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Tower of Ancients

Page 38

by Jaeger Mitchells

  “No, I’ll be there soon.”

  Mahue was her real second in command but no one knew except for a couple of others in her Coven and herself. That way it was very hard for anyone from the outside to get anything out of them if they wanted info on Sarga. Mahue was a Vampire Bone Witch she herself groomed for over a century but wasn’t even close in power to her own.

  “We’re going to see Raziel and beg him for forgiveness. It’s the only thing we can do now.”

  “My Lady? Are you sure? Isn’t he dead?”

  “No, I don’t think so. And even if he is, we’ll try to make up for it somehow. He’s the only one who can keep us alive against Lefrand.”

  Sarga ordered the Coven to change their course using her mental link. They acknowledged at the same time, all of them. It was a good thing she did the same with her people just like Raziel had and fed them some of her blood to increase their power, speed, and stamina. Otherwise, they would already have been exhausted.

  Half of her people were adept with either magic, curses, or raising the dead in a way. The other half were meat shields whose only purpose was to keep her and the others safe while they soaked up the damage at the front lines. They barely felt any pain short from losing a limb, so they were perfect.

  “Do you want me to go ahead, my Lady?” Mahue asked. “To tell them about our arrival?”

  “You’re right, that would be a smart move. Go and tell them what happened. Tell them I ripped Draiana’s head clean off as a tribute to Raziel and that I can heal all his wounds, returning him to what he was before that attack.”

  “Do I tell them we’re no longer under Lefrand?”

  Sarga nodded.

  “Tell them everything. Ask for that big Vampire who fought Ferdinand. I think he’s Raziel’s second in command. His name was Dimas if I’m not wrong.”

  “Very well, my Lady. I’ll be there a couple of hours before you and the rest arrive.”

  Mahue cast wind magic on herself that allowed for faster movement and darted off into the distance. Sarga felt conflicted knowing this could turn either way. In the end, if they wouldn’t give her the chance to save him, she would give herself up and die together with him. It’s what she should have done from the start and not played little power games. Sure, she wanted him to know how much he needed her, and sure, she hated those Elven skanks, but that shouldn’t have been the reason to go all out against him.

  “Whatever. I’ll know once we arrive there.”


  “She’s finally here, my Lord,” Grestal said as the palisade doors slid open. I looked down from the window and hid behind the wall, not wanting her to feel my presence. She looked haunted and worse for wear. Served her right.

  “Damn witch,” I cursed. “Have Dimas escort her up here personally.”

  “My Lord.”

  There it was again, the way he said it and the power radiating from him. Once I had the time, he and I needed to have a conversation.

  I laid back down on the bed and covered myself with a white sheet, waiting for her to arrive. A loud ruckus outside drew my attention. It must have been Sylvana trying to kill her or something, after all, she thought that I was gravely injured and almost dead. I needed to use this chance and show them Sarga was a ‘good Vampire and an ally’ rather than an enemy.

  The arguing went on for a while before everything went quiet and footsteps finally resounded in the corridor outside. The door opened and Dimas pushed Sarga inside, then closed the door behind her. I stopped breathing and waited for her to come closer, but she just stood there, crying.

  “Shit! I never wanted to do it like this!” she whispered barely audibly and stepped in closer, sitting on the bedside. “I wished you knew how much I still loved you and that you could forgive me, Raziel.”

  Good. Damn bitch still had some feelings in her or I’d cut her open like a fish. Instead, my arm shot out and I grabbed Sarga by the throat who let out a yelp as she tried to fight back, her hands shooting down and grabbing mine. She tried to pry them open, but when it came to comparing raw power, I was far stronger.

  “Hello, love,” I whispered as we stood there staring at each other.

  “H-hello,” she stuttered and tried to pry my hand open again, but she couldn’t. “P-please release me!”

  “Oh? Just like you did to me? You don’t deserve anything but death!”

  “No! I did it for you! I even killed Draiana!”

  “Only after you betrayed me and was screwed over by Lefrand in turn!”

  She let go of my hand and dangled there in my grasp.

  “If you want to kill me, go ahead,” she wheezed. “If you want to live the rest of your life without the one good thing in your life, then do it!”

  I threw her against the far wall, shattering a closet and a barrel of water that stood there. She was soaked wet, both the dress and the cowl. It showed she was bare naked underneath. Letting out another string of abuse, I leaped up and ripped the dress off her body.

  “You’re fucking mine, Sarga! Not the other way around, never forget that!”

  She tried to pull her arms free off me, but I wasn’t having any of it.

  “You’re hurting me, Raziel!”

  “Good! You almost burned me to death! Luckily I figured out what you were up to before the attempt!”

  “Huh? Attempt? I told you what was going to happen and knowing you absorbed Dredge’s power, I knew the outcome!”

  She seemed genuinely confused, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t about to let her know about my secrets just like that. Who knew what kind of crazy idea she might get this time?

  “Never mind that! If you’re sincere and want to keep on living, you better bind yourself to me. If you do endanger or hurt me in any way, you’re coming along for the ride!”

  “Fine, but let go of me! And get me something to wear, I’m not walking around naked in front of all your people!”

  “You won’t. The dress is already over there on the chair,” I said, pointing at the window. The chair sat right under it, taking in plenty of sunshine.

  Before she walked over and dressed, she let me have a good look at her perfect, pale body and as she cast the spell on herself and then me. It was nothing flashy, but I knew it worked after cutting my palm with a knife. The same wound appeared on hers, drawing out a long hiss as she glared daggers at me. Good, now that we had one problem solved, I decided it was time for some payback.

  “You bitch, you have no idea how worried I was! What if he managed to kill you before coming back to me?” I cursed, got up, and grabbed her, placing my hand son her ass and sinking my teeth into her left breast. She winced slightly but let it play out.

  “It was a risk we—had to take,” she moaned as my free hand slid between her legs. She was already weak and I loved every second of it.

  “Never again will you leave my side, Sarga, or I’ll chain you down in the dungeon.”

  “Yes, hurt and punish me, my Lord! I’ve been a very bad Vampire!”

  I pulled back and grinned.

  “No, I’m not going to do you right now, my love. You don’t deserve it, no matter how much I want to,” I whispered and sat back down on the bed. I couldn’t help but stare at her marred body. Every scar was a memory we shared as most of them were made by me. I wasn’t sure who had more of them on their body, though, but I didn’t care. It made her only more beautiful in my eyes.

  “You’re such an asshole, you fucking bastard!” she cursed and sat there on a chair, her legs wide open. “Your loss.”

  “Maybe tonight or in the morning when I’m ready to deal with you, but not right now. Anyway, tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Bah! You really know how to kill the fucking mood, don’t you?”

  “Your own fault,” I grinned, crossing my arms and leaning back against the wall.

  “Whatever,” she murmured and looked away for a long moment. “There are a few ways we can do this. I know where they make the weapons and arm
or for the Dragoons as well as for the Guard. There’s this huge mine complex up North-West from there. Maybe some five days on horseback. We can start there. It’s called Baraka.”

  “What else?”

  “Really? You want me to give all the info up right away?”

  “Right here and right now.”

  She let out a sigh and got up, walking over to the chair and slowly slid the dress on from overhead. It was just sheer enough for me to see the curves and accents, but not for ordinary mortal men.

  “Don’t you think it will be a bit windy?”

  “If anyone dares sneak a peek I’ll kill them. Don’t worry.”

  “Shit, you really are a different person when you’re with me, huh? It just shows how a Vampire never changes. I’m looking forward to our old ways, Lord Raziel.”

  “Stop beating around the bush and spill it.”

  “Fuck! Alright then! The swamp races only need a little nudge to take up arms and attack his land from the South. Oh, and there’s something else. There have been sightings of strange floating airships at the South-Eastern border. Want to know more?”

  I grinned.

  “I know they visit the Trolls and take them prisoner if that’s what you want to tell me. The only thing I don’t know is who they are and where they come from. That will have to wait, though. I think we’ll have to decide on what to do next first. We can either go South-West to have the swamps attack Lefrand or we can build our defenses. There’s this Human General I know who’ll be providing us with fresh cattle.”

  “Oh? Free Humans for us to feed on?”

  I nodded.

  “And they’ll be staying at the camp you found me at earlier. We also need to have Dimas send his people out to get a shipment of Mithrill and some other metal that’s far stronger from the Dwarves. We need to send out scouts to cover all the Kingdoms and finally start setting our plans in motion.”

  “Yeah, there’s so much to do and so little time, huh?”

  “You guessed right. Now, the last thing we need to talk about is the Elves. They’re very important for me, especially the younger one. If we ever want to get access to him, we’ll have to keep them happy so do your best.”

  “Sure thing. Whatever you wish is my command, my Lord.”

  “And stop calling me Lord. I’m your future King, my Queen.”

  A loud knock on the door drew my attention.

  “What is it?”

  “Lord Raziel, you need to see this! The egg is hatching!” Grestal yelled from the other side of the door. He sounded more excited than I felt.

  I got up quickly and pulled her along with me. I was already dead curious as to what the Gods would give me. There were quite a few possibilities from what I knew, but it was all chance.

  We arrived at the lowest floor a short while later. Sylvana and Helena stood there next to the egg along with Dimas, Anya, and a couple of their Coven.

  “I don’t think you’ll like this one,” Dimas laughed, his eyes darting between me and Sarga.

  “Yeah, she’s a part of us now. Her life is bound to mine, so any damage I sustain is transferred to her as well. If I die, she dies.”

  “Hey, I’m not someone to judge so don’t mind me. But how about you come and see this little shit for yourself. Bas is already going crazy. He wants it back.”

  I hurried up and peeked through the cracked shell. A bright blue light shone in the darkness of its prison. A second large crack appeared and then a third. The top finally burst open and dropped next to what remained of the shell.

  “Shit, that’s a—.”

  “Dracolich,” Sarga whispered. “Oh shit, what a beautiful creature.”

  “Damn,” I whispered. “Now this is unexpected. I thought the Dragons went extinct.”

  “Ordinary dragons, maybe, but this thing is even rarer,” Sarga laughed. “Now all we need is a couple of thousand souls so it can grow into the next stage.”

  “What’s a Dracolich?” Sylvana asked as she stopped next to me.

  “That, my dear, is a creature of legends. What do you get when you cross a lich with a dragon and strip it of all its flesh, leaving only the bones hardened by layer upon layer of thick armor?”

  “Something that shouldn’t exist in this world. Are you sure you want to keep it?”

  I nodded slowly.

  “If we’re to find where the Blight are coming from, I’ll need it more than anything. Dimas, you’ll be in charge for a while. I think it is high time Sarga and I went for a walk with our new pet. It’s rather hungry.”

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  About The Authors


  Jaeger Mitchells is a Dark SciFi and Fantasy writer who loves to bring you the dark and the sexy. GameLit/LitRPG is his main sub-genre along with a healthy dose of Harem. He loves to listen to trance or metal music and that’s where he draws some inspiration for his writing.


  Lucian Knight is an aspiring writer who lives in Indiana alongside his family. Works fulltime along with his longtime dream of writing. Until recently, he never had the time or chance to write, even though it has been a while in the making.

  He enjoys a variety of genres including Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Medieval alongside his friend and cowriter Jaeger Mitchells, he is ready to bring out the series ScourgeWorld and many others.

  More Novels From

  Jaeger Mitchells & Lucian Knight


  Ghoul Empire: Rust - A Dark Fantasy Rebirth LitRPG


  Scourgeworld - Bloodline (Book 1)


  Legion: of Steel (Book 1)

  Legion: of Chaos (Book 2)

  ReDeath - Raven (Book 1)


  Hazard Online - Oblivion (Book 1)

  Hazard Online - Revenge (Book 2)


  Lords of War: Tower of Ancients (Book 1)

  Lord Of Shadows - Blood Moon (Book 1)

  Lord Of Shadows - Bloodlines (Book 2)

  Bloodlines - Lilith (Book 1)

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