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Their Festive Island Escape

Page 14

by Nina Singh

  “Reid, yes,” she managed to whisper against his mouth.

  She’d never been so wanton, so in need. But that was the only way to describe the state she was in. She needed this man. She needed his arms around her, and to have him hold her all night. And there was no reason not to give in to that primal desire.

  Not for this one night, anyway.

  Morning would come soon enough.



  Celeste could feel his absence without even having to open her eyes. He must have left her bed in the middle of the night. Tears formed behind her lids and she opened them slowly to glance at the bedside clock. Just past midnight. There was no way she would be getting any sleep. Her body felt languid, the heat of Reid’s touch still lingered on her skin. He’d brought her to a feeling of euphoria she’d never experienced before.

  It was highly unlikely she would ever experience it again. Her eyes stung further before she shoved the sorrow aside. She was a big girl; she’d made her decision and would learn to live with it somehow.

  A shadow moved outside on her balcony.

  Celeste rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. A surge of hope shot through her chest when she looked again. Reid hadn’t left, he was standing on her balcony, arms draped over the railing, staring out at the ocean in the distance. He was still here. But everything about his stance told her that something was off.

  Celeste stood and walked to the closet where the terry cloth robe hung on a hanger. Throwing it on, she took a deep breath. If she was smart, she’d go back to bed and feign that she was still asleep. But something about the rigid set to Reid’s back, the way his head hung forward, called to her. She just had to hope he wanted her to go to him right now.

  Well, she was about to find out.

  Sliding the glass door open slowly, she stepped out onto the concrete in her bare feet.

  “Hey, there,” she said softly.

  He didn’t turn to her. “Sorry if I woke you.”

  “I awoke on my own. Weren’t you able to sleep, either?”

  He shook his head. “Happens sometimes.”

  “I thought at first that you’d left.”

  “Would you like me to?”

  Her answer was immediate. “No! Don’t.” Please stay, she added silently, hating herself for the despair flooding her insides at the threat of him walking out right now.

  He simply shrugged. “Okay.”

  Okay? That was all he was going to say?

  She sucked in a breath. “Would you like to be alone?”

  He remained silent so long that Celeste was convinced he wasn’t going to answer her. Which was answer enough in itself, she figured. But then he finally turned to her, reached for her hands.

  “No. I’ve been alone long enough. Stay with me.”

  She wouldn’t allow herself to look too deeply into his words. They’d just been intimate with each other, as close as two people could get. And heaven help her, she only wanted desperately to be back in his arms again, snuggled up against him in her bed. The next time she woke up, she wanted to be nestled in his embrace with his warmth surrounding her body.

  Right now, she stepped into his open arms and let him hold her. After several moments, he exhaled deeply and turned her to face the ocean, her back up against his front.

  She could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. His strong, muscular arms held her tightly around her waist.

  “It’s beautiful out there, isn’t it?” he asked, his breath hot up against her ear.

  She nodded under his chin. “The whole resort is a sight to behold. You’ve really done well here, Reid.”

  He continued, “It’s times like this when I wish I could simply take it all in and just enjoy this place. Rather than worry about how it’s run. Or if we’ll turn enough of a profit. It’s all just so new.”

  He had a huge burden on his shoulders, she knew. She hadn’t realized just how heavily it all must have weighed on him.

  “I wish there was a way I could help.”

  “You are helping. You’re helping me put the marketing plan together to help sell this place. I couldn’t have asked for a better contractor.”

  Celeste tried not to bristle at the reminder that she was essentially his temporary employee. He had to see her as more than that after what they’d just shared.

  Or was it simply wishful thinking on her part to think so?

  “I’ll do my best, Reid. But something tells me you would have figured out the marketing approach with or without me.”

  He turned her to face him then, dropped a soft kiss along the base of her neck. Red-hot desire had her shuddering all over. It was quite a marvel how the smallest peck of a kiss from him could make her insides burn with want.

  “I’m glad it was with you,” he said then took her lips in a hungry kiss. “So very glad.”

  Any thought of profits or marketing strategies completely fled her mind as soon as his lips touched hers. Her only focus was the man holding her, kissing her, making her want. Her arms instantly went around his neck as his hands found her skin underneath the robe.

  The next instant she was lifted off her feet and carried inside.

  Where he set her further aflame.

  * * *

  Reid woke up to find Celeste sprawled over his chest. She was still sound asleep. Her breath was hot against his chest, hair spread out fanlike over his skin. He took the opportunity to run his fingers over their silken strands, remembering the way he’d thrust his hands through them last night and the way she’d melted in his arms over and over again.

  Morning had come all too soon. A glance at the tableside clock told him that it was much later than he usually started the day. Alex was probably wondering where he was.

  Yep, reality had dawned just as clearly as the morning sun. He couldn’t shove it aside any longer. Unwilling to let her go just yet, he pulled Celeste ever so slightly up against him. They would have some talking to do later. Though he had no real idea where he would start the conversation. He couldn’t risk mucking it all up by trying before he’d even figured things out.

  He had nothing to offer her. His world was hotels and resorts and meetings and investments. And somehow consoling his betrayed mother. Not to mention preparing for the fight he was certain was coming from his father. Dale Evanson wanted to regain control of the company he’d almost run into the ground. And he had enough cronies on the board who were ready to help him get what he was after.

  A woman like Celeste had no room in her life for so many complications. Especially when she had enough of her own to contend with. Oh, and there was that whole former-fiancée-of-a-good-friend thing hanging above their heads, as well. He couldn’t let himself forget that.

  Yeah, reality could land a real kick to the gut sometimes.

  Reid swore softly under his breath and made an effort to gently remove himself from bed without rousing her. She stirred but didn’t open her eyes. It took a few more tries before he was able to disengage out of their embrace. He reached for his shirt and pants lying over the back of the leather chair. He had to go start his day. He would have to leave her a note or try calling her later.

  But there would be no need to do either of those things. Celeste slowly opened her eyes and sat halfway up. She looked so alluring with her hair in complete disarray and her lips still swollen from his kisses. He could see the minor redness on her shoulders and around her chest where he’d rubbed his beard over her skin. He had to close his eyes to keep from crawling back into bed and joining her once more.

  “You’re up.”

  He nodded. “I have to get going. There’s a lot happening today.” On and off the resort, he added under his breath.

  “Does that mean breakfast together is out of the question?” The look of longing in her e
yes nearly undid him. He had to hold firm.

  “I’m afraid so. I have one meeting after another.” Starting with the business partner who was probably wondering where the devil he was at this very moment.

  “I see.”

  He leaned over the bed, brushed a soft kiss across her temple. “You go back to sleep. No need for both of us to leave the warmth and comfort of the bed.”

  “It’s not quite as warm anymore,” she countered.

  Reid ignored that, just turned to throw his pants on. Then he pulled his shirt over his shoulders. He had to turn away, if he continued looking at the enticing picture she made—with the sheet pulled up over the roundness of her breasts—he wasn’t sure how much resolve he could muster. He wasn’t made of stone, after all.

  “I have to get you my written recommendations,” Celeste said behind him as he sat in the chair to tie his shoes. “I’ve already got most of it written up on my tablet. I can use the business office to get it all printed once I finish.”

  “No need to do that,” Reid threw over his shoulder. “Would you mind sending it via text? As an attachment. I’ll look at it when I get a chance.”

  She sat studying him as he finished the last knot and stood. “Sure. I can do that,” she answered.

  “Thanks. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you have to say.”



  She opened her mouth but shut it again without speaking. Instead, she dropped back onto the pillow behind her and flung her arm over her face. “Never mind. It’s not important.”

  Reid fought the urge to go to her side and indulge in another kiss, this time to her lips. But it would be dangerous to risk tasting her again. The sooner he walked out of this room, the better for both of them.

  “Bye, sweetheart,” he said and pulled the door open.

  She didn’t answer before he walked out.

  * * *

  She had no one but herself to blame.

  Celeste turned the nozzle of the shower to the very end of the hot setting, allowing the punishing heat of the water to wash over her until she could stand it no longer. It did nothing to scorch away her internal anguish. What had she been expecting? To spend the day with Reid holding hands and walking along the beach? She’d understood last night exactly what she was getting into. The fact that she was hurt and disappointed by the way he’d left this morning was no one’s fault but her own.

  She’d been naive, fooling no one except herself. She knew how ill-equipped she was for meaningless flings. She’d gone ahead and spent the night with Reid anyway. Worse yet, she’d fooled herself into thinking she could somehow conveniently forget that she’d fallen for him. It had only been a few days since she’d arrived on the island and run into him again. But it was like the newlywed on the dinner cruise had said last night—when you’re with the right person, you just know.

  Celeste just knew.

  Though they hadn’t been on the best of terms three years ago when she’d first met him, she’d noted Reid’s determination and quiet strength. How hard he seemed to work as chairman of his family business. He’d always been a good friend to Jack, coming through for him with countless errands to help with the responsibilities of the would-be groom. Of all Jack’s friends, it was only Reid whom she’d grown to admire.

  And the time she’d spent with him these past few days had grown that admiration into so much more. Celeste bit back a sob.

  She stayed under the spray until the water turned cold and her skin started to prune. Then she made herself take a deep breath and shake off the useless, defeatist thoughts. Celeste Frajedi had learned long ago that the best way to overcome any stumble or setback was to keep busy and work hard. Stepping out of the stall, she toweled off, threw on shorts and a tank top, then ordered coffee and breakfast from room service. Then she pulled up her tablet and got to work. She had a marketing report to complete.


  HER SCRAMBLED EGGS sat cold and untouched an hour later when Celeste started putting the final touches to her write-up. Though the entire pot of coffee was gone. The next pot she ordered could be enjoyed relaxing on the balcony and watching the beach scene outside, now that she had the file mostly completed. And she’d done a good job with it too, if she did say so herself. There was a part of the report that could prove risky. A professional should never allow personal feelings to affect a business project, but she’d decided to take the chance. There wasn’t much left to lose.

  The ring of her cell phone pulled her focus.


  Her hand immediately reached for the device. Without stopping to glance at the screen, she immediately clicked the answer button, didn’t even care how anxious she’d appear at having answered so quickly.

  She was wrong. The voice that greeted her over the line was a husky feminine one. The first words spoken were slurred.

  “Hope you’re having fun lying on the beach while the rest of us are stuck here.”

  Her mother.

  Celeste tried to clamp down on the alarm rising within her core. This was twice in a matter of days. Wendy’s problems appeared to be escalating. So far, this was turning into one sucker punch of a day.

  “Hello, Mother. Is something the matter back at home?”

  Her mother grunted in clear disgust. “Better believe there is.”

  An icicle of fear dropped into Celeste’s stomach. “Is everything okay with the baby? What is it?”

  “The baby’s fine,” her mother huffed. Celeste allowed herself a moment of relief before her mother continued. “Your sister needs to start looking for another job, ya know.”

  Celeste grasped for patience. What she did know for certain was that Tara wasn’t in any rush to do any kind of job search. Especially now, mere days away from Christmas. “Mother, please tell me why you’re calling. You said something was wrong.”

  “I’ll have you know they’re threatening to shut off my power. It’s below freezing here. Not like that sunny, warm place you’re at. And they’re gonna try to cut my heat off.”

  Alarm tightened Celeste’s muscles. “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know. They’re saying the bill wasn’t paid.”

  “Are they saying that because it’s true? Did you neglect to pay the bill?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “Just send the check out now. Pay it as soon as you can.”

  “I got nothing to pay it with, do I?”

  Celeste rubbed a weary hand over her forehead. Her mother’s account must be seriously overdue for the utility to be threatening to shut off supply. Which meant Wendy hadn’t paid the bill for several months.

  “Momma, I deposited more than enough money in your account to cover all the expenses and utilities.” And she’d done so consistently every month. “Why didn’t you pay the bill?”

  A muffled sound echoed from the tiny speaker. Was that a sob? Celeste’s earlier alarm turned into an icy brick of fear in the pit of her stomach. “I kept trying to win the money, Celeste,” Wendy said on a loud hiccup. “And I came so close, but then the table would turn the other way.” There was no doubt now that Wendy was indeed crying.

  “Have you been gambling?”

  Another hiccup followed by a sniffle. “I was just tryin’ a get some money to buy the baby some extra-special Christmas presents. Wanted to do it on my own, without help from nobody.”

  Celeste leaned back in her chair, her surprise almost too much to contain. Her mother had actually wanted to feel the pride of getting her first grandchild a holiday gift without asking for money from anyone else. Mainly her.

  Celeste couldn’t help but feel touched. But Wendy had gone about it in an oh-so-wrong way.

  One thing was clear. Her mother needed to get help. It couldn’t be put off any longer. Not only did her occasional alcohol bende
rs seem to be growing more frequent, she now ran the very real risk of acquiring a gambling addiction, too.

  “Mother, stop crying. I’ll take care of the electricity bill, okay?”

  “Th-thank you,” Wendy was no longer trying to hold back the wails. “I didn’t want to freeze.”

  “You won’t. And we’ll be sure to get Nat a wonderful present when I get back, okay? But you have to stop trying to win the money.”


  “Promise me, Mother.”

  “I promise,” Wendy answered, and another loud sniffle followed.

  Celeste squeezed her eyes shut and counted her breath for several beats after her mother hung up. It took some time, but finally her pulse started to slow and some of the tension left her midsection. She would need a full and long meditation session soon to try to take the edge off her frayed emotions. Given her day already, the session would have to be a marathon one.

  She had so much to take care of once she returned to New York City.

  But first things first. Saving the document she was working on, she switched browsers and called up her mother’s electricity bill. The sum in arrears made her gasp. It was a wonder the electricity company hadn’t shut her off already. With resignation and sadness, Celeste transferred the amount out of her own checking account to cover the debt.

  This was her truth. Her reality.

  Incidents like this were the reason she shouldn’t have forgotten herself last night. Worse, they were the reason she should have never let herself fall for a man like Reid Evanson in the first place. Why hadn’t she learned her lesson the first time?

  For his reality was so very different from the one she lived in.

  * * *

  Alex made a show of glancing at his watch when Reid finally made it into the office later that morning. Reid braced himself for the inevitable ribbing that was sure to be headed his way.

  “Yeah. I know I’m late, partner. How about giving me some slack this one time, huh?” he asked, his arms spread out and his palms up.


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