Dragon, Silver Dragon
Page 11
“I will do this. Good luck with the rest of the plan.”
“If this is all that goes wrong, then I will be a very happy dragon.”
He laughed as I dropped down and shifted to human. One of the elves came running up.
“We are sorry, lord dragon.” He said as he watched Imar fly off.
I sighed, then turned away from him and opened a portal and went back to the slave pens. I was met by Dorvus.
“How’d it go?” He asked
“The elves of Estaria are getting in place as well speak. The elves of Veirania decided not to participate. Imar is on his own.” I sighed.
“Don’t think on it too hard. Promisin be easy, doin be hard.”
“I am not worried. It is nice to know beforehand who you have at your flank.”
“Too true.”
They All Fall Down
Time seemed to stretch as we waited on the rest of the slaves to return. Everyone was on alert and the waiting tended to wear on them.
“Michael. After we deal with this lot, they be tellin me they want to clear the seaport town.” Dorvus said.
“As in house to house. Make sure we get everyone.” He clarified.
“I see.” I said.
“Michael, they want ta feel like they did somethin. Ye be makin this too easy.”
“Ah, I see. Then when the ships are down, why don’t you take the guardhouse?”
“Aye, that would work. Then we hold the docks.”
“Yes, house to house is a messy thing and you don’t have enough troops to cover the whole town.”
“Good point. Once ye be gone north, they may make a run on the docks as well.”
“I am not going to bother with the town, so you may be right.”
Finally they came into view. There was a line of the guards on either side and the slaves were two abreast in lines of about twenty five or so. As they neared, the gates were open for them and they almost made it all the way inside before one of them caught on. One of the lead guards turned with his sword to strike a slave and died with an arrow through his throat. I saw another down the line another rear back to strike and to my surprise one of his fellow guards took him down. Two or three joined him and they took out the guards in the back as we finished the rest. Then laid their weapons down and knelt.
“Greetings.” I said as I walked up to them. “I am called Michael. What happened here?”
“We’ve been watching those bastards torture the prisoners for so long, we took the opportunity to remove them from polluting the land.” The one said with disgust.
“I see. Stand and follow me, then.” I said as I turned and led them back into the fort.
Dorvus was forming an escort for the last of the prisoners, some needed to be carried, but most were just happy to leave. There were questions about their loved ones in Estaria, Harroina, Veirania, Haversten and in a couple of cases, Dallase. There were told that they were just being moved away so that they would be safe while we rounded up the rest of this crew. They were told that if they had no connection with the guard and the pirates, the people of those towns would not be harmed.
I walked up to Dorvus. “We have a few who decided to help keep the prisoners safe. What would you do with them?”
Dorvus walked over to look them over. “Would ye be willin to fight to put this island back ta rights, lads?”
They looked at each other, then at this dark haired human. “I am John. We will fight with you. There are a few here and there who just got caught up in this mess when Ralph took over.”
I smiled. “Once in, it was hard to get out.”
He looked at me. “Yes. It wasn’t this bad at first, but when he started the slave camps and raiding merchants, it got out of hand. His bullies took any excuse to enslave or kill anyone who they didn’t like or just felt like killing.”
“Well, it’s almost over. Stay with Dorvus here when they go in to raid the guardhouse. If you know of any other strongholds, you can guide him to them as well.”
“I thank you Michael.” He said with a smile. “I never had a problem with elves. Truth be told, most of us in Dallase didn’t.”
I smiled. “Oh, I am not an elf, John.”
Dorvus laughed. “That be the shape he walks in to talk ta us normal people.”
John looked confused. “I don’t understand.”
I sighed as Dorvus did the introduction. “John of Dallase, I would like ta introduce ya to the Emperor of Dragonhaven, Michael Arienach.”
He looked puzzled for a moment, then he paled. “Wait a minute… you mean Arienach like the dragon Arienach?”
“One in the same, lad. You have the honor of talkin to the eldest dragon.”
I followed along as the group made it’s way to the seaport. It was only a mile, but it gave me time to look them over. Dwarves, Elves, Fae and Humans. I couldn’t help but smile. They quickly took the gate house that guarded the road to the fort, then started down the docks. I noticed several small boats begin to head out to the ships out in the harbor.
“Dorvus, take care friend, it is time for me to go put paid to the last of that fleet.”
“You as well, Michael. Haladoria would never let me hear the end of it, if even one o’ yer scales got scratched, though it be beyond me how that could happen.”
I laughed and shifted. I noticed the humans pointing as I took wing and flew out over the harbor. I also noticed some of the ships were manned as catapults swung around in my direction and fired. I ignored them and climbed till I was well over the fleet as a whole. A few had already made sail when I sent spelled dragon fire down upon them. It hit in the middle and spread out in a shockwave that almost reached the dock, turning the water underneath it to steam. The ships went off like firecrackers and I only had to take out two others with fireballs that managed to get out of the blast radius. I looked out over the destruction towards the town and let out a bellowing roar, then aimed a stream of fire out over the city. Arienach was clapping in my head and laughing uproariously.
I guess the guards got a good view of the show as only a few dozen tried to stop Dorvus’s band. The rest of the guardhouse surrendered. I stayed out over the harbor so as not to cause mass panic, till things calmed down a bit. Then I landed on the edge of the docks and shifted. As I walked into Haversten, I surveyed the damage. Hardly anything, actually, save for a ton of dead fish and some scorch marks on the wood that was facing the fleet.
By the time I caught up with Dorvus, the town was pretty much secure. John had worked with Dorvus to point out which guards could be trusted and pointed out several locations that were mysteriously empty by the time we got there. I was betting the roads to the north would be crowded at this point. We wound up with a couple dozen humans, who seemed really glad to see us. Most of the town, once the shock of having an ancient dragon destroy a whole fleet in their harbor, came out and cheered the group on.
“Okay, time to end this. Keep march north, Dorvus. I will be there waiting.”
“Good luck dragon. Good huntin.”
I smiled, then opened a port to the villa and walked through. As I stepped into the courtyard, three bandits jumped me. Various weapons flashed in the sun. None had time to scream as their heads left their shoulders along with pieces of armor, weapons and assorted limbs. I started the walk through into the house. I had my radar up, mapping locations which I approached one by one. There were a few half naked female elves in collars chained here and there. My blade made short work of their chains. The men of the house fell as they were found. As I continued, I notice several running towards the back of the house as I worked my way farther in. One room looked to have a group just waiting, so I went there only to find it was home to at least twenty elf slaves. The slaver was already dead, strangled with a chain. I smiled and started cutting their chains loose.
“You may want to stay here until help arrives. There is a mixed group heading this way to secure the area.”
“Thank y
ou lord elf. We are in your dept. I am Ravina, I am honored by your presence.” Her voice left little doubt how she wanted to pay that dept.
“I am called Michael. I must go, there are still some left.”
“Ralph has already ran, he has a bolt hole in the back.”
“I thank thee, but it is open land sunward and he cannot move that fast.”
“He is on horseback.”
I laughed. “It does not matter.”
She looked at me strangely as I walked out of the room. There were only three more present that I had to hunt down. One of which was a naked elf chained to a bed. I freed her then cut down the human that was hiding in the closet. That made an end to it.
Shifting as I cleared the house, I took wing to pursue the last of the band. I flew out over the plain and came to a stop. Horses and riders were down and the last fell as I watched. I landed away from them, shifted then walked up to them.
“Greetings, I am called Michael. By chance was Ralph in that group?”
One of the humans came up to me. “Greetings Michael. I am David from Dallase. Yes we killed him.”
“I thank thee then. It is done now, save whatever stragglers there are.”
He smiled. “We heard rumor of your coming, Michael. Is it true that elves and dwarves travel with you?”
I chuckled. “Yes, those as well as fay and even a few of your men who got caught up in this mess.”
He looked surprised. “You allowed them to live?”
“Being what I am, I would be an ill judge of someone else making a mistake.”
“I do not understand.”
I sighed. “Long it has been, the only thing dragons were known for was greed and destruction. I would be quite the hypocrite to point a claw then, wouldn’t I?”
He chuckled. “I see your point. What are your plans now?
“I plan on going home. I suggest you meet with the other leaders from the various towns and see about putting someone else in power.”
“The others of this land do not care for us.”
“Well, as one of the elven cities did not come when promised, I would say that Alistor will be more willing to hear your case now.”
“Lord Alistor of the Estaria?”
“That be him. He met with the people of my land and I think he might be a bit more open minded now. Go to him and treat him with respect and you might find it repaid well. Having Ralph’s head should be a bonus.”
“I thank thee dragon, though I have never heard of a dragon known as Michael before.”
I laughed. “People tend to take my first name better than my last.”
“Yes, for some reason the name Michael Arienach seems to bother some people.”
I watched as he turned white. “My god.”
“No, just an old dragon. Fair winds to you David. It was good to meet you.”
I turned and walked back to Harroina.
I was standing on the road in front of the villa when Dorvus came to meet me. I was surrounded by the ex-slaves.
“I see you get the choice ones, dragon.” Dorvus laughed.
The women looked at the band approaching warily. “Twas not my intention.” I replied.
“Tell that to Haladoria. I do want ta be there when ya do, though. She will peel your scales.”
Ravina finally spoke. “Dragon?”
“Ya didn’t tell her?”
“I never thought to.”
Dorvus laughed. “I am findin this ta be too much fun, dragon.”
I sighed. “Go ahead, get it over with.”
Ravina looked back and forth between us.
Dorvus cleared his throat. “Ladies, I would like to introduce you to your rescuer. This is Michael Arienach, Emperor of Dragonhaven and the eldest ancient.”
It was only a few seconds. Three fainted, two screamed… scarily enough, several looked interested.
“Are you done now?” I asked.
He laughed. “Yes lord dragon.”
“You are making jest?” Ravina asked.
Imar’s timing was perfect as he came up over the rise on the far side of town, his wingspan dwarfing it. He glided down and kited his wings, landing on the road.
“Greetings Lord Michael! My task is done. Moonward is secure.”
A few moments later, Tirreg joined him. “Lord Alistor bids you wait, he wishes to walk with you.”
Dorvus looked at Ravina. “Does it look like I am makin a jest, lass?”
We met up at the harbor. I had went to Haladoria and told her to bring the ships into port. They were met by representatives of all the major towns save one. I will say that when it was discovered that Veirania had rejected helping, there were quite a few unhappy people on that dock. Ex-slaves and free people.
The ex-slaves were off loaded for the most part. Some wished to come with us. I didn’t mind and no one else raised an objection. Even when a group of humans wanted to join us. The rest were taken care of by their various groups and there were hugs of greetings as well as farewell. Seems the fleet made a few friends. There were a few raised eyebrows, though, when Ravina showed up with about a half dozen of the other slaves from the villa, but Haladoria took them in with good graces. Even if they hadn’t bothered to change out of their slave silks.
The people of Haversten gave gifts. Everything from knickknacks to bottles of wine. And other beverages. One of the taverns contributed a whole keg of ale, which Dorvus took custody of. I took what was handed me in good spirits, but had no clue what to do with any of it. I thought the mithril broadsword was nice, though.
It was good to see everyone getting along without the usual race prejudice. Even us dragons were welcome. There were many there that wanted us to change to our full form, just so they could see us. The other dragons took turns and were applauded. Ravina and her crew along with many of the locals finally convinced me to shift. I went out on one of the piers and shifted. There were only a few that turned pale this time. I stretched my wings out to the sides and the entire dock was in my shade.
I shifted back as the last of the gifts and supplies were loaded. As we were standing in the street, there was an impromptu meeting about uniting the island. When the talk turned to politics, I took my leave. They bade us a farewell and most seemed to be sad at our leaving. I had Haladoria get underway and the dragons took wing and were pacing the ships. Once they were all moving, I shifted and took wing. As I flew over the fleet, I opened a portal and the fleet and the dragons went through. I followed and closed the portal.
Unexpected Turn
Time passed and a house grew outside of my volcano. Well, in my old life, I would have considered it a mansion. It was built in the elvish way, with decorations on every surface imaginable. The first thing that caught my eye was the grand staircase that faced the double doors at the entryway. Two levels, plus a basement, it was stone. Not facade, but stone. Looking at the insets at the doors, it had to be about three feet thick at the base and the dwarves only knew what the foundation was like.
It wasn’t quite done when construction started on a much larger building to the left of the new pathway that lead away from my house. The house being centered as you looked in from the valley. Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out just what they were building. And of course, no one would tell me. I wondered if that was just being creative or they like to hold me in suspense. Probably the latter.
Haladoria visited about once a week and news held that trade had increased, including place they had never dealt with before. Funny thing, she noticed that some of the ships had mixed races now manning them. News had spread, I guess. Dorvus had said that he had received requests to do stonework on some of the buildings on Torgos.
Me? I was spending as much time as I could in the libraries and talking to anyone who knew magic. It really wasn’t until one of the demonstrations struck a chord that I made my breakthrough. It was something the dwarves used to move rocks. Basically the spell made the rock roll over. Didn’t matte
r if it was flat or round. I had wondered how they had moved their stones.
The breakthrough? Well, it got me to thinking of the technology of earth. I started thinking of the little things that we had. Like wagons. Strange that the population had carts but no wagons. It only took about a day trying to get my idea to be understood by the elf and centaur who were working at the place that built carts. I took a half built cart and put it before one that was finished. Then I showed them that if they linked the two poles on the cart together and made a pivot, it would turn and they could build the box on the cart all the way to the front.
To the blacksmith, I showed the idea of springs. It took him a while, but after about a week, he had discovered spring steel. Then he went on to start playing with alloys when I explained how metal could be mixed. They knew it worked with bronze and such, but had never thought to try it with iron. Once he had a hard enough alloy, I had him make a rod and cut it into one inch sections. Then two rings. Haven had it’s first bearing.
It was his idea to make taper bearings, but couldn’t figure out how to file them all evenly. So, I explained what a lathe was. That took over a month of trial and error to build, but once it was, it took them no time at all to figure out the implications. I backed away a bit to let them figure out things on their own. Between the wagon maker and the blacksmith, I had a feeling things were going to really start developing on their own.
About mid summer, Haladoria came to visit me in a carriage of all things. It wasn’t fancy, but it kept the rain out. I knew the elves would be improving on it as fast as they could.
“Lord Dragon! Greetings.”
“Michael, milady.”
She rushed up and gave me a hug. “You make us rich, do you know this?”
That stopped me. “I am sorry, but I do not know what you mean.”
“The wagons we turn out? They are gone as soon as they are built. We are building a wagon making business just for exports down in Calalistos.”
I stared at her in shock. “Truly?”
She laughed. “Yes truly. With those spinning things in the wheels and that brake thing, they are in great demand. The idea of the iron ring around the wheels was brilliant as well.”