My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three

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My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three Page 3

by AJ Wolf

  I guess I didn’t realize I wasn’t successful in keeping my tears back, but now I can feel them wet on my cheeks. “I don’t know.”

  But that’s a lie. Isn’t it? Because I do know. I’m crying because I finally got exactly what I wanted, to be with Donatello, and have a real relationship. But my dumb, selfish heart had to go and ruin things for us. I’m crying because I’ve started to realize my heart doesn’t have just one son to sing, and I have no fucking idea what to do about it.

  Walking into the warehouse office, I leave the door open, eyes scanning over the organized chaos that was left by the last Capo to run this warehouse. Duke follows behind me, finding a spot near the window to lay down while I shuffle things around. Thumbing through a stack at the farthest end of the desk, I can see it’s all shit that should have been logged onto our encrypted computer systems and not left as paper trails. And that right there is the main issue we have with our older Capos, they repel the idea of changing their ways.

  The stairs creak from outside the door, and I look over my shoulder to see Donatello fucking Genovese leaning against the frame. Duke stands at his presence but stays put, silently waiting for my direction. Fuck, do I wish I could have him kill this fucker for me.

  Donatello is the first to speak, both of us blinking with silent hatred for the other. “The pup brought his dog to work?” He eyes Duke before stepping into the office. “Didn’t peg you for one of those people.”

  I bristle at his nickname, the clear disrespect of my Famiglia name almost enough to make me pull my gun on him. As he gets closer, I can smell the coconut on his clothes, the soft sweet scent digging into my ribs like a double blade. I fucking hate that he gets to touch my girl. “Get the fuck out of my warehouse.”

  He clucks at my words, shaking his head at me like he’s about to scold a child. “Or what pup? You’ll tell on me?” He chuckles an ugly, angry sound that makes me grind my teeth so hard my teeth hurt.

  “Why are you here?” It barely comes out, my skin hot with my annoyance.

  “Go back to Alabama.”

  It’s all he says, and I can’t help but laugh. A real honest laugh, that’s loud and echoing in the small room, bouncing off the walls to further mock him and his stupid fucking demand. “No.” I shake my head, propping my hand under my chin while I watch the silent rage roll off of him.

  “I wasn’t asking, pup.” His hands are in his pockets, but I can tell they’re in fists.

  “And I’m telling you no.” Running my tongue over my teeth, I wait until his eyes snap up to mine to finish speaking. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t have to follow your orders anymore. Which means the next time Delaney finds her way to me, and she will, you can’t make me stay away from her again.”

  “You will stay the fuck away from Delaney.” He takes a fractional step closer, hands pulling from his pockets. “She’s mine. She’s always been mine, always will be mine.”

  I scoff, feeling my face twist into a sneer with his remark. “Always? I distinctly remember having her legs wrapped around my head, not that long ago.”

  “You piece of shit.” He steps forward, intent on hitting me no doubt, but Duke moves from the corner with a low rumble, pausing his movements.

  “Does it bother you? Knowing that I’ve heard that little sound she makes when she’s about to come. Seen how she bites her lip when she’s turned on?” I swallow the distance between us, spitting my hate in his face. “Does it fucking bother you that it’s been my name she’s moaned into the sheets?”

  He reaches to grab the front of my shirt, and I shove him back, his fingers just barely brushing my chest. “I should kill you right fucking now.” He reaches for the back of his jeans but doesn’t pull a gun back, arm hidden behind his back as his eyes stay narrowed on my face with barely contained rage.

  “But, you won’t.” I finish for him. Watching his jaw clench because he knows I’m right. “Because if you kill me, you’ll break her so badly she could never be yours.” His hand drops back to his side, veins popping along his forearms. “And that pisses you off even fucking more because you know it’s because she loves me.”

  “It doesn’t matter if she loves you or not, pup. She’s in my bed every night, not yours.” His statement hurts worse than the blow of his bullet would have. A hornet sting straight to my heart. “And how do you think she’ll like hearing that her precious Jessie has been lying to her your entire relationship?” He smirks like he thinks he’s holding something over my head, pleased with himself. “I know you haven’t told her, because she tells me everything.”

  He adds the last bit just to goad me, and it works. “And do you also tell her everything? Have you told her where you were when she needed you?” I pause, a smile painting my lips at his expression. No, he hasn’t. “Who you were with?” I bark out a laugh, pushing hair from my face. “I bet she’d love to know you were porking your secretary the entire time you were on your little break.”

  I’m getting angry at my own words, remembering how broken my sweet girl was over this fucking puttana, when all he did was worry about getting his dick wet instead of being there to fix what he broke. He doesn’t question how I know, too proud to actually admit he did what I’m accusing him of. He doesn’t have to admit it though, we both know he did.

  “Keep your fucking mouth shut about the Famiglia and me, and I won’t break our girls’ heart with the information.”

  “There is no ‘our girl’ pup.” It’s practically hissed at me, gritted through his teeth.

  “The way I see it, your secret is a lot more damaging than mine.” I resist the urge to step into his space again. Putting my hands inside my pockets to hide how hard I’m squeezing my fists. “I can recover from mine in Delaney’s eyes, but can you? All that trust you’ve been earning will be long forgotten. I don’t know about you, but from what I’ve heard about your relationship, being the best friend and all, I don’t think it could survive that kind of blow.” He steps forward but stops, eyes closing for a second as if thinking better of it. “So, she is in fact, our girl, and I’ll be treating her as such.”

  “If you think I’m going to share her with you, you’re even more fucking stupid than I thought.”

  “I don’t think. I know.” There’s a chilling silence between us, an ice in the stale air that collects the tension like crystals. “Scared Delaney might actually want me, Donatello? Worried about a little competition?”

  “There isn’t any competition, pup.” He backs toward the door, dark eyes scanning me from head to toe, face painted with mock pity. “She already chose me, and she’ll do it again. She’ll choose me every fucking time.” His confidence makes me want to laugh, but I refrain, choosing to remain silent as he backs to the door. “Stay quiet, pup, or I’ll have nothing left to lose by killing you.”

  He’s out the door before I can get a word out. Slapping a folder off my desk, I grip the sides, resisting the urge to yell in frustration. I fucking hate that he thinks he’s twisted my own blackmail, making it seem like he has the upper hand when he doesn’t. Gathering some nerve, I stand straight, reaching out to pet Duke who came to my side as soon as Donatello left the room.

  It doesn’t matter if he thinks he walked out of here winning something, because we both know he didn’t. When shit hits the fan, it’ll be him under fire, not me.

  “Come here, baby.” I jump at Donatello’s voice, almost dropping the cup I’m rinsing into the sink.

  Setting the glass down, I turn to face him, smiling at my own racing pulse. “You scared me.”

  He isn’t smiling though, his eyes brushing along my skin as he stands by the kitchen island. “Vita Mia, come here.”

  Honey words drip down my skin, the deep gravel of them making my pulse race for an entirely different reason than before. He runs his tongue over his lip, watching as I make my way to him, his russet reds turning darker with each step that brings me closer to him.

  I pause just in front of him, smiling up at his gloomy f
ace. My breath quickens when he raises his hand, running his fingers along my throat to grip my jaw. He lifts me onto my toes with the touch, bringing my lips to his for a feather light kiss. “Questa é la mia brava ragazza.” That’s my good girl.

  I preen under his praise, heart thumping impatiently against my ribs, eagerly wanting to play his wicked games. Running my hands up his chest, I can feel the tension coiling under his skin to match the tightness of his jaw. Something is clearly bothering him enough to seek me out to help ease his anxieties, a task I’m more than willing to assist with.

  His thumb strokes along my jaw as he turns my face, lightly scraping his teeth along my neck to breathe against my ear. “Show me how good you can be.”

  His voice covers me in goosebumps, sending a delicious shiver up my spine. He lets me pull from him, dark eyes tracking my fingers as I run them down my torso, deliberately skimming over my hardened nipples through my tank. Grabbing the hem, I lift it over my head, tossing it off to the side as his gaze eats me up. I drop my cotton shorts next, letting them pool by my feet. Hooking my thumbs into the band of my panties, his voice stops me.

  “Leave them on.”

  Doing as I’m told, I bring my hands to my hair instead, coiling it around itself, using the length to tie into a tight bun on the top of my head. With a smirk, I walk past him, trailing my fingers down his forearm and through his palm to link our fingers, pulling him behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I catch sight of his crooked grin that sets my fireflies into a frenzy.

  Pulling him in front of the recliner, I turn to face him, sliding my fingers under his shirt to push the fabric up his taut stomach and chest. Gripping it behind his back, he pulls it the rest of the way off, watching me with hooded eyes as I press myself into him. His skin is hot against mine, his callused hands sliding around my rib cage to squeeze my ass in his palms. Lifting to my toes, I trace my tongue over his bottom lip, pushing roughly against his chest before he can kiss me back, dropping him into the chair.

  He undoes the button on his jeans as he watches me drop to my knees, gripping my chin when I push my palms up his thighs. He shifts so his hard cock is in his hand, thumb spreading the precum already collecting at the tip. He doesn’t say anything, just gives my chin a light squeeze, eyes lifting from his own dick to my face in a silent command. His fingers leave my chin to grip the back of my head as I press forward between his legs. I let him push my open mouth on to his dick, laying my tongue flat to accommodate him. I keep my eyes locked on his even as they water, fighting my gag reflex so he can push himself as deeply as he wants. He smirks down at me, fingers pinching into my hair as he moves me how he wants, fucking my face at a leisurely pace.

  Waiting until I can feel him relaxing into me, I fight his hand, dropping his swollen cock from my mouth with a loud pop, spit and precum sliding down my chin with the movement, “Non voglio essere buono.” I don’t want to be good.

  His chest rumbles at my words, reminiscent of a growl. I can’t fight the smile that it brings to my lips, pussy clenching at the look on his face. His thumb presses roughly over my mouth, wiping away some of the spit. He lifts me to his face to suck my bottom lip into his mouth, tugging it back with his teeth. “Get up.”

  I stand at his command, a surprised squeak working its way out of my chest when he quickly spins and pushes me, so I’m bent over the edge of the couch. In the next breath, he smacks my ass, my stomach jerking against the armrest as my face hits the cushion with the blow. My yell is masked by a moan, fingers digging into the pillows as he yanks my panties down my legs.

  He doesn’t bother warming me up for him, my own slickness already making my thighs slippery, sinking to the hilt into my aching pussy. He grabs my bun, jerking my head back at an uncomfortable angle. I can feel the hair already falling around my shoulders, loose strands falling from my makeshift bun as he grips it between his fingers, the mass of it in his hand. His teeth sink into my shoulder, a hand coming around to pinch a nipple between his fingers. “I’m going to fuck your tight little ass while you come around my fingers, got it, Vita Mia?”

  “Yes.” It’s a breathy, almost pleading sound, ending on another moan as he continues to drive into me, his hard thrusts bruising my hips against the couch.

  He pulls from me, two large fingers immediately taking place of his dick as he works his hand into my slick, soaking his fingers to drag them up to my ass. His dick continues to tease me, rubbing along the outside of my pussy as he works himself into my ass, fingers stretching me with each push. I’m already close by the time he takes his dick in his hand to press against my ass, fingers working my clit as he slowly sinks into me. I bite my lip against the pinch, the pressure more uncomfortable than actually painful, something I barely notice as his fingers move to hook inside my pussy.

  He squeezes my ass in one of his palms once he’s all the way in, the low groan that comes from him spurring me to move my hips against him. He runs his hand down my back, pushing my face further into the cushions as he arches me for him, pounding me roughly into the armrest. My sounds are muffled against the fabric, so he reaches with his free hand, pulling my face to the side as his fingers keep pace with his thrusts.

  “I want to hear you. Tell me how much you like being my dirty girl.”

  “I like it, fuck I like it.” It’s hard to get any words out, each thrust pushing the air from my lungs and the pleasure muddling my brain.

  “You like me fucking you in the ass, don’t you, baby?”

  I don’t answer immediately, my attempted words turning into a moan as he finds my clit with his thumb. He slaps my ass, reminding me to answer, and I arch my back as my orgasm starts spreading through my gut, stretching to warm my limbs. “Yes!” It’s yelled through my peak, my toes curling against the floorboards.

  My body goes lax, but Donatello doesn’t care, pulling his fingers from my pussy to grab both sides of my hips, thrusting roughly into my ass to get to his own orgasm. After a loud groan, his movements slow, his dick pulling from me as he places a kiss on my lower back. My eyes are closed, but I feel his hand wrap around my throat, pulling me up from the couch and spinning me to face him.

  I open my eyes, giving him a closed mouth smile. I can tell he’s still carrying around some of his stress from earlier, but the stiffness of his shoulders and the shadows in his eyes have lessened. “Do you feel better?”

  In answer, he cups my cheeks, bringing my mouth to his for our first real kiss since he came in through the door. He scoops me up, and I notice that he’s completely naked, stepping over the jeans he must have removed while I was on the couch. He sits in the recliner, settling me across his lap, arms wrapped around me. “You know I love you, Vita Mia?”

  The seriousness in his tone confuses me, causing a frown to tip my brow. I nod, feeling like he has more to say and not wanting to speak yet.

  “You know that I regret ever hurting you before, and I’d take it all back if I could?” His thumb brushes along my cheek as he speaks, cradling my face as his russet eyes bounce between my own.

  “Yes. Why are you asking me this?” There’s tension coiling in my chest, stones gathering in my gut at each second that he remains quiet.

  “It’s nothing, baby.” He kisses my forehead, pulling my face to his neck. After a short stretch of silence, his fingers trailing back and forth along my spine, he speaks and the words seize the air from my lungs. “Jessie thinks you’re his.”

  Swallowing past the tightness of my throat, I struggle to hear my own thoughts past the loud banging of my heart. Why was he even talking to Jessie? I’ve been trying my fucking hardest to keep my shit locked up since the last time I saw Jessie, but maybe I haven’t been careful enough. “He’s my best friend.”

  He doesn’t pause in his affection, fingers still stroking my skin, like the conversation doesn’t bring him the same level of anxiety that it gives me. “That’s all he is?”

  I pull away from him, sitting back to look at his face. “I…“ I start bu
t stop, not really knowing what I was going to say. Of course, Jessie is just my friend, I wouldn’t cheat on Donatello, and he knows that, but that’s not what he’s asking. Pulling the words from my chest with my teeth, I force myself to gather the courage to say the truth. “I love Jessie, but I’m with you. I love you, and I wouldn’t change that.”

  The silence between us is almost deafening in its intensity, my fingers lightly shaking with the anxiety wringing my throat.

  “Okay, Vita Mia.” It’s all he says, quiet and almost to himself. He lifts me from him, motioning for me to stand and I do, watching as he walks over to grab his jeans, slipping them on. He walks back over to where I’m still standing, bending to kiss my forehead as I stand there, unsure what to do, but knowing his answer was anything but reassuring. “Remember that the next time you’re with your pup.”

  I frown at his back, watching him walk into the kitchen and wanting to ask him more questions, but I’m stuck in place, confusion and guilt scraping along my heart. I haven’t done anything wrong, but I feel like I’ve been scolded and put in time out. Punished for something that hasn’t happened.

  Donatello comes back to the room, eyes catching on me still naked, standing in the same spot he left me. Without a word, he scoops up his shirt off the floor, pulling it over my head when he reaches me. I tug my arms through the sleeves, looking into his face for some kind of reassurance from him. “I won’t share you.”

  Blinking in confusion, I open my mouth to speak, but he shushes me with his lips, kissing me like he didn’t just fuck me over the couch. His lips leave mine, trailing along my throat to bite my neck, sucking the skin into his mouth in a way that I know is leaving marks. Part of me wants to push him off, knowing he’s deliberately marking me, using my skin as a way to show his claim, but I don’t.

  It’s a painful reminder that I’m sick for wanting two men at once, for even acknowledging the one I’m not currently with. So I let him stain my skin with his insecurities, let them sink into my gut and bleed into my heart. I want them to dig into my flesh and paint my selfish heart with its black tar. I can only hope it’ll burn away the feelings I shouldn’t have and replace them with only the ones I should.


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