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Page 3

by Nicki Rowe

  “Oh, hush.”

  She sat on the edge of my bed and patted my hand with her frail one. “I'm happy you moved here, Caleb. I know that place was toxic for you and Jayson. I am glad you both are free.”

  I swallowed a lump in my throat, and just looked at her. I wasn't good with the sentimental stuff. I was awakward as hell, and I knew it. “Thank you,” I finally said.

  “You get up and go to the gym,” Greta said, changing the subject. “You gotta make room for all of that cinnamon and butter.”

  I finished my tea before getting up and changing my pajama pants out for some sweats. There was a mirror behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at the scars on my back. I had only seen them once before, and I refused to look at them again. The scars on my arms were a different story. They had mostly healed, and didn't look as bad; the small circles were faint against my pale skin. Some days when I was feeling brave I would even wear a short sleeve shirt, but most days I went with long sleeves, which had been hellish in Arizona. I would be boiling hot by ten a.m.

  I drove the short distance to the only gym in Glensville which was where everyone went to work out. Part of the gym was attached to the police station, and there were rooms where only the cops could go to train, but the rest of the gym was open to the public. There were a few rooms with machines and a room where yoga classes were held. I was on my way to the lockers when I just happened to look into the yoga room—which I had never done before and saw Edward doing the downward dog pose. I wasn't even going to think about why my cock twitched at seeing him in that pose. His round ass was in perfect view, and I couldn't help but stare. My palm twitching to swat the perfect muscle pointing up in the air.

  He looked up and saw me staring at him in the mirror.

  “Hi, Caleb,” he said, turning to me. “Would you like to join me?”

  “I've never done yoga before.”

  He cocked his head to the side like he had the night before. “Would you like to learn? I can teach you a few simple poses.”

  I shook my head. There was no way I was coordinated enough for any of that. Edward just looked at me while he went into another pose; I didn't know what this one was called.

  “You're very flexible,” I commented because of course I did. I'm an idiot. I felt blush rise up in my cheeks. “I mean—”

  Edward chuckled. “Don't worry, Caleb. I'm not offended.”

  I just nodded.

  “Are you always this quiet?” Edward asked with another head tilt. Dammit, that head tilt did things to me. My cock stirred, and there was a demanding voice in my head that was telling me to fuck him fifty-two ways to next Sunday.

  “I'm just awkward.”

  “We're all a little awkward.”

  I opened my mouth to say I was more awkward than others when I heard my name being called. I looked behind me to see Lucky Dickson. He was shirtless and carrying a towel in his hand.

  “You coming to work out?” He asked.

  I nodded, bid Edward a good day and scurried away before I could say something else to embarrass myself.


  Damn, Caleb Samuels was fucking adorable. I never thought I would be one for the bookish type, but he was just so fucking cute I couldn't help but think about him when I had waken up that morning and again when I was driving to the gym.

  I hadn't expected to see him at the gym, and was surprised when I looked up and saw him checking out my ass in the mirror. I hid my smirk, I couldn't hide the fact that Caleb intrigued me. Whenever I was curious about something my head would cock to the side, and I was definitely curious about Caleb.

  Lucky had pulled Caleb away from me, and I seriously wished he hadn't. I wanted to talk to the quiet man more. I wanted to hear whatever other things would spill out of his mouth that caused his cheeks to go pink. I was never into quiet men before, but there was just something about Caleb that made me want to know more. He was quiet, but there was something in his eyes that told me there was a different side to him as well.

  I knew Caleb had to be cute if Diego kept harping on about how good looking he was, but I didn't know he would be drop dead gorgeous. He had light brown hair that when the light hit it right some of the strands turned gold. His eyes were a light brown, the color of amber. His nose was long, and straight, and perfect. His lips were full and I found myself wondering what they tasted like. His skin was milky white, and there was a small brown beauty mark above his lip. He didn't have a beard, but he wasn't clean shaven either. He wore dark colors, and for some reason that bothered me because I felt like it meant he was trying to blend in so no one whould notice him, but a guy like Caleb should be noticed. He was just so damn delectable to blend into the background.

  “So, you finally met?” Lucky said, hitching his hip on the doorway to the yoga room. “D's going to hound you for details.”

  “Diego is a pain in my ass,” I said affectionately. Diego was annoying in his pursuit to get me paired off with the gorgeous teacher, but I loved him.


  I shot Lucky a look. “You sound like Diego. You've been spending too much time with him since he and Carter got together.”

  Lucky snorted. “Just tell me what I want to know and I will go away.”

  I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Lucky was an overgrown child, and I knew he wouldn't make lightly on that threat. I was stuck with him until I told him my thoughts on the sweet, sexy teacher.

  “He's cute. Now go away.”

  Lucky just snorted again before pushing himself off the door frame. I had looked away from him to change poses and when I looked back he was gone. I rolled my eyes at the spot Lucky had been standing in. I knew I was not going to hear the end of this.

  ~ ~ ~

  I stood in the back of Raven's Moon doing inventory for Annie Boyson, my boss. She was a hippie that hated conformity and believed in most conspiracy theories. She reminded me of my mother, and I think that is why I liked her so much. I could hear Viola talking to a customer about the benefits of using ginger and baking soda to freshen your breath.

  “Who needs all those toxic chemicals in toothpaste?” she said.

  I smirked. Viola was always trying to get everyone in town to go all natural and care more about the Earth. So far, she's converted an eighth of the town. She told me that if she can get half of Glensville to go all natural then she could die happy.

  Raven's Moon was next door to the offices of Glen's Gazette. The store was one giant room painted in earth tones and smelled smoky, spicy and sweet. We sold everything from natural beauty products, healing crystals, books and tarot cards. We sold videos on yoga and tantric sex. Annie even offered couples wokshops in the large empty area at the back of the store.

  “You have a visitor,” Viola called from the front of the shop, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I stood and popped my back. I dropped the tablet I was doing inventory on and found Viola standing at the front of the shop with Caleb Samuels. To be honest I never expected to see Caleb in Raven's Moon. He looked out of place with his gray button down, tie and dark jeans. His hair was slicked back with product and his glasses were sliding down his nose. He also looked good—too good. I tried not to dwell too much on why my brain was going in that direction.

  It was the first day of school, and when I had picked up Cody earlier he said he had loved being in Caleb's class, Caleb didn't make him feel like a freak when he spit out random facts about things. I wanted to ask how Caleb's first day on the job was, but I was finding it hard to form words

  “Hey,” I finally said, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand nervously. “How are you?”

  “Good,” Caleb shuffled his feet, and he looked so shy, it was adorable.

  I found my mind wondering to what he looked like naked—what it would feel like to feel him inside of me. What it would be like for those soft hands to spank me and then soothe the pain away.....okay, no more thinking of that. Who even knew if he would be into all the kinky shit I was into
. He looked like he had never had nothing more than mediocre, vanilla sex.

  “What brings you here?”

  “I wanted—I wanted ta see if ya wanted ta go getta coffee with me,”

  “Okay,” I said, tilting my head to the side. God, that accent. It was definitely doing things to me. I hadn't stopped thinking about the adorable man since I had seen him the morning before at the gym. I was even thinking about asking him out myself. “When?”

  “Go now,” Viola said from over by the counter. “I got this. Annie will be in soon.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked her. We still had a lot of inventory to do, but what could a small coffee break hurt?

  Viola scoffed at me. “Get out of here, Edward. You can repay me by letting me read your tarot cards later.”

  I smiled at her gratefully. Caleb waited quietly while I punched out and grabbed my jacket. I liked that he was so quiet. I was pretty damn talkative, and I always dated talkative guys....well, the two guys I have dated in the past have been talkative. I found I quite liked caleb's shy quietness. It was refreshing.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  Caleb nodded and turned to open the door for me. He placed a hand on the small of my back as I brushed past him, and didn't remove it even as we walked down the street. Something about it felt sweet, yet possessive. I don't know if it was my own thoughts projecting themselves on Caleb, but something intrigued me about a quiet, soft spoken man being dominate and possessive.

  “Where did you move here from?” I aksed.

  “Arizona and before that I lived in Texas.”

  “And your family?”

  I felt Caleb stiffen beside me, and I knew I had broached a touchy subject. “Mom died when I was young. Father is—we're estranged.”

  I knew there was a story there, but I wouldn't push Caleb to tell me anything he didn't want to.

  “What about you?” Caleb asked. His hand slid up my back, and then down again. A trail of warmth followed his fingers, leaving my spine tingling. I tried not to shiver.

  “Born and raised here. After Mom and Dad died I thought about moving Cody up to Seattle, but I love this little town too much.” I smiled and looked around the square. It was true. I would probably die in this town, and I was okay with that. There were worse places to spend your life.

  “How did they die, if you don't mind my askin'?” Caleb asked. We had finally reached Greta's bakery, and he opened the door for me. His hand went to my back again as we made our way to the line. “I've heard stories....”

  Of course he did. No one in this town knew how to keep their trap shut. I saw Carter at one of the tables, waiting for Diego to get off. I waved at him as I gathered my thoughts.

  “You don't have ta answer,” Caleb said after a moment. I felt his hand sliding from my back.

  I took his hand and laced his fingers through mine. I was never one to hold hands or do much on a first date, but I felt like I had to touch Caleb. I needed the contact.

  “It was snowing and they skidded on a patch of ice. We were driving home from a cabin we had up in the forest, and Dad and Mom had been singing along with some old Grateful Dead song. They were hippies, hence why I am the way I am.” I chuckled, gesturing to myself. I was wearing my favorite multicolored poncho and threadbare vegan leather boots. “We flipped a couple of times into a ravine. The firefighters were able to get me and Cody out, no problem, but the front of the car had somehow wedged between two trees. Mom and Dad died instantly.”

  Caleb's face had turned ashen. “I'm so sorry.”

  “I heard you lost a friend in a car accident,” I said.

  Caleb nodded sadly, and his eyes seemed far away. “Ashley. She was Billy's mama.”

  I nodded. I know about Billy's mom. She and Jayson had Billy when they were only nineteen. One night they had all gone out when they were drunk and the car flipped. Ashley died, Jayson and Caleb had been okay, but Ashley's boyfriend had been paralyzed. Like I said small town, people talked.

  We finally made it up to the service counter and saw Diego beaming at us. He quirked an eyebrow, causing the light to catch off the two rings stuck through it.

  “Hi!” he said, “Is this a date?”

  I shook my head at my best friend. He truly was ridiculous. I saw Caleb blush beside me.

  “Leave 'em alone, baby!” Carter called from the front of the bakery.

  There were several people in the bakery, and they were watching the exchange with curious smiles.

  My friends were definitely crazy. Diego and Gabe were loud, and when we all got together in one room there was no stopping the whirlwind. I had met everyone through Viola and Diego. Of course I had seen them around town, but I had never really talked to any of them. I had mainly kept myself to myself. Cody had always been my top priority, and making friends really wasn't. But now I was surrounded by people who cared about me, and they all offered to watch Cody if I needed it.

  “Yes,” Caleb said beside me, his voice taking on a deep, commanding tone that made me shiver. Yes, there was something very dominate about the quiet man beside me. “How are ya, Diego?”

  “Fine. Can't wait to go home. Jayson has been working me to the bone.”

  “I told ya, ya'll can go!” Jayson called from the kitchens. “I got everything handled.”

  Diego just rolled his eyes. “What can I get you guys?”

  “Coffe for me, lots of sugar,” Caleb said. “Edward?”

  “Green tea. Strong,” I said, pulling out my wallet.

  Soft fingers brushed my hands, holding them still. Caleb slid some cash across the counter at Diego with the other hand. “I got this.”

  “Please, let me pay.”

  Caleb quirked an eyebrow at me. “It's just a tea, Edward.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “I'll get the next one.”

  “Sure,” he said, but I had a feeling he was probably going to fight me on it.

  We slid down the counter to wait for our drinks. Caleb's hand was on my back again.

  “How did you get into yoga?” Caleb asked.

  I looked up into his light brown eyes to find him looking down at me with an expression I couldn't read. “I grew up with it. Mom was a yogi and part-time waitress at The Diner, and I would sit in on her classes. Dad was an author and amateur magican.”

  Caleb smiled. “They sound interesting.”

  I returned his smile with a sad one of my own. “They were. They would have liked you.”

  Caleb blushed.

  “Here you go!” Diego said cheerfully, passing our drinks over the counter. “Now I am going to call both of you tomorrow. I want details.”

  We both rolled our eyes at him, and found a table in a semi private corner.

  “What do you like to do in your free time?” Caleb asked, sipping his coffee.

  “Read, mostly. I don't have a lot of free time. I have to work a lot to take care of Cody.”

  “You're really great with him.”

  I smiled proudly. “Cody's always been able to take care of himself. He's never really needed me. I think he's the one who takes care of me.”

  Caleb laughed. When he sobered he looked at me with a sparkle in his light brown eyes that made me smile.


  “I read too. Sometimes I go to church.”

  “I didn't peg you as religious,” I answered honestly.

  Caleb shrugged. There was a pained look in his eye. “I used to be when I was younger. Church every Sunday, and all of that. My father is a pastor, so I grew up in a church.” Caleb looked away from me, and out the window. His eyes looked far away. Something had caused him pain, and I was betting his father disowned him when he found out Caleb was gay. I inwardly growled at that. Anyone who would cast Caleb aside was a fucking idiot.

  I reached across the table and squeezed Caleb's fingers gently. “You don't have to tell me anymore.”

  “I don't go every Sunday anymore,” he said when he looked down at our intertwined hands. “Just eve
ry once in awhile. The church on Avenue B and Eighteenth are excepting of all types of people. I go in there every so often just to listen to the sermon and talk to God.”

  “You believe in God?”

  Caleb shrugged. “I think so. I don't believe in the God my father believes in—the one that hates anyone that is different or gay—I believe in a God that loves all His creatures no matter what.Who knows maybe God isn't a He at all and is a She. I believe the notion that God is love.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “I definitely didn't think we were going to be talking about religion on the first date.”

  Caleb smiled. “What about you? Do you believe in God?”

  I shook my head, and then cocked it to the side. “I grew up Atheist. Is that going to be a problem?”

  Caleb shook his head. “Not for me. Like I said, I'm not all that religious anymore.” He gave me a hungry look. “Do you know how adorable you look when you cock your head to the side like that?” he asked, and then he blushed.

  Heat bloomed low in my belly, and I felt my cock twitch.

  “I normally don't kiss on the first date,” Caleb said before I could repsond. “But I would really like to kiss you right now.”

  Without a word, I stood and rounded the table. I sank to my knees in front of him, and pulled him to me by his tie. His lips were soft, and tasted like coffee. His hands went to my hair as his tongue explored my mouth. The kiss was somewhere between soft and rough, like he was trying to maintain control on himself. But I wanted him to lose that control. I wanted to see if he could be dominate like I was assuming he could be. I moaned when I felt his hands fist in my hair, and I wished he would give it a gentle tug. He sucked my bottom lip in between his teeth, and I felt my body arch up into him. My cock was definitely responding, and pleading at me to take this further. His thighs clamped around me, and if I moved just slightly I could brush against his bulge.


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