Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1) Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  “What I do know is that you’ll only follow me so far, right? When your dads have given an instruction, I’m on my own.”

  “It’s not like that. We’re trying to figure everything out.”

  She nibbled on her lip and shook her head. “I started to believe everything you said. All of it. Every last little detail, but it’s all lies. We can’t trust anyone in our world. That’s the lie. It’s the illusion.”

  “It’s not. You can trust us.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me?” She screamed the last part. “It’s my life. My body. My choice, and I’ve got none of it.” She slapped her chest. “I’m being given to a stranger. I know nothing about him.”

  I stepped toward her and she backed away. I didn’t stop.

  Pulling her into my arms, I held her tight, refusing to let her go. “I’ve got you. This isn’t going to happen. He’s not going to have you.”

  She stayed silent and tense.

  I stroked my fingers down her back, teasing the strands. “You have to believe we’re on your side.”

  Emily lifted up and she wiped her hands beneath her eyes, removing the tears. She looked at me. Her gaze stayed on mine as she put her hand on my chest.

  “You know what they want from me,” she said.

  I didn’t stop her as she reached out, fingering the buttons of my shirt. Placing my hand on top of hers, I reached toward her wrist.

  “Emily?” I said.

  “What?” She tilted her head back. “This is my life. My body.”

  “You’re making the wrong choice.”

  “Why am I? He only wants one thing from me and all my life, I’ve never been given the chance to make this choice. I want to make it now. I need to make it now.” She gripped my shirt even tighter. “Please, Vadik. Don’t you want me?”

  “I do, I want you.” There was no doubt in my mind how desperately I wanted her. “This, tonight, I don’t know if I should.”

  “You know I’ve thought about you,” she said.

  I still didn’t stop her as she began to unbutton my shirt, but then she suddenly stopped and turned, presenting me her back.

  “Help me, please.”

  Everything told me to stop, but I didn’t. I reached out and grabbed the zipper at the back. Slowly, I lowered it down. She’d already removed the strap, and then she stood before me. The bra she wore didn’t have any straps and appeared to be fighting to keep it up.

  I didn’t stop her as she flicked the catch and her tits spilled out. Within seconds, she’d removed her panties, and then she was right in front of me, her hands on my shirt.

  My cock was rock-hard.

  I should walk out the door and leave her alone. She had to stay a virgin while our parents figured out this deal, but then I couldn’t do it. Why would I willingly give her to someone else?

  Emily belonged to us.

  Her body was ours.

  “Don’t let them win,” she said.

  The pain in her voice, I couldn’t allow it. Even as I stood frozen, waiting to make a decision, I knew it had already been made for me.

  Emily was ours and I was tired of playing by the rules. She didn’t want some old bastard pawing at her. She was already claimed as far as I was concerned. We weren’t going to let her go.

  Grabbing her ass, I lifted her up, but I wasn’t going to fuck her in the bathroom. I carried her through to the bedroom. The room was already prepared for any guest who needed to crash. After dropping her to the bed, I stepped back and removed the rest of my clothes. She sat up, watching me.

  The bruises on her body had long ago faded, but the scars from previous beatings were still present.

  Once I was naked, she reached out toward the light, but I grabbed her hand. “Don’t even think about it. I’m not going to fuck you in the dark.”

  I crawled onto the bed. “You should have picked someone else for your first time. Even Gael would have been better.” Pressing her to the bed, I claimed her kiss, nipping at her lips.

  She submitted to me as I ran my tongue across her bottom lip, and she opened up to me. I plundered inside, tasting her. She moaned my name and I swallowed it down.

  I’d been craving her for a long time. Even before we’d made the decision to have her for ourselves. I’d been watching her for years, even before high school.

  I thought by leaving her alone, I was making her life easier, but I’d only put off the inevitable.

  Breaking the kiss, I moved to her neck, biting down on her pulse, sucking on her neck.

  She cried out and I cupped her tits, pinching the beaded nipples.

  “Please,” she said.

  I knew what she wanted, but she was mine right now, and I wasn’t going to let her take control. This was me, and she would do as I wanted, not the other way around.

  Traveling down to her tits, I pressed them together, licking those hard nipples. I bit down, and the noises spilling from her mouth echoed around the room. They were what I wanted to hear. Perfect.

  She had amazing tits, but I didn’t want to leave any part of her untouched.

  I kissed down to her cunt, spreading her legs as I did, keeping her open for my mouth. As I put my lips on her pussy, I smelled how wet she was, and I could see it as well. She was ready for my dick, but I couldn’t resist a taste of perfection.

  Sliding my tongue between her glistening folds, circling her clit, I took it into my mouth and bit down. She arched up, her hand going to my hair, but I wouldn’t be stopped.

  Devoting my attention to her nub, I flicked, licked, sucked, and bit, driving her wild with need. I didn’t let her spill over the edge.

  I needed to protect her. Using my fingers on her pussy, I slid them across her slit as I reached into the drawer for a condom. One of the rules of the house was to have condoms in every single room.

  After tearing into the packet, I rolled it over my thick prick. Pre-cum was already leaking out of the tip, and I didn’t want to get her pregnant, not yet, anyway.

  I was a possessive bastard, but first, I had to make life safe for her before a child was involved. It was only fair of us to do so.

  With her wriggling on my fingers, I smiled. I hoped she was wet enough to take me. I moved back between those thighs, lined my cock to her virgin entrance.

  No one was ever going to claim this again.

  As I stared into her eyes, she smiled up at me. “Do it. Please, Vadik, take me.”

  I didn’t need telling again. Gripping her hips, I slammed to the hilt and swallowed down her scream of pain. I’d expected it. She hadn’t had a dick inside this pretty pussy, and I was the first one.

  I groaned, feeling how tight she is. It had been a long fucking time since I’d been with a woman, and fuck, I was so close to blowing inside her just at the tightness of her cunt. I let go of her hips to hold her hands, locking our fingers together and pressing them to the bed. I was the one with the experience.

  I stayed still within her even though the urge to fuck her harder was so fucking intense. All I wanted to do was slam to the hilt within her, fuck her harder, drive her closer to orgasm.

  “Fuck, you feel so incredible.”

  “Then why have you stopped?” she asked, taking me by surprise.

  I lifted up to look down at her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “And it’s passed. Please, Vadik, please.” She arched her hips up and I gritted my teeth at the pleasure.

  I held both of her hands above her head, keeping her in place as I moved so I could test just how ready she was to take my cock.

  In and out, I used slow strokes, watching for any sign that she didn’t want it. She moaned, her eyes closing as I went a little deeper.

  Sliding all the way out of her, I thrust inside her, using a lot more force, and she loved it. Her legs circled my waist and I rocked within her, creating a pace that had us both panting for more.

  It took every single ounce of control not to come. I wanted to feel her release first.

bsp; “Touch yourself,” I said.


  “I did what you asked. I’ve claimed that cherry. No other bastard is going to know how fucking perfect you are. It’s all mine and I’m never giving it back.” It was a stupid thing to say because she could never have it back.

  I’d cherish this moment forever. Nothing would ever take this away from me. Emily wanted me in her time of need, and I’d come to her.

  She lifted her hand and placed it against my cheek. “I’m glad it was you.”

  I didn’t expect her to say those kinds of words. I was in shock, but at the same time, I was so fucking happy. She wanted me and the truth was, I wanted her always.

  “Let me see those fingers on that pretty cunt.” I kept my dick balls deep within her. She was so tight. I only wished we didn’t have a condom between us. I didn’t want to feel anything but pure fucking skin, that was all I wanted. Every single part of her. All the time.

  She moaned my name, the sound echoing off the walls. The only way tonight would have been better was if she’d actually been in my bed. Tonight could have gone so much better. I fucking loved her more than anything else in the world, and all I could think about was protecting her. I wasn’t going to let that old bastard get to her. I’d find a way to keep her. I always would. Not a moment would go by where she’d feel scared or alone. I’d protect and love her. I knew Caleb, River, and Gael would have my back. They only wanted what was best for her as well. It was all we wanted for her.

  Nothing else mattered.

  She touched her clit, and I stared down, wanting to take it all in. It wasn’t the best angle to do this, but it worked, and I got to at least see her. Each stroke over her swollen clit had her pussy tightening around me. So fucking sexy. I couldn’t get enough.

  “You’re going to come all over my dick and when you’re finished, I’m going to pound this pussy. Every time you walk, you’re going to be thinking of me. Only me.”

  She arched up, her fingers rubbing her clit, and I watched as the flush built on her skin.

  I waited even as my cock just wanted to pound inside her, fuck her harder and completely consume her.

  I didn’t. I was a good boy and waited for her to finally come apart in my arms, and when she did, it was a thing of beauty. She completely let go, and the moment her orgasm took over, I completely lost control and fucked her, taking her harder than ever before. I gripped the edge of the headboard and pounded away, taking complete control. Her legs wrapped around me and I just lost it. I took what I’d been longing for, and she just gave it to me, no questions asked.

  “Please, please, please!”

  I needed to feel her surround me, so I dropped down, wrapped my arms around her, and finished in the condom, kissing her perfectly plump lips and knowing tonight would be one of the best in my life.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wished we could have lingered in the bed, but that wouldn’t have done. Vadik removed the condom and disposed of it while I slid back into my dress. He helped me into the zip and I ran my hands down the bodice of my dress.

  I wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  Laughter bubbled out of me.

  Vadik kissed my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  I turned and cupped his face, going onto my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “You’ve got a few crushed flowers in your hair.” He reached up and started to remove them.


  “No problem.” He dropped them to the floor. “How are you feeling?”

  His hand touched my stomach. I grabbed his hand, lifting it to my lips and kissing across the knuckles. “I’m fine.” The truth was I was a little sore, but I didn’t regret what we’d done. Far from it. Actually, I was so fucking happy. I didn’t know how to contain my happiness.

  Vadik pushed some hair back. “Come on, let’s get you back to the party.”

  “I don’t want to see him again.” There was no way I could face the man who claimed to own me. What if he figured out what I’d done? For some odd reason, I wasn’t afraid. My dad would kill me. There was no doubt about it in my mind. I was as good as dead. Not only had I lost my virginity, but I also hadn’t gotten Vadik to go without protection.

  The only way I’d ever be able to be a good daughter in my father’s book was if I actually started to use my body to my advantage. Not going to happen. I wasn’t interested in Vadik’s position as a Monster. All I wanted now was to live my life.

  We didn’t linger in the bedroom, yet it was the only place I wanted to be. I followed behind Vadik. He held my hand, and I chose not to look in any direction for fear of what any stares would make me feel.

  I had to wonder if I had sex written all over my body.

  Another woman to have fallen for one of the foursome’s charms.

  We arrived at the back yard and the music filled the air. Couples still mingled. The party was in full swing.

  Glancing across the dance floor, I saw the man who had staked his claim on me and just the sight of him alone made me feel sick. He hadn’t caught sight of me, but like a coward, I hid behind Vadik.

  “Please, take me home.”

  “You want to go home?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He glanced through the house. “We’ll be detected if I go outside the front. Come on.” He started walking, and I kept my gaze down at my feet, following him. The shoes I wore were death traps. The heels were way too big for me, but I kept up with him. We were passing one of the bridges when movement at the tree line caught our attention.

  River, Caleb, and Gael were there, but from the looks of it, they didn’t want to be known.

  Vadik stopped. His hand went tight around mine.

  Whatever he’d seen, he didn’t like it.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer, but before I knew it, we were making our way toward that direction.

  The houses and beautiful lights fell behind us, and in their place was nothing but the dark woods. For some reason, the lights didn’t cast a glow this far inside.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Caleb said. His words were nothing more than a whisper. Clearly, I wasn’t supposed to hear him. His gaze landed on me, then on Vadik.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “You need to take her away,” Gael said.

  I didn’t like this. Any of this. A shiver ran down my spine. There was something they weren’t telling me, and I hated them keeping me in the dark. I held on to Vadik’s hand a little tighter, not wanting to let him go.

  He didn’t give anything away, and for that, I was grateful.

  A sudden scream filled the air, and I noticed the music had gotten louder. At the party people, were having to get closer to be able to hear themselves talk.

  What was going on?

  “She has to go,” he said.

  I didn’t pull away, and Vadik held my hand.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I said. “If I’m supposed to be one of you, then where I go, you go.”

  Caleb looked like he wanted to dispute that, but he didn’t. He kept his gaze on me, but he wasn’t happy.

  He nodded his head and then turned on his heel.

  I’d fucked up. I knew that.

  Vadik didn’t let me go as we walked toward the edge of the tree line, and it was there that I saw some of the trees had been taken down to create a rough kind of circle. There wasn’t a lot of light but the men who were there held a torch.

  Fear slid down my spine as I recognized the man kneeling on the ground.

  He was my brother. Peter.

  Blood covered his face. He’d taken a bad beating and the men who surrounded him were all the guys’ fathers. I spotted them, and it was Caleb’s dad who grabbed his hair tightly and lifted my brother up to his feet.

  I’d always felt my brother was tall but looking at him now, he looked like a child.

  Tears filled my eyes
as Daniel Falls brought the gun to Peter’s temple.

  They were talking, but I couldn’t hear anything. It had all faded away and there was nothing there. Just empty silence.

  I couldn’t think or feel. It was all a blur, and when the gun went off, Vadik’s hand went over my mouth. I didn’t realize I’d started to scream.

  All four of the guys surrounded me and carried me back to where we came from. At some point, they must have decided I was moving too slow because Vadik threw me over his shoulder and carried me all the way to a car.

  I must have stopped crying because I was suddenly pushed into the back seat. Gael moved up behind me, his hand resting on my thigh.

  Silence filled the car as they pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive.

  The town seemed to blur as we passed everything.

  We had to stop driving.

  We couldn’t keep running.

  Peter was dead.

  I had just seen my brother get killed. His life had just been taken, and it had all ended so quickly, so finally.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  We hadn’t been getting along for so long now. He’d been my father’s little protégé and because of that, I’d frozen him out. He so easily followed my father’s orders and now, with Peter dead, I knew it was only a matter of time before I followed as well.

  “Stop the car,” I said.

  “I’m not going to do that,” Caleb said. Always the one in control, but he couldn’t stop this. Not now. Not ever.

  “I said stop the fucking car.” I dived across Gael, trying the door, getting it open. The car moved left and right, the sudden jerks nearly flinging Gael from the car.

  “Stop the fucking car now!” Gael yelled the words and we were brought to a sudden stop.

  I crawled over Gael, kicking off my shoes in the process. Falling out of the car, I stopped myself from hitting my face on the hard ground. I panted before finally rising to my feet and staring at these men. The ones who had surrounded me and for the last few months had considered me one of them.

  Vadik looked ready to sweep me up off my feet. Gael looked like he wanted to hold me. Caleb and River, both of them stared at me, waiting.

  Running fingers through my hair, I looked at all four of them.


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