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Mended Hearts

Page 6

by Tammi Lynn

  “I did not scream.” Shit, did I?

  “You so did. Wait till I tell the others. Miklos going to love this.” She hops off the counter and after making sure her two cats, Ghera and Stella are both inside locks up the cat door. “There, now he can’t come back.”

  Getting down from the counter I start cleaning up the cookies from the floor, sweeping them and putting them in the garbage.

  “Dang, we don’t even have any ice cream. What am I supposed to eat now?” Batting her eyelashes at me she continues. “Want to take me out for some?”

  “Yeah, Beautiful,” I chuckle. “Let me just get my keys and wallet.” How can I say no to that face?

  After getting each of us an ice cream we went and drove down to our spot by the lake. Ever since her and Roman had that date out here, we’ve both kind of made it our spot with her. Especially when we just want some time alone with her or we know she needs to just have a little peace and talk. It’s too cold to get outside of the truck but it’s nice and comfortable in my jeep with the heater on.

  “So do you think Cade has any clue about his surprise party this weekend?” She’s licking her ice cream and all kinds of alternate things I’d like her to do with that tongue and mouth, invade my mind making my dick hard.

  I finish off my ice cream and adjust myself. “No he has no clue. Even though you almost told him what? Five times?”

  “I get excited. I’m terrible with keeping secrets.” Her ice cream is gone now too and there is a speck of vanilla on her lower lip.

  “He’ll definitely be surprised. Jayson spoke with Max at Jokers for you too, they are going to save and mark some tables for us.” I lean in and lick the ice cream from her lip before pulling her whole bottom lip into my mouth.

  “Mmm. That was almost better than the ice cream.” She smirks at me in her playful way and I want to pull her over her seat and into my lap. We don’t have a lot of room in the jeep though so I’ll have to get her back home.


  “You’re going to have to give me a little more to convince me.” Reaching over the console she places her hand on the erection straining against my jeans and I swear I almost come right then.

  “Oh, I’ll convince you.” I’m pulling out of our spot and heading back home moments later, and she’s driving me crazy, her hand still rubbing against me.

  “Maybe I should give you a little warm up?” My zipper comes down and she pulls me free, running her soft hand up and down my shaft. Legs tensing I press on the gas. Fifteen minutes till we make it home and she’s going to have me blow my load way before then.

  “You’re going to make a mess all over my jeep, Beautiful.”

  “I can make sure that doesn’t happen.” She turns in her seat and leans over the console, placing her mouth over my head. “Keep your eyes on the road handsome.”

  “Fuck.” My hands grip the steering wheel and my head goes back as far as it can while still being able to see the road. “Oh, fuck.”

  For the record, that was totally better than ice cream.

  Chapter Six



  “Hey, let’s stop at Joker’s and get a drink? It’s your thirty-fifth birthday and all we’ve both done all day is work and take Miklo to the airport. It’s already getting late, come on, just one drink?” Cade’s driving my truck and I reach over to put my hand in his right one that’s resting between us. “Please?” I curl our fingers together and give them a squeeze.

  “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop doing that thing you do, and making that face.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” I bat my eyelashes dramatically and blow him a kiss. Always works like a fucking charm.

  “Alright, we can go. Just one drink.” Sucker! And Yes! Everything is going as planned. I already snuck a text to Jayson letting him know we’d be there soon.

  “I love you, Cade.”

  “I love you too, Baby Girl.” He lifts our hands and kisses my knuckles. Kind of sweet of him. Jesse usually pulls that one. I love how Cade can be all tough and manly one moment and then tender and caring in the next when not everyone is watching. It’s not that he tries to hide it, it’s more that he just saves it for the people he really cares about.

  “Look there’s a spot right in front.” Courtesy of your brothers.

  He parks and gets out to open my door. I’m not wearing anything fancy since we went straight from work to the airport then to here. I did try to look nice today though knowing we’d be coming here tonight. I straightened my hair and curled the ends, putting on a black leather jacket over a purple sweater, with black skinny legs pants and black flats. I feel short, of course, but no way was I wearing heels on a long day like today.

  “I like this jacket on you.”

  “Thank you again for getting it for me.” We link arms and head into the bar and restaurant.


  My three remaining boyfriends, the brothers friends from work, Cade’s biker friends, yell out when we get inside. Despite, knowing exactly what was going to happen, I jump a bit. Roman winks at me having caught it. Jerk.

  “Just one drink huh?” He asks like he’s mad but he has a huge smile on his face.

  “Happy Birthday, Cade!” I give him a hug and a kiss before he’s swept up in the crowd of bro hugs and high fives. He looks happy.

  I love this. I wish Miklo could have been here for it but he’s going to have an amazing time with his dad. I still haven’t talked to him yet. He went back to Lisa like I knew he would and should, so I was able to converse back and forth about the trip with her. I know Dre and I’ll get to a good place again where we can both just be Miklos’ parents but it’s going to take some time.

  “Hey Angel, what are you thinking about?” Startled from being lost in thought I look up to see Roman handing me a blue drink. He knows what I like.

  I take a sip from the little red straw and find that it’s strong, really strong. Good, I need it. I get a little shy and nervous sometimes around a lot of people I don’t know and there are quiet a few people I don’t know yet here. “Just that Miklo would have enjoyed this.” That kid has become a social butterfly, and the guys’ friends all love him. He’s everyone’s Lil Man. Not so little anymore if you ask me.

  “He would, but there’ll be a lot more birthdays and parties. Jesse will want to go full out for his, he always does.”

  “His is in March right?”


  “Near Saint Patty’s Day?”

  “Yeah.” He laughs

  “Miklos' not going.” That really gets him going.

  “Hey Sweetheart, do you wanna dance?” Jayson appears before me and holds out his hand. There’s a fast country song playing and he looks excited.

  I hand my drink to Roman and he takes it. “Want me to get you another one, Angel?” Looking at the cup it’s already empty. Oops when did I do that?

  I can already feel a good buzz going but I don’t want to get wasted tonight. I have plans for later. “Maybe just one more? And not as strong as the first. Thank you Roman.”

  I’m whisked into the small area they pushed tables aside for dancing and spun around and around. I didn’t know Jayson could dance like this. I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m having a blast, he throws me out and spins me so fast I don’t even have time to make a misstep. I’m laughing so hard it’s tough to catch my breath when a slow song starts playing and he pulls me in close.

  “May I cut in?” Cade.

  “She’s all yours brother, well for now.” Jayson winks. No! He can’t wink. That’s just unfair.

  He hands me over to Cade and I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands go to my hips. It’s like middle school all over again but I just want to be wrapped around this hunk of a man I get to call mine. There’s catcalls and whistles going on around us making me blush and I lean in to whisper in his ear. “I have a surprise for you later.”

  “Another surprise?”

  “Don’t you like surprises?” I wait for his answer but it never comes. In fact he’s stopped moving too, rooted to the spot, we’re just standing still in the middle of the room. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Shit.” I hear Jesse curse out and I see him from over Cade’s shoulder standing with the other two. A look of surprise and a little horror is on all their faces, eyes wide. When they catch my gaze they all look worried and Roman starts to walk over.

  Cade still hasn’t moved and I feel like I’m about to shake him when I hear a feminine voice behind me. “Surprise.”

  I turn around in his arms and lean my back against his chest and his hands fall from my hips. What. The. Actual. Fuck. There’s only one woman this can be and it’s like we’re seeing a ghost. She’s gorgeous of course. Blonde hair, blue eyes, legs for days even without her stiletto heels, and she’s wearing a tight black dress that fits her curvy but thin frame.

  “Nichoal?” He speaks! And now I can’t breathe.

  “Hey Valentino, did you miss me?” I need to stop staring but I don’t know what else to do. What is happening right now? Why do I feel like a third freakin’ wheel?

  “How are you even here? Where were you?” Everyones watching, listening to them in the silence between songs.

  “Why don’t we talk and I’ll tell you?” She looks down at me against him. “In private.” Fuck you, this is my man, now.

  “Yeah, follow me, Mia I’ll be back.” What? He never calls me Mia, what happened to Baby Girl?

  I’m about to hyperventilate when Roman reaches me and walks me to sit at a table. Jesse and Jayson come to sit down next to us as Roman hands me my drink. I tried to drink it down fast but stop about half way. It’s not sitting well with me anymore and my stomach is in knots. Setting the glass on the table I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.

  “Okay guys, so what does this mean?” Silence. No one replies. I start bouncing in my seat, I don’t even know what to do with myself. “Do you think he’ll take her back? I mean he had proposed to her, he must still love her.” I choke out the last part and my eyes start to water. I haven’t cried in a month, I don’t want to cry now. Stupid emotions. Nope not going to cry.

  Their heads turn towards the right and I follow their direction. Cade’s coming back and he looks pissed as hell. Shit. What do I say? Shit. Do I even say anything? Shit. I can’t lose him. I also can’t face him right now. I jump up and run into the bathroom to get myself under control. I don’t know what to do. I have to be cool about this, he was super cool about the whole Dre thing. Even held back from pummeling his ass while making sure I was okay and letting Jesse handle it. I sit down in a stall to relieve myself and make myself calm down. I can do this. Whatever happens, happens. I’m not sure I could handle it if I happen to lose him though. Damn that stupid Barbie Bitch for showing back up. Sorry that was mean, I’m all for women being there for other women and I don’t even know her but fuck, I just found him. I call for Mel’s rules, I licked him so now he’s mine.

  I take my time washing my hands not wanting to go back out there just yet when I hear a toilet flush and someone walk up beside me. It’s Barbie, I mean Nichoal. She towers over me and is looking at me in the reflection of the mirror. “So how do you know my fiance?” Fiance? Oh, she's going to play like that. She saw us out on that dance floor.

  “Fiance? I think when you ran off three years ago without saying yes ,‘fiance’ was kind of a no go.” Alright Mia, you go girl.

  She bristles, her back straightening as she dries her hands on some paper towels. “Well I’ve said yes now.” What the fuck? Is she serious? Does his offer still stand?

  You know what? I’m not going to do this. I spent too many years competing for a man, and I’m not going to do it again. Even though I really want to keep this one. Turning to walk around her she blocks my path. “Excuse me.” She doesn’t respond and she doesn’t move right away, staring down at me, I can see myself being stabbed by the daggers she’s shooting out of her eyes. Scooting around her and purposely bumping her shoulder, yes I can be a little petty, I leave. I mean she is being a bitch and my bitch slapping hand is itching. It’s the right, if you’re wondering.

  I leave the bathroom and take the room in a wide circle I grab my purse from the table and start to head outside. The guys are all at the bar taking a shot. Cade’s eyes are searching everywhere as he raises the shot glass. Searching for me? Or for her? Be still my bleeding heart.

  I need to get out of here and luckily I had taken the truck keys from Cade and put them in my purse. I know he’ll be drinking too much to be driving tonight. I get in the truck and compose myself, still willing any tears from falling. I know I’m kinda playing the coward by leaving without saying anything but this heartache feels too familiar. I can feel the crack, that fissure of uncertainty opening up. Just breathe.

  I didn’t want to assume. I didn’t want to take her words to mean anything. I didn’t want to be the person to automatically assume that he was going to take her back. I know we needed to talk about it. Yet, with all that said, I needed space from this. I needed space before I heard what he had to say about it and his thoughts on her being back.

  When I get home it’s dark and silent. I don’t like it, this house is never silent anymore. Leaving all the lights off I head into my room and strip down to my bra and underwear. There’s leather thongs on the bed that I was planning to wear with only the leather coat he loves for his surprise. The surprise of boudoir pictures the other three helped me take where I’m wearing only that, but posing on his motorcycle in the garage. Nothing too risque, all the important parts covered, yet I admit - I looked hot as hell. They had a blast posing me and Jesse says he wants pics for his birthday too.

  Climbing into the too big for just one bed, I put the TV on a music channel and snuggle down into the covers and close my eyes. Willing myself to fall asleep. But I can’t, too much is running through my mind and I feel like screaming. What am I going to do or say to him when he comes to bed?

  A couple hours later and I’ve exhausted my mind, my eyes are starting to close when I hear the bedroom door open.

  “Are you awake, Angel?”

  “Yeah.” Roman comes in the door and shuts it. I hear rustling and he’s climbing under the covers behind me.

  “You okay?” His hand on my bare side sends tingles through my body my nipples hardening painfully under my lace bra. Damn, he got me from super sad to super horny just like that.

  “I’m fine.” He lets out a groan, we’ve had this conversation before, when a girl says she’s fine, she’s not fine.

  “What can I do?” Right now I can think of a lot and scoot back into him.

  “Just hold me for a little while?”

  “I got you, Angel.” Pulling me against him, one arm around my breasts and the other at my hip, which he keeps trailing lines back and forth from my middle belly. It’s all I can do not to squirm, my bodies heating up his every touch lighting the fire. Moving my hair from my neck he kisses it and I shiver.

  From my neck he trails kisses down my back to my bra. With skills I didn’t know he had my bra comes undone with his teeth. That was so fucking hot. He slides the straps from my arms and tosses it to the side. When he grabs a handful of my breast I almost cry out. My nipples are very sensitive and just the touch of his hands against them has my clit pulsing.

  “Make love to me, Roman.” It almost comes out as a whisper, I need him.

  He rolls me to my back and gets in between my legs. His arousal under his boxers rubbing against my underwear has them damp, my hips bobbing slightly to cause friction. Leaning down he takes a nipple into his mouth and my back comes off the bed, pushing it further into his mouth and making my panties wetter. When he slips his hands into them my thighs start to tremble and press against him. He runs his fingers between my lower lips, running them up and down a few times before slipping my now drenched panties from my legs.

p; I lean up and pull his boxer briefs down, his hard and thick cock springs free and I grab onto it. Running my thumb over the head and through the pre cum already beading at the tip I stroke him a few times before lining him up with my center. I lay back as he lifts one of my knees and slowly pushes inside. With one hand on the bed next to my shoulder and the other holding my knee he keeps a medium but pleasurable pace. Our eyes never leave each other, the light from the tv throwing colors across his face and making his light eyes shine.

  Really? Now the tears decide to fall? I never thought I’d be one of those girls who cry during sex but apparently theres a first time for everything, because I can’t blink them back and they start falling down my cheeks. I can’t lose Cade, I can’t lose any of them.

  My knee is lowered and he’s wiping the tears away and kissing my cheeks, his hips never slowing. “Don’t cry, everything’s going to be okay. Relax and let it go, at least for tonight.”

  He picks up speed making my breasts bounce beneath him, and I grab onto his arms, holding tight. My orgasm builds slowly and releases slowly, my pussy clenching around him, bringing him to climax. Kissing from my collar bone to my neck he keeps me in my blissful state.

  But I have to ask. “What was he doing when you left? Was she all over him? I’m sorry I left but I couldn’t stay and watch.”

  “He was getting drunk with the guys, said he didn’t want to talk about it right now. I’m not sure where she was when I left but he’s been preoccupied so no. You don’t have to apologize Angel, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

  I’m feeling too much right now. “Do you, do you think he’s still going to come to bed tonight?” If he doesn’t it would be the first time in months. He flips us over to where I’m now straddling him, his cock impossibly hard again and pressing into my stomach.

  “I don’t know baby, but no more thinking about it, no more talking, just let it go and ride.” Lifting up my hips, he lowers me back down on him hitting deep, and I do exactly what he says. For now I let it go.


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