Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4)

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Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4) Page 11

by Karen Nappa

  Derek's eyes darkened, and now, he did interrupt her, "How old was he?"

  "Derek!" she pleaded and shook her head with downcast eyes.

  Derek placed a gentle finger under her chin, lifted her face, and implored her, "Tell me, baby girl."

  "Damn it, what does it matter?" she seethed.

  "Language," Derek admonished before conceding, "it matters, baby girl. It's one thing if he was nineteen or twenty. It's another if he was thirty. You don't have to tell me now, but you will tell me sometime soon." He radiated confidence, and she almost told him then and there.

  "Anyhow, when I came home, my grandmother was still awake. I wasn't expecting her to be up and I definitely wasn't expecting her to tell me she would die soon. The cancer had come back and it was practically everywhere."

  As she finished her explanation, Derek pulled her in his arms. "Oh, baby, no wonder you never slept with anyone else. To have such an event connected to your first time must have screwed with your head."

  Sonja smiled through clenched teeth and answered, "That, and the fact that I had to worry about getting something to eat and where to sleep, soon after, didn't help, either."

  "No, I guess it wouldn't."

  "So, that's my story. Now, can you explain to me why it matters for us?"

  Derek nodded like he was deep in thought, before he said, "In the kind of age play we do, the age a 'little' regresses to is often connected to his or her past. There are several layers to age play. For us, I would like to use two elements in our dynamic." Derek stroked his beard for a moment before he explained further, "For one, you have your mindset where you feel happy to let go and explore your sexuality. It makes sense for you to be about sixteen when in that frame of mind. It was the age you had your first sexual experience, but you never had the time and place to explore further. I want you to know you can be that sweet sixteen babe who is exploring her sexuality. When I know you're in this headspace, I'll take care of you. You'll be safe with me. We can explore anything you want." He smiled before putting up a stern face. "Although I like a bit of a brat, I expect you to follow my orders and behave for most of the time we're playing."

  Sonja had to chuckle at that. She was relieved he—at least—liked some sass.

  "How do you feel about this part of the dynamics?" Derek asked.

  Sonja contemplated what they'd discussed, and she could accept this. Sixteen might be young, but it didn't gross her out as diaper-play did. "I think I like this part, and I want to try it." She grinned and added, "I can wear my schoolgirl uniform."

  Derek laughed and tugged her hair playfully before he sobered. "There's another part I'd like to explore with you. Beside the sexual play, we have 'little' space, which can be therapeutic. This second part is mostly non-sexual." Sonja raised one eyebrow, and Derek took a deep breath, "I suggest we explore that part, too."

  "Why?" Sonja wanted to know.

  "Baby, you missed out on a lot of your childhood. Why not allow yourself to enjoy some of it now?"

  "You want me to behave like a six-year-old?" she asked with disdain.

  He cocked his head a bit as he studied her. "Yes, that age makes sense, doesn't it?"

  "But, why?" she whined.

  "Baby, hear me out before you get upset. Try to imagine being a six-year-old with your loving Daddy. You could play with your stuffed animals and color or draw pictures. You'd be allowed to be as childlike as you want. You wouldn't have responsibilities. You wouldn't have to do laundry or cook or pay bills."

  She narrowed her eyes. "That sounds great, but what do you get out of it?"

  Derek smiled wide. "Are you kidding me? I get to take care of a happy and relaxed baby girl. When you allow your inner child out in the open, I get to enjoy the real you at your most vulnerable."

  Sonja frowned. "But you have the 'real me'."

  "Yes, but you've grown up. As adults, we wear masks and behave in socially acceptable ways. Children are honest in their reactions, sometimes painfully direct, so we learn to conceal our reactions and responses. To get to see the pure you, is a great gift, Sonja. A gift I will treasure! You would be sitting on my lap or cuddled against me, while we watch Disney movies or cartoons. I would get to bathe you and comb your hair. I can buy you pretty clothes and select the ones I want you to wear. It would be my Heaven on Earth, baby girl. There would be nothing more rewarding for me than playing with you in a safe, sane, and consensual fantasy world."

  Sonja let Derek's words sink in. It sounded pretty good when put like that. It also made a lot of sense to her, given her history. To sit with him and watch princess movies? Yes, please! But did he actually want to do that? Sonja's head started to bob up and down before she knew it.

  "Yes?" Derek's face brightened. "You want to try?"

  "I want to discuss more with you about how long we'd do it at any one time and such, but, yes, Daddy, I want to try."

  Derek let out a whoop that startled her, but then she smiled when he scooped her up in his arms. Her smile turned into full-blown giggles as he peppered her face and neck with kisses. Then he shocked her by watching The Wizard of Oz with her and, afterward, cuddling in bed without having sex.

  The next morning, Sonja woke up to Derek trailing kisses along her shoulder and back. She let out a happy sigh as she basked in his attention like Snuggles did in the sunlight. She yawned and stretched lazily before asking, "What time is it?"

  She could feel Derek turn so he could look at the clock on the nightstand before he replied, "Time to get my special baby girl breakfast. I know we didn't complete our discussion last night, but it would please me if you would wear the outfit I've selected for you."

  She turned to face him. "You bought clothes for me?"

  He made a non-committal sound and nodded. "It might have been a bit presumptuous of me, or call it wishful thinking, but, yes, I did."

  Sonja squealed in delight. She couldn't remember the last time someone bought her a gift, let alone a man buying her clothes. The last time she'd been this excited was when she'd bought her little Miata for her one-year-anniversary as a business owner.

  Derek grinned at her and nodded to the overnight bag he'd brought. "It's in there. Go ahead and get it."

  With an eagerness he found endearing, Sonja hopped from the bed and dove headfirst into his bag. From what he'd known of her, Derek figured she wouldn't have gotten many gifts as a child. He'd remedy that soon, but now, he wanted to lie back and enjoy her reaction to the outfit he'd brought.

  She fumbled through the bag and revealed a package in colorful tissue paper. Sonja held it up and looked over at him, "Is this it?"

  Derek nodded. His heart soared with joy from seeing her so happy. She climbed back on the bed and started to unwrap the gift. The moment she saw the dress he'd found online, her eyes widened, and a huge smile erupted. "You bought me Belle's dress?"

  Derek nodded again. The dress was a beautiful yellow that would look wonderful against her ebony skin. It also had pink roses, which had to be her favorite color, given her bedroom décor. In contrast to the original from the movie, this dress would end above her knees.

  She leaned over for a kiss and said against his lips, "I guess that makes you The Beast."

  He grabbed for her and growled, "I'll show you a beast," and they fooled around on the bed until she was panting and he was hard with arousal. More than wanting to make love to her, he was curious about her reaction to the rest of it, so he nudged her toward the package. "There's more."

  She picked up the dress from the tissue paper and revealed the rest of the present. Sonja looked at the skimpy bra and thong and then at Derek.

  He grinned at her and said, "You were afraid I was going to make you wear diapers, but I'd rather see you in these."

  Sonja recovered from her shock and coughed out "pervert." Derek threw back his head and roared with laughter, and Sonja started giggling right along with him. When they settled down, Sonja said while cupping her breasts, "You realize these babies need su

  He shot her a lecherous look and waggled his eyebrows. "I'll support them for you." His face turned serious. "If you'd rather wear a bra of your own, that's fine, but you'd please me by wearing the thong."

  Sonja considered and nodded. "I think I will, Daddy. The dress is gorgeous, and I'd like to look my best in it." She fingered the silk from the dress and smiled at Derek. "May I put it on now?"

  Derek gathered her in his arms and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. "Nothing would please me more, baby girl!" She pulled out of his arms and giggled as he playfully swatted her gorgeous ass. He needed to move on to a bigger plug and stretch that little asshole of hers! He couldn't wait to fuck her there, but he knew she wasn't ready.

  Derek got up from the bed and retrieved the other items he'd bought for her from his bag. He pulled on shirt and sweatpants before padding out of the bedroom on bare feet. In the kitchen, Snuggles waited next to his feeding bowl. Derek frowned. The cat had left almost all his dinner. His baby girl would not be happy about that. He squatted, and Snuggles walked over. After a hand sniffing and a long petting, Derek picked the cat up. Snuggles had lost weight since the last time he'd carried him. Damn, this wasn't looking good! With a final rub under the cat's chin, he released Snuggles and set the table with care before starting breakfast. Derek would address Snuggles' health later. First, he wanted Sonja to experience some non-sexual age play. Derek liked sex, like every other man he knew, but this part of the relationship was equally important to him. He hoped Sonja would keep opening up to this part of her inner self and let the little out. At that moment, the subject of his thoughts walked into the kitchen. She'd put a matching yellow band in her hair and looked amazing in the dress. The fit was perfect, and it looked like she'd been right about the bra. The off-shoulder style and snug top drew his attention to the magnificent globes underneath.

  "Precious, you look amazing," he said.

  "Precious?" Sonja asked. "Not baby girl?"

  "You'll always be my baby girl, but looking like this and wearing a dress I bought—" Derek fell silence for a moment before he continued. "You're precious like a gem, and I need you to know it." He rotated his finger in the air.

  Sonja twirled around to show him the back of the dress and looked over her shoulder at him. "The dress is stunning, Daddy."

  "So it is, baby girl, but only because you're wearing it."

  Sonja rewarded his heartfelt words with a big smile. "Thank you," she said shyly.

  "Breakfast is almost ready. Are you hungry?"

  She nodded as her gaze landed on the table, her eyes wide. Derek smiled at her wondering expression and held out his hand. When she took it without hesitation, he guided her to the table. He had set her side of the table with a color and draw placemat and a set of crayons placed beside it. On top of it, sat a plastic plate and cup, both with pictures from Beauty and the Beast . He pressed a kiss on top of her head and turned to the kitchen counter to fetch the fruit he'd prepared. When he turned back, Sonja was bent over the placemat working on Belle's hair. After he placed the fruit on the table, Derek stroked her hair and looked over her shoulder at the artwork. She was quite talented, working with highlights and shadows to give depth to the picture.

  "Beautiful, baby," he said, and she beamed at him. "Let me get the toast and eggs so we can eat." Sonja nodded but continued drawing, happy in her little space.

  Derek spooned egg on Sonja's plate and buttered a piece of toast for her. She was still engrossed in the picture, and he watched her for a moment. Her face was relaxed, and her shoulders hung low. Often, she complained about her neck and shoulders, and Derek was sure it had to do with tension. Now in his care, Derek hoped she would relax more.

  "Breakfast is ready," he said, and Sonja looked up. She took in the table, and her mouth gaped open.

  She made a sound of awe and said, "This really looks good!" Then she squealed and held up a fruit skewer he'd made. Her eyes comically wide, she exclaimed, "It looks like a rainbow." Derek nodded. "Oh my God, that is sooo amazing."

  He smiled at her stretched 'so.' She was starting to sound like a little.

  "You make the best breakfast, Daddy!"

  Derek inclined his head as he thanked her for the compliment, and both dug into their eggs and toast. Sonja ate with gusto from the fluffy eggs and crisp toast. When she sipped her coffee, she looked up at him with adoration in her eyes. "You remembered how I take my coffee."

  "Yes, baby girl, I did." Derek leaned back in his chair as he sipped his coffee. Derek almost sloshed the contents over everything when Snuggles jumped on his lap. He'd forgotten about the cat. Snuggles wasted no time curling up and started purring. Derek stroked his fur and took another drink. He needed to get her a better machine, but the coffee was decent. At least, she ground her beans fresh and her blend was high quality. Sonja cared about her drinks and food—not surprising with her job. However, he had a concern he needed to address. It was time for an adult conversation with her.

  He placed a rainbow skewer on her plate and asked, "How come there's no fruit in your house?"

  Sonja pulled off the grape from the tip and popped it in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed before answering, "I don't eat fruit—it's too much trouble to fix, and I end up throwing it out so," she shrugged, "I don't buy it anymore."

  She ate the blueberry and the strawberry.

  Derek frowned. "You need to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to get all your vitamins and minerals, baby."

  Sonja ate the melon, placed the piece of banana on her plate, and put a chunk of pineapple in her mouth. After she swallowed the fruit, she used her napkin to wipe her hands and mouth—the piece of banana forgotten on her plate.

  "If I could buy fruit like this in the shop, I would. Thank you for making me breakfast."

  "It was my pleasure, baby girl, but aren't you going to finish your fruit?"

  She looked down at her plate and scowled. "I don't eat banana."

  "Why not?"

  "I don't like the taste." Sonja crossed her arms in a defensive gesture, and Derek narrowed his eyes. There was more than just her distaste for the flavor.

  "You know bananas are a great source of potassium. We can try other ways for you to eat them, like blended in a smoothie or banana pudding."

  Sonja looked over at him with tears in her eyes and said, "No banana pudding, please."

  Derek carefully picked up Snuggles from his lap and placed the cat on the ground. The cat scuttled away indignantly. Derek could have laughed about his demeanor, but he was too concerned about his baby girl. He was out of his chair and beside her on one knee in record time.

  Derek cupped her face between tender hands and kissed away a tear that had leaked from her eye and was running down her cheek. His tender gesture made her lose her composure and she started crying. Derek just held her, patiently waiting for her to settle down. He had no problem with consoling crying subbies.

  After a while, she settled down, and he used a fresh napkin to clean her face. "Better?"

  "No." She pouted. "My throat is sore, and my eyes must be puffy and red."

  Derek bit back a laugh.

  "You don't seem bothered by tears," Sonja observed.

  "Why should I? Tears are cleansing. Like rain after a dry spell, they wash away dust and make the scenery clearer and more visible. As rainwater helps plants and trees grow, I believe tears feed growth in a human."

  Her mouth formed a big 'O'.

  He lifted an eyebrow and prompted, "So, bananas?"

  She scowled at him. Had she really believed a crying bout would get her out of talking?

  Sonja sighed, "If you need to know. My grandmother made the best banana pudding, and the fruit makes me think of her. It's the one dessert she made that I never learned the recipe for. She was the closest thing I had to a mother, and I still miss her."

  Derek pressed a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you for telling me, baby. I'll find another way to feed you potassium."

a laughed at that, and he kissed her thoroughly this time. She tasted like coffee and fruit and gave her all in the kiss.

  Sonja groaned as she pressed snooze to silence her alarm. The last weekend, she had slept just fine, but the previous three nights had been her normal four or five hours of fitful sleep. The slightest sound would wake her up. Usually, she would wake up between 2:00 and 4:00 am, only to fall asleep again an hour or so before her alarm went off.

  She pushed herself up on one elbow and grabbed her phone.

  6:32 am: Hello, Daddy.

  6:34 am: Good morning, baby girl. How was your night?

  6:41 am: Fine. I hope you slept well, too? Have a nice day, Daddy. Can't wait for Friday to arrive.

  As Sonja typed the message, she realized it was true. She wanted to be with Derek, not only at the club but also at her house. Although Derek had a more beautiful home, they spent most of their time together at her place because of Snuggles.

  6:43 am: You too, baby girl, and I'm looking forward to Friday, too!

  Sonja trotted over to her sports car after the busy Friday lunch crowd had left. Suzie would stay with the crew and keep an eye on the clean up so Sonja could go to her appointment at the beauty salon. Thank God, it was finally the weekend! She was bone tired after an entire week of short nights. It seemed like it was getting harder for her to cope with her sleeplessness. Is it because I'm getting older, or is it because sleeping beside Derek gives me an inkling of how a good night feels?

  2:18 pm: Heading to the spa now—'Grinning face with smiling eyes' emoji, 'Clapping hands' emoji

  2:19 pm: Okay, baby girl—enjoy and relax. I'll see you in about three hours at my place.

  2:20 pm: Yes, Daddy. Looking forward to seeing you—'Face blowing a kiss' emoji—Need me to bring something?

  2:20 pm: No, thank you, baby. I'll take care of everything.

  All right, time to indulge in some pampering. Sonja rarely took time for this kind of treatment, but Suzie and Connor had given her a gift card for a spa at the rebranding of their café almost a year ago, and it was about to expire. Sonja was amazed when she realized it had been over a year and a half since her mentor, Carol, had retired. Suzie and Connor had bought out Sonja's former partner in The Savory Table, and Suzie had added her baked goods to the menu. Connor had come up with the new name, and they had reopened as The Sweet and Savory Table the previous October.


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