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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

Page 21

by Izzy Williams

“Jack, please . . . move.”

  “You have to ask for it the way that I like it.” I love having her talk dirty.

  She narrows her eyes at me because she knows I have her right where I want her.

  “Fuck me Jack, hard . . . now, make me come.” Jesus.

  “There’s my dirty girl.” I slide out and thrust back in slowly, my head falls back. “Fuck . . . oh yeah, that feels so fucking good.”

  I move in and out slowly at first, building the pressure, going deep with the angle I have her at - so deep.

  I drop down and kiss her neck, open-mouthed kisses, I’m so hungry for her. I find her mouth, we kiss hungrily as I thrust in and out, my tongue mirroring the movements. I feel her grab onto the cheeks of my arse, trying to pull me further into her. I love it when she loses it. I’m in her to the root. I move harder and faster, I can feel my balls slap into her as I watch her breasts bounce, the headboard of the bed banging onto the wall. So glad that Eli isn’t here and we can be as loud as we want to be. That’s something I’ve discovered about Robyn, she likes to make a lot of noise. She says she can't help herself. When Eli is here, we have to be quiet, he’s on a different floor, which helps but I still have to tell her to keep quiet, so when he’s not here she can be loud. I fucking love it - love every noise she makes - knowing I’m the one that’s made her feel like that.

  I thrust harder if that’s even possible and I feel the familiar feeling build, I know she’s close I feel her cunt grip my cock. I let out a groan as she comes, I love to watch her. I go faster, I can lose control now she’s come, it takes me two thrusts then I’m there. My body jerks as I spill my seed into her.

  “Fuck Robyn . . . fuck.” I still and then collapse on top of her, releasing her legs. “Jesus baby, every time gets fucking better, I swear.”

  She kisses my cheek while my head is still buried in her neck as I come down, I feel her run her hands up and down my back in a feather touch . . . fucking bliss.

  “Love you, baby.” She whispers.

  “Danish, you have no fucking idea how much I love you.”

  “I do actually, you’ve proved it to me time and time again.”

  I’m doing my best . . . to prove it to her. I think we're getting there. Have we had issues? Of course we have - I’m far from perfect even though I like to believe I am. Plus, I’ve had to get used to being around the little man all the time. I mean it's 24/7, she’s literally at his beck and call 24/7, I mean I knew that’s what being a parent was, but I’ve never seen it, she’s so selfless. But helping her do that, give him everything he wants, keeping him happy, is a lot easier than I ever thought it would be. Makes me happy even. Fuck. Whoever in a million years thought I would ever say that?

  I smile to myself as I think about the swear jar she brought out last night. It's so hard curbing my language when every other word out of my mouth has always been ‘fuck’. I’m working on it. She’s strict about my language when Eli is around. She’s the best mother – he’s a lucky kid. I can't wait for her to have my babies, so she can be a perfect mother to my spawns.

  “You happy Jack?” she asks, bringing me back to the now.

  “So happy. You happy I’ve moved in?”

  She smiles. “Yeah I am. About that - people will be here in a couple of hours. We need to get things ready for this barbecue.”

  I moved in a few days ago. It’s something we talked about and planned, and we decided if I moved in here, then we could buy a place together later on, but there’s no rush while it’s just the three of us. I do want kids, not yet, but eventually - but for now it's just the three of us.

  I don’t want to move. I’m in my favourite place. “It's you, Danish, you keep teasing me with this perfect pussy of yours. How am I supposed to resist it?” I reluctantly slide out of her and she makes a mewing sound – she makes it every time I withdraw - I love that sound.

  I push myself off her and get in the shower - we need to get moving to sort the garden out for the party. We’ve invited everyone we know and love, all together in the same place. I’ve got a surprise for her she knows nothing about.


  Luckily, we have a sunny day for this barbecue, the house isn’t that big, we have a canopy up and Denny and I are manning the barbecue.

  Mum and dad have shown up early to help with a few things, as have Robyn’s mum and dad, Sophie has just arrived too. Greg, Robyn’s dad has done his absolute best in these last three months to make things up to Robyn and me, to be honest, I’ve been a lot more forgiving than Robyn has - I couldn’t care less, it all worked out. I have Robyn, I have my racing. But she still has an issue with him, but I’m letting her work it out in her own time.

  All the guys from the pit are coming, Sophie and her friends - who are now Robyn’s friends - are coming. Should be good, especially with the surprise I have planned.

  With the help of Sophie, I picked out a ring. My stomach lurches at the thought of proposing in front of everyone, but as Robyn keeps telling me, I like being centre of attention anyway so I might as well just enjoy it. There’s a small part, only a small part, that is worried she’ll say no. I mean it's only been four months or so since we first met. But I know. I fucking know with no doubt whatsoever that she’s the one, I just hope she feels the same way.

  I’m just getting everything together when I hear a voice from around the side of the house. “Hello, are you guys out back?” Its Bobby.

  Eli comes running around the corner. “Hey Mummy!” he shouts as he runs past her, when he gets to me he looks up. “Hey, Jack!”

  I bend down to speak to him and give him a high five. “Hey, little man. How was the sleepover?”

  “It was good, we went bowling.”

  I see Robyn chat to Bobby and know she’ll be asking about their night. Bobby is grinning, Robyn is smiling so it must be all good.

  I’m happy it's going so well. It’s been hard for Robyn to let Eli go a little, let him get to know his dad. He seems ok, he’s proved that he’s serious about having Eli in his life and we eased Eli into it little by little. He knows he’s his dad now and he’s spent a lot of time with him. Robyn was around for all those visits at first but around a month ago she let him spend time with him on his own - last week he slept over for the first time and he was great, so he stayed over again last night. She’s getting better with it, but it's still hard for her I can see it’s a battle, she’s not used to sharing him, I get it. But he’s happy, that’s the main thing.

  The barbecue is a great success, everyone is happy for us that we’ve moved in together. Robyn says that all the females in the village are probably heartbroken, the ones I’ve been with, knowing they won't get another go and the ones that thought they’d have me in the future. She couldn’t have it more wrong, it’s the men that are gutted. I’ve got the most beautiful girl and she’s all mine.

  But yeah, everyone is enjoying themselves, it gets louder and louder.

  It's around 7 pm when I feel like its time. Everyone is relaxed, it's now or never, I look over at Denny and as if reading my mind, he gives me a small nod.

  I feel in my pocket for the box and taking a deep breath I stand up.

  I clink my bottle of beer with my bottle opener. “Time for a speech I think.”

  I see Robyn sigh and grin at me. She thinks I just want to be the centre of attention as usual.

  Everyone quietens down, waiting for me to speak. I clear my throat. Shit, I’m more nervous than I thought I would be. My pre-race nerves are nothing compared to this.

  “Thank you guys for coming. I’m happy that you all could make it to see me in my new habitat. For those of you that are worried about my wellbeing, Robyn has promised to look after me and mum, she has even said she’ll cook me the odd meal now and then, so don’t worry.”

  Everyone laughs, Robyn sticks her tongue out at me.

  Time to get serious. “Seriously though, most of you guys have known me for a long time, and the ones that know me the best would have
been most surprised that I’ve settled down into a life of domestic bliss like I have. But honestly, I never knew I could be this happy. I owe it all to Robyn, and Eli of course.” I try to keep my voice level as I turn to Robyn, “But Jesus you make me happy. So fu . . . so happy.” I check myself. I reach in my pocket for the jewellery box, trying to pretend that my hand isn't shaking.

  I turn and get down on one knee. Might as well do this properly. Everyone gasps. The only people that know about this are Sophie, Denny, and Robyn’s dad. I did ask him for permission – I’d have proposed even if he’d said no, but he’s trying to make up to Robyn big time so I didn’t think he would. Wouldn’t have fuckin’ mattered. I’m only gonna do this once though so thought I’d do it properly.

  I look directly at her as a speak. “Robyn, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life as I am of wanting to spend my life with you. Forever.”

  She looks stunned, her mouth drops open as it falls to the box I have in front of me.

  “Jack . . .” Her voice trails off as it dawns on her what I’m doing.

  “I want you. I want Eli. In my life forever. I will work my arse off to make you happy. Love is a word that is banded around a lot - one I was always terrified of. But you have taken that fear away, you see the other side of me, you’ve brought out the caring side of me, the loving side. One that I never even knew I had.”

  My mum shouts out. “We knew it, Jack. That’s the only side I see.”

  Everyone titters. “You're my mum, you have to say that.”

  She laughs, there are tears in her eyes.

  I turn back to Robyn. “Be my wife. Let me be your husband and it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made in your life.”

  Right that’s it, speech done, totally made myself look like a pussy in front of everyone, but I laid it all out, and I was honest - if she says no I’m fucked.

  I watch her face as she gives nothing away, she just stares at me. She stands up and comes to kneel with me and cups my face. Shit, is she letting me down gently?

  “I thought that when I came back here I was doing it for Eli. I never in a million years dreamed that I could have a full garden like this, full of people I care about and friends and family all around Eli and I. But in my wildest dreams never in a million years did I think that coming back home would lead to this. Total contentment, total happiness. You don’t fool anyone Jack with your foul-mouthed bad boy routine, we all know what kind of guy you are. You're the guy that helps pay his sisters way through college even though it means you don’t have lots of cash, you’re the guy that when faced with a decision that would hurt everyone, you picked them over yourself. You’re a good guy. You’re my good guy. I would be honoured to be your wife, and try as you might, you could never make me happier than I am right now.”

  Relief floods through me, together with the emotion of her words. She’s always seen through me. She’s perfect for me. I lean in and kiss her.

  I break off from her mouth and say “Wanna bet?”

  She kisses me again and everyone around us cheers and whoops. Eli comes running over to us and we let him in our hug. Robyn has a tear rolling down her face. Eli doesn’t understand what’s going on. “Why are you crying mummy?”

  She looks at me “Sometimes that happens sweetie - you cry when you're so happy - when all your dreams come true.”

  “Love you, Danish,” I whisper

  “Love you too, Jack.”

  The End

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you enjoyed the first in the series of Badger’s Mount.

  It’s Sophie and Jack’s brother Declan’s turn next so be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you hear about that release – you also get a book for free!

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  My other books:-

  If you enjoyed this book, please check out my other novels – all are available on Kindle Unlimited

  New Adult –

  Three hot Spanish Brothers with mafia connections meet the girls that will test them:-

  The Castell Brothers Trilogy box set click here


  A hot surgeon and a one night stand, steamy Medical adult romance –

  One Night with Him – click here


  Second Chance Steamy Romance – Single parents meet again, years after a hookup. Rugby player sports romance

  Fling to Forever - click here

  About the Author

  I'm a Northern girl born and bred, living in a little town near Manchester, England, where I like to do fun stuff with my kids, getting drunk with my friends (not as often as I’d like) and watching American TV shows with my husband.

  I discovered my love for reading at a very early age by reading Charlotte’s Web, then onto Sweet Valley High series, in my teens, my mum introduced me to Mills & Boon and I've been a goner for a good romance ever since.

  I’ve recently had a break from writing, due to caring for my parents and working as a childminder, but I missed writing so much I have somehow managed to fit it back into my schedule.

  I was a legal assistant for many years before I started a family. Now I am a personal slave and taxi to my two young children and wouldn’t have it any other way.


  To my beta readers Kelly and Dawn, thank you for taking the time to read this and giving me your honest feedback.

  Thank you to everyone has bought my book. Please, if you get a chance, leave me a review on Amazon or Goodreads!

  A big thank you to all the bloggers out there, who are the ones that make chances possible for indie authors, plus, as I love to read as much as I love to write, thank you for all the good book tips!




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