Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1) Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re keeping something from me. What is it?”

  “You need to get in the car, then we’re going to take you somewhere where it’s safe.”

  This made me laugh. I couldn’t seem to help it. It bubbled up inside me and once I started, I just couldn’t stop.

  Bending over, I hit my leg as if it was the funniest thing I’d heard him say.

  It wasn’t.

  “There is nowhere safe. Did you just see what happened? He killed my brother at a party.”

  This wasn’t a coincidence.

  “I’m not stupid. Don’t treat me with kid gloves, and tell me what the hell is going on. I know something isn’t quite right and I don’t want to keep being left in the dark, now stop doing that.”

  They all looked at each other, clearly wanting to be anywhere but here right now. Well, tough.

  Something had gone down, something big. The death didn’t scare me. I’d killed someone with my bare hands. The blood didn’t bother me.

  No, what got to me was the fact the person they had killed was my brother. Even as I hated him, I still felt responsible for him in an odd way. It was all so fucking messed up. I just couldn’t handle this.

  “Tell me what is going on.”

  Caleb looked at his friends and I slapped my hands together. “Stop it. Whatever it is you’re thinking right now, it’s not working. I know how this shit show runs. I’ve been living it all my life. They took out Peter. My brother. The party. The sudden interest. The old dude who’s supposed to be claiming me and my now nonexistent cherry. I may as well get it all out there for you all to hear. Vadik and I had sex. It was great. I loved every second of it. Now let’s move on. Why was my brother killed?”

  Tears filled my eyes and I waited for a response.

  I looked at each guy in turn, and they kept on staring back. “You know why he was killed, Emily,” Caleb said.

  The tears fell down my cheeks.

  “Then tell me. Use those precious words you love so much.”

  I was being a bitch. I hated myself, but I couldn’t seem to stop. There was so much anger building inside me. They knew something was going down and they had kept me in the dark. This was big.

  “Your father has a very big gray cloud over his head,” Caleb said.

  “Don’t talk in riddles or poetry. Just tell me like it is.” I was ready, but deep down, I knew.

  “He tried to remove the Monsters, Emily. He wanted to run the show. The deal he struck with Valentine. He didn’t consult our parents. He made the deal and tried to keep it quiet. All this time, he’s been making underhand deals, and he’s also tried to kill us.” He pointed at them all.

  “The reason he was pissed off with you saving Gael was because he’d organized for the MC to take us out. They were supposed to be the best.”

  This was news to me. I covered my mouth as I looked toward Gael. “I had no idea.”

  “We know that.”

  “You know the rules, Emily,” River said, speaking up. He held a knife against his thigh.

  I nodded.

  Peter was first. One by one, they were going to take us all out.

  “But my dad wasn’t there,” I said. “He didn’t witness Peter’s death. You all know that removing a family, they do it in one fell swoop. They don’t wait around. They don’t linger. They just do it.” I pressed my lips together. “There has to be a reason they waited.”

  “Emily,” Caleb said, stepping toward me. “Understand this. They are coming for you. They are going to kill you and they will not show a single mercy.”

  I tilted my head to the side and stared into his eyes.

  “What about Ashley?” I asked.

  “What the fuck about her? She doesn’t matter.”

  “She’s innocent.”

  It was a lame excuse, but I couldn’t run away, not now. I stepped toward him. “Take me back. We’ve got to see how this plays out.”

  “Emily, this is fucking stupid,” Gael said. “I’m not going to take you back. I’m not going to allow you to risk your life like this. It’s fucking suicide!”

  “Isn’t that what you want?” River asked.

  I looked toward him and shook my head. “No, it’s not.”

  “Then why would you go back? You and I both know that you’ve spoken about the control before. This isn’t control. This is fucking messed up.”

  I moved toward him and put my hand against his chest. “Stop.”

  “No, you stop. We’re not going to take you back so you can fucking die.”

  “I don’t want to fucking die.” It was the truth. “What I don’t want to do is keep on running and looking behind us. It’s no different than how I live now. I don’t want this for the rest of my life.”

  “We’d protect you,” River said.

  “I get it. I do. I believe all of you, but we’re not going to run. I had nothing to do with my dad’s betrayal, but I know my house and I could perhaps find something that means your dads won’t kill me.”

  River laughed. “You’re fucking crazy. They won’t let you live.”

  “I’m not running.” It would be easier to run, now at least. Of course, it would be easy, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. Running now would give us a head start but it wouldn’t last. All of us would die when their parents caught up. I didn’t want that to happen. Not now. Not ever. “There has to be a way to make this work.” Even as I said the words and the guys shared a look, we all knew I was lying. I was merely putting off the inevitable. Their parents would kill me, but at least I wouldn’t have to keep on living in fear.



  Against my better judgment, we took Emily back home, only we didn’t let her go home. Instead, I took her to my home. We also agreed to keep Ashley safe. So Ashley was also staying in one of my spare bedrooms while Emily hung out with me.

  I don’t know why she’d attached herself to this girl, but I wasn’t going to argue with her.

  After taking a quick shower, the fastest on human record, I made my way back into the bedroom to see Emily standing at my bedroom window. My room always overlooked the yard and the party was still going.

  “What is it?” I asked, moving up behind her.

  The tears had stopped.

  I put my hands on her arms and she leaned back against me. Breathing her in, I couldn’t get enough. She was so fucking beautiful. Even now, after a shower, with all the flowers removed from her hair, no makeup, she still was the most precious thing in the world to me.

  “I’m just looking down there. Seeing everyone. Drake’s just been dragged off and his dad is actually here. I didn’t think he came to Crude Hill all that often.”

  “He doesn’t, but Drake’s pretty much sent his mother packing.”

  “I’m not surprised. He thinks he’s a gift or something.” She sighed. “Look at all of them. Do you think they even realize someone didn’t make it home from the party?”

  “I don’t think any of them care, Em.” It would be rare to find some people who were not completely self-absorbed. This party wasn’t one of those occasions. Everyone here had an agenda, some of it was just worse than others.

  She stepped back from the window.

  The robe she wore had loosened at the waist and I couldn’t help but admire the curve of her breast I saw.

  Emily watched me.

  I untied the rope holding the curtains together and let them fall, giving us both some privacy.

  She pushed her hair off her face, and I watched. Entranced by her beauty.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Her hands went to the belt that gave her a little modesty. My cock twitched and in the next second, I felt myself hardening even more as she opened the robe and let it drop to the floor.

  “What about now?”

  I saw the scars. They had long since faded now. They shouldn’t have been on her flesh, but I didn’t care. To me, she was perfect. The sca
rs, the pain, all of it made her feel more real to me.

  As I let go of my towel, it fell to the floor so she could see all of me. I’d been taken and scarred. I knew what it felt like to be at the mercy of others, which was probably what she felt like most days.

  At everyone else’s mercy.

  Fucking Vadik was probably the only decision she’d ever really made for herself.

  I stood perfectly still as her gaze traveled down my body. I wanted her to look her fill because I was more than happy with the view.

  Big tits, rounded hips, juicy thick thighs. She was everything I ever imagined.

  That day in the shower wasn’t nearly enough time to admire her.

  Watching her now, I couldn’t help but wrap my fingers around my dick and start to work from the tip and back.

  Pre-cum already leaked out of the head, and I rubbed it into my length. “Tell me what you want.”

  She stepped toward me. She hesitated as she reached out to touch me, but then she covered my grip and I stared at her, waiting. Expecting her to jerk back, the memory of her brother too close, but she did neither.

  She touched me like her life depended on it.

  Letting go of my dick, I gripped the back of her neck and drew her close. Tilting her head up, I slammed my lips down on hers and claimed her mouth. As I slid my tongue across the seam of her lips, she opened up for me, and I took full advantage, kissing her.

  She worked my cock, copying me as I’d worked my length.

  I gritted my teeth, feeling the pleasure consume me. There were no other words for how I felt. For my need.

  I moved and she followed, not putting up a fight. When I got her to the edge of the bed, I broke the kiss, trailing my lips down her neck and biting on her pulse. Then down to her big tits, licking and sucking at each hard nipple, giving them all of my attention.

  Her moans were perfect.

  Sliding my tongue across each beaded red tip, I then sucked them into my mouth.

  After I pushed her to the bed, she fell back, letting go of my dick. I knelt before her, pressing my hands to her shapely thighs, keeping them spread wide for me.

  “This is how I’ve thought about you. Legs spread, begging for my cock.” Vadik had taken care of her cherry, so I didn’t have to go gentle. I didn’t want to.

  Working her pussy, I took her clit into my mouth, using my teeth to create enough pain that it was probably almost too much, and she screamed my name. The sounds were sweet.

  I stroked my fingers up her inner thighs and touched her clit even as I tongued her. I glided my fingers down, teasing across the entrance of her cunt.

  No longer innocent.

  Just waiting for a big cock to take it.

  Pushing two fingers deep inside her, I heard her cry out. Those delicious sounds were everything I wanted.


  I stopped licking her.

  “That’s right, baby, beg me. Let me hear everything you want me to do to you.” I went back to feasting on her pussy. She was so fucking sweet. So tasty.

  Everything I ever wanted.

  This was more addictive than the blade of my knife.

  Adding two fingers to her wet cunt, I stretched her out, wanting her soaking when I finally fucked her. It had been so long since I’d been with a woman, and all of them before Emily paled in comparison.

  She was all I ever wanted. The only woman I cared about.

  My need built and the desire to just fuck her and to say the hell with it was so strong, but I ignored it all, and instead, only focused on her.

  On fucking her pussy with my fingers and tongue. Giving her an orgasm so the only sound to come from her lips was the sound of my name. That was all I wanted.

  Sliding my fingers in and out of her tight cunt, I watched her thrash on the bed, pressing up against me.

  “Please, River, Please.”

  I pulled my fingers from her pussy, gripped her ass, and ate at her cunt. Tasting her. Licking her. She was so close to the edge, and I wanted to follow her right over but for now, I just needed her to come.

  The moment she did, I didn’t waste a moment. Once I’d torn into a condom, I slid it over my dick. Rather than enjoy every inch of myself inside her, I slammed to the hilt, feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm as I plunged within her.


  I closed my eyes and basked in every part of her.

  We were on the edge of the bed and I stared down into her beautiful green eyes. She was looking right back at me.

  I didn’t move. Just enjoyed the feel of her wrapped around my dick.

  I gripped the back of her neck, holding her in place, waiting. I didn’t know why I just paused, held in stillness.

  These moments, they were important. All of this was about Emily. In our own way, we’d waited for her. We were always willing to let her go, to let her have a life away from us until she took matters into her own hands. The day she killed to protect us, she’d cemented her life with ours. We were all bound together, and I didn’t hate that.

  I fucking loved it.

  So much.

  Her hands touched my face, her fingers sinking into my hair, then down toward my ass. As her nails sank into my ass, I knew she was ready.

  Smiling down at her, I pulled out of her until only the tip of my dick remained. Then I slammed in, not giving her a chance to get accustomed to my length. I fucked her hard, using the leverage I had on the floor, feeling her tight cunt squeeze me.

  Leaning down, I flicked one of her nipples into my mouth and heard her moan. The sounds were everything I wanted.

  Her legs wrapped around my waist and I just couldn’t control myself. I’d promised myself I’d take my time the first time I made love to Emily. Who was I kidding? There was nothing better than being inside the woman you love.

  I was in love with Emily.

  She was my soulmate.

  My reason for breathing.

  Every single part of me wanting her and her alone.

  We were destined to be together. I didn’t care how fucked up it was. The five of us against the world.

  United as one.

  “I love you, Emily, so fucking much.”

  I didn’t last. I wanted to, but as I came, I filled the condom, wishing with every breath I took that I’d released into her pussy.

  There was no way I wanted to lose her. My desire to bind her to me, to us, was so strong.

  The pleasure ebbed away and Emily smiled up at me.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “You don’t regret this, do you?”

  “No, hell, no. There’s no way I’d ever regret being with you.” I groaned. “I do have to get rid of the condom.”

  “Yeah, right. Okay.”

  “You think there’s any chance of getting you on the pill?”

  She chuckled. “I’m sure if we talked to my dad, he’d be ecstatic.”

  I pulled out of her and disappeared into my bathroom. There were knives everywhere. One by the sink, by the bath. I also had them in hidden locations. If anyone was going to hurt me again, they would be in for a surprise.

  I disposed of the condom and walked back to the bed to find Emily holding a knife. Freezing into place, I watched her. All kinds of scenarios went off inside my head of what she could do. I didn’t want to think of any of them.

  The biggest one right now was Emily taking her life. I wouldn’t let her die, but if she cut the right part of her body, she’d bleed out. I’d researched this myself to know the best way to attack. Watching her now, I felt fear. I hadn’t felt this way in so long.

  Emily looked up and smiled. “You know this is dangerous,” she said. “It’s not good to have knives everywhere. Aren’t you worried about people coming in and getting some ideas of attacking you?”

  “No one comes into my room.” I moved toward her, sliding into the bed beside her and reaching out to take the knife, but she pulled it away.

  “I know what you think, but I’m
not going to do that. When I do, it’ll be at one of your dads’ hands.”

  “Don’t say shit like that.”

  “Why not? We all know it’s going to happen.”

  “Then why didn’t you run?”

  She ran her finger across the edge of the blade, not next to the tip or in any way that would slice her.

  I stared at her finger, mesmerized.

  Emily turned to me. “When you were taken, you didn’t hide away. You knew there were monsters out there who would do you harm, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “If there are people out there who will even do you harm, what hope do I have, River? Sure, I can stab and I can attempt to kill, but I’ve never been trained. I don’t know how to keep myself safe. I’d only be putting off the inevitable and all I’ve done was hide. All my life that’s what I’ve done. Hid.” Tears filled her eyes. “I didn’t even know I was going to be sold off to the highest bidder. There have been so many revelations tonight. I don’t know how much I can handle right now.”

  “Emily, we’re not going to let you die.”

  “River. You’re not going to be able to save me. None of you are. That’s what is going to happen. You can’t save me.”

  I would find a fucking way. I’d only just gotten this girl. I wasn’t going to let her go without a fight.

  Chapter Eighteen


  River was fast asleep when I woke up. I didn’t know how long I sat watching him. He was so handsome. His scars didn’t make him ugly. I saw nothing but the beauty he possessed. I wanted to touch him, but I also didn’t wish to wake him.

  After everything that had happened last night, he needed to sleep. Death would happen.

  I knew that now more than ever before. I was going to die. At one of their parents’ hands, but rather than be afraid, I was ready.

  The last few hours before I died, I had at least gotten to do something I wanted to do.

  After sliding out from the bed, I moved toward his drawers and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I was thankful they swamped me. River was bigger than me, taller and more muscular. My stomach growled and rather than linger in the bedroom, I went in search of the kitchen.


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