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Paper Stars Rewritten: Fallen Brook Series: Book 2

Page 18

by Jennilynn Wyer

  “So, what’s the plan for the day?” Ryder asks me as we drive toward the airport. There’s a private runway and hanger we need to find where Daniel’s corporate jet will be landing.

  I sip on my coffee and open a breakfast sandwich, holding it out for Ryder to take a bite.

  “He’s only staying for a few days, so I would like to spend tonight just with him if that’s okay.”

  “I know I must say it a lot, but whatever you need, Elizabeth,” he says turning to look at me in the passenger seat. “The guys would like to meet him too at some point before he leaves.”

  “I haven’t told him about us yet. I was waiting for him to get here and was planning on telling him tonight. Or I could this morning since you’re already here with me.” I pause. My stomach turns and I put my sausage biscuit back in its wrapper, no longer hungry. “Um, I need to talk to you about something.”

  We approach the exit we need to take and Ryder flicks on the blinker to merge into the offramp. “What about?”

  This is harder than I thought it would be. And why did I think it was a good idea to bring it up while he’s driving? What’s wrong with me?

  Screw it. Here we go. “Julien knows.”

  It’s still dark outside, the sun won’t be rising for another half hour. Streetlights and the interior dash are our only illumination. Ryder looks at me, then the road, then back at me, before staring straight ahead.

  “He does?”

  I nod yes.

  “Hold on,” he tells me and then pulls into a parking area and turns off the engine. “We’re here. Explain.”

  My stomach flips again because I can’t get a read on the situation. We agreed to keep us private from the rest of the guys, and I broke that without discussing it with Ryder first. Isn’t that exactly what couples in a relationship are not supposed to do? Relationships are supposed to be about trust and communication.

  “It was Saturday, wasn’t it?” he guesses.

  What? “How did you know?”

  “Baby.” Baby. Every damn time. Straight to my heart.

  “You can’t get mad,” I say to him and he just raises his black brow at me. God, he’s so freaking sexy.

  “Julien asked me to give him a chance.”

  Before Ryder can respond, I hold my hand up telling him to wait. To hear me out first. He settles back into his seat and I get distracted by how his biceps flex as he pushes himself to face me more. Where was I?

  “He feels guilty, Ryder. He thinks he should have saved me that night and the guilt has consumed him. I don’t know what he was thinking exactly. He’s so in love with Elijah. Anyone can see that. I think he feels like I’m going to be taken away from you guys again, and he’s panicking. So, yeah, he asked me to give him a chance and I told him that I was in love with you.”

  Ryder’s chest rises with a deep inhale, but he doesn’t stop me.

  “So we talked. It was a good talk. He got a lot of stuff off his chest…” I trail off. “And he kissed me goodbye. Not goodbye, goodbye, but like a little peck on the lips… you get what I mean.”

  My hands are doing gymnastics in my lap and Ryder reaches over to still them.



  “Okay? Are you mad?”

  He leans over the stick-shift between us, his gorgeous light brown eyes taking possession of my worried green ones. “No, I’m not mad. I understand where he’s coming from because I know where all of us have been at the past year. As long as it wasn’t anything more that deserves me kicking his ass, then I’m not mad.”

  “It meant nothing more. I promise.” My sigh is one of relief. That’s what I had assumed, but you know the saying about those who assume.

  Ryder gets out of the car and comes around to open my door. As soon as I’m standing, he presses his mouth to mine. “I love you, Elizabeth. I trust you. But that doesn’t mean he and I won’t be having a serious conversation.”

  “Be gentle with him,” I implore. “Ryder?”

  We’re hugging now. “Yeah?”

  “Just like I made Julien promise, you have to promise me you’ll come to me first, about anything. Anything you’re feeling or anything that concerns you. Especially about what happened to me and my family. No guilt. Ever. None of what happened to me is your fault. You need to promise me that you’ll talk to me if you ever think that. Okay? And I’m ready to talk about it. We don’t have to dance around the subject anymore.”

  “Dr. Clairemont is helping?”

  “Yes. More than the therapists in Seattle ever did. Maybe it’s me being here that’s opening those locked doors. Maybe it’s being around you, Jayson, and Julien. I don’t know. Daniel is coming with me to my next session tomorrow,” I add.

  “That’s good.”

  We watch as Daniel’s new Gulfstream G700 with the D&D Tech logo on the side and tail taxies up to the hanger. I start bouncing on the balls of my feet in excitement.

  “He’s here! Come on.”

  After meeting Daniel and receiving lots of hugs, Ryder and I make it to campus just in time for me to push through the auditorium doors to English Lit.

  “There she is!” Meredith exclaims, causing a few heads to turn my way as I sit down. “I told you she was coming.”


  “Trevor thought you weren’t coming today because you’re never late.”

  I bend forward to look at Trevor and he shrugs. “What’s up, Wildcat? Why’d you skip the party Saturday?”

  Meredith jumps in, “I told you she was busy with other stuff. Besides, there’ll be other parties.”

  “I still haven’t decoded your message,” I tell her, getting my laptop out.

  Meredith snorts out a laugh and several more heads turn our way. She leans in and whispers, “I’ll fill you in later.” Sitting back, she returns to her normal voice. “So, we still on for tomorrow night’s study group?”

  “I’ve already created the template and graphics, so we just need to type in the words and it’s done,” Trevor says.

  I’m impressed. Trevor really stepped up on our assignment. “That’s really cool of you, Trevor. Thanks.”

  “No prob. Can’t allow your grade to slip if you’re doing pre-med,” he replies.

  “How did you know I was in pre-med?”

  Meredith’s head is twisting side to side like she’s watching a tennis match as she follows our conversation.

  “You told me during study group.”

  I did? I guess I did. We tend to talk a lot during those two hours. Well, Meredith does anyway.

  Professor Hallenger and his TAs walk into the room. He springs a surprise quiz on us about the novel we were supposed to have read by this past weekend. Half the auditorium groans and complains. Luckily, Meredith, Trevor, and I finished the book already, so it takes us no time to complete the quiz. The quiz consists of writing a short essay, and once we turn it in, we’re allowed to leave. I text Ryder to let him know that I’m out early and will meet him in the cafeteria. He had a meeting with one of his professors this morning, so I don’t know how much longer that’s going to take.

  As soon as we step outside, Meredith does the cutest celebratory dance. “More free time for me! Well, fifty extra minutes but, I’m not complaining. Want to go grab something to eat in the cafeteria?”

  “I’m down for that,” Trevor agrees. “Wildcat, you coming?”

  I’m supposed to meet Ryder there anyway, so why the hell not? “I’m in.”

  You can feel that summer is coming to an end. The air isn’t as humid as it was in August and the leaves on a few of the trees are starting to turn color. I’m looking forward to the cooler temps of autumn and being able to break out my long jeans and heeled boots. The weather in Seattle was much cooler than it is here, not to mention much, much wetter. I don’t think I ever donned shorts the entire time I was there.

  I’m listening to Meredith in her usual talk-a-mile-a-minute mode and have to hand it to Trevor. He’s actually listening to e
very word she tells him, and not once does he drift off, glaze over, or look away. The man’s a saint for that alone.

  As we near the cafeteria building, I hear a guy’s voice yell out, “Kitten! Hold up,” and two girls near us say, “Oh, my God! That’s Fallon Montgomery! So freaking hot!”

  When I hear them say Fallon’s name, I’m about to turn around, because of course I’m intrigued about this mystery guy who hangs around with Ryder and seems to turn up in way too many conversations.

  “Kitten!” Then, “Elizabeth!”

  Trevor stops and abruptly turns, almost knocking Meredith sideways. She grabs on to my arm to steady herself. “Holy shit. That really is Fallon Montgomery. You know him?”

  “No,” I say back.

  “Oh. Right. Forgot,” she says, then snickers when she realizes the pun. I poke her in the side.

  I remember him a little from the student center. I didn’t really pay much attention to him, however, as all my focus was on Ryder at the time. I can see why so many of the girls on campus are stupid over this guy. He’s gorgeous. Sandy-blond hair disheveled in a way that says he either just rolled out of bed or he just had hot sex. His eyes are so vibrantly, crystal blue it’s blinding. And he’s got this aura of charisma about him like he rules the world and we should all be glad of the opportunity to bow down at his feet.

  He slows as he nears our group of three, but his eyes go to Trevor and narrow before returning to me. “There she is. Ryder’s had you on lockdown. But he’s not here now is he?” He flashes me such a cocky grin, I can’t help but grin in return before I smooth it away.

  “Fallon,” Trevor says, his tone flat.

  Fallon’s affable grin fades. “Trevor. Don’t you have someplace to be?”


  “Well, we do.” Before I know what’s going on, Fallon takes my bag and then my arm and starts walking away with me in tow.

  I hear Meredith and Trevor shout something behind us and Fallon lifts his middle finger in the air and continues walking.

  Luckily, my brain engages and I pull to a stop. “Wait one damn minute. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “We’re going someplace so we can talk, kitten.”

  “First, stop calling me kitten.” He laughs at that and shakes his head. “Second, you ask politely, asshole. You don’t just grab someone and kidnap them.”

  “You are a sight for sore eyes, kitten.”

  This guy. Julien said he thought Fallon liked me in high school. Ryder doesn’t want me hanging around him for some reason. I wonder if Jayson has an opinion. My curiosity gets the better of me. I look around and see a bench between two trees in the quad, so I walk over to it. If Fallon wants to talk to me so badly, he’ll follow.

  Once I reach the bench, I sit down and text Ryder.

  Me: Just got abducted by Fallon. In the quad near Mason Hall.

  Fallon places my bag at my feet then leans up against an adjacent tree. He plants his hands in his pockets while cocking his head, staring at me, that all-knowing smirk once again plastered across his roguish face.

  My phone dings but it’s not Ryder.

  Meredith: Trevor is losing his shit. Text me later. OMG! Fallon Montgomery! Holy crap girl!

  I place my phone back in my pocket.

  “You’ve got your audience, Fallon. So talk.”

  “Shit, kitten.” He takes one hand out of his pocket, unwraps a stick of gum with his thumb and middle finger, and pops it in his mouth. “Don’t know if you remember or not, but I used to smoke. Mostly weed. I quit. Gum seems to help keep the cravings down.”

  “Good for you. It’s better for your health,” I reply not knowing where he’s going but following his lead.

  “Possibly.” He eyes me, taking me all in. “You look good.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, all polite. He grins.

  “Heard you don’t remember shit.”

  “Yep,” I respond, popping the “p” at the end. Fallon’s grin turns into a deep laugh.



  “Ah, so you can say my actual name.”

  He laughs even harder, seeming to enjoy our banter. I give up. This guy is nuts. I wind up smiling at him while trying to strangle my responding chuckle. He slides his back down the trunk of the tree and sits, legs outstretched, like we’re here to shoot the shit with one another, all the time in the world.

  “You seem to know my story,” I say. “I take it we were friends or something?”

  “Not quite,” he replies.

  “So what were we then?”

  “Cat and mouse.”

  I think I’m getting a clearer picture. He was the cat and I was the mouse. It seems Fallon likes to play games.

  Fallon backpedals. “So, no memory. How’s that working out for you?”

  “It sucks.”

  “How’s that working for you and Jay?”

  “That’s none of your business,” I snap. His smile widens.

  “Thought so. So, you and my boy, Ry, then. Good to know.”

  What the hell? “How did you—” I shut up. I try to turn the tables. “Why am I supposed to avoid you? You’re friends with Ryder and the others seem to know you.”

  “It’s Trevor you need to avoid, kitten. Not me.”

  “You really are a very difficult person to have a conversation with, Fallon Montgomery. Why should I avoid Trevor? He’s been nothing but nice. Do you know something I don’t?”

  Fallon is about to answer in whatever weird-ass way of his when he looks past me. “And the cavalry arrives.”

  I look over to see Jayson and Julien making their way to where Fallon and I are sitting. I can only assume Ryder must have texted them. I check my phone and sure enough there’s a reply from Ryder.

  Hellcat: Stuck and can’t leave yet. Texting the guys.

  “What’s up, man.” Julien greets Fallon as they fist bump and sits down next to him. Jayson joins me on the bench and says, “Been a while, Fallon.” He reaches over the back of the bench and rests his arm behind me.

  Fallon’s gaze shoots to where Jayson’s arm is resting and then he looks at me, his smirk firmly back in place. I swear this guy finds everything amusing.

  “Yes, it has,” Fallon answers Jayson. “Just catching up with kitten here.” Jayson growls. Fallon’s enjoyment grows.

  Fallon turns his attention to Julien. I notice his eyes shift from bemusement to something more real. “Heard you’ve got the attention of the big guys. Way to go man.”

  “Don’t know if that’s the way I want to go.”

  “Who are the big guys?” I ask.

  Jayson is first to answer. “The national men’s soccer team.” I feel a tug on my hair and swat his hand away.

  “Julien, that’s great. Why wouldn’t you want to go professional?” I ask him.

  “I want to help people. Athletes. That’s why I want to do sports medicine. Not kick a soccer ball down a field for the next ten years.”

  I can understand. After all, that’s why I want to be a doctor. I want to help people like Drew.

  Still curious about Fallon, I ask him, “What do you want to do?”

  “Whatever the hell I want.”

  “Then why are you here at CU if not to get a degree and work at something you have a passion for?”

  “Kitten, I have more money than I know what to do with. I’m already set for life.”

  “Then why even be here?” I persist.

  Fallon’s silent for a second. I about fall out of my seat when he actually gives me a straight-forward, honest answer. “I came for Ry. Someone had to look out for him.”

  I wasn’t expecting that. By Julien and Jayson’s reaction, they were taken by surprise as well.

  I seem to be the only one who still has a voice. “Good. Someone should,” is my response. I know I may have come across as a little accusatory toward Jayson and Julien with that statement, but I get it. I understand Fallon’s meaning. Over the past ye
ar, Julien had support from both Elijah and Ryder. Julien and Ryder picked Jayson up when he was at his lowest and living in the bottom of a liquor bottle. They helped Jayson climb back into the light. But who was there for Ryder? Apparently, Fallon was. And knowing that just shot Fallon up several rungs on my ladder of respect.

  Fallon sends me a look of admiration for my answer, giving me a nod, and I nod in return. I think maybe Fallon and I understand each other just fine.

  “I’m meeting Ryder at the cafeteria. You guys coming?” I bend to get my bag but Jayson picks it up first.

  “I’ve got this, Liz.”

  Julien stands up and joins us. I take a step to go but look down at Fallon who’s still sitting on the grass. “You coming?”

  That wry amusement lights up his face. “Whatever you say, kitten.”

  Chapter 21


  What the fuck is Fallon up to?

  Jules and I were at home when Ry texted us to check on Liz. He said Fallon had dragged her off somewhere in the quad near Mason Hall, but he couldn’t leave to go check-up on her. Jules and I immediately left the condo and headed to campus. As soon as we neared Mason, I saw Liz sitting on a bench, Fallon sitting across from her on the ground, like two friends enjoying a chat.

  Again, what the fuck?

  My fists immediately clench like I’m preparing for imminent battle. Fallon is one of those guys. On the surface, he appears nonchalant and easy-going, if a little weird at times. But underneath lies a soul full of darkness. Ry, Jules, and I have seen it. We participated in it — all the stuff that went down with Marshall and Jacinda in high school. We never wanted Liz to be touched by that. Didn’t want her light to be dimmed by his darkness. So we kept secrets from her. I kept secrets from her, and those daggers of regret still pierce me today.

  I also don’t get Ry’s relationship with Fallon. It’s like Fallon has a hard-on for our boy. He definitely has a hard-on for Liz. Makes me want to punch the fucker a few times, like right now, for instance. Fallon also has a soft spot for my brother. Me, however? He hates my fucking guts. The feeling is mutual.


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