent the night. The next day was so hot we decided to go for a swim before her pa came to take her home.”

  “I’m glad you did. The image of you stayed with me for a long time. I couldn’t move a muscle as I watched you get dressed.”

  “What about Amelia?”

  “I barely noticed her. My eyes were focused solely on you and those nice tits.”

  Emma gasped and tried to jump off his lap. He held her fast.

  “Now, now, little girl... Behave or I’ll turn you over my knee and paddle that sweet ass.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would and you know it.” He fingered her long curls. “We practically grew up together, Emmaline. The thoughts that went through my head when I saw you soaking wet were downright wicked. I could just imagine what your ma would’ve done had she been alive and somehow found out I saw you nearly naked.”

  “She trusted you to take care of her little girl and you did.” She tenderly touched the side of his face. “Jake, I’m not little anymore. I’m a grown woman and I think Ma would probably be happy that I lo—that we managed to remain civil to each other after all the stuff Pa put your father through.”

  “I never knew Dad was having problems until Lucille decided to end our marriage. I started going to the Long Horn and saw for myself. Let’s just forget it. You don’t have to hide anymore by wearing boys’ clothing.”

  “I wasn’t hiding.”


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