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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 7

by Ciara Lake

  “You’re soaking wet. I’m going to bury my cock inside you…”

  When she opened her eyes, her chemise was off. He’d lifted it up and over her head. Like a doll, she’d complied.

  “Do you want me inside you, my love?” Clayne rose from the bed, pushing his breeches off. His cock sprang free, bouncing against his taut belly. Its rigid length fascinated her.

  “You’re huge.” Boldly, she reached out to touch him. He shivered as he pulled her closer to him. His cock was hot as it rested against her stomach. “I feel like I’m on fire,” Arianna confessed as she kissed his chest and shoulder. “I burn.”

  “You burn for me.” He cupped her buttocks, pressing her closer to him. He kissed her lips.

  Flashes of color passed in front of her eyes as he kissed her. Arianna was lost to the passion, every question and concern fled her brain. Any moment she was going to go up in flames. She’d never felt heat like this. She reached between them to capture his thick cock in her hand. Rubbing him, she looked into his eyes. Flames replaced his blue gaze.

  “That feels so good.” He nibbled her ear, his hot breath melting her some more. “I like your touch.” He moved against her hand. Turning her, he laid her back on the bed. It was soft, silky cool against her heated flesh. With little effort, he pulled her fully onto the center of the bed, and then he was upon her. “Open your legs.”

  Obediently, she did as he requested. Clayne positioned himself between her thighs. She clutched him with her legs.

  “Oh, nice. You’re ready for me.” He kissed her breasts. “I’d intended to take more time.”

  Arianna bucked up against him. He pressed the head of his cock at her pussy’s entrance, and wetness seeped out, covering its tip. He rubbed it over her clit.

  “You’re so wet, I’ll slide in nicely.”

  Arianna felt dizzy with need. Desperately, she pressed against his hard cock.

  “You want me to fuck you?” He kissed her mouth deeply. “Tell me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Her mind focused only on merging with him. Clayne licked and kissed her all over. All she could do was moan and quiver.

  “Tell me, Arianna.”

  “I want…I want to,” she whispered next to his ear. “I’m hot.”

  “You want this? You feel hot for me?” He pressed hard, burying himself inside her.

  Arianna cried out as he slid through her maidenhood. She pushed against him, resisting.

  “Be at ease.” He stroked her arm as he kissed her.

  She tensed, and tears escaped her eyes. Her thighs squeezed him. He kissed her as she adjusted to his invasion and size.

  “Oh, it hurts.”

  “Shh, it’s okay, it’s over now. No more pain.” Clayne caressed her heated body. “Relax your legs so I can move. I promise, no more discomfort,” he whispered.

  Doing as he requested, she relaxed, and her knees fell open.

  “You feel so good, hot, wet, your sheath clutching at my cock, milking it.”

  Her muscles relaxed some more.

  “Let me show you how it can be.” Clayne pumped his hips. He rose up on his arms, pounding against her. His expression was intent as he watched her face.

  She looked down between their bodies and watched as he worked in and out of her. His thick cock glistened with her juices. He nearly pulled it all the way out, and then slammed it back into her. Clayne growled deep in his chest. She gazed into his eyes. Inhuman eyes looked back, flames dancing in their centers.

  “You like how my cock looks while I’m fucking you.” His voice sounded deeper, harsher. Leaning closer, he kissed her mouth, and their tongues danced together. His kiss tasted sweet.

  Forgotten was any discomfort. Encouraged by the flavor of him, Arianna pulled him down closer to her, her arms around his neck. “I’m so hot. I feel like I’m burning. It feels so wonderful.”

  He pulled out of her and rolled her over on her stomach. Again, she felt like a rag doll, manhandled.

  “Get on your knees. Lay your head on the pillow.”

  Arianna did as instructed. She moaned as he pressed his cock into her again.

  “Oh, so tight, so nice.” Clayne slammed hard into her. His strong arms braced him on both sides of her.

  Arianna wiggled her bottom as he pounded into her. Lying fully against her, he gripped her breast as he continued to pump. Turning her head, she kissed his right bicep. He kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. Arianna wanted to scream with pleasure.

  “Oh…Oh…Clayne, I’m going to explode.” Arianna pushed her behind against him. She yelled out, collapsing beneath him. Clayne stopped and rolled her on to her back. Fondling her breasts, he kissed her nipples. She moaned. “Oh, Clayne.”

  “Yes.” Inside her again, he slammed against her. He held her in his arms, kissing the side of her face and neck. The sound of their flesh hitting against each other rang out in the room.

  “I’m going to explode too.” He pounded harder. “You like this?” Powerful, strong, he delivered pleasure she’d never experienced. “Tell me you like what I’m doing,” he ordered. “Tell me, Arianna.” His eyes sparked with flames.

  “I like it. Do it harder,” Arianna nearly screamed. “Please, Clayne.” She clutched him tighter. “Fuck me,” she whispered in his mind. “Fuck me harder. It feels so good. I love it.” She twined her legs with his. Saying it to his mind came easier than saying it aloud.

  “Oh,” Clayne moaned. “You’re fucking excellent.”

  He was sizzling against her. She could melt into him. Her body was too hot, in need of…of what she was unsure. Then the heat consumed her, it exploded within her. Lights flashed behind her eyes. Euphoria washed over her, from her head to her toes.

  When she opened her eyes, she watched him. His eyes were closed, and his handsome face transformed with a multitude of emotions. A jumble of unintelligible words entered her brain, his words. His pumping slowed, followed by him shivering against her.

  “Oh, Arianna,” he moaned. “You make me feel fantastic, like nothing I imagined.” He showered her heated face with damp kisses. More words she could not identify spilled into her head. “You’re amazing, mate. You’re made for fucking. I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk.”

  Suddenly, Arianna was ashamed of her wanton behavior.

  Clayne rolled to his side, pulling her with him. “No one has ever made me feel like this.” He kissed her tenderly.

  Arianna closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at him. Tears rolled down her hot cheeks.

  He kissed the tears away. “Did I hurt you?” Clayne sounded concerned.

  Arianna shook her head.

  “Why the tears?”

  “I behaved like a whore. I can’t believe I acted like some common whore, and the things I said…”

  Clayne chuckled.

  Arianna’s eyes opened to stare at him. “You’re laughing at me.”

  “I’m not laughing at you. I’d never do that.” He pushed her hair out her face. “You’re a wonderful wife to be cherished, an amazing mate. You please me very much. I want to be inside you again.” He rubbed his cheek against hers. The stubble from his whiskers scratched her face. “I came so hard.” She could feel a tremor move through him when she caressed his back. “I’m your husband, your mate. You can say anything to me. You’re beautiful, sexy, never a whore. I only chuckled because you’re so innocent. You amuse me, in a good way. You’re innocent as well as sensual all rolled into one charming package.”

  Arianna shut her eyes, resting her head on his arm. Uncertain how long she’d lain there, she stirred, a shiver racing over her. Reaching for the covers, she realized he was gone from their bed. Sitting up, she searched the room.

  “Here I am, my darling. I fetched us some food. Whenever you wish we can return to Allegretti’s to meet the morning.”

  “Is it morning yet?”

  “If I wish it to be. Here, have some food. It’s appetizing.”
Clayne set the tray down on the bed. Dressed in his breeches, his white shirt was open. “I got this from our room at Allegretti’s. We shouldn’t waste this great food.”

  Arianna pulled the sheet up in front of her breasts.

  “Don’t cover yourself, my love. I like to look at you.” Leaning in, he kissed her softly. “You’re beautiful.”

  “What do you mean it can be morning if you wish?” She generously kissed him back.

  “I can choose to flash there at any time.” Moving, he sat closer to her. “Here, have some cake.” He held a piece for her. “I believe this is our wedding cake. Go ahead, take a bite.”

  Arianna accepted the piece he had in his hand. She allowed him to put it in her mouth. She sensually licked his fingers. Surprised by her behavior, she asked, “What are you? You said you aren’t a warlock.”

  “No, I’m not a warlock. I’m a dragon shifter. I can take the form of a dragon. This place is called Ejdeha Dragoni. It’s the royal realm of the dragons.”

  “A dragon.” Arianna pulled back from him. “You’re telling me you really are a serpent?” She shivered. “A big, ugly serpent. I hate snakes. What are you going to do to me? Eat me?” Arianna inched away from him.

  “Arianna, I’m no snake, and I’m hardly ugly.” He chuckled. “Many have said I’m glorious with my shiny royal blue scales.”

  “Glorious?” Arianna moved further away from him.

  “Surely you aren’t going to attempt to run from me. Where would you go? Why would you go? We’ve shared much to be enjoyed. I plan to share much more and often.”

  “Why marry me? If you’re a serpent, why do you want me?”

  He studied her for a while before answering. “You were destined to be mine, if I was lucky enough to find you. Amuliana Synvera, the goddess of immortals, made me aware of your existence. She sent me to look for you.”


  “I’m not exactly sure. You’re known as a Forsaken.”

  “A goddess? Forsaken what? I can’t believe this.” Arianna nearly screamed. “This is a twisted fairy tale. No, I can’t believe this. Dragons aren’t real. Show me your dragon form.” Arianna pointed at him, her hand shaking with fear. “Show me your damn dragon form. You’re lying.” She backed further away from him.

  “I can’t fully shift in here. I’m too big. It could be very uncomfortable for me. Or I could break something.”

  “I knew you lied.”

  Clayne moved off the bed and removed his shirt. His eyes morphed, looking serpentine. “I’ll show you what I can, my wife.” He bowed to her.

  “Oh, dear Lord.” Arianna scrambled completely off the bed, clutching the sheet in front of her. Their tray of food spilled.

  “Yes, I’m your Lord Husband,” he teased. “Oh, Lady Wife, you’ve made a mess of our bed.” Clayne clicked his tongue.

  Arianna was now standing against the far wall on the other side of the bed. Standing up with his shoulders back, he breathed in, and at the same time huge wings appeared. His wings stretched the room’s width, and they weren’t even fully unfolded. The massive, royal blue wings were a shade darker than his exceptional eyes. He moved with grace as he stepped closer to the bed. His wings fluttered behind him. He was careful not to knock over anything.

  “Come, get back on the bed, sweet girl. Why fear me now? Truly, there’s no need to cower. I know you’re not a coward. Regardless, you can’t run from me. Now that I’ve claimed you as mine I can find you anywhere. You’re in Ejdeha Dragoni, this is my home. You can’t leave this realm without me, at least not yet. This is your home too.” Shrugging, his large wings moved with him.

  “I’m a prisoner here?” Arianna whimpered, fear tightening her voice to a squeak.

  “No, you’re not a prisoner. I’m just saying you can’t run from me. There’s no reason to run, but since you’re not familiar with this place, running would hardly be effective.” His wings were leathery blue, yet beautiful. The color so vibrant it was like looking into bright blue light. “You asked me to show you, so I have. Don’t punish me for accommodating your request.”

  She bravely walked around the large bed, stopping directly in front of him.

  “You’re right. I’m no coward. You’ve tricked my papa. You tricked me. You’ve stolen me away from my home. You’re a devil, and you’ve brought me to your lair, your devil’s lair.”

  “Arianna, surely you’re not narrow-minded like other humans. This is my lair, but I’m no devil. You have the blood of immortals in your veins. Stop. Think before you do something rash. You possess dragon blood, mixed with vampire blood,” Clayne said less enthusiastically. “Magic lives within you.” He stepped closer to her, and she backed up. “If you relax, I can explain everything.” Walking over to the dresser, he picked up her jeweled tiara. “Your ring and tiara shine brilliantly because they were specially crafted by a master artisan, a troll named Axel Venrick.”

  “A troll? You’re insane. First a dragon, then vampire, now you want me to believe in trolls? You are truly fucking insane.”

  “Oh, I see you like the word fuck now.” His smile was cool. “I prefer you use the word while we’re actually fucking. And, yes, a troll. He used the blood of a vampire as well as a dragon to craft your jewels, they’re bespelled. Your jewels were made for a beautiful queen. You’re similar to her in many ways. Everything will be explained to you in detail. I can’t explain it all right now.” He shook his head. “This isn’t going as I planned. None of it is. You’re not what I expected.” Brushing his hair back from his forehead, he frowned.

  “Well, sorry it’s not going as you planned.” Arianna placed her hand on her hip. “I didn’t plan this either. If you’re such a great, mighty dragon, you should’ve known how this would go. I want to go home. I need this marriage annulled. You’ve trick me.”

  “I’ll take you back to Allegretti’s home.” His wings vanished in a flash. He sat her tiara on the dresser then reached for his shirt. “I haven’t tricked you. Good luck seeking an annulment, Arianna. You’re my wife, and we’ve consummated our union.” He gazed at the bed. “It was an extremely pleasant consummation. I can recall it in detail to anyone who inquires. If you force me to.”

  “You’re insufferable.”

  “No, I’m the man you married. I intend to remain married to you.”

  “You’re hardly a man,” Arianna cried.

  “No? Shall I show you again?” He walked toward her as he cocked his head to the side. His expression looked hurt. “I’d be happy to demonstrate my masculinity again.”

  Arianna could feel heat rush from his body. She’d hit a chord.

  “You cried out in joy when I took you. When I thrust deep within that warm cunt of yours again and again. I recall you demanded me to fuck you harder.” He crowded her against the wall.

  “You don’t need to be crude.” Arianna turned her face away from his.

  “Yet you insult me by saying I’m not a man. I may not be human, but I’m definitely male.” He shook his head. “As I understand your Catholic church, they’ll declare you rightfully mine.” Clayne touched her hair. He seemed to inspect its strands. Then he let it fall over her breast. He placed his hand on the wall above her head, leaning into her. “Or you could tell them I’m a dragon. I took you to another realm. I showed you my big blue wings after we fucked.” Sarcasm dripped with his every word. “That might go over well for you,” he whispered. “I’d hate to see what ignorant humans would do to you then. They’d either condemn you as insane or torch you for being a witch, an enemy to their Catholic church.” His smile chilled her. “Neither would be a happy conclusion for you. So I suggest you calm down, get dressed, and let me take you back to Allegretti’s for our celebratory breakfast. Then we’ll leave as planned for my townhome in Florence. Just cooperate with what I tell you to do, all right, Arianna MacDagon?”

  “Take me back to our room at Allegretti’s so I can dress.” Arianna pushed away from the wall, making him step back.

  “Arianna, this can be a pleasurable union or a difficult one, the choice is yours. I have a few things to take care of. We’ll return when I’m ready to take you.” He disappeared right in front of her eyes. His eyes flashed brightly before he vanished.

  Arianna felt a flare of alarm, followed closely by anger. Had he deserted her to be destroyed like some groveling… “That’s right, disappear, you vile snake in the grass. It’s not like you wanted me anyway.”

  She sank onto the edge of the bed, her head in her hands. Then she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was flushed. A fine sheen of perspiration covered her face and throat. Her head throbbed. Arianna was fearful of her fate. But her temper reigned supreme.

  “You’re an evil snake,” Arianna yelled into the empty room.

  She smoothed her hair back. She was perspiring at an amazing rate. Her perspiration nearly soaked the sheet. Looking around the room for a window to open, she noticed things she didn’t recognize. A huge, rectangular, black, glossy picture hung on the wall across from the bed. It looked to be made out of an unusual material. Candles with fabric shades sat about the room. Their bright lights were made without a flame. There were no windows.

  “You tricked me. I’ve had sex with a serpent, not a husband. I’d prefer a warlock to a scaly lizard. At least he would be a….a man. Now I’m imprisoned.” The temperature in the room spiked. “It’s damn hot in here, you blue monster. Are you trying to roast me alive? Do you kidnap helpless women, have your way with them, roast then eat them? Is that what dragons do?”

  Exhaustion caused her head to ache more. She was thirsty and her stomach ached with hunger, but the food had been ruined.

  “I should’ve listened to my instincts about you. I should’ve resisted. I was weak to your false, magical charms,” she murmured in a puny voice. “You’re a devil with blue wings.”

  Arianna lay on her side, careful not to lay in the spilled food. Loosening the sheet, which was wrapped tightly around her, she laid under it. Despite her heated mood and her hot body temperature, she closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly, her heart longing for Clayne to come back.


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