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Paper Stars Rewritten: Fallen Brook Series: Book 2

Page 8

by Jennilynn Wyer


  “Huh?” Ryder chuckles and shoulder bumps me. He smiles again and I blush all over. Get a grip, Elizabeth.

  My tongue decides to finally untangle. “We seem to run into each a lot on campus. What are you doing here?” The guys text me all the time every day, but Ryder never said he was coming to campus today. I have a feeling that they’re trying very hard not to crowd me too much. I appreciate it, but I also like hanging out with them. Especially Ryder.

  “Some financial aid stuff I had to get done before the semester starts up in a couple of weeks.” Oh, that makes sense.

  I look around at all the students walking around. “You would think that a college campus wouldn’t be so busy over the summer, but every day I come here, there are people everywhere.”

  “CU is a big deal even though it’s not an Ivy League college like Duke. About half the students live here year-round.”

  “I can see why. The town is beautiful.”

  “So, have you been coming here every day?” he asks me.

  “Almost every day since I moved here,” I tell him. “It’s not like there’s a whole bunch of other stuff for me to do right now.”

  Ryder’s lips purse in the cutest side-pucker before his shoulder lightly bumps mine again. “Want to get out of here?”

  Do I? Ryder stands up and offers me his hand, and I realize that I would let him take me anywhere.

  “Yes, I would like that very much.” I grab my guitar by its neck, and he picks up my bag from the grass. “Where to?”

  “To have some fun. It is summer after all,” he replies vaguely.

  Remembering I drove here this morning, I ask if he wants to take my car. I even offer to let him drive it again. Once my guitar is safely placed in its case and stored in the trunk, we head out. I get a tiny thrill that he’s taking me to destinations unknown. I love discovering new things, finding new places, trying new foods. My desire to pack eighteen years worth of experiences drives me to throw caution to the wind, be a little reckless, and do what I want.

  “Do you mind if I turn on some music?” I ask, already taking out my phone and selecting a playlist.

  Ryder has one hand casually resting on top of the steering wheel and the other placed on the gearshift. I think it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “You used to do that all the time when we were in my car,” he says.

  I take that as a yes and hit play. The “Cruise” remix by Florida Georgia Line and Nelly starts playing. I roll down my window, my long blond hair whipping all around as we speed along a back road, nothing but flat earth and fields as far as the eye can see. Ryder looks over at me, some unknown, deep emotion in his eyes.

  I love the country twang of Florida Georgia Line and can’t stop myself from singing along. Ryder’s thumb drums the steering wheel in rhythm with the beat as I drape my arm out the open window and play with the wind, letting it push through my fingers. After another three songs and ten minutes have passed, Ryder turns at a sign that has the words “go-cart racing” on it.

  “Really? Go-carts?”

  Ryder grins that heart-melting smile at me. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Are you kidding me? Hell, yeah!” I’m already bouncing in my seat when he parks the car.

  “This is a little mom-and-pop place that is far enough from the beach that it doesn’t get too busy,” Ryder explains as we walk inside. “My dad knows the owner, so don’t be surprised when—”

  “Ryder!” a voice booms from across the room. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming by today?” An older man with curly red hair and a matching beard walks around the counter and pulls Ryder into a hug. “Good to see you, boy. And who is this?”

  “Frank, this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, meet Frank.”

  I hold out my hand and notice Frank’s eyes go wide when he looks at me. His hand hesitates mid-air before taking mine. “This is…it’s nice to meet you, Elizabeth,” he finally says.

  “I promised Elizabeth some fun.”

  Frank squeezes my hand warmly and lets go. “Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have go-carts, putt-putt, arcade games, batting cages. Take your pick.”

  “Can we do all of them?”

  “You got it, pretty girl. Ryder knows his way around. I’ll leave you two to it.” Ryder tries to hand Frank some money, but Frank pushes it back. “You know better. Have fun with your girl.” I get all giddy and my knees go weak when Frank says I’m Ryder’s girl. Neither of us correct him.

  “What do you want to do first?”

  I grab Ryder’s pinky finger with mine and tug him to the doors that will take us outside. “Definitely go-carts.”

  We spend about an hour racing our little cars around the track. A few families come and go while we’re there, but like Ryder said, it doesn’t get too crowded. After carting, we play a round of mini golf. Ryder lets me cheat, which I blatantly and shamelessly do, and afterward, we play a few video games and some pinball too. Everything we do, I make sure to take selfies of me and Ryder and send them to Daniel and Drew, then forward them to Ryder as well. I’m making new memories and having so much fun that I don’t realize we’ve been here for four hours until my stomach makes a loud gurgle.

  Ryder and I are doing that stupid dance game where you have to stomp your feet on certain colored squares. We’re both a mess of legs, bumping into each other, but I’m having the time of my life. I’m way past sweaty and I pulled my hair up into a loose bun hours ago. I snort out a giggle when I crash into Ryder’s side, then trip. He easily catches me but as soon as I look up, time freezes. I’m overcome with a sense of déjà vu, like he’s held me like this before. Before I know what I’m doing, I lift up on my toes, my gaze zeroed in on his lush mouth. Ryder’s hands are gripping my waist and I feel them tighten slightly making my skin tingle all over. Holy crap. I want to kiss him — badly.

  My stomach makes another loud growl and I’m both thankful and disappointed when Ryder pulls away. He clears his throat. “Want to grab something to eat? I know a place nearby that makes the best burgers and fries.”

  I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. A bunless burger with all the toppings sounds fantastic. “That actually sounds really good.”

  Ryder calls out, “Hey, Frank! We’re heading out. Thanks for today.”

  Frank appears from a back room connected to the arcade. “Glad you came by. Don’t be a stranger. That includes you too, Elizabeth. It was nice meeting you.”

  “You have a great place. I had a lot of fun.” Frank smiles at me and slaps Ryder on the back. I wave bye to Frank, and Ryder pushes the door open for me so we can leave.

  We spend the rest of our afternoon at the diner talking over greasy burgers and unlimited refills of soda. We talk about nothing and everything, but I enjoy every minute of Ryder’s company. Once the sun sets and dusk arrives, Ryder drives me back to campus so he can get his car.

  “That was such a great idea. Thank you for today. I had fun,” I tell him, leaning back against the passenger side of my car which is parked beside his.

  “Me, too. I’ve missed hanging out with you. It was almost like old times. Do you want me to follow you home?” This guy. So freaking nice.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got it.”



  Neither one of us makes a move to leave.



  “Can we do that again?”

  “Of course,” he says easily. He unlocks his car door and turns back around to face me. “Text me when you get home.”

  “I can do that.”

  We look at one another, my green eyes melting into his brown ones. I can’t take the charged tension between us much longer because I’ll wind up doing something stupid like trying to climb him like a jungle gym.

  “Okay. Goodnight, then,” I tell him, and pop up quickly to place a kiss on his cheek before I can stop myself. I get inside my c
ar and drive off, heart pounding and palms sweaty. I crank the air conditioning up to help cool my overheated skin. Oh, Elizabeth, you are in trouble, I think. You are so falling for that man.

  Me: Home now. Thanks again for today.

  Hellcat: My pleasure.

  Me: Are you busy tomorrow?

  Hellcat: Nothing I can’t get out of. Why?

  Me: Have any more fun times to share?

  Why did I send that? It sounds like I’m propositioning him. Maybe I am.

  Hellcat: I can think of a few things.

  Why my mind instantly goes to dirty thoughts of his hands running over my naked body, I can’t tell you.

  Hellcat: Want me to teach you how to surf?

  Hell, yes, I do. That sounds awesome.

  Me: Did I know how to before?

  Hellcat: A little. Building sandcastles and taking long walks along the beach were more your style.

  Me: Surfing sounds great. Do I need a special suit or something?

  Hellcat: Waves aren’t that big here. More goofing around on the board than anything else.

  Me: Count me in.

  Hellcat: Pick you up around 8?

  Me: I’ll be ready.

  Me: Goodnight, Ryder.

  Hellcat: Goodnight, sweet Elizabeth.

  Chapter 9


  My eyes are gritty as I rub them and stumble into the kitchen in a desperate search for caffeine. I slept like shit last night after Julien told me Ryder had spent all day with Liz. Fucking go-carts and arcade games. I’ve tried texting her a few times over the past week and other than polite hellos, she has avoided me and it’s making me jealous of the time she is spending with my brother and Ryder. Julien keeps telling me to be patient, but all I can think is how I’ve lost a year with my girl. How she was hurt and in pain and I wasn’t there to take care of her. How scared she must have been when she woke up and couldn’t remember anything. I want to make it better for her. I want my girlfriend back.

  As I pour myself a very large cup of coffee, Ryder comes strolling in wearing board shorts and a swim shirt. I pass my mug to him and grab another from the cupboard.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “You look like you’re heading out to the beach,” I comment.

  “I’m taking Elizabeth surfing.”

  I’m surprised the coffee mug in my hand doesn’t shatter under the pressure I’m strangling it with. “Liz doesn’t surf.”

  “She wants to try it out,” is his reply. Ryder finishes his coffee and starts to pack a cooler with snacks.

  “Hold on. You were just with Liz all day yesterday.”

  “Yeah, and?” He looks over at me, a challenge in the way he cocks his head my way.

  “And nothing. Forget I said anything.” I back down even though I’m pissed as hell. “Why don’t Jules and I join you?”

  “Join what?” Julien asks as he walks into the kitchen. His hair is still wet from the shower he took after his run this morning.

  “Join him and Liz today at the beach.”

  “I’m in, but Elijah has to work today,” Jules says and chugs down a protein drink.

  Ryder throws a few bottles of water in the cooler and closes it. “Not up to me. You need to ask her.”

  I hold up a finger and dial her number. It takes two rings for Liz to pick up.

  “Hello?” she answers a little too hesitantly for my liking.

  “Good morning, princess.”

  “I’m not your princess,” she groans.

  “Jules and I want to know if we can crash your beach day,” I say, trying to sound cheerful even though my heart is beating out of my chest just from the sound of her voice.

  Liz doesn’t answer for several seconds. “Liz, you there?”

  I hear her sigh. “Yeah. Is Ryder there?”

  I look over at him. “Yeah, he’s here.”

  “Can you give him the phone, please?”

  I grit my teeth. “Yeah. Hold on.” I shove my phone at Ry. “She wants to talk with you.”

  He takes it and walks down the hallway to his bedroom. “Hey, I’m here,” is all I catch before he shuts his bedroom door.

  “Motherfucker,” I growl.

  “Jay, let it go,” Julien tells me.

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve gotten to spend time with her already. That’s all I want, Jules - to spend some time with her. I don’t care where or when or how. I just miss her so goddamn much.”

  “I know. You know I know, and I get it. Time and patience, brother.”

  Ryder walks back in and hands me my phone. “What’s the verdict?”

  “She suggested we all meet up for lunch later.”

  “What the fuck, Ry?”

  “Like I said, not my call. You don’t like it, take it up with her.” He knows I won’t do that.

  “Fine. Where and what time?”

  “Around noon at Seaside Grille on Pier 3.” Ry grabs his bag and cooler. “Jay, I know this sucks, but if all of us are going to be part of her life right now, we can’t push, and we have to defer to what she wants, not what we want. It’ll get better,” he promises and cuffs me on the shoulder before walking out.


  If anyone dares to tell you that standing up on a board in water is easy, they need to have some sense smacked into them. I think I’ve fallen off every single time I’ve gotten on this stupid thing. Ryder had me first practice with the surfboard on the dry beach. I had to go from lying on my stomach to popping up on two legs over and over again before he would let me take it into the water. I understand why now because this shit is hard to do.

  “You’re doing fine, Elizabeth. You’re trying too hard. Just relax and let it happen.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I grumble back. “I think I need a break.”

  I belly flop onto the board and splay my arms out wide. Ryder pulls me out a little further where the swells aren’t so high, and we bob gently up and down in a gentle rocking motion.

  “Sit up for me and straddle the board,” he instructs, and I do as he says. I don’t know how he accomplishes it, but he gets on the board facing me so our knees touch. I become mesmerized by how the sun glints off the water dripping from his hair and face. He’s wearing a swim shirt that fits his chest like a glove and makes me drool a little. I’m not so sure that all the sun I’ve gotten today is the reason I’m feeling hot and flustered right now.

  “We’ll need to head on in soon to meet the guys for lunch.”

  “It’s that time already? I feel like we just got here.” I also want to spend more time with him. Just the two of us.

  “I thought you might want to take a walk down the beach before we meet up with them.”

  “How do you know me so well? Wait, that was a stupid question. Of course, you know me well,” I laugh causing Ryder’s eyes to sparkle like smoky quartz crystals.

  “I hope this wasn’t too bad for you.”

  “I may have grumbled through most of it, but like yesterday, I have fun with you no matter what we’re doing.”

  “Good to know. I’ll take you to a monster truck show one day.”

  “I insist on a greased pig race,” I counter.

  “Sumo wrestling.”


  “What’s wrong with golf?” he asks. “You played putt-putt yesterday, did you not?”

  I dip my hands in the warm ocean water and flick water at him. “It’s not the same thing and you know it. Golf is boring as hell to watch — like paint drying. At least with mini-golf, you have obstacles and windmills to make it more exciting and kick it up a notch.”

  Ryder kicks his foot up, spraying me with water. “True.”

  Giggling, I kick both my feet and douse him good.

  “Oh, she wants to play,” is the only warning I get before he tips the board and we both fall in the water. I come up sputtering and feel hands around my ankle. I kick out as a reflex because scenes from Jaws are always present in anyone’s mind when they enter the ocean,
and for some reason my brain decided to retain that movie for me to remember. Instead of the sharp bite of a shark, I feel fingers around my lower calf and a tug that releases the ankle strap. Before I consider why Ryder would remove the tether between me and the surfboard, I’m lifted high and thrown up and out, landing in a big, inelegant splash.

  “Oh, now it’s on,” I threaten him when I resurface. I swim over to where he’s hanging on the surfboard and dive under. Once I come up behind him, I jump on his back and pull him under. Ryder retaliates by grabbing my legs and pulling me under. Breathless, I make a “T” with my hands and ask for a time out.

  “Give up?” He smiles down at me as I float on my back.

  “Never. Just give me a minute. You’re sneaky.” I grin up at him and he grins back. And there is that flip again, deep in my stomach. I swim up to him and grab hold of his shoulders which feel like banded steel under my wet hands, warmed from the sun. My legs come around his waist and he reacts by grabbing my hips. I notice his pupils contract as we stare at each other and our breathing becomes heavier. I know I’m about to do that something stupid I keep warning myself about when we hear our names being called. Ryder and I look over to see Jayson and Julien waving at us from the shoreline.

  “I guess that’s our cue,” Ryder says.

  “I guess so,” I reply, disappointed. “Want to tow me in?”

  “Hop on,” he says, even though he easily lifts me back up onto the board without me doing anything.



  “Thank you for another wonderful time.”


  “I guess we won’t get our walk on the beach.”

  “Who says we can’t? I’m sure Jules and Jay won’t mind.”

  I reach to cover his hand that’s gripped on the side of the board. “I meant with you.” He turns his hand over and we link our fingers.

  “Anytime you want, Elizabeth.” And I fall just a little bit more.

  Chapter 10


  “Elizabeth Fairchild? Please follow me.”

  The receptionist, an older woman with curly gray hair pulled tight in a high bun, greets me as I walk behind her down a short hallway and into a large office that looks like someone’s grand study or possibly a living room. The room is supposed to be designed to make one relaxed and comfortable. For me, it’s an epic fail. I am extremely uncomfortable. I place my bag down on the floor next to a plush brown checkered couch and take a seat, fidgeting a bit.


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