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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

Page 19

by Izzy Williams

  The music starts up and we start to dance. The atmosphere in the pub has gone electric, it’s so busy tonight and it seems everyone knows this band and has been waiting for them to start.

  When he starts to sing . . . oh my god. His voice is gravelly and so sexy. He has a magnetic stage presence - I can't take my eyes off him. He starts singing ‘Mr Brightside’ and he’s good, really good, the band have clearly been together for a long time and they sound amazing . . . professional - now I get what all the fuss is about.

  We dance and sway to the music, singing out loud when we know the song. I ignore the fact that Jack is in the pub somewhere. Maybe he’s left, I make a point of not looking.

  As song after song passes, I begin to think that Sophie is right. The lead singer watches me more and more. He’s just finished singing ‘One day’ by Elbow, amazing, he had the whole pub singing - I revel in all this - everyone singing together, dancing with my friends. I haven't had this in a very long time, and I love it.

  The girls all make a fuss about how he can't take my eyes off me and I start to get a little embarrassed - even in my drunken state. He is making it kinda obvious now.

  He speaks over the mic, “And this next one is for the fucking gorgeous girl in the audience that I cannot take my eyes off . . . Jesus. This one is for her.”

  He starts to sing Oasis ‘Wonderwall’ and looks right at me. All the girls around me whoop and cheer and I laugh. I look at the singer and he gives me a wink and blows me a kiss. I'm just about to blow him one back when I feel someone pulling at my arm, trying to drag me off the dance floor, I look up, Jack is stood there, his face thunderous.

  “What do you want?” I ask nastily.

  He leans in to say in my ear, “Come with me fucking NOW.” He sounds mad. Furious. What the hell does he think he’s doing? I'm just about to protest but I don't get a chance, he pulls me away through the crowd, I either just follow or create a huge scene right near the band. I follow him.

  We make our way through the crowd and outside. It's dark now and a few people are milling around, smoking, and chatting.

  “What the fuck, Robyn?” he scowls at me.

  “Would you mind telling me what you think you're doing, dragging me out like that?”

  He sneers. “Like you don't know.”

  “Actually, I don't.”

  “So, you weren't flirting with the fucking singer of the band? Jesus, I ended things like last night or whatever and you can't wait to move on, can you? What - you want to impart all your new-found knowledge on someone else, do you? Teach them a thing or two?

  “Who the hell do you think you are? What right do you have to talk to me like this?” I ask him.

  “I just don't understand that after everything, the time we spent together, that you can forget about it so soon.”

  “But . . . but you decided you don't want to be with me remember?”

  He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Yeah I remember. Fuck!”

  “What’s going on Jack?”

  “Nothing OK? Just fuck off back in there and drape yourself all over him.”

  “You arsehole. I'm glad you ended it - this is what you can be like? I don't want to know you.”

  He immediately gets into my personal space, crowding me. I feel my back hit the wall as his head comes down to my level, his mouth about an inch from mine. I can feel his breath on me.

  “You don't want to know me huh? You're practically panting for it . . . for me. Or will anyone do?”

  “You're a horrible drunk Jack or are you just a horrible person?” I hate that while he’s being so horrible to me, all I can think of is what his body is doing to mine so close up.

  He looks at my mouth and then back up to my eyes. “You want my mouth on you? You're breathing really heavily Danish?”

  “Get off me and don’t call me that ever again.”

  “Ask me and I’ll kiss you.” His voice is soft now.

  I narrow my eyes at him “Never.” I hiss.

  He growls, “Fuck it.” His mouth is on mine, his body presses into me and god help me I kiss him back, it's hungry, fast, and forceful. I want this kiss to last forever, but I know it can’t. I can feel him pressing into me more, the fact that we’re both drunk has screwed with our brains. It’s like we're not stood outside the pub, there’s only us two, together, and nothing else matters. But my mind comes back to its senses, I know I can't let this continue. He has been so horrid to me, yes, I know that its jealousy, pure and simple. He didn't like that the singer was paying attention to me, but what I don't get was why did he end it between us then?

  I force my hands in between our bodies to shove him away. “No Jack. Get away from me.”

  He looks down at me, his breathing shallow, he has never looked so hot I swear. I close my eyes slowly and push off from the wall to get away from him.

  He lets me walk away but just as I'm getting to the door his arms wrap around my waist from behind and my body gets pulled into his. I feel his mouth on my neck, open-mouthed kisses running all the way up my neck and then he takes my earlobe in his mouth and nips with his teeth. “I'm sorry Robyn. I didn't end things because I didn't want you.”

  I turn my head. “Then why did you?”

  He’s silent for a moment then drops his arms. “Doesn't matter. Go on, get back to your boyfriend, I'm busy anyway.” He storms past me and into the pub. Jesus, jealousy is not a good look for him.

  I go back inside after a couple of minutes, I head towards the girls to tell them I’m calling it a night, but not before my eye catches Jack, hanging all over the barmaid, she’s more than happy to reciprocate the attention - looking like all her birthdays have come at once. Jealousy bubbles inside me, I feel like throwing a drink over him. I hate him. I don’t though, I’m classier than that - I hope she knows what she’s getting into.

  I get my things, say goodnight and leave, I don’t look back at Jack, scared of what I’ll see.

  Chapter 22


  One week of hell. It feels like it’s been a month. I’ve avoided Jack like the plague all week. It’s been awful. For some reason Denny has been weird with me too, he’s hardly been able to make eye contact with me, which makes me think that Jack did something with that barmaid last Saturday night – well, fuck him.

  Everyone is busy, there’s a buzz in the air, its Friday night - the qualifier race is tomorrow. People are starting to arrive from all over the world. It's so busy at the track today. Riders coming to test out the track, test their bikes – teams are milling around everywhere. I wish I could be excited about the race. I’ve told Eli that he can come to the race, of course he wants to watch Jack win. I’m going to bring him at one tomorrow, after lunch - the race is at two, so plenty of time.

  It’s almost time to pick Eli up. He’s been the thing that’s kept me going this week, he’s been his usual happy self, he asked after Jack a couple of times, but I fobbed him off with the hope that he’ll forget after a couple of weeks and not ask anymore. Truth is, I fell for Jack. I fell in love with him. As much as I hate to admit it, I know that it's true. He has such a sweet side, caring and fun, sexy. Last week he was so horrible to me, it was like he blamed me for ending it, when it was all him. I don’t get it.

  Way to go, Robyn - falling for the wrong guy . . . again.

  I treat Eli to McDonalds for dinner - saves me having to cook anything, I’ll have some toast or something later, I haven't been hungry this week. I will pick myself up from this, I know I will. I’ve given myself until the race and then I’m done wallowing in self-pity. I’ve looked into courses for going back to college to finish my teaching and I can do it, I have to wait until September but the open day is in a couple of days at the college, so I'm excited to be starting something new, something for me that I want to do. It costs a lot of money, but I’m using my trust fund, I’ve decided to bite the bullet. This is for a better life for Eli and me, so it’ll be worth it.

  We watch a mo
vie - Eli picks Angry Birds 2 - for the tenth time and then I see him up to bed. I read The Highway Rat tonight, I try to do the voices as best as I can as Eli has suggested a few times that I do the voices funny like Jack. Once he’s settled, I decided to call it a night too - there has been no sleep to speak of this week.

  Big day tomorrow - race day! I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about it - I know I shouldn't care about Jack winning, especially how he’s been with me - but it's not just about him, it's about Denny, Sophie, Harry, Craig, Gary and Jock. They're all as invested in this as Jack is. That’s not to mention Eli - he’s so excited about tomorrow. The thought of watching Jack race sends chills around my body - watching him on his bike, tipping around the bends, winding his way around the other contenders - looking all hot in his leathers. I'm going to have to wear sunglasses and keep my eyes closed. I don't want to have that reaction to him anymore but who am I kidding? I know that’s never going to go away ever.

  Just as I'm about to get into bed with my kindle I hear a knock at the door. I go to open it with trepidation, and maybe a little bit of hope, thinking it might be Jack. I didn't need to worry, it's not Jack, however the fact that Denny stood there, is weird - I didn't even know he knew where I lived. He looks worried . . . nervous.

  “Denny, hey, what’s up?” then I have a horrible thought, “Is Jack OK?”

  He shakes his head. “Jack’s fine, well physically anyway, I was hoping I could have a chat with you?”

  “Of course, come on in, you'll have to excuse me being dressed in my pyjamas, I was going to have an exciting Friday night with my kindle.”

  He laughs. “Don't worry.”

  I wonder what he could be here for at this time of night, something is wrong with Jack. It feels awkward – as though he doesn't know what to say.

  “So, what’s up?”

  He takes a deep breath and gives me a strange look; he’s making me nervous.

  “What is it?” I ask

  “This isn't easy, and I’ve deliberated all week whether I should say anything or not, but he’s my best friend you know? I can't see him hurting like this.”

  Jack? Hurting? “What do you mean he’s hurting? He ended things with me.”

  “Well, that’s the thing . . . why I'm here . . . it wasn't exactly his choice.”

  “What do you mean? It wasn't mine; I was happy, really happy with how things were going Denny, I liked him, and he’s so good with Eli. But then he was awful and said some terrible things.”

  He shakes his head. “He didn't mean them.”

  “Oh, he meant them.”

  “No, trust me, he didn't. He was forced into it.”

  “What are you talking about? No one makes Jack do anything he doesn't want to do.”

  He snorts. “Except your dad.”

  I feel cold seeping into my blood. “What does that mean?” I don't know why I ask, I need a couple of seconds for my brain to catch up, but I know, immediately that my dad has done something bad.

  “Your dad found out about you two, he had Jack followed after he had an idea about you guys. He knows about Jack coming around to you and leaving in the middle of the night. He went to Jack and told him that if he didn't end things with you that he would pull his investment.”

  I'm stunned. I need to let all this sink in.

  “He blackmailed him?”

  He nods. “I'm sorry Robyn, I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but Jack is hurting - I’ve never seen him like this - its gonna affect his race tomorrow, he can't get you out of his head and he hates himself that he listened to your dad - that he didn't tell him to fuck off - but he did it because all the team would be affected, he knows that he'd have to pull from the race, he said he can't live with himself if he lets everyone down.”

  “I can't believe this. My dad . . . I'm going to kill him! When did Jack tell you all this?”

  He laughs. “That’s the thing, he has no idea he’s told me, last Saturday night when you left, he was so trashed, he was upset, he broke down and told me everything - but he was so hammered he doesn't remember, he doesn't know I know.”

  “Wait, so nothing happened with the waitress?”

  He looks confused and then it dawns on him who I mean. “Heidi? No way. He would never go there again - you thought that he did something with her?”

  I shake my head. “Doesn't matter. Why didn't you tell me earlier?”

  “I'm breaking Jack’s trust being here, but I can't see him like this - he’s hurting.”

  “I'm going to kill my dad. How dare he do this!”

  “I’ve not read this wrong right? You have feelings for him too?” Denny says.

  “I love him,” I say quietly.

  Denny beams. “I knew it!” he carries on, “I'm gonna tell the rest of the team in the morning, no one would want him to pick them over being with you, you know? We’ll talk to Jack and tell him if he wants to back out of the race - out of the season. We understand, we’ll pick up another sponsor next year.”

  I nod. “I need to see my dad.” Eli is in bed, shit, I'm gonna have to wait until the morning - how am I supposed to get a wink of sleep after this?

  He watches me pacing around the room. “Eli is in bed I presume, I can stay here, watch out for him if you want to go to your parents' house.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nods. “Of course, if I'm honest that’s why I came at this time, so I could talk to you on your own and stay if need be.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “I'm sorry I had to tell you this about your dad.”

  I shrug, “It shouldn't come as a surprise to me anymore, I was stupid to think that he could have changed.”

  My blood is boiling inside. I let my dad back in our lives and this is what he does. We are done. I should have known he would never change. How dare he interfere in my life like this.

  I pull up to my parents' house – right . . . deep breath Robyn - you can’t go in all guns blazing. I make myself count to three slowly. In through the nose, out through the mouth - that’s how we're supposed to calm down right? It's not bloody working.

  I let myself in their house.

  Mum jumps up from the sofa. “Robyn - what’s wrong, what are you doing here at this time?” its nine pm but that’s late for mum and certainly late for visitors.

  “I need to talk to dad. Where is he?”

  “He’s in the study, sweetheart.” As per usual.

  “Dad!” I bellow taking mum by surprise.

  “Honey, whatever is the matter?” mum asks,

  I narrow my eyes at her. “Did you know?”

  “Know what?” she looks bewildered.

  Dad walks in, I turn to him. “I know what you did,” I say quietly, my voice sounds scary, menacing. Well, I feel fucking scary and menacing right now.

  He opens his mouth to speak. “Don't even think about saying you didn't do it, because I know you did.”

  Mum is looking between us both. “What? What has he done?”

  I motion with my head towards mum. “Do you want to tell her?”

  I'm so mad right now I could pick something up and throw it at the wall.

  Dad is silent staring at me, but he’s cottoned on, I can tell by the look on his face.

  “Did he tell you?” he asks me

  I shake my head. “No . . . he didn't, he’s a mess - we've both been a mess this week.”

  “Will someone tell me what’s going on, now!” Mum is getting mad. “And where is Eli?”

  “Eli is at home in bed, Denny's sitting with him. Mum, dad found out that Jack and I had been seeing each other, he had him followed. Then he went to Jack and told him that if he didn't end things with me that he would pull his investment. Jack’s whole career would crumble, along with everyone else's that works for him.”

  Mum gasps. “Greg, this isn't true is it?”

  He barely looks at her. “Of course it's true. She messed up her life once, do you think I was going to sit back
and let her do it all over again?”

  I rear back as though he’s hit me. “You think I messed up my life?” I whisper, “Because you have no idea. Eli is the best thing that ever happened to me, how dare you say he messed my life up.”

  “You took off for four years!” he yells

  “Yes, because of you - not because I was pregnant! Because you always wanted to control my life dad, I knew that as soon as I had Eli that you'd want to control his too - no way. But look at you. You can't help yourself, you haven't learnt, haven't listened. You make me sick. I don't want anything more to do with you and I'm not sure that you're a good role model for Eli to be around either. You've gone too far this time.”

  “This is ridiculous, all this so you can fulfil your female urges, or whatever it was that you were doing with him.”

  “First of all, if I choose to do that, have sex with all the town, well that’s up to me, isn't it? It's none of your bloody business. If you'd have bothered to voice your concerns with me then you'd have realised that we liked each other dad, that I'd fallen for him.”

  I hear my voice break and mum speaks. “Oh, love.”

  I turn to her. “I love him mum, and dad has messed it all up.”

  I see a look come over her face that I have never seen before, she turns to her husband. “This is what I’ve been telling you for four years - when are you going to let her grow up? You drove her away once and you're going to do it again. Well not this time. You will sort this out, Greg. I'm not losing my daughter or my grandson again because you think you can rule her life.”

  “But . . . but she’s proved she can't look after herself - look at the decisions she’s made.”

  “What? Managing on her own, building a life for her and Eli? I’d say you should be pretty damn proud of our daughter, not having her followed, I mean Jesus, you had her followed?”


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