Book Read Free

Mended Hearts

Page 10

by Tammi Lynn

  As I pull out of the school he begins. “There’s this jerk Craig, he keeps picking on Andie. He doesn’t do anything when the boys and I are around but we hear about it. He’s always pulling her hair and making fun of her baggy clothes. He crossed the line today at lunch though. She got up to get a drink and he stopped her and started to lift her shirt up, said he wanted to see what she was hiding under those clothes. She looked so scared, Mom. I grabbed my tray and hit him in the back of the head with it, to get him to let her go. Then we really started fighting right there in the middle of the cafeteria.”

  Poor Andie, I remember being bullied in junior high. Also, can we say future creep in the making? Craig sounded awful and I’m saying this about a kid, but really. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Two teachers broke us apart and walked us to the office. I only got to see her for a second when she had to come in to tell her side of the story.”

  “I’m still not mad at you. I’m not happy you got in a fight but I am glad I raised you to defend others.” Proud Momma moment. We get home and get out of the truck. “Come on, let’s go next door. I left some boneless pork chops in the fridge to thaw last night for dinner today. Their ovens bigger. But anyway, there’s a few extra and you should put one over that eye.” It’s starting to swell a little and he keeps squinting.

  Opening the door with the key they gave me we walk in to find Roman walking out of the laundry room with a basket full of towels. “Hey Angel, you’re home early. You too...” He sees Miklo’s black eye and sets the basket on the table. “Damn, Lil Man, hope the other guy looks worse.”

  “Oh he does.” Miklo smirks and gives him a high five, followed by Roman pretending to box with him. I almost rolled my eyes at that. Almost.

  “Did you use some of those moves I showed you?” They look so cute bouncing around each other.

  “You know it.”

  “Hey now, it’s still not cool that he got in a fight.” I chide.

  “Yeah Miklo, you need to keep your hands to yourself.” Roman crosses his arms like he’s serious, but I see him wink at Miklo from the corner of my eye.

  “I saw that.” I point out.

  “You saw nothing, Angel.” He waves his hand in an arch in front of me.

  “You’re mind tricks don’t work here Jedi, they’re no match for the force of Mom.” They both start laughing and I start walking to the couch and grab the remote.

  “She’s got you there, Rome.”

  “Miklo put that pork chop on your eye, or at least get some ice. Better yet maybe some frozen vegetables? Hehe those work. Since I apparently have the rest of the day off I’m going to take a nap.” It’s been a long week. I put a random movie on Netflix and curl up on their couch with a blanket. “Is Jesse coming home tomorrow Roman?”

  “Yeah, Angel. Him and a few others from the crew. Sunday’s going to probably get a little crazy in here.”

  “That’s okay, I can handle it.”


  When Roman said it was going to get all crazy up in here because some of the crew would be coming over? I didn’t realize he meant that they were actually going to be staying at their house for the weekend. Five extra guys hanging around, sleeping on air mattresses in the weight room and on the couches. I’m not ashamed to admit I went home early last night. If one of them makes fun of my height one more time I’m going to show them the advantage I have from down here and punch them in the nuts. It’s been a rough housing, loud, burping and belching, blast of a time. No, I loved it though, and seeing Jesse and Roman interact with them is comical, especially when one of the crew try to tell me a funny story about them at work.

  “So you’ve been hanging out with nine guys all weekend? You have all the fucking luck.” Cassie shakes her head at me and grabs a couple bags of tortilla chips to put into the basket.

  After sleeping in most of the morning and then cleaning the house I decided to go and pick Felicia and Cassie up. I know they’re going to want to drink later and I’m the DD for the night anyway. Stopping at the grocery store for party food, they’ve been grilling me about each and every one of the five men. More Cassie than Felicia. Felicia keeps asking me if I’m sure Max is going to be there. Oh he’ll be there. He had called Cade yesterday to tell him he might not come and pick up a shift at work, but when Cade told him Felicia would be here he said nevermind he’s coming. Feeling a bit like a matchmaker again, I hope Cassie might find someone tonight too. If we all had boyfriends that were friends it could lead to a lot of fun get togethers.

  “My four are enough for me, you guys can have the rest.” The guys are ordering pizza and wings, so other than the chips, we grab dip, pretzels, soda and beer. I pre prepped some chicken and shredded beef to roll and prepare some home-made taquitos at Jesse’s request. “I think we got everything, let’s head to checkout.”

  We’re all rung up and paid for and heading out the door when Felicia slows me. “So I have a question and don’t get mad. But, um, don’t you ever want to get married? How would that work, you can’t marry them all. Right?” Of course, she knows the answer is yes, but I appreciate that she left it open ended.

  It’s a good question, I have always wanted to get married someday. There’s no way I could choose just one of them though. “As long as I can keep them forever I don’t need to get married. Come on, we better hurry, we’re late.” I’m always freaking late for everything. Putting a foot up on the basket I push off with my other one and ride the cart to my truck. You know, because I’m cool like that and it will never not be fun.

  When we pull up in my driveway and get out to carry groceries across the lawn, I see that Cade’s friends have already arrived. Three bikes are parked alongside Jayson’s truck and Roman’s jeep. How do they not freeze riding those around in the winter? Cade has only been driving his car for the past few months, he knows he’d have to tie me to it to get me to go anywhere with him on his bike. That actually could sound a little fun, just not in the cold. I still need to give him those pictures I took for his birthday, they got put in a box in the closet the day after Nichoal arrived.

  Opening the door it’s a madhouse inside. There’s people everywhere, standing around in the kitchen, on the couches and extra chairs they’ve placed in the living room. I can see a few people outside around the fire pit, flames roaring through the back arcadia. It’s loud. Some of them have already started drinking but all of them seem to be having a good time.

  “Alright guys I need the kitchen, make room.”

  Jayson’s in the kitchen with two of his college buddies, he grabs a case of beer from me and sets it on the table to empty into an ice tub. Smacking my ass as he walks by, he says. “You got it Sweetheart.” He ushers his friends with him so me and the girls can unload the snacks and I can start making the taquitos. Somebody is a little feisty today.

  “What the fuck is that cackling?” We’re just finishing up in the kitchen when Cade’s phone goes off. I start cracking up laughing.

  “Oh, it’s just Nichoal calling Cade, again.” She hasn’t let up yet and keeps trying to talk to him. After the first day I grabbed his phone from him and downloaded the sound of a witch cackling as her ringtone. Juvenile maybe, but it makes me laugh and Jesse approved. Cade glares over at me as he tries to get his phone to shut up, his buddies all having a laugh. I might pay for that later. Bring it baby.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Following where Cassie is looking I can’t help but hold my breath at her attraction. Of course he’d be the one that would catch her eye. Cassie can be a little wild, and Felix Moore, Sergeant at Arms for the Metal Marauders MC is the definition of wild and untamed.

  I’ll admit he is gorgeous, he has dark black hair that flops in his eyes that are a startling light blue, almost silver. He’s tan and I’m pretty sure the tattoos that cover his arms and neck trail down the rest of his body too. Felix is intense and a little scary if you ask me, his twin brother, Davian is identical but with longer hair and less tattoos
. He’s a smooth talker, a lady killer my mommas would say.

  “That’s Felix, Cade’s friend.” Cade isn’t in the club which I’m thankful for, but a lot of his buddies are.

  “Introduce me?” She asks, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

  “You have to be careful with that one honey, he’s trouble.” I murmur.

  “He looks worth the trouble.” Oh boy.

  “Come on, let’s go sit down.” I lead them over to the couches, having Felicia sit next to Max, Cassie beside her. I sit between Jayson and Jesse, while Roman moves to the floor between my legs. I love when he does that, lets me play with his hair. I introduce the girls and the guys take turns introducing their friends. Cassie’s eyes can’t help searching out Felix and I can see his piercing eyes through strands of his hair, returning her attention. I hope she knows what she’s getting into. Of course who am I to talk?

  “The pizza’s late.” We’re only about ten minutes into the first quarter of the game and Jesse is looking at his watch. He’s right, it should have gotten here twenty minutes ago.

  “They’re probably swamped today, I’m sure it’ll be here soon.”

  Cade glares over at me again when his phone once again starts to cackle. “I’m just going to block her.” ‘Bout time.

  The doorbell rings and I stand to get it. “See, told you.” Weaving in and out of people, Felicia and Cassie stand to follow me and help. “So how’s it going with Max?”

  She blushes and looks down. “Good, he asked me out to dinner next weekend.”

  “Tell me you said yes.”

  “I did.” Yes! One dow, one to go.

  When I open the door expecting our usual pizza delivery kid, I’m shocked to find out that it’s not. “Nichoal? What the fuck are you doing here?” Standing in tight black pants red heels and a red sweater, I want to shut the door in her face. I should have shut it in her face right then.

  “I came to see Cade. I know they always get together for the Super Bowl.” She tries to step in through the door but I block her path. “Move, Mia.” Really? This Bitch.

  “You obviously haven’t gotten the hint, even with him ignoring you after telling you to leave us alone. I won’t give you a hint, I’ll tell you straight out, you’re no longer welcome here.”

  Her chest puffs up and she steps forward to get into my face. Cassie and Felicia each step up to my sides arms crossed and daring her to challenge me. “This isn’t over, I’m going to get him back. Your nothing to him, I was with him for years”

  “It is over, I don’t want you back. I have all I want and need right here.” Cade comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist to kiss my cheek.

  Nichoal’s eyes flash with anger and I can tell she’s about to explode or come after me or something, her body ready to lunge. “Buh bye, Nichoal.” Grabbing the door and swinging, it shuts in her face and cuts off her bitching. Hoping the metaphorical door to Nichoal being in Cade’s life closes too.

  “What a bitch.” Cassie laughs. “Go, Mia. she’s like twice your size and you stood toe to toe with her.”

  “That’s my, Baby Girl.” Cade spins me around and gives me a kiss.

  “Gag.” Cassie grabs Cade’s arm and starts to pull him away from me. “So, Cade. How about you introduce me to your friend Felix over there, and put in a good word for me?”

  Felicia grabs his other arm as they start to walk back to the couches where Felix is. “Yeah, and how long did you say Max has liked me for?”

  He looks back at me in mock horror, as if I’ve just sent him off carried away by wolves. “Good luck.” I wiggle my fingers in a wave at him with a smile. Looking around my heart swells. I love my new family and friends, Miklo decided to go to Killian’s for the game but everyone else is here. My new life. For the first time in a long time I feel as if I belong, no longer the awkward girl out.

  “What’s got that smile so wide, Sweetheart?” Jayson comes out of his room and walks over to me with something thrown over his shoulder.

  “You. Everything and everyone.”

  Grabbing the item from his shoulder he shakes it out. “You need to be wearing a jersey for the game.” Putting a jersey over my head I slip my arms into the holes. It’s big on me but comfortable. I narrow my eyes because it is suspiciously oversized. There is a tiny hint of possessiveness in Jayson’s eyes that has my eyebrows shooting up. Alright Jayson, I see you.

  “The Seahawks aren’t even playing today.” I feel like a traitor in the jersey, the Seahawks have beat my Cardinal’s a lot, but I do like it.

  “I know, but you got to rep your home state even when they aren’t playing.” Popping the shoulders of his own Seahawks jersey he laughs.

  “Then shouldn’t this be a Cardinal’s jersey?”

  “No, Sweetheart, Washington’s your home state now. Here with us.” Wrapping his arms around me in am embrace and kissing the top of my head I can smell alcohol mixed in with his uniquely him scent. How much has he drank? Jayson doesn’t usually drink a lot, just a few to get a buzz, but never drunk.

  “You know your not getting this back right?” Looking up at him, I then look down at the jersey.

  “I figured.” He laughs. They know that no clothes are safe with me.

  The doorbell rings and this time when I open it it's the pizza kid. Because it’s so late they offer the pizza’s for free, but I still hand the kid a twenty. He looks like he’s had a long night. Placing the boxes on the counter I quickly step away, hoping not to get mauled as they all swarm to grab paper plates and load them with pizza and wings. Johnny, one of the construction crew members adds ranch to his plate for his pizza too and I have to smile. Now that’s how you eat pizza, I love dipping it in ranch.

  At halftime everyone takes a shot but me in celebration. Being DD I feel like everyone’s momma and try to keep an eye on how much everyone is drinking. Everyones having a good time and even after the game the party continues. Jayson is trashed before everyone else and I’ve never seen him like this before. Walking around I gather the keys of everyone who's drinking and hide them in Emma’s room. They all know not to go in there. Max is sober and offers to drive the girls home for me later.The rest can all just crash here tonight and sober up. I’m starting to not feel very good and I’m starting to get cramps, probably starting my period. I’m due for one.

  Jayson is going to be my main focus for tonight. He’s moved outside around the fire with a group of others. Stumbling around and laughing it takes him a second to notice when I come up beside him and put his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist.

  “Hey, Sweetheart, you having fun?” Pulling me into his chest he holds me tight.

  “I am. You look like your having a lot of fun.” He smiles down at me but his eyes start to droop. He’s gonna crash.

  “A blast.”

  “You okay, Jayson?” This really is the first time I’ve seen him drunk.

  “I’m always okay when you’re here with me.” Well now if that isn’t the cutest drunk shit I have ever heard. He starts swaying and I lock my body tight to keep him from falling over.

  “How about I get you to bed? I want to lay down with you.” My cramps are starting to get worse and the thought of curling up and cuddling against him already has me relaxing.

  “Okay, yeah.” His body slackens even more and I start to walk him back inside.

  Before going through the doors I see Cassie sitting on one of the big round logs they have set around the pit, talking to one of the brothers crew members. I can’t remember the guy’s name, I’m terrible with names. Felix is sitting on the same log as her with about a couple feet distance between them, his eyes shooting daggers into her back. His body radiates intensity and I’m almost scared to leave her out here with him when Felicia and Max walk outside and pass us. Oh good, they’ll keep an eye on her for me.

  Come on, let’s go to your room.” I grab Jayson’s hand and lead him inside to his bedroom door. Opening it, he stumbles in, and I help hi
m dress down to his boxers. I take my pants off but leave my shirt and jersey on. I had to leave the door unlocked for Cade to find me in here later and I’m not about to give any of their friends a peep show if they decide to barge in. Pulling back the covers he gets in and I follow. Our arms go around each other and I hold him tight. Something is bothering him I can tell, but I’ll wait till he wants to tell me about it.

  “I love you, Sweetheart.”

  “I love you more Jayson. Try and sleep it off, okay? You’re going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning.” His hold around me loosens and his breathing slows. Looking up at his gorgeous face, he’s sound asleep, so I pull the covers up higher and wrap myself around him, throwing a leg over his. The pressure of his hip against my waist helps to soothe my cramps and I soon fall asleep to the drone of everyone in the living rooms loud voices.

  Chapter Eleven

  All To Myself


  Ugh, I feel like shit. I shouldn’t have drank so much last night. I usually never do but my mind has been going crazy lately. I wanted to hurt Cade. Like I legit wanted to hit him. I’ve known him the longest and we’ve been through a lot together, he’s my brother, but I was so sure he fucked everything up for us. We just barely got her and I don’t want to lose her. I guess it hadn’t really hit me until we were all together, happy. Then I realized how that could have gotten fucked up. So easily.

  When we went to the aquarium last Sunday, I could see glimpses of her sadness but she stayed strong and kept a smile on. She’s amazing with Emma and I love seeing them together.

  “What time is it?” Mia stretches and peeks her head out of the covers she’s burrowed down into.

  Grabbing my phone from the charger I look at the time, my new wallpaper the pic I took of Mia kneeling down by Emma looking at the fish’s through the aquarium glass. “It’s a little after seven.”

  “Can I please use your phone to call Jim? I’m going to call in, my cramps are killing me, my stomach to me knees is on fire.” I hand her my phone and get up, my head pounding harder. “Will you please get me some tylenol?”


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