Paper Stars Rewritten: Fallen Brook Series: Book 2

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Paper Stars Rewritten: Fallen Brook Series: Book 2 Page 23

by Jennilynn Wyer

  Meredith’s face lights up. “Ooh. Your own Chippendale show every day. Has it been weird though? You’re with Ryder but you said you were Jayson’s girlfriend before you lost your memory.”

  “They’ve all been great. Jayson found out about me and Ryder on Tuesday at the library because I have a big fucking mouth. He’s dealing. Well, at least for now anyway. We’ve got other stuff to worry about anyway.”

  “What other stuff?”

  “Nope. You said you would tell me about Trevor if I answered you.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to have amnesia?”


  “I slept with him,” she blurts out and grabs my pillow to shove over her face.

  “Wait, what?”

  “I said I slept with him,” she muffles from under the pillow she’s apparently trying to suffocate herself with. I rip it away and stare at her.


  “At the party. We both got drunk and it just happened.”

  “Now I wish I had gone to the party,” I absently say. “Are you guys together now?”

  Meredith flies up and grabs me by the shoulders. “No! No, no, no. He, um, he kind of doesn’t remember.” she winces at me with one eye open, an embarrassed grimace on her face.

  “He doesn’t remember? Was his dick not inside of you?”

  “Oh, yeah. I wasn’t drunk enough to forget that part. That man is hung like a freaking Mack truck.”

  That doesn’t even make sense, I think, before I slap my hands over my ears. “No details! I don’t need to know that!”

  Meredith dissolves into a fit of hyena laughter and pulls my hands away from my ears.

  “So how could he not remember?” I ask her, ready to cover my ears once again if she goes off topic.

  “He was so wasted that night, I don’t think he would have been able to recite the alphabet.”

  “Do you regret it?”

  “Hell no. I’ll gladly do that walk of shame again if given the chance. Drunk Trevor is a demon in the sack. I would love to see what sober Trevor can do.”

  “Have you tried to talk to him about it?”


  “Do you want to?”

  “Double nope. If you haven’t noticed, Trevor has a crush on you, little Wildcat.”

  “Oh, please.”

  “Oh yes, he does. I don’t mind. I can do hot party hookups with him. I’m relationship-phobic anyway, so wham-bams are a good thing for me. Keeps me limber and well-oiled.”

  “You are so crazy,” I tell her.

  “But you love me anyway, right?”

  “Absolutely. So you forgive me?”

  “Elizabeth, you are too nice for me not to keep you. Next time, though, don’t make me wait three days to find out how you are.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I still can’t believe I got boned by Trevor Montgomery. Or that Fallon is his brother. Do you know how rich that family is?” I shake my head no. “It would be super nice if you could get your memory back so you could tell me how you know Fallon. I bet there are some juicy stories there, because you saw how all up in Trevor’s grill he was about you.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.” I laugh.

  “Remember when I accused you of having a magic pussy? I’ve changed my mind. Not only is your pussy magical, it’s also paved in gold, filled with buried treasure, and sprouting a leprechaun-riding rainbow.”

  I laugh so hard I’m in danger of peeing in my pants. “I don’t think it could fit all that, but okay.”

  Meredith holds out her right hand to my face. “Let me count on one hand. There’s Ryder.” She bends her pinky down. “Then Jayson.” She bends her ring finger down. “Then Fallon.” She folds her thumb in. “And finally, Trevor.” She curls her index finger until all that’s left is her middle finger giving me the bird.

  “Fuck you?” I say, confused.

  “No, that’s what they all want to do to you,” she sing-songs and I slap her hand down.

  I hear the doorbell ring and Elijah yells, “Pizza.” I pull Meredith up. “Come on. Let’s go eat and watch a really crappy movie that makes no sense.”

  When we enter the living room, Meredith whispers to me, “Hell yeah. Hunk heaven, girl. Look at all that muscle and yumminess. Yay us.”

  All the guys are lounging and sitting around in various places in the living room, pizza boxes already scattered across the floor and coffee table. And Meredith is right. We are surrounded by five totally hot, gorgeous guys. I find my guy on the couch and the heated look he sends my way makes my heart palpitate and my thighs clench.

  “What’s up, Wildcat?” Trevor says from the armchair, a slice of meat-lover’s pizza in his hand.

  “Why the hell do you call her Wildcat?” Jayson asks him. Instead of the usual “I’ll rip your head off” look he gives to anyone who he thinks is trying to flirt with me, he seems more curious than anything. He really is trying for me. I beam at Jayson and he does a double-take. “What?”

  “Nothing.” I grin.

  “Did Elizabeth tell you guys how we met?” Trevor asks.

  A chorus of yes’s and no’s go up.

  Meredith and I sit together on the floor, and I position myself between Ryder’s knees. “Trevor, you can catch everyone up. I’m hungry.” I reach for the small, thin pizza box that I know will have my gluten-free bacon and turkey pepperoni pizza in it.

  “Before the semester began, I ran into Elizabeth at the beach while I was taking a walk. Found out she went to CU, so started calling her Wildcat. Nothing scandalous, I assure you.”

  “I’m Firecracker,” Meredith proudly tells everyone.

  Julien asks Trevor, “What year are you? I haven’t seen you around campus.”

  “Senior. Marine biology major. What about you guys?”

  “All of us are sophomores.”

  “Not us girls! We’re the young’uns of the group.”

  “I’m actually delayed a year,” I tell her.

  “Well, shit. So I’m the baby?”

  “Afraid so.”

  “I’ve seen you fight,” Trevor tells Jayson. “You’re good.”

  “You know that shit is illegal, right?” Jayson responds, watching Trevor warily.

  “Yes, I do. I was undefeated my freshman and sophomore years. I stopped my junior year.”

  “No shit?” Jayson looks impressed. Trevor gives him a nod and bites into his pizza. “Why’d you quit?” Jayson asks him.

  “Had other stuff going on. I’ve also seen you race,” Trevor tells Ryder.

  Ryder quirks a brow at him in question. “My father has me check up on my little brother from time to time and report back. Dad hopes that Fallon will wise up one day and march to the tune of joining the family business.”

  Ryder shifts and slides down to the floor to sit behind me, caging me between his outstretched legs. “You don’t seem to be following in the family business if you’re majoring in marine biology.”

  I pinch Ryder’s outside thigh.

  “I’m not expected to.” Trevor puts down his slice and looks at me, then Ryder. “Look, let’s just get everything out in the open so we can cut the Fallon loyalty bullshit. I know you’re friends with my brother. My half-brother. Different mothers. I’m the illegitimate one. Patricia, Fallon’s mother, would breathe fire and brimstone if my father ever brought me into the pharmaceutical company. A company her father started. Let’s just say my mother was from the other side of the tracks and my dad’s affair with her caused a town scandal. One that I still seem to be paying for even though she’s dead.”

  “Trevor, you don’t have to tell us any of this. It’s none of our business,” I assure him. “I’m so sorry to hear about your mom.” I look at Ryder, my disappointment clear. “That was rude.”

  “I’m a big boy, Elizabeth, and can handle uncomfortable questions.” Trevor makes a point to look at every person in the room when he continues. “I get it. You guys are looking out for her. The other day w
ith Fallon probably didn’t help your opinion of me. He and I hate each other. Always have. I won’t apologize for that. It’s stuff that’s no one’s damn business. It has nothing to do with my friendship with Elizabeth. And to make it very clear, unless Elizabeth tells me otherwise, that’s not going to change anytime soon. Hell, I’ll be gone from CU after this year anyway.”

  “I’m sorry, man,” Ryder tells him. “I have known Fallon for a long time. And you’re right, it is none of my business.”

  “Thank you, Ryder,” I say and twist around to give him a peck on the cheek. “Now, let’s eat.”

  Meredith is shoving pizza in her mouth like a chipmunk. “God, I want to climb in Trevor’s lap and rip his clothes off,” she whispers to me between bites. “So fucking alpha sexy.”

  Ryder is close enough to hear her and starts choking on his pizza. “Jules, turn the damn movie on already,” he coughs, and I just laugh.

  Chapter 28


  It’s Sunday evening. Liz left our condo and moved back to her apartment this morning. I miss her already. Ryder is planning to stay with her at her place for the foreseeable future and Jayson is practically fuming. I know he and Ryder called a truce while Liz was here, but I don’t think that’s going to last much longer. The brewing storm is about to rain down and I’m getting tossed between the two of them in a boat with no paddles. When it comes down to it, will I back my brother or my best friend? I guess the answer to my question comes down to Liz. I will more than likely back whatever she wants, and she wants Ryder.

  I’m still torn, though, because I will never give up on Jay. He’s my twin, my other half. And right now, he’s hurting. The shit that went down on Tuesday night lingers over us like a persistent gray cloud. Liz had a daughter. My brother’s child. My niece. I am so goddamn angry right now. Angry at Daniel for keeping it a secret. Angry at Jay for kicking Liz out of our house that night. Angry at myself for not stopping her from leaving. Angry that my relationship with Elijah was the reason Jay was mad at her that night. Angry at the man who hurt her and her family. Angry at fate or destiny or whatever the fuck it is that keeps messing up the lives of the people I love.

  Elijah and I watch from the couch as Jay restlessly paces around the condo, waiting for Ry to return. Ry texted us an hour ago saying he was coming back to grab some things to take to Liz’s, and I texted him back to warn him about Jay’s mood. My eyes track Jay and I know things are about to go down. I feel it. Elijah feels it, too. But I’m not going to sit by and watch my brother ambush my best friend. So I wait and I watch.

  Jay stops pacing and I sit up straighter when we hear a key turn in the front door. The thud of my pulse feels like a doomsday clock counting down. Five… the turn of a lock. Four… the opening of the door. Three… the sound of the door closing. Two… Ryder’s footsteps on the laminate wood floor. One.

  “You and I need to talk,” Jay demands. Ryder stops in front of the open archway between the kitchen and the living room.

  “Say what you need to say, Jay.”

  Jayson doesn’t say anything. Instead, before Elijah and I know what’s happening, Jay flies forward and smashes his fist into Ryder’s face. Ry stumbles to the side but doesn’t go down, a trickle of blood oozing from his cut lip. Elijah and I are up and pushing between the two of them before Jay can get off another shot.

  I make my choice. I stand in front of Ryder and face my brother. “Stop this shit, Jay.”

  Jay tries to push past me, but Elijah checks him. Ryder acts like nothing happened and walks into the kitchen to get a chilled bottled of water. He places the cold bottle to his mouth and leans back against the fridge.

  “That’s the only shot you’re getting, Jay. I hope it was worth it,” Ryder tells him. “You said you wanted to talk, so talk.”

  Elijah softens his grip on Jay’s arm. “You good now?” he asks him before releasing completely. Elijah stands beside my brother, shoulder to shoulder. I guess he has chosen sides as well, and I scowl at my boyfriend. He and I are going to have our own talk later tonight.

  Jay wipes his knuckles down his jeans. I can tell that he hurt his hand punching Ry. He may not fight like Jay does, but Ryder’s built like a fucking brick shithouse, so I know Jay’s hand must hurt like hell. Good.

  “You’re a piece of shit, you know that Ry?” Jay spits out.

  “You’re fucking kidding me, right?” Ryder scoffs in disbelief. “If memory serves correctly, not too long ago, I poured my heart out to you about my feelings for Elizabeth, and you ran off in the night and stole her away.”

  “I couldn’t steal something from you that was never yours to begin with. She chose me, Ryder. Not you.”

  Ryder’s eyes narrow and heat, his usually light brown eyes charring to an ominous black. “And now she’s choosing me,” he replies gravely.

  Jay takes a menacing step toward Ry but stops himself. I’m afraid of the half smirk that forms on his face and I know he’s about to go for the jugular.

  “I made Liz a promise and I will not go back on that promise. But know this – she will never be truly yours. I was her first love. Her first kiss. Her first time.” Ryder flinches. “She was going to marry me. Spend the rest of her life with me.” Jay’s voice breaks. “We had a daughter together.”

  He pauses, spearing Ryder with a gaze full of spite and menace. “Her memories are coming back. She’s remembering, and there is no kiss, no touch, no word you will ever say that will prevent her running back to me the minute she does. Liz is and will forever be mine. It’s only a matter of time. So enjoy your second chance while you have it, knowing I’ll always be right here waiting for her and you’ll be the one left alone once again.”

  It breaks my heart when I see Ryder’s slight tremble at Jay’s vitriolic words, each one like an arrow shooting straight through his heart. For the first time in my life, I’m ashamed of my brother. I want Ryder to say something, defend himself. Defend his love for Liz. But he says nothing because Ryder has always been the better man. I, however, am not.

  “You have it wrong, Jay. Liz’s capacity for love is unbounded. She loved Ryder when she was with you, and not once did she stray even though her heart was split in two. She loves him. She wants to be with him. She chose Ryder. She will not run away from the promise her heart made to him, memory or no memory.”

  “Babe, I have to agree with Jay. If Liz gets her memory back, she’s going to break Ryder’s heart.”

  “I think you need to shut the hell up, E. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I know Liz. You don’t.”

  “I have supported your feelings for Liz for years, Jules. I know you love her. But I trusted you. I trusted us. After everything I have done, everything I have sacrificed for you, you have no right to talk to me like that.” Elijah stares me down, hurt and emotional, waiting for an apology. One that I can’t give him right now.

  “Fine. You know what? Call me when you want to discuss this rationally. You’re too involved, Jules. Between Liz and the pregnancy, you are way too tangled up in the hurt and sadness. You need to step aside and let Ryder and Jay settle things between them as they see fit without any interference from you.” Elijah cuffs Jayson on the back. “You need me, you know where to find me. Call me anytime.”

  “Thanks, E,” Jay tells him. I remain stoic and watch my boyfriend walk out. It’s then I realize that Ryder is no longer in the kitchen. How the hell did he leave without any of us noticing?


  Ryder stalks in and my brilliant smile turns into a gasp when I see his swollen jaw. Goddamn it, Jayson! I knew things were going to explode between the two of them, but I hadn’t expected it to be so soon. It’s been less than half a day since I left their condo and came back to my apartment. Barely ten hours. I hope that whatever repressed feelings they’ve been carrying around the past week got rectified and that this stupid tug-of-war is over and done with. Jayson promised me our family would remain tight. He promised me. All I can do is wait and s
ee if he breaks that promise.

  I try to lighten the mood. “I hope you got in a good lick, too.”

  “Not in the mood,” he grumbles and maneuvers around me to head back to the bedroom. The bedroom I now consider as ours. He pulls off his shirt along the way but doesn’t say anything.

  “Ryder?” I cautiously inquire, following him. What happened between the two of them tonight and how do I fix it? “Baby, please talk to me. You’re kind of freaking me out.”

  I knew the baby would get him. It affects him just as it does me. He stops in the bedroom doorway, his hands raised and gripping the top of the doorframe, head bent. My worry mixes with increasing desire at the sight of his naked back and I tell myself to shut it down. Ryder needs my support, not my lust. And if I wasn’t so focused on him, I would have missed his hushed words.

  “I can’t lose you. I just got you.”

  I slide around his side and touch his chest and immediately hone in to the tattoo above his heart. He’s shirtless and I can’t not touch him. I can barely keep my hands off him when he has clothes on.

  “You’re never going to lose me,” I tell him. “What’s brought this on? What did Jayson say to you?” I lean in and kiss the crown of his tattoo and feel the fly of his jeans bulge against my stomach.

  “Jesus, woman. Stop molesting me so I can think straight.”

  “Not on your life. You’re too damn sexy for your own good.”

  I splay my hands across his ribcage and skim gentle presses of my lips in the hollow of his throat. “Sweetheart, please talk to me.”

  He shakes his head and I glimpse up and meet devastated amber eyes. Ryder needs something from me. Reassurance, maybe? So I let my body be the actions that speak louder than words.

  “I don’t know what nonsense Jayson put inside your head but I’m going to show you how much I want you.” I gently bite his pectoral and lick it, the salt from his skin delicious. “How much I love you.” I kiss his clavicle. “How much I am yours and only belong to you.” I pop the button on his jeans and slide my hands around to palm his backside. “And you’re going to tell me what happened tonight so I can show you those three things again, and again, and again, until you believe them.”


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