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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “What I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room. Your dads are aware of what I’m about to disclose.”

  My dad ran a hand over his face. He was in his late forties, but worked out and kept fit. I knew he was at the top of his game.

  I sank into the chair as he pulled out his wallet. He flicked it open and handed me a picture. It was a colored picture, well-worn. There were fold marks, and even some wear from where it has been touched.

  “That’s Bethany,” Daniel said.

  I’d never seen a picture of this woman or heard of her name.

  I passed it to Vadik, who handed it to River, followed by Gael.

  “She’s pretty,” Gael said, handing it back to my dad.

  “I know what you boys think you’re doing with Emily. Our Bethany, she was a lot like Emily. A minion’s daughter. She wasn’t as cautious as your girl. Our woman was a fighter. She called us all out on our shit. Not once did she let us get away with anything.”

  The moment he started to talk about Bethany, I saw the change in him. This wasn’t something he could hide. My dad was in love. “We all loved her. Not one of us cared if it was four of us with her. The moment I saw her with your dads, I didn’t care. She belonged to us and I knew all four of us made her happy. Not any one of us could keep her happy, but together, we had her. She was worth fighting for. So we did. We shared her. We left this boarding school fucking shithole behind and carved out a life just for us. She didn’t come between the work. Your grandparents couldn’t find fault. We were Monsters to the very core. Our loyalty was to each other, to the business, and to Bethany.”

  He stopped, picked up his whiskey, and took a large gulp. “She … got pregnant. We were all fucking happy about it. Ecstatic. It wasn’t planned, as the truth was we shared her enough with each other, let alone a kid, but she was so fucking happy.”

  I started to feel sick as I knew where this was going to go.

  “The pregnancy started out great. She was healthy and everything was going fine. Then, it started with swollen ankles. The pains she’d get. It got ugly and we were later to find out, she went undiagnosed with pre-eclampsia. A risk to both mother and baby. Bethany died giving birth to you, Caleb.” Another gulp of whiskey. This tale was too much for him, I could see it. The pain got to him.

  He didn’t want to relive it, but for us, he was going to.

  “At first, none of us wanted to touch you. You’d killed the love of our lives. The only person who made our lives matter.”

  I stared at my father and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Sure, it sucked that his woman, their woman, had died, but that wasn’t my fault. They were the ones who had the baby, who hadn’t used protection. I couldn’t even believe I was thinking like this. This wasn’t me.

  I wanted to hurl abuse at him or do something for him to realize he was fucked up.

  “Then one day, I don’t know, we’d buried her, and I heard you crying. It was like she spoke to me that day because I knew deep in my heart, you were my son, and I had to go and take care of you. She wouldn’t have liked me to leave you out in the dark. So I did. We decided you would need a friend, and that was when they each went and found a woman. Your friends were born nine months later.”

  “So how old am I really?” I asked. None of what he said was comforting. I’d been living a lie. “And why did you marry Molly if she wasn’t really my mom?”

  “Your real birthday is on the same day, only you’re a year older. Right now, you’re nineteen. The rest of you are eighteen. Molly is a means to an end. Our relationship with Bethany was a secret and no one knew any different. We kept her protected. You were ours, and I had to find someone to play the part. She was more than willing, and she knows the score about everything. There’s no reason for me to fight with her.”

  My father stood up. “The only people in this world you can count on is each other. That’s your unit. Do not allow a woman to cloud your mind or to take you from your main goals. Remember, our rules. If her father is found guilty, she, along with her family, will pay for them.”

  My father nodded at us, turned on his heel, and left.

  It was the first time he’d ever been completely honest with me. I didn’t know if I liked it.



  Caleb’s mother was very talkative. She wanted to know everything about me, including how I felt and what my intentions were for her son. I’d never been given the third degree by a mom before. It was odd, but I put up with it because there was no out for me. She’d been sitting beside me, offered me champagne, which I’d declined. There was no way I’d be able to come home drunk. My dad would have been able to find some reason to hurt me, and I always kept my senses.

  Before she left, Molly had been sure to pass on the warning Caleb’s dad had advised. I wondered if the guys were okay. They looked surprised by him invading their time at the pool.

  I pulled back my blankets and climbed into bed, feeling tired. My bedroom door was closed, giving me a false sense of privacy. I wasn’t allowed a lock. If my dad wanted to come and hurt me, he didn’t want to be hindered.

  For the first time since the pain had started, the bruises had begun to fade. My skin was starting to take on its natural color and I also liked not having to deal with the blow of a fist.

  A sudden knock on my window made me jump, and I quickly got to my feet. I’d drawn my curtains closed. I opened them up and saw Caleb outside my window. After flicking the catch open, I pushed the window up.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I wanted to come and see you.” He climbed into the window.

  Stepping back, I waited for him to get inside before I closed the window again. “Are you crazy?”

  “Probably. Are you afraid?”

  “No, I’m not afraid.” I locked the window and turned back toward him.

  He wasn’t wearing a jacket.

  His hand went to my face, tilting my head back. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  I let him touch me, loving the warmth of his hands on my body. After a few short seconds, I pulled away. “You’re going to get into trouble if you’re caught here.” I moved to my bed, sliding beneath the blankets. Caleb smirked and I had no choice but to move over as he wouldn’t budge. He kicked off his boots and slid beneath the blanket.

  Lying back against my pillows, I watched him. “What’s going on, Caleb?”

  “I like hearing my name on your lips.”

  He looked so lost, and I didn’t like that. I didn’t know what had caused this sudden change with him, but I wanted to stop it. Reaching out, I put my hand on his cheek. “Tell me what is wrong.”

  “If you were to die after giving us a child, what would you want us to do?”

  I didn’t know what to say. I was sure I looked a little crazy as my mouth opened. “What kind of a question is that?”

  “A simple one.”

  “If I got pregnant?”


  “And I died?”


  Blowing out a breath, I moved away, putting my hand to my head and brushing away some of my hair. “This is all hypothetical, of course, but I’d want you to take care of my baby. No questions asked.”

  “Even though that spawn had killed you?”

  “Especially because it killed me. It’s not this imaginary baby’s fault, Caleb. You do know I expect all kinds of weird stuff, but this I think goes over the edge of what I can usually understand.”

  His hand once again landed on my cheek. “I want to get you pregnant.”

  “Whoa. Not tonight or any other night. I want to at least have a life first, if that’s okay with you.”

  I didn’t know where any of this was coming from and I was a little confused. Hurting his feelings wasn’t my intention.

  “You belong to us, to all of us.”

  “I still find that surreal.”

  We both tensed as I heard the sound of boots outside my bedroom

  Caleb moved and it took a great deal of practice not to burst out laughing. My bedroom door opened and Peter, my brother, stood there.

  “Hey,” he said.


  I wondered if Caleb had thought to move his boots. Sitting up in bed, I turned on the lamp and looked at my brother.

  Peter stepped into the room.

  I waited, not knowing what to expect.

  “Are you looking forward to the party?”

  “Not really.” That was the truth. Why would I look forward to something like that? “It’s a party.”

  “Did you get your dress?”

  “I did.”

  It was a deep purple that curved around my breasts, molded to my body, and flared out at the hips. There was also a choke collar necklace, which felt more like another brand to the body.

  The dress itself wasn’t too revealing. It hinted at cleavage, but that was about it.

  “You’re going to look stunning.”

  “Isn’t that the idea? The reason the Monsters have the party is another way of finding suitable partners.” It wasn’t lost on me that this was a chance for my dad to finally marry me off. For all I knew, he could be working with the Monsters to get rid of me. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  My dad was a fucking bastard, used to getting what he wanted. I hated him so fucking much. I wanted him to die.

  Clenching my hands into fists, I tried to stem the desire, but it was next to impossible. I didn’t know what the guys had done to me, but each day, it was getting harder to just ignore what was happening.

  “I want you to know that I am sorry for everything. I … I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “Are you developing a conscience now?” I asked.

  “Em, please.”

  “Peter, I’m tired. I don’t know why you’re here, or what you get out of it, but whatever the reason, I don’t want to know. I just want you to leave me alone.” There was a time I did love my brother. So long ago now.

  He’d turned into my father’s protégé and that made him less than human in my book. “One day, I hope you can forgive me.”

  I wouldn’t.

  I stayed silent.

  “You’ve got to be careful around the Monsters’ crew.”

  “Why? Because they’re dangerous? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical?”

  “I get that you’re angry.”

  “Peter, you haven’t known how I’ve felt for a really long time. If I was you, I wouldn’t start to assume.” I pretended to yawn, hoping he’d get the message and just leave.

  Fortunately, he did.

  “I do love you, Emily. I only want what’s best for you. I hope one day you can understand that.”

  The only thing I actually understood right now was that I hated him more than anything else in the world. I stayed silent, waiting for him to leave.

  When he did, Caleb appeared.

  “Where did you go?” I asked, putting my hand to his chest.

  “Under the bed. He’s an asshole.”

  “You don’t need to tell me. Believe me, I already know.” Taking a deep breath, I forced a smile to my lips. “Sorry you had to hear that.”

  “I would gladly hear anything for you.” He reached out, touching my cheek.

  Covering his hand with mine, I craved his touch, the closeness. I needed it.

  I closed my eyes and breathed him all in, unable to handle being alone.

  “I love you,” he said.

  His words took me by surprise. I stared up at him, waiting for him to tell me something else, something different. Nothing else fell out of his mouth.

  Those were his only words.

  Shock rushed down my spine. Gael and now Caleb.

  None of this made any sense.

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know enough. I know who you are.”

  “Caleb, please.”

  He stopped me from talking, pushing me to the bed and taking possession of my lips. He nudged the blanket away from me, and I spread my legs, wanting him to surround me.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed against my core, making me melt and moan. This was better than I could imagine.

  Caleb lifted himself up but only long enough to start opening my pajama shirt. His palm pressed against my naked flesh. He felt so warm against me. I had no fight. Why would I fight so much pleasure all at once?

  It was incredible.

  “I bet you’re wet for me, aren’t you?”


  He kissed down my neck, going to my chest, then down. His tongue flicking across my nipple. Reaching up, I grabbed hold of the bars of my bed, biting down on my lip to try to keep my pleasured cries quiet. If I gave away too much, we’d both be done for, and I didn’t want him to get hurt. His tongue stroked toward my other breast and suddenly, I didn’t want to be the only one undressed.

  I let go of the bed and cupped his face. He didn’t fight me, his lips pressing against mine as I kissed him. This time, I pushed him to the bed and Caleb went willingly.

  Straddling his waist, even with my pajama top open, I felt on fire. This was what I wanted, no needed.

  With my hands at his shirt, I lift it up and over his head, throwing it to one side.

  “Emily,” he said.

  My name was soft music from his lips.

  He was covered in ink. The Monster mark on his flesh, claiming him to his family and no one else.

  I traced my palm down toward where I was straddled. He had more tattoos, but the mark of his family was what drew my attention. Today at the pool, I’d seen they all had matching ink. All on their chest, directly over their heart. I wasn’t surprised. Why would I be? This was their future.

  “I don’t know why you have all changed your mind about me. It scares me.”

  “Emily, we never changed our mind about you. We all had feelings, but we kept our distance from you. You never showed any interest.”

  “It’s because of what I did for Gael, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Until then, we didn’t know what you’d do. There are so many people that would kill us and relish in our pain and destruction.”

  “I’m not one of them.”

  “We know this now.” He ran his hands up my back, going to my shoulders and pushing the shirt off my arms. I didn’t stop him. I wanted this.

  Climbing off my bed, with my gaze on his, I stood. He had intense blue eyes, darker than the ocean, but so clear. I pushed down my pajama pants, and I wanted to rebel. To not let my father know how he scared me.

  If I were to have sex, my pesky virginity would be out of the way, and I’d be clear.

  Caleb moved, his legs swinging off the bed. He stood up, and I waited as he removed the last of his clothes.

  Together, we were both naked.

  I was the first one to move, reaching out, putting my hand on his chest. He cupped my hip, drawing me close. I didn’t even hesitate. There was no reason to. We both wanted this. What was the point in fighting it?

  As I pressed a kiss to his chest, I heard his sudden intake of breath, and it made me smile.

  Trailing kisses down, I had never been so daring in my life. When my intention became clear, he grabbed my arms, holding me steady.

  “Emily,” he said.

  “You keep saying my name.”

  “You need to know what you’re starting.”

  “I know what I am.” With my other hand, I wrapped my fingers around his cock. “Don’t you want it?”

  “I do. Nothing would give me greater pleasure, but I’d rather you be willing to do this than out of spite because you’ve seen your brother.”

  “That’s gross.”

  “But I’m also right.”

  Caleb moved us toward his bed, and I didn’t fight. There was really no point.

  Was it because of my brother and his warning? I was tired of Peter thinking he could take the role of protector in my life when he was the furthest thing from it. He had no right t
o tell me what to do, or how to live.

  Caleb lay down on my bed, and I followed him, resting my head on his chest and basking in the feel of him surrounding me. I held on to him, needing his warmth, his closeness, and his love. I had never been loved before, and between the Monsters, they were starting to make me want something I didn’t know was possible for me to enjoy.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The rest of the guys were running errands for our dads while I was on babysitting duty. I kept an eye on Emily, who had really taken Ashley under her wing. They were at my place, sitting on the lawn. Sipping at a cup of coffee, I’d noticed something spark within Emily. I liked to see the life within her, the hope. I’d hoped we were helping her to find her backbone, or doing something.

  Right now, I didn’t think we were being much fun. After Daniel’s revelation, Caleb had been a bit uneasy.

  He didn’t believe he was one of us, which was a load of bullshit. All of what we’d known hadn’t changed. We’d been together since birth, and Caleb was just alone for a year before we came along. It didn’t change who we were.

  My father came out at that moment and sat down.

  Marshall Keller was a deadly man. I watched him as his gaze landed on where Emily and Ashley were studying.

  “Did you heed Daniel’s warning?”

  “The girl is a no one,” I said.

  Ashley was an odd girl. She was too sweet, too kind. Too willing to please. I’d looked into her life, for want of a better description, and I’d stalked her to make sure she wasn’t lying. This girl was an anomaly. I read her transcripts from school, checked all social media pages. She used to have a presence before she moved to Crude Hill.

  Her life was changed, removed from all that she’d known. I’d feel for her, but her life was by far better. Even being a mistress’s brat, her life was changed. She never had to worry about where the next meal was coming from. The only downside to her existence was that it affected Emily.

  She’d never been close to anyone. Even now, Ashley had pulled her close and had decided to paint her nails.

  I’d have to do damage control at her dad’s.


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