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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  One after the other, our trays landed on the table, surrounding her.

  Her hand clenched.

  If she made a scene, it would be all over the school. No one here would dare share a video or even take one. Allowing evidence to leave school grounds was a death sentence.

  She looked so fucking angry and cute. I loved watching her.

  “This isn’t funny,” she said.

  “I’m not laughing.” I grabbed my orange juice, gave it a shake, took the cap off, and drank. I enjoyed the refreshing drink.

  Her jaw clenched. She wasn’t happy and I liked that. Did we unnerve her? I hoped so.

  “You did this on purpose so I couldn’t leave.”

  “And how are you liking it so far?” Gael asked.

  “I should have let that son of a bitch kill you.” She stabbed her fork into her fries and she shoved them into her mouth. Then she picked up a napkin, wiping the corner of her mouth where ketchup had gathered.

  Didn’t she realize how fascinating she was?

  “But you didn’t,” Gael said.

  “And you want to know why.” She laughed. “Wow, I’m suddenly Miss Popular because I didn’t allow your brains to blow all across the pavement.”

  “Why do you have a knife?” River asked.

  It was at that moment I saw him holding her blade. She noticed it as well. She dropped her fork and glanced past our shoulders.

  “You know it’s dangerous to keep your backs to everyone. People here would love the opportunity to take one of you out.”

  “Apart from you,” I said.

  “Maybe I killed him for me. You ever thought about that?” She looked at each of us in turn.

  I laughed. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Stop being a pain in the ass,” she said. “He could have raped me and we all know what that means for me.” Her face had gone a nice shade of red. She hated it just as much as we did, but she’d just confirmed what I already knew. She was a virgin.

  So sweet and so cute.

  But also deadly.

  A heady combination.

  She wouldn’t be the kind of wife who would scream or cry in the bedroom. Emily was a fighter. In our world, raped meant damaged goods. Of course, her father would put up a nice show, but any prospects she had would disappear. Most of the men in our world only wanted a virgin.

  “Eat,” Vadik said.

  “I only have one boss in my life. I don’t need another.”

  “Eat,” Gael said.

  I smiled and it grew wider as River followed.

  “Eat,” River said.

  They waited for me. I looked at Emily.

  “Eat,” I said.

  All four of us. Our own silent communication. All four of us wanted Emily. She intrigued us and with Vadik being the first to commit, it meant this was a sure deal.

  What Emily didn’t know was she was going to be ours, all four of ours. She was now under our protection. She would be safe and there would be no reason for her to look over her shoulder.

  “I take orders at home. Not at school. Next time there’s a gun pointed at your head, I’ll make sure they paint the streets red with your blood.” She picked up her tray and marched away.

  Again, silence rang out as she tipped her food into the trash bin.

  She was going to be a challenge, but the excitement rushing through me told me I was so looking forward to it.

  Chapter Five


  I hated home more than I hated school.

  I wasn’t safe in any one place, and because of this, I’d arranged my bedroom to offer me as much protection as possible, not that it would do me any good.

  Sitting at my desk pointed toward the doorway, I saw my brother standing there. One hand in his pocket, the other holding a lighter.

  I stopped doing my homework and watched him instead. Peter had never hurt me unless our father had ordered him to. No man should allow a female to walk all over them, that was what my father said. You needed to learn young that a woman’s place was to be silent and in bed.

  “How was school?” he asked.


  “Rumor has it that the Monsters were attacked the other day.”

  “Then you know if it’s a rumor, it’s true.”

  “I was doing the math,” he said, entering my bedroom. He went to the edge of my bed, sitting down.

  There was a time we were the best of friends. Even as he sat down, I remembered all the times he’d make me laugh. A little girl getting tickled by her brother, or playing hide and seek. I was damn good at hiding. I knew how to move around this house without anyone noticing. I was pretty sure I could blend into the walls and hear all of my dad’s secrets.

  The caring brother I loved was gone. He’d grown up and was now more and more like our dad.

  Only right now, he had this caring look on his face, which I hated. I wanted to trust it, but I’d learned long ago not to trust anyone. I was on my own. It was why the new blade in my drawer called to me.

  There were so many nights I had thought about ending it. Just putting the tip into my flesh, opening up so the blood could leak out, taking my miserable existence along with it.

  “I was doing the dates in my head, and it was the same day that you were late home,” he said.

  “I wasn’t late, Peter. My driver was. I was right on time.”

  “You were right. You know what I find interesting, along with all the cleanup, the security tape has also gone missing, and we all know how important the Monsters’ protection is. It’s not the first time they’ve been attacked, and their dads like to gather as many allies as they can.”

  I put my pencil down.

  Years of training had stopped me from showing how nervous I was. “What are you trying to say?” I asked.

  Peter smiled. “You know one of my fondest memories was when you would giggle. It didn’t matter how long we’d heard our parents yelling at each other, or we’d seen him slap our mom, I would seek you out. Tickle you or tell you a stupid joke and you’d laugh.”

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “I miss it.” He dropped his head down, looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

  “I need to do my homework,” I said.

  That girl was gone. She’d died many years ago when the reality of who she was and the prison she lived in became apparent.

  “I know something went down that day. I’m not saying anything to Dad, but if it did, then you need to be careful around the Monsters. They’re not good people.”

  “And we are?” I asked. “I seem to recall coming home this evening to another doctor visit, Peter. That doesn’t make us good people. We’re just as bad as them.” There was no way I could ever accept that we were good.

  I couldn’t believe it when I walked home and there was the doctor, looking irritated once again. These visits were coming more regular as I got closer to graduation. This only confirmed my worst fears. They had found me a husband. One who wanted to make sure I stayed untouched.

  I fucking hated it.

  “Dad got a call from the driver. He said a boy was paying particular attention to you.”

  I laughed. “I’m starting to think this is my driver’s way of getting his kicks. I don’t get it. Why do I get punished and yet every time he’s proven wrong, he gets nothing?”

  Peter opened and closed his mouth. There was nothing for him to say because I was right, and he was so very fucking wrong.

  “That won’t happen again.”

  “Because you’re going to side with me over Dad? Please. I wasn’t born yesterday.” I didn’t want him here. “I really need to finish my assignment.”

  Peter nodded. “One day, I hope you find the chance to giggle again.”

  I didn’t laugh. Any sound of amusement that came from my lips was all fake. Happiness was an emotion I wasn’t allowed.

  My brother left my bedroom and I wished I could breathe easier, but I couldn’t. I got back
to my homework, hoping the distraction would be enough to help me through it. The sick feeling was back. The tension mounting.

  At some point, I heard the doorbell rang. I’d stopped checking to see who it was long ago. My presence was never required, and if my dad needed or wanted me, I was always marched to where he requested me.

  I finished all of my homework and put it back in my bag.

  With that done, I walked to my window and looked out over the garden. We had two guards patrolling the grounds, not that it was a mansion like the four main houses that dominated this small town.

  This also wasn’t the smallest house either.

  At the sound of a throat clearing, I turned to see Irene standing there, hands clasped firmly together. My dad punched her in the face three days ago, and still, she had a smile on her lips and was more than happy to serve.

  I hated this life.

  No, I hated my father. If I was a man, I’d have killed him.

  “Dinner is served, Miss Emily.”

  Tapping my fingers against my thigh, I thought about complaining of a stomachache, but I would be hurt for it. If my dad had sent Irene, it meant this was a demand.

  I followed behind her, playing the meek young woman I’d been trained to be. My mother was useless. She was probably in some part of the house, passed out on pills and vodka, her poisons of choice.

  My shock came in double time as I arrived at the dining room table. My father glared at me, his gaze staring down at my modest dress. Within his walls, I wasn’t allowed a pair of jeans or a shirt. My wardrobe was dresses. A woman was only ever granted those. Even my mom, when she was having one of her blank days, had to look the part.

  Speaking of, my mother sat at the dining room table, looking very much involved.

  It didn’t surprise me, what did were the other eight occupants. Each of the Monsters’ Crew and their fathers.

  “I’d like you all to meet my daughter, Emily.” My father moved toward his left side, pulling out a chair for me to sit.

  Now the sickness was in my throat. I didn’t give anything away, though. I walked toward him. He helped me into the seat, his hand going to my arm, his nails digging into my flesh, providing me with a warning. I was to play the meek girl, or else I’d suffer. I was going to get a beating just because I wasn’t wearing a nice-enough dress.

  The Monsters here were like royalty and I had fucked up.

  “Is that necessary?” Caleb asked.

  I shot my gaze toward him. He pointed at my father’s hand on my arm.

  “I find that action rather distasteful, Bernard,” Mr. Falls said.

  “My apologies, Daniel,” my father said.

  “Mr. Falls, Bernard. You do not have the rank or title to be on first-name terms,” Mr. Falls said.

  With a quick glance around the table, I could see the amusement on every single person’s face.

  This wasn’t good. I would pay for this.

  Still, my dad let go of my arm as if he’d been burned. I wished this was progress, but they would leave soon and I’d be alone to face his wrath.

  “Of course.”

  Mr. Falls, within a matter of seconds, had embarrassed my father and his position.

  I wanted to know why they were all here, why now. This wasn’t good.

  Our staff filled the silence by bringing in the food. It didn’t matter what they had made, I wouldn’t be able to eat a whole lot of it. I took a deep breath. I had learned how to control myself without drawing attention. The tightening in my stomach made me even more uncomfortable.

  “This looks like good food,” Mr. Keller, Vadik’s dad, said.

  “We do have a stunning cook,” my dad said.

  This was so fucking awkward. I chanced a look at my brother, but he didn’t give anything away. Why the hell were the Monsters here? I didn’t get it. There was no way I’d look in their direction.

  “It is so wonderful to have guests here,” my mother said.

  “You don’t have many?” This came from Vadik’s dad.

  “Oh, I, you see, I sometimes get sick,” my mother said. Her cheeks turned a different color.

  “My son tells me you’re amazing at school,” Gael’s father said. “I hope my son doesn’t give you any trouble.”

  I had no idea what universe I’d stepped into.

  “I don’t know about amazing, but I do try hard,” I said, pushing my food around my plate. This wasn’t fun, not even slightly fun. There was no mention of me going to college. The chance would be a fine thing.

  My mom giggled. “Oh, Emily is such a wonderful girl and student. We never have any trouble from her. I believe she’s going to become a fine artist.”

  At that moment, I put some food into my mouth, only to cough at the stupidity of it.

  “You draw?” Vadik’s dad asked.

  I nodded.

  “You must be proud, Bernard,” Mr. Falls said.

  This was too much. They all knew why my dad wanted me to be in art class. My mom wasn’t a fool.

  “Vadik’s really good. He takes art class with me. I’ve never seen any of his drawings, but our teacher loves him.”

  This didn’t please my dad, his white knuckles a clear indication.

  Mr. Keller gripped his son’s shoulder. I didn’t know what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t pride.

  “I’m glad. His mother and I don’t know where his talent came from, but he has been approached to do a couple of commissions.”

  Vadik nodded, seeming to play the part of doting soon.

  This was just a little too much for me.

  Fortunately, the dinner was finished, leaving just enough time for dessert, not that I’d be able to eat the molten chocolate pudding.

  We were not normal.

  Our families were neighbors, but I knew the true depth of pain they could all inflict. All it would take was a single bullet and my dad would be dead. A snap of their fingers, and my life could be over.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be so bad. I’d stop worrying about the next punch.

  My dad never apologized. There was no guilt here. My mom once told me it would be good for me so I could get used to it. What kind of real mother told her daughter that? I stopped watching movies because of this. Now, I only read study books. Never giving myself a chance to dream of a life away from this.

  I was in this for life. My only out was certain death.



  Emily hated us, and I found it the cutest thing.

  After the disaster of the dinner and dessert, my dad had been the one to speak up first. They wanted to chat with her father, giving us the perfect opportunity to get Emily alone.

  We weren’t going to tell our fathers about what happened, but seeing as Emily was rarely alone, we didn’t have much choice. Caleb was already working on getting us all transferred into her classes.

  Right now, all four of us followed her down the garden path, toward the fountain. The guards had been advised to keep their distance. Even her brother had been warned away.

  I didn’t like any of the Crane men. Her mother was useless as well. It didn’t take a genius to work out her mom was a drunk and addicted to pills.

  “What is going on?” Emily asked when we got to the fountain edge. It was small, though. My house had one twice the size with naked nymphs spitting water out of their mouths. This just had a circular pillow with water spilling out of the top. There was still enough water to drown a person in, so there was that.

  “Nothing,” Caleb said.

  “That’s not nothing. Not once have you or your parents come here. Do you have any idea what you could be doing right now?” Her gaze went to the house.

  I looked back but didn’t see anyone spying on us. Just because I couldn’t see them didn’t mean they didn’t exist, and with the way she reacted, I guessed it happened a lot. Her life was so carefully structured.

  After we made the decision to tell our fathers in one meeting exactly what
happened, they had done the rest.

  Emily was engaged to be married, but she wasn’t aware of the person. We were. He was a wealthy man in his thirties who had a reputation for liking them young. The contract Bernard Crane had signed was for Emily to stay a virgin and three days after graduation, for nearly ten million, she would belong to this tycoon. Only, the man in question dealt in human flesh. He made his money through selling women, trading them, but to the outside world, he dealt in yachts and real estate.

  We all had two sides. The side we really were and the façade.

  The truth was fear, greed, sex, and money made the world go around. We were just masters of them all.

  Vadik took a step forward, as did Caleb. They grabbed her arms, and River pressed the blade against her neck. I happened to notice it was a dull blade. She wriggled, but I pulled her dress up, exposing the bruises across her stomach and the scars from being whipped one too many times.

  We knew.

  We all let go and she lunged at me first, slamming her fist against my face. I accepted the first blow, but when she went to kick me in the junk, that was unacceptable. I grabbed her arms, spun her around so her body was against me.

  She growled. “I fucking hate you.”

  “You can hate us all you want, but what if I was to tell you we could stop those beatings right now? Today.” It was already happening, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “I think you’re all fucking joking. We all know the truth of what goes on behind closed doors. You leave, and I become his own personal punching bag.” She tried to wriggle out of my arms.

  Each move brought her ass close to my cock, and I had to say, I really did like the feel of her surrounding me. So fucking hot and sweet all at the same time. She made me ache for her. I hadn’t even gotten her naked and I knew I wanted her skin to skin. To feel those big tits of hers rubbing across my chest as I fucked her. Her hips would be more than a generous handful.

  “Let her go,” Caleb said.

  “I’m having so much fun.” I grunted as pain shot through my foot where she stomped on it.

  I let her go and she stood in the circle, facing us. “Look, I don’t know what any of this is, okay? I don’t need your help and I don’t want it.” She ran her fingers through her hair, looking up at the house. “I don’t want my father to know what happened. He’ll be pissed because I didn’t say anything.”


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