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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  The cheerleaders stayed near me. They were so close I could smell their perfume. The only reason they stayed close, was yep, the Monsters surrounded me. Gael on one side, River the other, Vadik behind, with Caleb a little in the front.

  I always paced myself during running. There was no easy way to get through it.

  For an hour, we’d have to run our asses off, and I knew there would come a point when it would be a slow walk, but then Avery would yell, and I’d try to run again.

  By lunchtime, I’d be starving.

  I hoped I’d be able to eat. If I felt sick, it would be impossible for me.

  “So, you’re now all in my gym class?” I asked.

  “You got it, babe.”

  “Do you guys even go to gym?” I was already out of breath, but they appeared to be in their element. It made me hate them just a little bit more.

  My heart raced.

  “If you’re asking if we can handle this, see for yourself,” Caleb said.

  He’d turned so he ran backward.

  “Are you flirting with me?” The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

  “You tell me. I must be rusty if you have to ask.” Caleb winked at me.

  “Are you wearing a sports bra?” Gael asked.

  I looked toward him then wish I hadn’t as he stared down at my chest.

  “How old are you?” I asked. You’d think guys would grow out of mocking a girl for her tits bouncing in senior year. All of that shit should have ended ages ago.

  “I’m eighteen, and believe me, I do not have a problem with what I’m seeing.”

  Now it was my turn to be embarrassed.

  I looked away from him and focused on the ground instead.

  For ten minutes, I was able to keep it up, but after that, I was sweating buckets. I would have to use the shower, and that meant I’d wait until all the other girls had left, and I’d arrive late at lunch.

  Great, just great.

  I was starving already, sweaty.

  The Monsters weren’t helping me at all. There was no way I could enjoy this. Not with them hovering over my shoulder like they owned the place. They did, but that was beside the point.

  I couldn’t help but think about the blade I had stored back in my drawer at home. With Vadik in my room last night, there was no way for me to use it. I’d have loved to, though. To put the tip to my wrist, to slice it on through so my dad’s plans would be forever broken. The last person I wanted to see win was that man. He deserved to suffer and I was more than happy to go along with those plans.

  It was all I could think about at this time. To see him suffer.

  Would it be possible to ruin his future with the help of the Monsters? Could I use these four guys to do that? What would be so wrong with having sex, kissing, being a teenage girl just once?

  My thoughts got the better of me and I tripped over my feet. I would’ve gone face-first to the ground if it wasn’t for Caleb catching me.

  “You better be careful. Otherwise, I’m going to have to make a habit of being in front of you all the time.”

  That smirk. They all had one, it was just a different level of crazy. I pulled myself away from him, brushed down the front of my uniform, and kept on running.

  No matter how deadly or dangerous these guys were, I wasn’t going to use them for my own personal gain. I wasn’t my dad, and I never would be.



  “She’s playing hard to get,” River said.

  We leaned against the wall outside of the changing rooms. Gym had ended ten minutes ago. Most of the girls had left, but there was no sign of Emily. I’d been the one showered and dressed fastest out of the guys, so I would have known if she’d snuck out.

  She’d been sweaty so she’d have no choice but to shower.

  After another couple of minutes passed with no sign of her, I’d seen enough. Even as Caleb called my name, I stepped into the changing room.

  Most of the locker doors were open, but one was still locked, and I’d have to bet it was Emily. The sound of a shower running confirmed it. Even if my boys thought this was a bad idea, they didn’t stay outside waiting for me. They followed right behind me.

  I was used to making an entrance. We all were, but right now, we were all trying to be silent.

  A small hum could be heard over the spray of the water. Coming to a stop at the entrance of the shower, I paused. There, in the corner, stood Emily. She was completely naked, showcasing the curves of her ass and thick thighs. She turned a little. Her eyes were closed, and she tilted her head back, giving us a beautiful view of her body.

  I looked my fill. My dick was already hard. Big tits, a rounded stomach with a bruise. Where clothes would cover her, her skin had different shades of bruising. Even her arms above the sleeve line of her shirt had finger marks.

  She turned again and that was when I saw the lines across her back. They weren’t recent, but it showed she’d been whipped, possibly with a belt. The scars had healed but it had been deep.

  I had similar marks due to my training. My father liked to get his men to beat me, to break me down until I was nothing more than an animal, and I was to fight my way out. From what I could gather, my grandfather had done the same to him. I hoped my dad didn’t expect me to kill him like he did his father. It would be the full circle, one I refused to repeat. You could make men strong without turning them almost feral to do it.

  It was why I didn’t like talking so much. Words got people killed. Those marks on her body, I just knew came from her father. I’d hated the bastard on sight but now, seeing this, knowing he was hurting her, well, it pissed me off even more. One day, I was going to kill that fucker, and when I did, it was going to be with a smile on my face.

  As I looked at Emily, I knew she was a goddess, and I believed now more than ever that she was sent down for us. Her body, her attitude, we could tame her, but also nurture her. She’d been hurt a lot in her life, and with us, we’d be able to tame that beast swirling within her.

  I’d been so focused on her ass, I hadn’t realized the shower turned off or Emily had caught sight of us. She screamed, grabbing a towel.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  I hadn’t heard her talk a whole lot but I love the way fuck rolled off her tongue. It was sexy as fuck.

  She pressed her towel to her, trying to keep herself covered.

  Gael slid right on past me. “We were waiting for you,” he said.

  “Not here. Not now. Get the hell out. I can’t believe you. Spying on me.” She stepped away from Gael, but I decided to have some fun and moved toward her other side, keeping her trapped. River followed Caleb, closing the space until we were within touching distance. We could have so much fun with her, and I wanted to. I saw the way her pulse beat rapidly against her neck.

  So tender.

  So delicate.

  Caleb was the first to reach out and cup her cheek.

  She backed away. “I’ll scream.”

  “Please do,” Gael said.

  “So this is what the all mighty Monsters do? They corner a girl in the shower and what? Rape her?”

  Caleb laughed. “I don’t need to use force to get what I want, but you, Emily, you have certainly been a surprise.”

  The passion in his voice was clear to hear. We were all feeling it. All of this was inspired by her. Our woman.

  “I don’t like this. Please, leave.”

  Caleb ran his thumb across her lips. “But I don’t think you want us to leave. Your mouth speaks shit your body doesn’t want.”

  “What? Every girl wants you so you assume I do as well?”

  “Not every girl gets us,” Gael said.

  “I don’t want to play this game.”

  “The only way you’re going to get past us is with a kiss.”

  “A kiss?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’ll allow you to leave, but you have to pick one of us to kiss.”

  It didn’t
matter who she picked. All it meant was by the time this kiss ended, they’d be at the end of the line until next time.

  “A kiss. To allow me to get changed and to go to lunch?” she asked.


  “That’s it. A kiss?”

  “Yes. Do we have a deal?”

  She shook Caleb’s hand. “Deal.” She turned toward me and placed a kiss on the tip of my nose, shocking me. “You never specified how I was to kiss. Will you break your word?”

  Caleb chuckled and moved out of the way.

  Even with the towel, it wasn’t much for modesty.

  My nose fucking tingled from that kiss.

  We followed her out toward the lockers and she turned with a glare.

  “Seriously, can I have some privacy?”

  “The bruises,” River said. “Your dad has been following our instructions?”

  She snorted. “Yes, of course, and if I know my dad, he’ll be figuring out ways to make sure you don’t do shit about it.” She tightened the towel around her body before reaching into her locker, pulling panties on, and sliding them up her thighs.

  I wanted to spread them wide, to lick at her pussy, to taste her and hear her screams as she came against my tongue. Instead, I had to watch item by item be pulled on. When it came to the bra, she managed to clip it on over her towel, slide the towel out, and secure those tits away from my sight.


  Next, she buttoned up her shirt.

  “You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” she said.

  Caleb laughed and I followed suit.

  “No, Emily, you need to realize you have no idea who you’re dealing with. Next time, that kiss you think you’ve won will occur on your pussy and you’ll be riding one of our faces while the others watch.” Caleb invaded her space, took her face in his hands, and slammed his lips down on hers.

  She tried to pull back, but Caleb didn’t let her go. He punished her by making her ache for him.

  I smiled as I watched her hands go from clenched fists to softened grips on Caleb’s arms. She wasn’t as elusive as she made out to be.

  The sound of her stomach rumbling filled the silence.

  “It’s time to get you to eat.”

  River closed her locker while Gael picked up her bag.

  “You guys aren’t going to stop this, are you?” she asked.

  “Nope. We’re by your side for the considerable future.”

  She sighed. “If I’d let Gael die, would you have left me alone?”

  This had us all pausing.

  Caleb, like always, took the lead. “I guess we’re never going to know the answer to that.” He winked at her.

  We could be like this, playful, teasing. But there was another side to us that I hoped she never got to see anytime soon.

  I followed close behind as we walked into the cafeteria, Gael still carrying her bag. Caleb and I went to our table, leading Emily right beside us.

  Silence met our entrance and continued as we sat together.

  “What are you guys fucking staring at?” Gael asked. He’d jumped the line and had two trays loaded with food.

  Everyone instantly started to look elsewhere. Gael put the trays on the table with a clatter and gave a once-over to make sure no one stared. River joined us a couple of seconds later, laughing.

  “I’m guessing this is the best thing since the latest reality show,” River said.

  I grabbed the fries with the chili on. I had a thing for spice. I craved it nearly every single day.

  After I pushed my plate a little toward Emily, she took what I offered, closing her eyes as she chewed. “Yum.”

  Caleb put the burger in front of her. River went for the salad with beef. I stayed with my chili fries.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Gael asked.

  “Let’s see, it’s like every night. I’ll get picked up, go home, and do homework.” She didn’t say anything else.

  I was curious about the doctor visits. I wanted to know more.

  “Not tonight,” Gael said. He pulled out his cell phone and typed on it. “Already arranged. My dad is handling it.”

  “You can’t do this,” she said.

  “Do what? Give you a life that’s a little more exciting than going home to your dad and doing homework? You do know you’re not going to college, right?” Gael asked.

  She shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong with getting perfect grades.”

  “And there’s nothing wrong with having some fun. We’re going to show you how to party.”

  We started eating again, but I saw Emily’s hands clenched together. Her knuckles white.

  “What happens after?” she asked. “What happens when you have your fun? You dump me on the ground like you did Lauren, what then?”

  “Not going to happen,” Gael said. “You’re different and you know that.”

  “All I know is you guys are used to getting your own way. You leave a trail of crap in your wake and don’t think about the people you screw over while you do.” She got to her feet and without another backward glance, left the cafeteria.

  Picking up a fry, I got to my feet. Art class was the one place I’d have her all to myself. My boys could do a lot of things, but drawing wasn’t one of them. They were a lot like Emily.

  I held my hand out for the backpack. “See you in an hour,” I said.

  Walking out of the cafeteria, I left it to the guys to get shit in order. We didn’t need people thinking they could start stepping all over us.

  The art room was the only place Emily would go. When I arrived, I found her slumped outside of the room, her head in her hands.

  “You’re not going inside?” I asked.

  “I’d rather stay out here.”

  Stepping over her, I checked through the glass and sure enough, her father had the art teacher naked and was fucking her like a mad dog.

  “Wow,” I said. “I thought he waited ’til parent-teacher night.”

  “Clearly he’s pissed with everything going on.”

  I slid down the wall, sitting beside her.

  “What’s it like to be able to do everything you want?” she asked. “Without someone waiting to hurt you?”

  I laughed. “I’m sorry. You think we don’t suffer? You think it’s easy for us?”

  “You walk around school like you own the place. You don’t ever have to worry. Your lives are your own.”

  “No, they’re not. We don’t have to stick to the strict rules like you do. We’re different there, but that doesn’t mean our lives are easy. They’re not. It’s fucked up in a big way. We could be forced into an arranged marriage.” I doubted my dad would do it. If you had to stay with a nag, you may as well stay with one you loved, or at least cared about.

  Something bound our fathers together. I wasn’t an idiot, I knew friendship went a whole lot deeper for our dads. It kept them loyal to one another. It shouldn’t have worked. Four men at the top, but they’d made it work.

  “I sometimes think about … taking control myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

  She wasn’t going to talk to me. Emily had been hurt too badly by those closest to her, and the only way to fix that kind of damage was to help heal her.

  To help, I took hold of her hand, locking out fingers together. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

  Chapter Eight


  My driver not being there at the end of the day shouldn’t have made me smile, but it did.

  Gael, Caleb, River, and Vadik were waiting for me.

  I also noticed half of the school had stuck around to see what was going on. They wanted to know everyone’s business.

  There were only three cars, which told me one of them rode with a friend.

  “Seeing as Caleb and Vadik have already had kisses from you, I think it’s only fair I take you on a journey,” Gael said.

  I held on to my bag. While wa
iting for my dad to be done screwing his latest mistress, I’d nearly spilled my dark secrets to Vadik. No matter how close they came, I wasn’t going to let any of these guys know what I wanted out of life. What I used to hope for. They were nothing more than empty dreams with no way of ever seeing them through. I accepted that, which was why I had the trusty knife.

  River had moved to Gael’s car as well but he opted for a seat in the back.

  “You’re not planning on killing me, are you?” I asked.

  “Not today.” Gael winked. “Come on, beautiful. Have a little faith.”

  I rolled my eyes and stepped toward them. I let Gael take the bag, which he popped into the trunk of his car.

  Bare without the protection, I climbed into the front seat, being careful to keep my skirt in place. I didn’t want to live too dangerously.

  “Stage one complete,” he said, climbing behind the wheel. “Now, let’s go and have some fun. I think it’s time you learned to let loose.”

  I had a bad feeling about this.

  Reaching for the door handle, intending to get out, I cried out as the locks kicked into place. Gael was already pulling away from the school.

  I turned in my seat to see River holding the tip of a blade against his thigh.

  “That’s dangerous,” I said.

  “It’s not the first time I’d have stabbed myself and it’s not going to be the last.” He winked at me. “But I love that you care.”

  Vadik and Caleb were following us.

  “So, tell me, Emily. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?” Gael asked.


  “I’m going to guess killing that guy, right?” Gael glanced at me. “If you’ve got nothing else, it had to be that loser.”

  “Do you have a point to this?” I reach out and grab the door handle.

  He pressed his foot to the gas, overtaking a minivan and a bus on a very narrow piece of road.

  We drove out of the town. I saw the signpost wishing us goodbye and to come back soon. Most towns had them. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to live in Crude Hill for the rest of their lives, not with the people there.

  Closing my eyes, I felt sick, but Gael wasn’t done. He spun the car around, twisting us across the dirt embankment, coming to a sudden stop, and making me hit the side of the car.


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