My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three

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My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three Page 1

by AJ Wolf


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, plots, and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is coincidental. The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of all word marks, products, and brands mentioned in this work of fiction.

  Cover Image/Book Formatting by AJ Wolf Graphics

  BETA Read by Abby

  Editing by Sisters Get Lit(erary) Author Services


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Five Years Later

  What's Coming

  AJ Wolf

  Stalk Me

  This book contains a love triangle with content that some might consider cheating, blood/violence, adult language, and sexual content. Please read at your own discretion.

  Fuck, I hate these people. It’s my first thought, as I drive past the rusted chain link fence and park near the back entrance. Tapping my cigarette box against my palm, I pull one out, holding it in my mouth as I grab my revolver off the passenger seat. The clock on the dash says I need to hurry the fuck up unless I want to be late to my meeting. That doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll move any quicker, though.

  Exiting my armored SUV, I tuck my gun into the waistband at the back of my jeans, reaching back into the cab to grab my lighter. Lighting the cigarette, I toss it back onto the seat, taking a long drag as I stare at the building in front of me. I’ve only been back a single day, but I’d be happier anywhere else.

  “Aye! Look who it is!” At the voice, I glance over my shoulder, slamming my door shut as they continue yelling. “Back from vacation, Wolf?”

  Blowing smoke through my nose, I turn to eye the man coming to slap me on the back in greeting. I really fucking wish he wouldn’t. His arm pauses mid-swing with the look on my face, dropping to casually slap his thigh like that was his intention the entire time.

  “We thought you’d be back sooner.” He says, still smiling despite my lack of camaraderie.

  “You thought wrong.” He laughs at this, clearly not taking the hint that I don’t want to deal with his chit chat right now. Luca has always been a fucking moron. “Where is the package?”

  “Oh, we have him inside. He was…” He starts to say more, but I start toward the doors, his words lost in my wake. Not discouraged in the least, he jogs to catch up, continuing like I didn’t leave him mid-sentence. “He was getting mouthy, so we put a gag on him.”

  I push through the doors, the creaking of the metal loud and echoing in the open space, causing every head inside to turn my way. In the middle of the room is my package, sitting pretty on a metal chair that’s been bolted to the floor. Bound, gagged, and bleeding, sits none other than Chancler Fitzpatrick, underboss of The Westies.

  I hand my cigarette off to Luca, holding the smoke in my lungs until I’m standing in front of Chancler. Tugging his gag from his mouth, I let out my smoke, smiling as he sucks in a heavy breath, immediately followed by hacking coughs.

  “Have your fun now! Any second Joseph will have men in here!” His words are yelled through his coughs, his eyes burning with rage as he watches me stand straight.

  “Who do you think hired us to get you?” His face falls just the slightest bit at my question, giving away the fact that he already knew that could be a possibility. “The old man himself.” I say, watching as his chest quickly rises and falls with his growing panic.

  “You lie! You feckin eejit! Why would he do that?” His nostrils are flared, sweat dripping from his balding head and down the sides of his face.

  I pull the revolver from my waistband as he watches, cock the hammer back as he stares. His body is shaking now, arms pulling at their restraints as his fight or flight response tries to kick in. We usually don’t bother with Westie business, but Joseph came to Capo Famiglia with a problem he apparently couldn’t solve himself; needed help connecting the dots. Lucky for him, I excel at all kinds of puzzles, and Capo Famiglia was feeling generous enough to loan me out.

  “Typically, stealing and selling product to make your own profit is frowned upon in this business Fitzpatrick. But to also sleep with your Boss’s wife?” I shake my head with mock disappointment, pursing my lips at his shaking head. “That’s just rude.”

  He sputters at my accusations, face getting red as he tries to find something to say with the hope of delaying the inevitable. “I…”

  His sentence ended almost before it began, his head snapping to hang backward as blood drips from the bullet hole scored through it. Tucking my gun away, I hold my hand out to Luca, who passes back my cigarette, watching silently as I smoke. “I’m going to need the warehouse cleared. Capo Famiglia will be here soon.”

  He gives me a stupid little salute, smiling as he shouts to the men standing near us. Finishing off my smoke, I drop the butt onto the concrete floor, snubbing it out with my boot. I silently watch as the other men file out the door, my pulse picking up just the slightest bit as I stand quietly, waiting. My gaze shifts over to the door of the warehouse, finger tapping inside my pocket to match the soft ticking of the clock hanging on the opposite wall. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve done this, these meetings always make me a bit nervous.

  Hearing the door handle turn, I straighten my shoulders and pull my hands from my pockets to hang at my sides. Nodding my head in respect, I wait until my gaze is met with a responding nod before I speak. “Capo Famiglia.”

  As usual, with our meetings he takes his time acknowledging me, a bored expression on his face when he finally turns his attention on me. “Jessie.” He crosses his arms over his chest, the tattoos on his wrists peeking between the leather gloves he’s wearing and his suit sleeves. He only ever wears them when he’s up to something particularly nefarious, and it makes me wonder who pissed him off already today.

  I tilt my head toward the dead man behind me, “The package has been taken care of.”

  He hums, eyes coasting over the corpse like he’s admiring a painting. “I’ll have someone pass the news on to Joseph. I’m sure he’ll be pleased.” His black gaze flicks up to meet mine, “Good work once again, Wolf.”

  Clasping my hands together, I nod, silently accepting his praise as he slowly circles the chair, coming back to stand in front of me. They call me Wolf, but he’s the real predator here.

  “You’re requesting a transfer?” It’s asked casually, but it throws me off guard. I should be used to the way he shifts conversations by now.

  “I am.” I’m still running things in Alabama, and I only came back to New York to run this particular errand. I am the best at finding secrets, after all. “I don’t have a need to be in Alabama anymore. Someone else could just as easily oversee operations down there.”

  He chuckles, the sound crawling up my spine, a warning tickling along my skin
that makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. Even his amusement comes out as a threat. “Donatello will love this.” It’s said more to himself than me, so I remain quiet. “Granted, Wolf, but only because I like the idea of my Consigliere squirming over you being here.”

  Pushing a long breath through my nose, I swallow through the anxiety my next question brings in my chest. “I would also like your permission to see Delaney.”

  His brow arches as we lock eyes, the moment stretching into a heavy silence before he speaks. “You’re aware she’s taken.” It’s not a question but a statement, and I nod in answer. I am well fucking aware.

  With a slight tilt to his head, his black eyes narrow on me, my palms becoming sweaty with the look. “I don’t like to repeat myself, but I’ll indulge this one time.” He steps forward, his presence slamming into me with the force of a brick wall even though he’s still a good five feet away. “Se prendo anche solo una lacrima con il tuo nome dietro, ti costringerò a nutrirti dei tuoi testicoli mentre guardi la tua dolce mamma degradarsi come una sporca puttana di strada per tutti i miei uomini.” If I catch even a single tear with your name behind it, I’ll force feed you your own testicles while you watch your sweet mama degrade herself like a filthy street whore for all of my men.

  My blood runs cold at his threat, knowing without a doubt that he means every word he’s said. Remy Luciano, Capo Famiglia, is nothing if not a man of his word. I’ve been around long enough to witness his cruelty, and was raised to respect his beast.

  Wetting my dry lips, I nod in understanding. He has no need to worry; I’d never hurt a single hair on that girl’s head. She’s a fucking queen, my queen. “Not to speak out of line, but I think my attention is much more sincere than what your sister currently has.”

  His dark eyes pass over me in contemplation, their phantom weight heavy on my shoulders as the corner of his lip tips slightly, an almost invisible smirk. “I like you, Wolf. Don’t fuck shit up for yourself.” His barely there smirk disappears. “Donatello Genovese knows his time is limited, where my patience is concerned.”

  His praise floods me with a sense of pride and slight relief. I’m unsure if he’s looking for a response, so I remain silent once more, acknowledging his words with a tilt of my chin. I watch as he pulls his phone from his pocket, his eyes dropping from me and onto the screen.

  “Move to the south warehouse. Have your men start immediately. I won’t allow a delay in shipments.” He says it almost absentmindedly, smiling at a text that pops up on the screen. If I had to guess, the message is from his wife. “Unless you have anything else to say, we’re done here.” His face is back to its usual one of derision when his eyes meet mine.

  “No. Thank you for your time Capo Famiglia.”

  He hums, dismissing me with a flick of his fingers. “Have this mess cleaned up.” I stand in place as he walks toward the door, watching as he pauses to look over his shoulder at me. “Don’t disappoint me.”

  The remark hits me straight in the chest, threatening to knock me to my knees with the power behind the statement. He’s out the door before I can decide if I should respond or not, the door shutting behind him leaving behind an empty silence, the only noise a soft dripping onto the concrete floor.

  Moments later, Luca is back by my side, feet shuffling back and forth like he can’t wait to get my attention. “What Luca?” I finally ask, a quick glance thrown his way.

  “Nothing. It’s just good having you back.”

  Ignoring his remark, I wave toward some of the soldiers standing near us. “Take Chancler to the yards. If The Westies want the body, they can pick it up there, if not, the birds can have it.”

  They nod, and I watch as two of them grab the body from the chair, one of them tying a bag around Chancler’s head to stop blood from hitting the floor while the other cuts the ropes holding him in the chair. A third uses a pressure washer to spray the concrete floor clean, directing the dirty water toward a stained grate in the floor.

  I follow them out the door, Luca hot on my heels. “Where are you staying?”

  Frowning in his direction, I shake my head, opening the door to my SUV. “Bye, Luca.” I get in and shut the door before he can say anything, turning over the engine and backing out of the lot as he waves. I kind of feel like an ass for being rude to him, but I don’t have the patience today. I’ll plan time to see him later in the week, but right now, I need to get other things in order.

  My sister is playing in the yard when I pull up, her long dark braid swinging around her shoulders as she runs from my dog, head thrown back with a delighted squeal when he catches up to her and the ball in her hand. I smile, watching them, sitting in the cab until she notices me.

  She’s on me before I’m all the way out of the cab, Duke patiently sitting behind her for his turn. “Jessie! I didn’t know you’d be coming by! Mamma didn’t say anything.”

  Now that she’s closer, I can see she’s missing a few more teeth than the last time I saw her as she flashes a gummy smile. “She doesn’t know. Want to help me surprise her?”

  She claps in place, head bobbing at my suggestion. “Yes! I’ll pretend I skinned my knee! She’ll be so scared.”

  Laughing, I nod toward her bike, and she takes off, pulling it onto the grass before she situates herself underneath it. I pat my leg for Duke while I wait for her to finish scheming, dropping to my heels to rub his ears. “Did you miss me?” His tail thumps against the drive in response, and I grab his chin to kiss his nose. “I missed you, too.”

  I stand just as Rosa starts yelling, throwing me a gapped tooth smile in between her bellows. I can’t help but laugh, covering my smile with my hand as Mamma comes bustling out the door in a huff, completely oblivious to me standing in her drive as she barrels toward my now giggling sister in the grass.

  Upon realizing my sister is joking, my mamma reaches down and smacks the top of her head, clucking as she shakes her head. “Cosa ho detto? Eh? Che cosa ho detto delle tue battute?” What have I said? Eh? What have I said about your jokes?

  Laughing at my sister’s expense, I start toward my huffing mamma. “Mamma, leave Rosa alone, I encouraged her.”

  Her eyes snap up to mine at my voice, her frown quickly turning into a brilliant smile. She holds her arms out for me, and I hug her, laughing again when she squeezes me a little too hard. “Sei un marmocchio. Ma sono felice che tu sia a casa, figlio mio.” You are a brat. But I am glad you’re home Son. She lets me go, giving me a mocking scowl. “Hai intenzione di provare a prendere il mio cane?” You going to try and take my dog?

  “He is my dog, Mamma. You were just watching him for me while I was gone.”

  She clucks, heading for the door while I help my sister from the grass. “He likes me better.” She says it in English this time, her heavily accented voice making the words sound even more dramatic. She rarely speaks in English, choosing to use her native language instead.

  “Mamma feeds him people food all the time.” Rosa whispers loudly as we follow her inside, and I laugh at Mamma’s responding scoff.

  “I was wondering why he looked a little chubby.” I say, eyeing Rosa with a conspiratorial smile as we get to the kitchen.

  “Oh, he is not. He is healthy. If he is fat, I am fat. We eat the same thing.” She raises her brow in challenge, hands on her hips.

  “He’s so fat!” yells Rosa, cackling as Mamma swings a spatula at her.

  Also chuckling, I grab Rosa and pull her backward before she takes a bop to the head. “Rosa is just kidding, Mamma. You are the perfect size. So is Duke.” I tickle Rosa’s sides, plopping her onto a kitchen stool. “Your birthday is coming up, how old will you be? Four?”

  She huffs at me, arms crossing over her chest. “Four! I am not going to be four.”

  I smile, tapping my chin like I’m thinking especially hard. “Oh, that’s right!” snapping my fingers, I point at her. “You will be six.”

  “Jessie!” she yells, kicking at my knee with her barefoot.
r />   “I’m kidding! I know you’ll be five.” I laugh as she tries to kick me again, rubbing my arm after Mamma smacks me with her spatula.

  “Quit teasing her.”

  “Just making up for all the time I’ve missed Mamma.” She rolls her eyes, going back to her cooking. “Have you already figured out what you want for your ninth birthday?” I ask Rosa, whose eyes are still playfully narrowed on me.

  “Yes. I have.” She says, hopping from the stool. “I want a pony, but Papa said no. He did say I could have a pony at my party, though.”

  I nod, her papa, my stepdad doesn’t often tell her no, but I can see how getting a pony would be a little overboard. “Well, that will be fun. Will all the cousins be coming?” I ask Mamma, watching Rosa’s head bob in answer as well.

  “Let me know when you are planning it. I’m staying at my place now.”

  “For good?” asks Rosa, sneaking a carrot off the counter by Mamma.

  “For good. I have business here to take care of.” Mamma's eyes shift my way, a question in her gaze. I smile at her but don’t answer. Delaney Luciano is the most important business I’ve ever had to take care of.

  “Where is Raymond?” I ask, changing the subject while Mamma tosses some meat toward Duke.

  “He is at the pier. He will be home for dinner. You are staying?” I shake my head no at her, waiting until she’s turned around before tilting my head in Rosa’s direction to get her to grab me a carrot also.

  My father was a dirty cop under the Famiglia, a retired canine officer that spent his retirement training new dogs. He died years ago in a boating accident, but we weren’t particularly close. He spent more time with his dogs than he ever did with me. The only time I was able to get any kind of bonding moments out of him was when we were training the new recruit dogs. Raymond is a banker, an associate for the Famiglia, and he has always been a good stepfather to me, and we get along fine. He treats my mamma and sister well, that’s all I care about.


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