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Legion: V Plague Book 19

Page 17

by Dirk Patton

  “Maybe.” Rachel shrugged. “Only explanation I can come up with for why there wasn’t even a trace of them.”

  Joe looked between her and the severed fingers for several long beats.

  “Any babies the infected have had can’t even be a year old yet,” he said. “The attacks were only eighteen months ago. Even if they started mating immediately, with a nine-month gestation period that would make these kids---”

  “Nine months old,” Rachel finished for him. “Assuming the gestational period hasn’t been shortened by the infection.

  “That’s not physically possible.”

  “Look, Joe. I’m not saying that these have to be the infected’s offspring. In fact, I don’t even care. What’s important is, can you isolate and utilize the virus from those body parts?”

  “Sure. The tissue is fresh and I can see what appears to be viable blood. But what you’re describing...”

  “What?” she prompted when he didn’t continue.

  “These... children... how could the virus have done this to them?”

  Rachel glared at him and after a moment he nodded and moved to where his equipment was set up.

  “Is that true? What you told him?”

  Rachel turned to the pilot who had resumed his seat on the deck. After a long hesitation, she nodded. He stared into her eyes then looked down at the carpet as a shudder of fear passed through him.

  Moving past the man, Rachel eased into a seat, bent and brushed her hand across John’s face. He felt even hotter than before and didn’t react to her touch.

  “He told me,” Mavis said in a small, frightened voice. “You can’t let him die!”

  “I’m working on it, sweetie. Joe’s going to try to restart John’s infection. That should heal him.”

  “Whatever. Just don’t let him die.”

  She clung tightly to John with one hand and the other arm was wrapped around Dog’s thick neck. Rachel could tell she’d been crying. Getting down onto the deck, she stretched out on the opposite side of John, reached across him and put her hand on top of Mavis’s.

  “We won’t let him die,” she said, looking into the young girl’s eyes. “You hear me? We will not let that happen.”

  Mavis stared back at her, sniffing back fresh tears.

  “Do you think it’d be okay if I called him Dad?”

  “I think he’d like that very much,” Rachel said with a brave smile.

  “Guess that means you’re Mom, huh?”

  “I’d like that very much, honey.”

  They fell quiet, holding John and tightly gripping each other’s hand. Rachel could hear Joe working at his equipment and didn’t think anything of a slightly louder thump that came from his direction until he shouted.

  “Hey! Stop!”

  Rachel sat up, struggling to bring her rifle around in the tight space. The jet’s door was open, that had been the sound she’d heard, and Joe was rushing forward with his pistol up and ready.

  Leaping to her feet, she ran forward, unsure what was happening until she realized the pilot was missing. Before she reached the door, she heard the Humvee’s engine rattle to life, then three fast pistol shots rang out. Racing down the air-stairs she saw Joe aiming at the vehicle as it reversed away from them at a high rate of speed. The pilot was behind the wheel.

  Stopping beside Joe, she sighted and fired two fast bursts that hit the glass directly in front of the Russian’s face. Nothing happened other than a small, opaque spot appearing at each bullet’s point of impact on the ballistic rated windshield. Cursing, she lowered her weapon and they helplessly watched as the man drove away with their only transportation.


  “Just fucking great!” Rachel shouted as the Humvee disappeared into the distance.

  Joe stood next to her for a moment before turning to return to the plane. Fuming, Rachel watched him walk toward the stairs. Started to berate him for not having kept a closer watch on the pilot, then stopped before she opened her mouth.

  This wasn’t Joe’s fault. It was more hers, in fact. Joe was busy, working to save John. Instead of curling up with him and Mavis on the floor, she should have been monitoring what the Russian was doing. Drawing in a deep breath, she blew it out through clenched teeth and followed Joe back into the aircraft.

  It was hot inside, even hotter than standing on the asphalt in the direct sun, but she wasn’t about to leave the door open. It was a bit of a struggle, but she got it closed and secured. Moving to where Joe was working, she watched for a few moments before he realized she was peering over his shoulder.

  “Sorry,” he said without looking up. “I should’ve kept a closer eye on him.”

  “Not your fault,” she replied, placing her hand on his shoulder. “How’s this coming?”

  “Going as fast as I can. Should have the virus isolated soon, then I’ll start it replicating. The good news, and I never thought I’d say this about a virus, is that it’s phenomenally fast and aggressive.”

  Rachel took in his answer and looked to where John still lay unconscious.

  “Will it be ready? In time, I mean.”

  Joe inserted a small dish containing a sectioned piece of one of the fingers into a machine, then turned and looked up at her.

  “I hope so. Wish I had a better answer, but I don’t. At this point, if I had a vial of an infected’s blood I’d just inject it directly.”

  “Without knowing the blood type?” Rachel asked in surprise.

  “We’re only talking, what... thirty CCs at the most? That’s not enough to hurt him, especially if the virus is able to take hold and strengthen him. I’m just...”

  Joe’s voice trailed off before he finished his thought.

  “Just what?”

  “Never mind.”

  “Bullshit, Joe. What else are you worried about?”

  Joe sighed and shook his head, then decided to answer.

  “The virus isn’t a magical cure-all. There has to be enough strength and stamina remaining in the body for it to work. If he’s too far down the path... well... I’m just saying, you might want to prepare yourself. And Mavis.”

  “He’s strong, Joe. You know that yourself.”

  “He’s still just a man, Rachel. Yes, he’s strong as hell. But he’s in bad shape and...”


  “Fuck that,” Joe said. “I’m talking about him like it’s already too late. You’re right. He is about the toughest son of a bitch I’ve ever met. Now, quit bothering me and let me work.”

  Rachel stood looking at him, her eyes wet as she held back tears.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Joe stood, reaching to pull her into a hug. Rachel put her hands up and shook her head, stopping him.

  “I’ll lose it if you do,” she said, her voice threatening to break with emotion.

  Joe nodded understanding and began to turn away, but she stopped him.

  “Do you think... do you think they’re okay?”

  She placed both hands across her abdomen. Joe’s battered face registered surprise at the question.

  “Why? Is something wrong?”

  “No. It’s just that seeing those kids, and... and...”

  “Look,” he said, reaching out and taking both her hands in his. “You were seeing an obstetrician in Hawaii, right?”


  “And he probably did all the tests, including an ultrasound, right?”

  Rachel nodded.

  “So, why wouldn’t they be okay? Don’t you think your OB would have said something?”

  “You didn’t see those kids, Joe,” Rachel whispered, shivering involuntarily at the memory.

  “And I’ve been thinking about that,” he said, nodding for her to take a seat.

  Rachel hesitated, then slowly eased onto the edge of a plush leather chair. Joe spent a moment checking his equipment and she took the opportunity to look at John. He remained unconscious and his color was frighteningly bad.

  “Okay,” J
oe said, turning back from the gear. “I may have been premature, earlier.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The infected kids. When I said they couldn’t possibly have grown that fast. I think I may have been wrong. I was thinking about how quickly an infected adult’s body changes. And that’s a biological system that has already reached maturity. We know now one of the virus’s primary targets is the endocrine system, which in a child controls everything from growth rate to puberty. So, I can’t dismiss the possibility, no matter how outlandish it may seem, especially when there are many examples of animals who bear offspring that are nearly adult sized and independent within very short timeframes.”

  Rachel had listened carefully, nodding her head in agreement when Joe mentioned the endocrine system. The virus controlled the body’s hormones in adults, which made them incredibly strong and resilient. What would happen to a newborn whose body was flooded with growth hormones as well as high levels of testosterone or estrogen, depending on their sex? She shuddered again at the thought as she met Joe’s eyes.

  “But what about those teeth? I swear, Joe, they looked just like some kind of... I don’t know... ape?”

  “What you described sounds like a baboon.”

  “Yes!” Rachel exclaimed. “Exactly like that!”

  “I have a theory, but that’s all it is. You’re going to think I’m crazy but remember, I’m not a geneticist.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “Human DNA has been mapped and studied, but we’ve hardly even scratched the surface in determining what the vast majority of it does. Or did, to be accurate. Most of our genetic makeup is inactive.”

  Rachel watched him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. Joe raised an eyebrow to see if she would connect the same dots he had. After a few seconds of thought, Rachel’s eyes opened wide in surprise.

  “The virus has awakened dormant genetic code?”

  “Got a better theory?” Joe asked with a shrug.


  Martinez lay in Strickland’s arms with a bare leg thrown over his. They were both breathing heavy after a long, passionate session of love making. Their clothes rested beside them in a sodden pile. Outside the small cave where they’d sought shelter, the storm continued to rage. They could feel the vibrations of crashing thunder in the rocks around them.

  “Not bad for a Navy man,” Martinez said dreamily as she snuggled her face against his chest.

  “Guess I gotta stop talkin’ shit about the Air Force,” Strickland chuckled, tracing a finger along her naked hip, stopping on a puckered scar on the outside of her thigh. “What happened there?”

  “Russian bullet.”

  He gently touched the spot before moving on to more interesting parts of her body.

  “Just remember when anyone else is around, I’m your superior officer.”

  “You can be on top whenever you want... Ma’am.”

  Martinez poked a finger into his ribs and sat up with a smile.

  “What’s your first name? No way in hell I’m calling you Chief when we’re in bed. Your ego’s already big enough.”

  “That’s not the only thing you seem to think is big enough,” he said with a grin, folding his hands beneath his head for a pillow.

  Martinez poked him in the ribs again and rolled her eyes.

  “Ouch. It’s Todd.”

  “I’m Jennifer. Not Jenn. Jennifer.”

  “Nah. I think I’ll just call you ma’am. You like to be in charge, anyway.”

  He twisted away, avoiding another jab of her finger with a laugh, then gathered her in his arms and kissed her gently.

  “So, what now?” she asked when their lips parted.

  “I dunno. House in the suburbs? White picket fence? Two kids, a dog and a minivan?”

  They looked at each other for a long moment, then both snorted in laughter.

  “We’ve still got to get to Vandenberg,” Strickland said, growing serious.

  He picked through their clothes, then held up his underwear. Water ran out, soaking into the cave’s sandy floor. He twisted the fabric in his hands, wringing it as dry as he could before slipping it over his feet and pulling it up into place.

  “Nothing like cold, damp skivvies against the balls,” he grumbled, tossing Martinez’s panties to her.

  She snagged them out of the air and looked at them with a frown.

  “How far do you think?” she asked, squeezing water out of her underwear before pulling it on. “Vandenberg, I mean.”

  “Not sure where we are, but we shouldn’t be far. Maybe a day’s walk, if we’re not having to stick to the slopes to avoid the infected.”

  Martinez nodded in thought as she slipped her arms through her bra’s straps. As if it were the most natural thing in the world for them, Strickland reached behind her back and fastened it.

  “Did you see those infected?” Martinez asked.

  “Whatta you mean? Of course I did.”

  “No, not did you see them. Did you SEE them? Their size.”

  Strickland stopped dressing and looked at her with a questioning frown.

  “What did I miss?”

  “Not sure you missed anything, but there was something... I’m not sure. Okay. The tracks we saw when we first got to the beach. Remember how they were small?”


  “Well, all the figures we saw on the beach – both beaches - looked small. Smaller than the adults I’m used to.”

  “You think those are kids?” Strickland asked.

  “Maybe,” she said with a shrug. “It’s just odd. I’ve been over a lot of the country in the past year and a half, and while I’ve seen and fought a lot of infected, they were almost exclusively adults. Normal sized adults.”

  “That’s odd. There should have been kids, too. Right?”

  “Never really gave it a second thought, until now. But yeah, there should have been.”

  He thought about that as he resumed pulling on his clothing and gear.

  “So, what does that mean?”

  “I don’t know,” Martinez said, shaking her head. “Maybe nothing.”

  Strickland was quiet as he pulled on his socks and boots.

  “If you thought it was nothing, you wouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “I really don’t know if it’s something we should be concerned about, or not. It’s just one of those odd things, and if there’s anything I’ve learned since the world went to shit, it’s that odd is usually bad. Very bad.”

  Strickland gave that some thought before getting to his feet. He couldn’t stand to his full height due to the low-ceilinged cave and duckwalked to the entrance to look out.

  “Storm’s moving off,” he said, looking at the sky.

  Involved in their conversation, neither had noticed that the lightning and thunder were no longer directly overhead. Taking another step forward, Strickland stuck his head out into the rain to check the area around them. When he looked down the slope, he froze for a moment.

  “We got a problem,” he hissed to Martinez still staring downslope.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, still fastening buttons as she rushed to his side.

  He pointed and she leaned out of the cave’s mouth. The breath caught in her throat when she saw hundreds of female infected moving through the rocks below their position.

  “What the hell are they doing? There’s no way they know we’re here.”

  “There’s no way we’re getting out of here without them seeing us,” Strickland said.

  Martinez watched the females for a few moments before twisting her head around and checking the immediate area. He was right. The moment they emerged from the cave, they’d be spotted.

  “Any bright ideas?” she asked.

  He watched the infected for a few more moments before turning and looking around the cave. It was shallow, the low ceiling dropping to meet the floor no more than fifteen feet from the entrance.

  “We’re in an easily defensible p
osition if they attack,” he said. “Problem is ammo. Without counting, I can tell you there’re far more of ‘em out there than we have bullets.”

  Martinez drew her knife and looked at him with hard eyes.

  “Last resort,” she said. “If I go down, I’m going down fighting.”

  A grin split his face and she knew what was coming before he could open his mouth.

  “If you make a joke about me going down...”

  “Don’t know what you mean, ma’am,” he said with an innocent expression. “I was just appreciating your attitude.”

  “That’s all you’re going to appreciate if you act like you’re fifteen. Now, can we figure out how the hell we’re going to get out of here, or do you want to make a joke about my tits, too?”

  Strickland smiled at her, then grew serious.

  “We can’t outrun them, so if we try to leave the cave, we’re fucked. I agree with you, they shouldn’t know we’re here, so maybe they won’t climb this high and will just bypass us. But, in case they find us, we need to be ready. You in back with your blade. I’ll be in front with all the ammo. When I run dry...”

  “Do not put me behind you just because we had sex,” Martinez interrupted, giving him a warning glare. “I’m not the little woman that needs protecting by the big strong man!”

  “Didn’t think you were,” Strickland said, ignoring her tone. “But I guarantee I’m much better with a rifle and pistol under stress than you are, and even though it’s basically point-blank range, shot placement still matters. And I know what you can do with a blade. You’re better than me. Way better. Maybe better than anyone I’ve ever seen. If the entrance is clogged up with bodies that I’ve shot, that will slow down the rest so they can’t all rush in at once and overwhelm you in a tight space. That’s when you go to work.”

  Martinez stood looking up into his eyes and he saw the irritation and defensiveness drain out of her.

  “Were you really thinking that, or did you just come up with it when you realized you stepped on your dick?”

  “You’re just gonna have to stick with me and figure that out for yourself,” he said with a grin. “Now, we’d better get ready.”

  Martinez nodded and quickly passed over all of the magazines she carried. With well-practiced precision, Strickland checked each one, then lowered himself to a seat in the middle of the cave with her rifle across his lap. He looked around when she touched his shoulder, smiling after she gave him a lingering kiss. Knife at the ready, she got on her knees behind him and together, they waited in silence for the infected to attack. And waited.


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