Book Read Free

Mended Hearts

Page 13

by Tammi Lynn

  “Baby Girl.” Nope, not turning around. No one ever said I wasn’t a stubborn brat. Blame it on my Mommas for spoiling me.

  Anxiety, and anger hit me again for some reason and I feel like all my nerves want to burst out of my skin. Get a grip Mia, calm down, and quit overreacting. Like I damn well knew I was overreacting but fuck that didn’t help to stop it. My head keeps jumping from one emotion to the next. When I get back inside the house, I start to clean while waiting for Miklo to keep me busy and distracted. Everything must be catching up with me. It’s been a whirlwind of a past few months.

  Miklo comes in about twenty minutes later. “Mom! Don’t be mad! It’s so cool and I love it! Cade says I’m a natural.” How could I be mad? He’s so excited and he was doing good out there.

  “I’m not mad at you. Good job, Bubbs. You ready to go? I thought we could go to Dave and Buster’s to eat and play some games. Just us.”

  “Heck yeah. Let me just get changed real quick.” Taking his helmet, he goes to his room to change.

  D&B’s is a little far, but it’s been awhile since Miklo and I have had some quality mother/son time together. We’ve always enjoyed hitting any arcade we can find. We stayed out way past his bedtime for a school night but had a blast. I’m going to have to try and make it a once a month ritual. Time for just me and my Bubb’s before he gets to the age he doesn’t want to hang out with his mom anymore.

  We both drag ass tired into the house when we get home, and he stops me before going into his room. “Don’t be too hard on him Mom. I kinda bugged him until he gave in.” He nods at my closed door. We both know Cade’s in there.

  Ha ha, he can’t resist giving in to Miklo either. “Now where would the fun be in that?” I raise a brow at him and he laughs.

  “Night, Mom, love you.”

  “Love you, Bubbs.”

  He goes into his room and I go into mine. Cade’s in bed watching tv when I walk in and he turns to watch me as I go to the dresser to get some pajamas. “You done with your tantrum?” Well I was. “You don’t need those.” He nods to the pajamas I took from my drawers.

  “I did not throw a tantrum.” I undress and put my flannel pajamas on anyway.

  “Baby Girl, you stomped your foot.”

  “There was a hole, I stepped in it.” He laughs and pats the bed beside him.

  “Come here.” Hmm, should I? I stand there thinking. Nah, I should make him pay a little for keeping a secret from me. “Now, Baby Girl.”

  Batting my eyelashes at him I grab my book from the top of the dresser and walk out the door. He wants me? He’s just going to have to find me. Grabbing a jacket from the hall closet and putting on a pair of shoes I head next door and go into Jayson’s room. He’s lying on his bed reading a book and when he sees me come in he closes it and puts it in his nightstand drawer. What’s he reading?

  “I had a feeling you might show up. Not mad at me anymore, Sweetheart?” He pulls the covers back so I can climb in and hand him my book. Ever since our little get-away I’ve been coming into his room at night to have him read with me at least a few times a week.

  “Eh, lesser of two evils?” He laughs, pulling me into his side and wrapping an arm around me. “What were you reading?”

  I think he actually blushes a little and brings the book out from where he hid it. “Book one in the series we’ve been reading. I wanted to get the whole story and catch up.” Ha! Got him hooked too! It’s gotta be about the sweetest though, I love this time we get to spend together. There’s no way he would read these books out loud in front of the others, Jesse would have a field day with that. It’s something we have just between the two of us.

  Setting book one to the side he grabs book five and opens it to where we left off. It’s his turn to read and the sound of his voice has my eyes closing before the next chapter.


  I can’t sleep or get comfortable. I’ve woken up about five times now and it gets harder to fall back asleep each time. The first time I woke up it was to Cade crawling in behind me and pulling me back against his chest. I think it took him only an hour to come and find me. Then I kept tossing and turning, not finding a comfortable position to lie in. This last time though I woke from a sexy dream starring my four favorite guys. And no! Not the ones from my book. But really, those dreams have been happening more and more since I had my last period which was thankfully light and short after it tried to paralyze me for a day and a half. Hot damn! Needless to say, now I’m awake and horny. And thirsty, I’m really thirsty. I quietly slip out from between Jayson and Cade, thinking I might just have to wake one of them when I get back, and get up to go into the kitchen for a glass of milk.

  The clock on the microwave says it’s four a.m. and I know I’m going to be head bobbing all day today at work. After getting a glass of milk from the fridge I turn and see a box on the counter with a note on it. Mmm, donuts.

  Hey Beautiful,

  I grabbed some donuts for you on my way home last night, figured you might want them in the morning. You weren’t home so I knew you’d be here. Enjoy!

  Captain Cock

  In the box are three glazed and three chocolate donuts, my favorites. These men know the way to my heart. Eating half a donut and finishing my glass of milk I head up the stairs to Jesse’s room. I’ve missed him, and I can’t wait till they won’t have to go away for work anymore. Reporting to Captain Cock.

  The lights are off and the tv on when I come in and he’s sleeping with his colorfully tattooed arms thrown up over his head. My eyes trail down his naked chest to the blanket pulled up to his waist and my heart starts to pound sending pulses to my throbbing clit. I was already worked up from the dream before and now I can’t help but to imagine making at least a part of it come true. Jesse likes to sleep in the nude much to his brothers dismay, and I bet if I just lifted this cover… Well, hello. Yup, fully naked, his cock resting against his thighs that are just as colorful as his arms. His body is a beautiful work of art, shape, contour and image.

  Jesse is normally a hard sleeper, he’s about as fun to get out of bed in the morning as I am. I slip out of my pajamas and crawl beneath the covers, stopping right above his soft but still impressive dick. Carefully grabbing it in one hand, and holding myself up with the other I lean down and take him into my mouth. Running my tongue around the tip before dropping down further. Taking him to my throat and coming back up again I drag the ball of my ring with pressure against him. His dick jerks and starts to harden in my mouth and his body stiffens.

  “Shit. Oh, oh shit. Fuuuck.” He lets out a long moan. “That better be you under there, Beautiful.” As he pulls the blankets away from me, I turn and spin so that I’m straddling his legs and looking at him, keeping eye contact as I continue to bob up and down. “Fuck that’s hot, best fucking wake-up ever.” Placing a hand on my head he starts moving his hips with with my pace. “You’re going to have to stop baby, or I’m going to come already.” Letting his now fully hard dick go with a pop of my lips, I sit up. “Come here.” He grabs my hand and I walk on my knees up either side of his body until I’m kneeling over his erection. “I take it you found the donuts? Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, yes.” Taking him back in my hand I line myself up and slowly start to slide down over him. “Yeesss.” I hiss out as he fills me.

  “I missed you too.” Running his hands up my hips to my waist, he then glides them up and over my breasts and grabs hold.

  “Jesse! Fuck.” The sensation is too much and my whole body spasms, my pussy clenching down on Jesse. Leaning down and bracing my hands besides his shoulders I slowly start to ride him. When he leans up onto his elbows and latches onto one of my nipples I start riding him faster, coming down hard and grinding my clit against him.

  He drops back down to the bed and takes hold of my hips, making them move faster and faster. His fingers dig in when he starts shuddering beneath me and I come with him, my hands fisting into the sheets. Collapsing down onto his chest, he w
raps his arms around me and scoots me up so that I can lay my head on his shoulder. My hair is all sweaty now and he moves it out of my face to kiss my forehead. “Love you, Beautiful.”

  “Love you Jesse.” We lay that way for awhile before I roll to my side against him.

  “Wanna take Miklo to do something after you get off work today? Bowling? Mini Golf?” He’s always thinking of fun things for everyone to do.

  I nod my head against him. “Let’s go bowling.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Capture My Heart


  We’re going camping. I haven’t been camping in forever, I think Miklo was like five or six? At first I didn’t think Miklo would want to go, He’s kind of become a bit of an inside gamer over the years, well until he started playing basketball and even running in the mornings still with Jesse. He’s playing baseball now which means even more running. My baby boy is turning into a young man. He’s even taller now at 5’8”, and towering over me. Even though he’s only fourteen he’s starting to get a little mustache, I wonder which one of the guys will teach him how to shave? Probably Jayson or Jesse. Luckily Andie, and Killian are able to go with us so he doesn’t get bored hanging out with us adults.

  I’m doing a last minute food run before we go, the guys are back at the house packing up the truck and one of the Jeeps. I’m already so tired, I worked till three, got off early, and went home to pack, and now its almost five. We aren’t going to get there until way after dark but the guys wanted to leave tonight so we’d have all day tomorrow. Killian and Andie have to be back by tomorrow evening so we are only staying for one night.

  My basket is almost full and I’m almost done shopping when I head over to the hot dog section needing to pick some out. I’d grabbed these extra long buns so I needed to find some that would fit the length. I pick up a package. “Nope, too skinny.” I put that package down and pick up another, “Nope not long enough.” I drop those ones too and keep looking for a different brand when I hear someone clear their throat delicately next to me. I turn my head to see a little old lady, she’s wearing a comfortable mumu and her gray hair is up in curlers, she’s adorable.

  “Here, maybe this one will fit, I’ve always liked them thick and long myself.” She winks at me and then slowly walks away to grab a tall older mans hand. Then in her other hand she grabs the hand of another older gentleman. I’m standing there in shock I don’t know whether to laugh because of what she said and what she handed me, or to cry at the beautiful picture I just got to witness of love. A love with more than two.

  Back to what she handed me. Looking down at the huge sausage in my hand the laughter wins out and I start busting up laughing right there in the store aisle. People start staring at me but I can’t stop until I have tears in my eyes. I think my exhaustion has gotten to me too. I’m so tired. I’m always tired now though, I swear I can’t remember the last time I made it through watching a whole movie.

  When I’m finally able to catch my breath, I find the hotdogs I need and head to the cash register. I grab a few of those big round suckers that are in every single grocery store you’ll ever go into. Cotton candy for me, root beer float for Miklo and random ones for the other kids. I include Jesse with those kids too of course and don’t forget to grab him one. After I pay, I pop mine into my mouth and head home.

  Pulling into the driveway everyone is already outside waiting for me so I get out and hop up onto the side of the truck to sit. I went and bought them, so they can unload them right? I’m not even paying attention to what’s going on around me as everyone is unloading the groceries just idly playing with the sucker in my mouth, spinning it around popping it in and out when for the second time of the day I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and Cade is looking at me with this look in his eyes I can only call hunger.

  “Baby Girl.” That was his warning. Doesn’t he know me better than that?

  Smiling at him I pop my sucker in and out of my mouth dramatically a few more times, and in the next second he’s standing between my legs, his hands on my waist.

  He startled me and I had almost fallen backwards into the bed of the truck, grabbing onto his shoulders saved me. “Damnit, Cade.” My hearts beating so fast.

  “Give me that sucker, you’re fucking driving me crazy.” He tries to grab it out of my hand but I hold it up and since I’m up higher because of the truck he can’t reach it.

  “I like this sucker, but I’ll give it to you if you let me do one thing.” I don’t dare bring it down till he agrees.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What are you going to do?” No, I’ll bite.

  I slowly bring the sucker down and run it across his full lips making them sticky. Then I lean closer and lick across them, tasting the cotton candy, before I push my tongue between them and kiss him hard. Before I lean back, I take a nip at his bottom lip and see his body shiver.

  “I swear, Baby Girl… Come on, everyones waiting for us.” I hadn’t even noticed everyone was all loaded up into the vehicles. He snatches the sucker out of my hand and pops it in his mouth with a smirk and then turns around so I can ride piggyback. Of course I could walk, but who doesn’t like being pampered.

  When he gets to the other side of Jayson’s truck he let’s me down and as I turn to get in I get really excited. That glorious man! There installed on the side of the truck, is a step. Perfect height for me so I can now get into the truck easily. Have I said enough how much of a sweetheart Jayson is? I know he calls me, Sweetheart, but he’s the real one. He thinks of everything.

  I open the door and jump in and slide across the seat into Jayson’s side and smother him in kisses. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” He has to place both of his hands either side of my face to still me so he can kiss my lips, and I can hear Roman laughing from the backseat. The kids are riding in the jeep with Jesse, so it’s just us adults in the truck. Cade gets in and shuts the door and immediately tries to pull me across the seat closer to him.

  “I don’t think so.” I push his hand away.

  “What did I do?”

  “You didn’t give me a step, Jayson’s my favorite right now.”

  “I’ll get you a step. A big step, one I can bend you over.” He kinda said it under his breath, like he didn’t want to be heard but did. Yeah, well the lady downstairs sure heard, and she has me clenching my thighs.

  I cuddle closer into Jayson’s side but it doesn’t take Cade long before he’s scooting closer on my right side. They always have to be touching me sometimes. For instance, even Roman behind me is playing with my hair over the seat. I don’t know what I did to deserve this amazing new life but I hope I never lose it. I fall asleep before we even leave city limits.

  I’m jostled awake when the truck comes to a stop. Don’t ask me where we are because I slept the whole way here. Lifting my head from Cade’s shoulder, Hmm how did that happen? I look around and it’s completely dark except from the headlights of the two vehicles, I can see a dirt clearing in the middle of some trees and that’s about it.

  “Come on sleepyhead, let’s hurry and get the tents up. It shouldn’t rain tonight but you never know.” Now why did my eyes immediately drift down to the crotch of his pants when he said, “get the tents up?” I mean sheesh, will my mind ever not be in the gutter? God I hope not, it’s fun there. Jayson opens his door and pulls me down into his arms.

  I give him a big hug back and just stay there for a second. I don’t want to move. Sadly he steps away to start unpacking and I grab some chairs and follow the guys lead into the clearing. It’s a beautiful spot. There’s a wide creek running alongside the campsite that I wasn’t able to see from the truck and I love the sound the water makes running swiftly over the rocks.

  With everyone’s help we have the vehicles unpacked in no time and everyone helps out in getting the two tents set up. One for the kids and one for the adults. I trust the boys with Andie. Well I trust Miklo to keep her safe from Killian anyway. I’m still not so sure about tha
t boy, but he is a really good friend to Miklo. A fire is quickly made and everyone sits around the fire roasting hotdogs over the fire. It’s too late to make anything more elaborate.

  “We should play capture the flag.” Once again, you can always count on Jesse to bring up a game. I love him for it, but what the heck is he thinking? It’s dark out!

  “It’s dark.”

  “That makes it even better. No flashlights, but we’ll have small fires lit at where each flag is with one person from each team to guard it.” There’s that sparkle in his eyes he gets when he’s excited. Damn that sparkle.

  “Everyone else okay with that?” I’m really hoping someone else isn’t okay with it, I mean it’s really dark. I can be tough but not against things I can’t see.

  Everyone agrees and we split into teams. Jayson and Jesse are on a team with Miklo and Andie, and Killian is on a team with Cade, Roman and I. Killian is going to be our flag guard and Jayson is going to be theirs. I’m freaking shaking in my boots and not because I’m cold, I changed into some sweats and a hoodie when the tents went up. I don’t know these woods, I don’t know these animals that are lurking inside to get me.

  Roman steps closer to me and wraps me in his arms, calming some of the shaking. “You okay, Angel?”

  “Yup, I’m good. Real good. So good.” He starts to laugh and I push him away. “Alright.” I clap my hands together. “Let’s get started.” I need to put my brave face on.

  We had already went over that each team has fifteen minutes to get to where they’ll set up their flag and fire, then everyone searching for the others flag had to run in the opposite direction to find it. I was perfectly fine getting to our post with my team but after that fifteen minutes to get everything set was over and we had to run off on our own. I now find myself by myself, in the dark, and lost. Any sight I had of either of the fires before is gone.


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