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A Powerful Attraction (Quicksand Book 1)

Page 5

by Delaney Diamond

  “Tonight. Are you free?”

  In the past, she might have pretended that his invitation was too last-minute even if she didn’t have plans, but she wanted to see Alex just as much as he clearly wanted to see her, and didn’t waste time with games.

  “Yes. I’m free tonight.” I’m free every night for you.

  “Great. Can I pick you up at say…eight o’clock?”

  “Yes. What do you have planned?”

  He chuckled, and the sound excited and aroused her. “That’s for me to know and you to find out. Oh, are you afraid of heights?”

  “What do you have planned?” she asked again, this time with alarm in her voice.

  “What did I just tell you?”

  She bit the corner of her lip, smiling hard at her friends, whose curious, wide-eyed expressions demanded more details. “I hate secrets.”

  “You’ll have to suffer through this one. Now answer the question.”

  She sighed with exaggerated annoyance. “No, I’m not afraid of heights.”

  “Perfect. I’ll pick you up tonight at eight.”

  As soon as the call ended, Talia said, “Well…?”

  “I’m going out with him again. Tonight.”

  “That much we gathered.”

  “He wouldn’t tell me where we’re going or what we’ll be doing, so I have no details. I guess I won’t see the kids after all. I’ll have to skip dinner tonight.”

  “That doesn’t seem to bother you much,” Shawna pointed out with a smile.

  Sherry couldn’t stop grinning. “It doesn’t bother me at all.”


  Sherry skipped down the steps of her apartment building and straight into Alex’s arms. He lifted her off the ground like she weighed a mere ounce and planted a wet kiss on her lips. He tasted delicious, like the most decadent dessert, and she wouldn’t have let him go, but he set her down on her feet, and she reluctantly dropped her arms.

  “You look amazing,” he said, taking her by the hands and simply staring at her in appreciation from head to toe.

  She grinned broadly, because who wouldn’t when a man looked at you like that? She was glad she’d chosen her long-sleeved, floral-print maxi dress. The flowy dress covered her from chest to ankle, but the off-the-shoulders design made her feel sexy.

  “Thank you. And so do you.” He wore black on black this evening, and the short sleeves of the polo shirt showed off his muscular forearms covered in fine hairs.

  He led her to the Porsche and she slid in. Alex climbed in the driver side and started the car.

  “Are you going to tell me what we’re going to do, or is that still top secret?” she asked.

  “Still top secret.” He glanced behind him as he reversed, and she admired his handsome profile. How did she get so lucky?

  “Not even a hint?” Sherry whined.

  “Not even a hint.” He tapped her chin and pulled into traffic.

  “Can you at least tell me if I’m dressed appropriately?”

  His gaze skipped over her exposed shoulders. “Your dress is very appropriate,” he said in a low voice.

  A tingle of pleasure swept down her spine. Satisfied with that answer, Sherry settled in for the ride. They remained silent for a bit as they took off toward downtown.

  “How was your visit with your friend at the hospital?” she asked.

  “Much of the same.” He switched lanes.

  “How often do you go?”

  “Several times a week and every Saturday.”

  His devotion astounded her. “What’s wrong with him?” she asked.

  “Her. Her name’s Heather, and she has Castleman’s disease.” When she frowned, he continued. “It’s a rare disease that almost killed her a couple of years ago. She’s been in and out of the hospital ever since, and about a month ago was admitted again because of another episode.” As he talked, his face grew taut.

  “I’m sorry. I hope she recovers soon.”

  “I do too.”

  Sherry squeezed his hand atop the gearshift, and he smiled gratefully at her.

  “She’s a good friend. She and Rashad and I have known each other since college. Seeing her sick like this has been a real blow. I’m used to her being vivacious and outgoing, but now she’s a fraction of herself, and it’s hard. She will get better. I know she will.”

  “I’ll keep her in my prayers.”

  Their gazes met. “Thank you.”

  From that point on, they talked until they arrived at the tallest Winthrop Hotel in the city. When the valet took his keys, Alex reached for Sherry’s hand and led her inside the hotel.

  “I suppose now is a good time to tell you what I have planned.”

  They stepped into the elevator, still holding hands, which she didn’t mind at all. She welcomed his touch and the easy affection he displayed toward her in such a short time.

  “When we had dinner at La Tavola, you told me there were parts of the city you hadn’t seen and wished to go on a tour. Well, we’re going to do that tonight. I’m taking you on a helicopter ride.”

  “I’ve never been in a helicopter before,” she said excitedly.

  “Are you up for it?”

  “Hell yes!”

  He laughed and pulled her closer with one arm and dropped a kiss on her lips. “You’re just what I needed, you know that?” He let out a heavy breath. “I’ve dealt with some difficult situations in the past year, but in a very short time you’ve made everything better.”

  Sherry cupped his cheek. “I could easily say the same about you.” She bit her lip, and he bent his head and swiped his tongue across the same place she’d bitten. Mothlike fluttering entered her belly, and she leaned into him.

  Honestly sharing how they made each other feel was an important step, and one Sherry felt confident making because she trusted Alex in a way that she hadn’t been able to trust a man in a long time. She’d made Stan wait almost three months, going back and forth via text and talking on the phone, before she finally agreed to meet him in person. Even with taking such care, he’d still let her down.

  She knew without a doubt that Alex would not let her down.

  They exited onto the rooftop and were greeted by the pilot, an older guy with a buzzcut and crooked nose that looked like it had been broken more than once in his lifetime. After signing a waiver, they received instructions and then boarded the black helicopter. Alex and Sherry sat in the back, strapped in, and the pilot handed them headsets to muffle the noise and facilitate conversation.

  Upon takeoff, Sherry clutched Alex’s hand, and he kissed her knuckles reassuringly. After a few minutes, she relaxed as they glided through the night sky, over buildings dotted with square and rectangular windows filled with light.

  They soared over Highway 285 and circled the blue glass towers of the iconic King and Queen buildings, constructed to resemble chess pieces. The pilot pointed out landmarks such as the governor’s mansion, the winding Chattahoochee River, and Stone Mountain in the distance. They soared over upscale neighborhoods like Buckhead, with its high-rise buildings and expansive mansions, as well as lesser-known communities with tree-lined streets and nearby parks.

  The tour lasted an hour, and when it was completed, Sherry wished they had another hour to spend in the air. As dates went, it was one of the most memorable and informative, as the pilot provided them with details about Atlanta she’d previously been ignorant about.

  She and Alex said their goodbyes and got back into the elevator.

  “That was fantastic!” She flung her arms around Alex’s neck and planted a juicy kiss on his lips.

  He pulled her in tight and backed her into a corner of the cabin. “I love your enthusiasm. If this is my reward, we’ll have to do this every weekend.”

  He kissed her neck, and Sherry’s husky laugh filled the small space. Their lips touched again, and she moaned and sighed happily. Kissing and touching Alex was quickly becoming her favorite thing to do.

  When the elevator doors
opened, they reluctantly pulled apart and exited onto the first floor. Alex had made a reservation in the hotel’s restaurant for a late-night dinner, so they made their way there and sat side by side in a funky orange C-shaped booth.

  After the waiter took their orders, Alex slipped an arm around Sherry, and she snuggled up next to him.

  “What prompted you and Rashad to start Newmark Advisors?” she asked.

  Absently, Alex rubbed his palm up and down her arm. “It was actually Rashad who broached the subject. He said it as a joke, but there was always a restlessness in him, and I liked the idea. We were working for an investment firm, making good money, but after some thought, we agreed that starting our own business wasn’t such a crazy idea. Like me, he doesn’t have any family that he can count on. We’d both been on our own for so long that working for someone else didn’t sit well with us. We wanted to be in charge of our own destiny. We discussed our options, pored over the numbers, and made a plan.”

  Sherry had always had her parents’ support, so she couldn’t fathom having to fend for herself at a young age. Even now, she knew that if she lost her job or any other tragedy befell her, she had her parents or extended family to depend on.

  “You and Rashad are very close.”

  Alex nodded. “I love him like a brother. I trust him with my life.”

  “Few people can say that,” she said.

  “I mean it, and I know he feels the same way about me.” He took her hand in his, and a thoughtful frown creased his brow. “Sherry, no matter what happens, I hope you know how important you are to me.”

  “Whatever happens?” She laughed a little. “You’re already breaking us up?” Her stomach tightened in apprehension.

  Alex seemed to be in deep thought as he rubbed a thumb across her fingers. “Not at all. But life is so complicated, and sometimes you do what you think is right, but it creates problems later. I want you to know that I care about you. I have for some time, but getting to know you outside of work has convinced me you’re exactly the kind of woman I’ve been looking for.”

  Sherry touched his face, letting her fingertips brush the fine hairs on his jaw. “I know what you mean. You’re exactly the kind of man I’ve been looking for.”

  “I’m not perfect.”

  “I’m not looking for perfect, and I’m sure you’re not either. We just click, right?” There was something in his eyes, something he wasn’t saying that made her doubt for a minute. There seemed to be a hidden meaning in his words, and though her intuition prompted her to dig deeper, apprehension kept her from doing so.

  “Yes, we click. And I want to see more of you. Much more.”

  “I’d like to see much more of you, too,” she said softly.

  He kissed her then, and this kiss was without passion or sexual undertones. It was more about affection and sealing their words with finality. She wanted him and he wanted her, and as far as Sherry was concerned, nothing else mattered.

  Alex came out of the bathroom and walked across the floor to the bed. He and Sherry had spent the day together, and he didn’t look forward to the start of the workweek tomorrow, when they’d enter the office and have to pretend they didn’t know each other on an intimate level. She was the first woman he’d invited into his home in a long time, and he already felt she belonged here.

  He slid under the covers and slipped an arm around her waist. She moaned and turned into his arms.

  “You wore me out, hombre,” she whispered.

  He laughed softly. “Hombre, eh?”

  “Mhmm. I’m learning Spanish now.”

  “Don’t get in too deep. You’ll know more than I do, and then I’ll have to catch up.”

  Sherry rubbed one hand up and down the hair on his chest. She was quiet for a moment, and he silently watched her and she watched him.

  “I love spending time with you,” she whispered.

  There was that openness and honesty again.

  “I love spending time with you, too.” He would spend every day with her if he could.

  A hand came to rest over his rapidly beating heart. “A lot. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  “Neither have I.”

  She smiled sweetly and snuggled closer, closing her eyes. “I’m starting to think the best thing that ever happened to me was getting stood up.” Alex stroked his fingers through her soft hair, detangling the strands. “Mmm. That feels so good,” she murmured.

  Tell her now.

  But he couldn’t. Honesty would spoil the moment. He would lose the warmth of her body against his and the weight of her soft leg thrown over his thigh.

  Not yet. He squeezed her closer.

  Moments later, her quiet breathing signaled she’d fallen asleep, and Alex eased back to look at her face.

  What the hell was he going to do? The longer he delayed, the harder it would be to confess. And how could he? He couldn’t risk the fallout.

  And he was starting to think he’d already fallen in love with her.


  Alex and Sherry worked together in Alex’s office. Laptops, notepads, and a multitude of papers were spread out on the round table, his credenza, and his desk. Many of the Ovation employees postponed their appointments until this week, which meant more meetings this week than during the last two combined.

  As Alex plugged numbers into an online program, Sherry brought a printout from the credenza over to him.

  “I’m going to give you this guy.” She set the sheet filled with two pie charts and numbers in front of him. “He has an aggressive approach and would benefit from working with you, I think.”

  He glanced at the sheet. “You’re right. He’d be a perfect candidate for a couple of technology and international stocks that are doing really well right now.” He placed the client in the pile with others he intended to share similar stock tips with.


  Sherry moved to walk back to her side of the table, but Alex took her by the hand and tugged her closer. He pressed her palm to his lips, and she smiled warmly at him.

  “You have plans tonight?” he asked. So much had changed in the past few weeks since dinner at La Tavola. Being with Sherry always lifted his spirits and put him in a good mood.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you want to spend every spare moment with me,” she teased.

  “And you’d be right,” Alex teased back.

  He pulled her onto his lap, and her soft bottom landed on his thighs, evoking a surge of heat in his loins. While they managed to get work done today, they also veered off course, like now, because he couldn’t resist touching her.

  Sherry pouted. “I would love to see you this evening, but I’m meeting with my volunteer group to decide which new projects we want to tackle this quarter.”

  “Well, I suppose I can give you a break tonight, since we did spend the weekend together.”

  They’d spent more than the weekend together. Over the past week, they’d spent almost every night after work in each other’s company. On Saturday, she’d joined him on a hike up Kennesaw Mountain, and then they ate breakfast at a coffee shop before parting ways so he could go visit his friend in the hospital.

  Sunday, they went to a baseball game and then went back to his house, where he taught her how to make a traditional Colombian dish, bistec a cabal, over rice. The steak was served topped with a fried egg and hogao, a Colombian creole sauce made from scallions and tomatoes, both of which grew in pots on his patio.

  “How gracious of you to give me time off,” Sherry said, looping her arms around his neck. Her hooded gaze met his.

  “I’m a generous man.” His gaze shifted. “You have something in your hair.”

  Sherry brushed at the strands.

  “Let me.” He removed a piece of shredded paper from her hair and showed it to her. “Got it.”

  “How in the world did that get in there?”

  He chuckled. “Did you bend down toward the shredder?”

  “No.” She
slapped his chest.

  “Then I have no idea, amor.” He trailed the tips of his fingers through her hair. “Your hair smells different. Usually it smells more like mint, but today it smells…fruity.”

  “I tried a different shampoo and conditioner. Very observant, Señor Barraza.” She rolled her Rs extra hard.

  “Look at you. We’re going to have you speaking Spanish yet.”

  “Maybe you can teach me a word a day.”

  “We’ll start with the nasty ones,” he said.

  “Of course you would say that.” She nuzzled his neck. “I think the new products make my hair softer. What do you think?”

  He grasped a handful of her tresses. “It’s hard to tell. All of you is so soft all the time.” He nipped her chin with his lips.

  “Keep talking like that, and you might get yourself laid at work.”

  “Again? In that case—”

  Two quick knocks on the door, and Sherry jumped up from his lap. Dammit.

  Rashad poked his head in. He glanced between them as Sherry edged farther away from Alex.

  “Hey, hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” Rashad came fully into the office. “Wanted to see if you still want to grab lunch together.”

  “Sure.” Alex glanced at his watch. He’d lost track of the time. “We can get back to work after lunch,” he said to Sherry, keeping his voice neutral.

  She nodded, careful not to give even the slightest hint of what they’d been up to only moments before.

  “Care to join us?” Rashad asked.

  “No, thanks.” She picked up her notepad and a few files. “I’m going back to my own office to make a few phone calls before I leave for lunch myself. Alex, I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

  She exited and quietly closed the door.

  Rashad turned slowly to face Alex and shoved his hands into his pockets, rolling back onto the balls of his feet. “Why do I get the feeling I interrupted something?”


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