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Down By Contact - SR Grey

Page 10

by Grey, S. R.

  I try to look down and away, but he captures my chin, urging me to stay locked with his gaze.

  There’s so much emotion in those steel blue depths. I know for sure then that this wasn’t a mistake. I no longer fear I’m not good enough for this man. He’s made me realize I was only limiting myself.

  So bravely, I ask, “What do you want, Zane?”

  “Besides you?” he teases, a glimmer in his eyes.

  “Stop.” I pretend to push him away.

  “Okay, okay. Seriously, I’d like to give us a try. I thought a lot about it at camp. We can’t deny there’s a very strong connection with us.”

  I can’t argue that and say as much, nodding in agreement.

  But then I add, “Still, I’d like to take things slowly, like we did tonight. I hope that’s”—I hold his gaze—“all right with you.”

  Caressing my back, he chuckles. “Of course it’s all right. We’ll move at your pace, no pressure ever. I already decided that.”

  Could this man be any more wonderful?

  There’s no surprise I’m falling for him.

  I feel comfortable doing so now.

  Maybe dreams really can come true?

  Could it happen, even for me?

  I think so, as lying in Zane’s strong arms gives me hope to believe anything is possible.

  Even for a down-on-her-luck girl like myself.

  Zane stays over, sleeping with me in the bed upstairs.

  Oh, is it ever hard to be good.

  But we’re careful and just cuddle, with a few chaste kisses thrown in here and there.

  Anything more would be far too tempting—for both of us.

  That’s why I remain committed to moving to another bedroom. Though I have a feeling I’ll be back in Zane’s bed eventually.

  The next day, we begin to get ready for him to move in.

  We order furniture for my new room, the one next to his. He also moves my bed in there, as promised.

  His sleigh bed is on the way, and he’s going to buy a new mattress, box spring, and bedding for himself.

  “So I get to keep all these awesome pillows?” I tease, holding a particularly fluffy one aloft while we stand in my new room.

  “Every last one,” he confirms as he tosses a different pillow onto my bed. “They’re all yours.”

  We laugh, and I throw the pillow I’m holding onto the bed, as well.

  Zane and I then meet in the middle of the room so we can kiss…and kiss…and kiss.

  After keeping things light in bed last night, we can’t seem to stay away from each other today.

  It’s been like this since morning.

  We made out in the kitchen after breakfast, up in the master bedroom before we started moving my stuff, and now here we are again—lips locked.

  And things are heating up with each little session.

  That’s why it’s taking a lot of self-control on my part not to pull Zane down onto the bed right the hell now.

  I almost do, but I stay strong.

  I don’t want to rush when this buildup is so much damn fun.

  The kissing continues over the next couple of days, as Zane slowly moves in more of his things.

  That’s fine with me, as I freaking love kissing this hot man.

  And I’m giving him a really amazing send-off kiss, while he’s preparing to leave for the stadium for the first Comets game.

  We’re in the kitchen, having just finished eating an early, light dinner just minutes ago.

  “Damn, woman,” he tells me between kisses that are growing hotter and hotter, “I may just stay here with you.”

  “Mmm,” I moan into his mouth. “I’d like that, trust me. But I think you have a game to play, mister.”

  He sighs. “Yep, I do.”

  After a few more soft pecks and nuzzles, we break apart.

  In order to cool things down, and to get Zane back into full football mode, I refocus on his game.

  Taking a step back, I confirm, “So you’re playing the Dover Sharks tonight, right?”

  “Yes.” He grabs an apple off the counter and takes a bite. “And I better leave pretty soon or I’ll be late.”

  “Yikes, we can’t have that.” I push him along, swatting his fine ass with a kitchen towel. “Go, go.”

  Chuckling and taking his apple with him, he leaves.

  After he’s gone, I check my provisions for the night. I plan to eat nacho chips with cheese dip and drink iced tea while I watch the game on TV.

  A few hours later, I’m doing exactly that.

  I’m also curiously finding I like football so much more than I have in the past.

  I think that has a lot to do with Zane.

  Hell, I know it does.

  In any case, I’m having a great time, even if I am all by myself.

  The game is good. The Comets are playing really well and staying up in points on the Sharks.

  Zane scores one touchdown at the end of the fourth quarter, with just seconds to go, on a perfect pass from Graham.

  The Comets end up winning 35-21.

  “Yay!” I yell out loud, almost spilling the glass of iced tea in my hand. “Phew, that was close.”

  I’m kind of pumped from watching the game, but unfortunately there’s no one to celebrate with.

  “I wish Zane were coming back tonight,” I murmur out loud.

  He’s not, as he’s planning to have a late-night bite with a friend from the Dover Sharks. It’ll be easier for him to crash at his apartment afterward.

  It’s weird that this is the first time I’ve really felt alone in this house.

  I was fine till now.

  I’m usually a person who’s pretty good without company, but tonight I feel differently.

  There’s a longing in my heart, a need to spend time with someone.

  But not just anyone—I want to be with Zane.

  I know for sure then—and not just because I won’t have to leave—that I can’t wait for Zane to be living here full time.

  Finally, Someone I Can Tell

  The game is fantastic. We win, of course.

  Man, we’re kicking butt left, right, and center.

  Maybe the Comets really do have a chance to get into the playoffs this season.

  Our strongest points are our quarterback, Graham, and that we have a decent offensive line.

  Oh, and I guess I’m okay as a receiver.

  I did score a touchdown earlier tonight.

  That makes me smile.

  Another thing I’m happy about is I know Morgan was watching the game back at the house.

  “I hope she saw my great reception at the end,” I murmur as I leave the locker room. “It was pretty damn sweet, if I do say so myself.”

  I’m on my way to the players’ parking lot at the stadium to hop into my SUV and meet up at a local bar and grill with the Dover Sharks quarterback, Mike Vinceton. He’s a good guy whom I’ve known for a long time. A while ago, and in a different league, we played on the same team.

  His flight back to Dover with the team doesn’t leave until early morning, so we’re going to grab something to eat and get caught up.

  Since Mike doesn’t live around here, and I trust him implicitly not to say a thing anyway, I plan to share with him all the things I’ve been staying mum on regarding Morgan.

  Finally, someone I can talk to.

  I can’t fucking wait.

  Once I arrive at the bar and grill, Mike suspects something right away.

  He has a knowing look in his eyes.

  After we bump fists and sit down at a table, one that’s thankfully tucked away in the back, he says, “So what’s going on, Zane? You look like you’re dying to share the biggest secret on the planet.”

  “Shit, man, you know me so well.” I settle in and pick up a menu. “You’re absolutely right too. I do have a big fucking secret.”

  He sets his menu down. “So what is it?”

  Before I can reply, our waitress arrives.
r />   I check out the food selections in record time and order a burger, fries, and a Coke. Mike chooses the same.

  After the waitress leaves, he leans back and stretches.

  And then he asks, “Would this secret happen to involve a woman?”

  “Does it ever,” I say, chuckling.

  I go on to tell him all about Morgan, how she was secretly living in my under-construction house and how I caught her. I share with him that she’s staying at my place now, and that we recently became involved.

  For clarity, I also explain why she was hiding out in the first place, but I don’t give him many details about her ex, just that he’s a dangerous asshole.

  Her ex, though, is what piques his interest.

  “I don’t know, Zane,” he says worriedly, moving around the straw in the soft drink the waitress set down on the table a minute ago. “She sounds like a great girl and all, and I’m happy you found one another, but this ex of hers could pose a real problem. I’d be real careful, both you and her.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “He is a huge concern. Though we’re thinking he may have given up and gone back to Florida.”

  “Sounds more like it’s what you’re hoping for,” Mike correctly guesses.

  I concede, “Yeah, that’s why I don’t want to tell anyone, like my teammates, about this relationship. It’s also why Morgan is being extra cautious and pretty much just sticking around the house.”

  He raises a dark brow. “You have security out there, right?”

  I nod. “Lots of it, and now most of the outdoor cameras are up and running too.”

  It’s true; it’s a recent and good development.

  Mike sighs. “Good, good. Still…” He pauses as the waitress arrives with our food. Once she walks away, he goes on, “You may want to think about hiring a private detective just to get a bead on this ex of hers.”

  I think it over and say, “That’s not a bad idea.”

  It’s not.

  It’s actually a great idea, one I should have thought of myself.

  The next morning, while I’m still at my apartment, I do exactly that— I hire a private eye to find out where Neil Swain is and what he’s up to.

  I give the detective the details that I know, which really isn’t all that much, and work out the payment.

  The guy gets back to me later in the day, shortly before I’m about to head out to the house to spend time with Morgan.

  “Hey, what’d you find out?” I ask. “Is this Swain dude still in town?”

  “That, I’m not sure,” the detective replies. “If he is, he’s lying real low. That’s no surprise, though, since he violated parole when he left Florida.”

  “Wait, what? What do you mean he violated parole?”

  “I mean exactly what I just said, Mr. Tinsbury. It would seem our man spent a little time in jail a couple of months ago.”

  “What for?” I ask cautiously.

  “For assault. He got into a bar fight and beat a man pretty badly.”


  Shit, Morgan doesn’t even know this, I’m sure of it.

  No wonder her ex didn’t bother her before this past summer.

  The detective goes on to inform me this isn’t Swain’s first brush with the law. He’s been arrested in the past for assault, as well.

  “Fuck,” I bite out. “Where is this piece of shit?”

  “Don’t worry,” he assures me. “Wherever he’s hiding, I’ll find him.”

  “Let me know the minute you do.”

  “I will,” the detective promises. “Right after I notify the authorities.”

  “Absolutely,” I agree. “The sooner this dude is locked up again, the better.”

  He clears his throat and says, “Yes, but in the meantime, Mr. Tinsbury, if this guy is after you or anyone you care about, I’d be extra vigilant.”

  “Don’t worry, we will be.”

  Before I’m even off the phone, I decide I’m moving into that house as soon as fucking possible.

  In fact, starting today, I’m not leaving Morgan alone for another night.

  Wishes Do Come True, Sort Of

  I’ve been hoping and wishing Zane would move in faster, so when he arrives the night after his game with the rest of the boxes containing his stuff, I’m thrilled.

  Until he tells me why this is happening.

  “I’m not leaving you alone here at night anymore,” he says gravely, “even with the security system.”

  He gives me the rundown on how he hired a private detective and what the guy found out about Neil.

  An icy chill runs down my spine. “I never knew he had a record like that. And I had no idea he was in trouble again.”

  “How could you have known?” Zane says comfortingly. “It’s not like you were keeping tabs on him.”

  “Maybe I should’ve been,” I murmur glumly.

  We’re seated at the new kitchen table that arrived earlier today. His sleigh bed is here too, and my bedroom furniture.

  But right now all I can think about is stupid Neil.

  Leaning forward, I place my head in my hands. “I was so dumb to marry someone I didn’t know at all.”

  Zane reaches out and touches my arm.

  When I twist my face in my hands so I can look over at him, he says softly, “Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. You were young and naïve, Morgan.”

  Lowering my hands completely, I lean back and scoff. “I should have known better. I really wasn’t all that naïve, Zane. It hurts to admit, but it was more of a case of I didn’t want to know the truth. Neil was the quintessential bad boy, and I thought I was being wild. What a fool I was, huh?”

  “I don’t think that about you,” Zane assures me. “We all make mistakes.”

  “Yeah, some of us just make more than others.” I point to myself. “This one was all on me and clearly a huge one.”

  I’m being hard on myself, but I totally deserve it.

  Zane probably secretly thinks so too, he’s just too nice to say it.

  Our conversation thankfully transitions back to the subject of him living here.

  Knowing he’s here to stay, I start smiling.

  And then I’m laughing.

  Yeah, it’s funny when he states über seriously that he doesn’t want to impose.

  “Zane, it’s your house,” I remind him, still chuckling. “There’s no need to worry about me.”

  “But I do worry, Morgan,” he says. “I do.”

  I peer into his gorgeous blue-gray eyes. I know he means far more than trying to be considerate with our new living arrangements.

  He worries about me because he cares.

  Softly, I say, “I appreciate that.”

  I want so badly to lean across the table and kiss him, but we haven’t made out since yesterday before his game.

  And now that he’s officially living here, sleeping in the bedroom next to mine, I have to ask myself, Where do we go from here?

  I go ahead and ask him just that, and he says, “I think we can navigate this change.” He smiles over at me. “Let’s just continue to take it one day at a time.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  Since it really does sound good to me, I get right to work on how our days usually progress by asking, “So what should we have for dinner tonight? You are hungry, aren’t you?”

  Zane breaks out into another wide grin. “Hell, yeah, I’m starving.”

  Thank God.

  We’re back to our usual routine, and I feel great.

  As for dinner, we decide on steaks.

  “I’ll fire up the grill,” Zane says, pushing out his chair.

  I reply, “Cool. I’ll throw together a salad.”


  Ah, the ease of us just being “us” has returned.

  And once again it feels like it always does, making me forget, for now, about the reason for Zane moving in today—my stupid, dangerous ex.

  Next Level

  Over the next coupl
e of weeks, Morgan and I fall into a new, comfortable routine.

  I go to practice, attend team meetings, play games that the Comets actually win, and enjoy my time off with her.

  There’s no denying that I’m falling for Morgan Delano.

  Hell, who are we kidding?

  I already fell.

  That’s why I finally let a few of my teammates in on the fact there’s an important woman in my life.

  Yeah, fuck Neil Swain.

  They’re all happy for me, especially Lars.

  “It’s about time, Zane,” he says upon hearing the news one day after practice ends.

  Since he’s such a good friend, on the way to our cars, I share the whole tale, including how what I thought was a critter in my house was actually Morgan.

  “That’s pretty wild,” he says, chuckling. “The good news is you didn’t have to evict her.”

  “No way,” I scoff. “And am I ever glad I let her stay. I was hesitant at first, sure, but something inside me made me say yes.”

  Looking like he understands where I’m going with this, Lars says, “Sometimes when you know, you know.”

  I shake my head. “You’re not kidding, man.”

  Smiling, he says, “Well, I just think it’s great the way things worked out. Now you really do have someone to share that big ole house with.”

  “I sure do.” We reach our SUVs and stop. As I unlock my doors, I add, “It just feels so much better being there with her. It’s amazing, actually.”

  Lars doesn’t look one bit surprised.

  Chuckling knowingly, he says, “Isn’t love grand?”

  “It really is,” I agree.

  I do love Morgan.

  I know that, and I’m not even fighting it.

  The time is coming to let her know too…in more ways than one.

  She and I have continued to sleep in our separate rooms, but we’re always kissing like crazy lustful teenagers pretty much every night. Sometimes it happens in her room, and other times we make out in mine, but we always slow things down before we go too far.


  I don’t know.

  I guess we’re both still being cautious. Though there sure is a lot of groping and grinding each and every night.


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