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All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3)

Page 12

by K E Osborn

  She half smiles. “In here, we can work on helping you learn how to channel and take control of your feelings.” My forehead crinkles with confusion. “Is there anything causing the memories to resurface?”

  “Yes, Aiden and Bree’s father, Niall. I work in the family business with Aiden’s family. Niall’s loud and aggressive toward me. He doesn’t like me at all. And if I am being honest, he… he frightens me. I think he may hurt me like Jason did because he’s so aggressive toward me when no one is around. There was an incident where I was standing on a ladder, and he yanked on me making me fall from it which caused medical issues that we can go into another day, but… he makes no apology about the fact that he detests me. He says so in front of Aiden and Bree all the time.”

  “Hmmm…. is it possible for you to work somewhere where Aiden’s father can’t interact with you?”

  I shake my head.

  “Do you like your job?”

  I smile. “I love it. The work is exactly what I adore doing, and I’m good at it. Working with my fiancé is a dream come true. I get along well with everyone else. It’s only Niall. And he’s the boss, so it makes it hard.”

  “The best thing would be to remove yourself from any situation where your fears could be heightened or exacerbated. However, you also need to face your fears, but not if you think he could harm you in any way.”

  “I think my father may be capable of hurting Jeni, unfortunately. He takes great pleasure from it. It’s quite disconcerting. He’s always been a nasty man even with our family, but with Jeni, he seems much, much worse. And especially lately,” Bree adds.

  “Do you feel like you can cope with staying in the same workspace as him?”

  I think for a moment then shrug. “I have to.”

  “You don’t have to do anything. You do what makes you feel most comfortable and what keeps you safe,” Dee says in response.

  “True, but I love my job, and if I left, I don’t know how Aiden would take it. He loves having me there with him, and I don’t want to disappoint him. Again. He’s put up with a lot from me, and I want to make it up to him,” I say honestly.

  She nods and writes in her notebook. “Now, you say Niall’s frightening you. How?” she asks, looking at me intently.

  “He’s loud, obnoxious, raises his hand to me, and is threatening. He openly admits he hates me. He thinks I’m taking Aiden away from him… he mentions that all the time.”

  “And how do you react when he’s loud and threatening toward you?”

  “The other day he raised his hand to me, and I fell backward to the floor. Honestly, I thought he was going to hit me. I flinch whenever he yells or bangs his fist on my desk… which is often.” I let out a long sigh. “My heart pounds when he taunts me, and my muscles tense. I react badly to it, I suppose, and he knows it, so he uses it to his advantage. But I don’t know how not to react. I’ve tried, and everything I do doesn’t work.”

  She nods, taking more notes and changes the subject back to Jason and our history. I rehash our relationship and how controlling he was and that the relationship was utterly toxic. Going through that, in that environment, shaped me into the person I am today.

  “How do you feel about today’s session?” Dee asks.

  “Relieved. It feels good to get some of this off my chest, and to know that I’m not completely out of mind crazy.”

  Dee laughs. “No, Jeni, you’re not crazy. You’re not even mildly crazy. The reactions you’re having are normal. I think it is safe to say that your self-diagnosis of PTSD is right on the money. You need to find a new coping strategy, though, and that’s why you’ve come to me. I’ll see you again in a week.” Dee stands, walks over, and puts out her hand. “It was nice to meet you, Jeni, and you also, Bree. It’s good that Jeni has wonderful support system around her.”

  I shake her hand, and Bree and I leave to walk out to the car.

  “You didn’t make another appointment?” Bree asks, getting into the driver’s side.

  “No. I might try this out on my own for a while using some of the things she said. If I need to see her again, I will.”

  The disappointment on Bree’s face radiates as she shakes her head, but she pulls out into the traffic with a heavy exhale and says nothing more.

  Stopping at a little lunch bar, we grab something to eat. That way, we can blame our absence on the service being terrible, making our excuse bulletproof.

  Heading back to the office, the elevator doors open, and Niall and Aiden are standing in the foyer with Mike, and Aiden’s on his phone.

  They all look up at the same time.

  Aiden ends the call and rushes over. “Oh, thank God!” Pulling me into a tight embrace, he then holds me at arm’s length. “Where the fuck were you? Why didn’t you have your phone with you? I was worried sick, and both of you were gone. I couldn’t reach Bree either. I was terrified someone had taken you, Jeni. Don’t you dare scare me like that again.”

  Guilt swarms every inch of me for leaving without telling him.

  “We went out for lunch. The restaurant was exasperatingly slow bringing our food out. Sorry, Aiden,” Brielle placates.

  Aiden creases his eyebrows. “Why weren’t either of you answering your phones?”

  “Mine’s on silent.” Bree shrugs.

  “I think I left mine at home in this morning’s rush,” I reply truthfully.

  He exhales. “Can you please tell me before you go off somewhere together? You scared me. You were gone for nearly two hours, Jeni.” He pulls me to him again, kissing my forehead.


  “Yeah, sorry. We didn’t mean to cause any problems or make you worry,” Bree offers, walking toward her desk.

  “Not good enough, Brielle,” Niall chides her sternly.

  “Sorry, Father. Won’t happen again.” She sits at her desk, and I can tell she doesn’t give a fuck what her father says.

  Niall glares at me before storming back to his office.

  Mike walks over and stands with Aiden while I sit at my desk. “Glad you’re both fine, Miss Taylor.” Mike pats Aiden on the back before he leaves.

  “Why was Mike here?” I whisper.

  “I called him to see if he had taken you anywhere. When he said he hadn’t, he came up to try and help us find you,” Aiden says softly, taking my arm and lifting me gently from my seat. I look at him curiously as he walks me to his office.

  He’s hurt. I can tell by the look on his face. It makes me disappointed in myself that I put him through this. He leads me to his office, closing the door behind him. Instead of yelling at me—like I deserve—he spins me around, pushes me against the door, and presses his body into mine. “I was so worried,” his voice is low, deep, and somber. But before I can speak, his lips are on mine in a frenzied kiss. I kiss him back with the same passion as my fingers get lost in his hair. He pushes his body weight against me harder while his kisses are so forceful, it’s almost painful. Slowly, he eases the kiss, and eventually our lips part, then he rests his forehead on mine.

  “I was so fucking scared,” he says as our breathing slows. “I thought… I thought, maybe Jason had gotten out and came after you… or something had happened with Erik.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck! I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was terrified.”

  I feel really shit for making him think that way. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper as overwhelming guilt washes over me.

  Easing his body away from mine, he touches my face. “Don’t be sorry. Next time, make sure you tell me you’re leaving. It was the worst moment of my life when I realized you were gone without a trace.”

  “I’ll make sure I tell you in the future. Is your father angry with me?”

  Aiden chuckles and leads me over to the sofa. “Unfortunately, he’s beyond angry. But don’t worry about him, I’ll ensure he keeps his distance from you.”

  I sit next to him, and he holds me. I should tell him where I was today. It’s the right thing to do.
r />   Maybe I should leave out the bits about his father, and say I went because of what Jason did to me. He did ask me to see someone when we got back together, so I’m sure he’ll understand.


  “Yeah?” he asks nuzzling into my hair.

  I take in a deep breath. “I… I…” Damn! I can’t find the words.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, pulling my chin up.

  I gaze into those mesmerizing deep blue pools, and all I can do is smile. “Nothing… I love you so much.”

  He kisses my nose. “I love you so fucking much.”

  We sit quietly for a while when a knock interrupts us.

  “Come in,” Aiden calls out.

  I quickly wipe off my transferred lipstick from Aiden’s lips while he runs his hand through his disheveled hair.

  Bree pops her head through the door. “Aiden, your two o’clock is here.”

  We both stand. I make sure he looks respectable, and he does the same for me. Opening the door, I walk to my desk, and he steps out to greet his client.

  After the day I’ve had, I’m in serious need of a caffeine hit.

  “Want coffee?” Bree’s deep in thought when I ask.

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

  As I’m waiting for my latte, I hear someone enter the kitchen. When I turn around, I notice Niall’s tall, bulky frame towering over me. He glares at me, giving me this creepy smirk that I’d love to smack right off his face. Deciding there has to be enough coffee in my mug, I pick it up—I don’t even care if it’s only a sip because I don’t want to be in here any longer than I have to with the spawn of Satan. The old bastard moves to purposely block me when I attempt stride to past him.

  I exhale in frustration.

  What is he? A five-year-old. Grow up, old man!

  Distracted by my thoughts, I somehow end up backed into the counter. Niall leans in close, so close I smell the tuna sandwich he had for lunch on his breath, and I curl my lip in disgust at the stinking old fool.

  Then he leans in and whispers quietly in my ear, “Listen closely. If you think you can come and go when you please, taking my staff with you, you’re very much mistaken. If you’re planning on taking Brielle away from me as well as Aiden, you’d better be ready for an almighty fight, girlie. Because I’m willing to sacrifice everything for my children, even if I have to take you down myself. Don’t think I won’t… I’ll make them see the insignificant little slut that you are. Do you hear me, bitch?”

  My heart races at his close proximity, and I want him away from me. Niall’s a big man, and the way he’s towering over me, trapping me in, it’s putting me in panic mode. I want to yell at him to get the fuck away from me, but my voice is caught.

  “Yes,” I answer meekly to appease him so I can get out of here safely.

  “Good! Now tell me what you are?”

  I’m trying really hard to act unaffected by his evil ass, but I don’t think it’s working. I think he can smell fear like dogs do. Plus, I’m confused. What the hell does he mean by ‘tell me what you are?’

  Not trusting myself to speak, I raise my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders.

  “You’re an insignificant little bitch. Say it,” he sneers, breathing all over me.

  My heart pounds, my palms sweating as my breathing quickens. My nerves are getting the better of me. This isn’t just annoying anymore—now I’m actually scared.

  The man’s crazy.

  Niall raises his hand abruptly, making me flinch and curl in on myself as he towers over me. “Say… it…” he spits through gritted teeth.

  My entire body shakes as I stare at him. “I’m an insignificant little…” I pause, feeling completely belittled.

  “Say it,” he grunts.


  Self-preservation is all I can think about right now, and if saying his stupid mantra helps him feel strong, then so be it.

  Why can’t I stand up for myself?

  This shit is degrading.

  His thin lips twist into an evil grin, and his bottomless black eyes twinkle. I’d never have guessed that the devil had leathery, old skin and tuna breath.

  I wonder where he hides his horns.

  “Good girl. See, we’re getting along much better now that we understand each other,” he says, winking at me.

  Fucking hell! That shit is nasty.

  Niall steps away from me and walks out of the kitchen, leaving me rattled and shaken.

  Maybe I should have stayed out longer at lunch?

  Maybe I shouldn’t have gone out for lunch at all?

  I don’t fucking know.

  Either way, Niall’s upping his game.

  And I need to either prepare to fight, or roll over like the ‘bitch’ he thinks I am.

  By the end of the workday, I’m physically and emotionally drained. To say I could sleep for a week is an understatement.

  “Ready?” Aiden asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I nod, and he takes my hand.

  “See ya, Bree,” Aiden calls out.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Mom invited me, Logan, Killian, and Daniel over. Apparently, she has something to tell us?” Bree calls back.

  I look up at Aiden in curiosity, wondering what she has to tell us.

  He raises an eyebrow, and a frown appears on his face. “We’ll see you there.”

  Bree nods, turning off her computer, and walks with us to the elevator. We seem to have a habit of leaving without Niall these days, much to my delight. Personally, I’d be happy if I never saw the old asshole again.

  After Mike pulls out of the parking garage, Aiden wraps his arm around me and nuzzles his face into my hair. “Jeni?” Aiden asks quietly then hesitates for a moment. “You okay?”

  I glance at him, squeezing my brows together. “Yeah, fine. Why?” I ask, trying to sound upbeat, rather than as deflated and tired as I feel.

  “Jeni, look at me?” he asks, his tone is soft and soothing.

  Damn! I know he suspects something’ is wrong, and it scares me to think that he might figure it all out. Aiden pulls my face up to look at him. My eyes dart around looking everywhere but into his. “Jeni, what the hell’s going on with your eyes?” he asks, obviously noticing they’re tired and bloodshot.

  Oh crap! I better think of something quick.

  “My allergies are acting up today.”

  Aiden stares at me, deep in thought, his brows are creased, and his lips are in a thin line. “And that’s all that is wrong?”

  “I’m fine. You know I’d tell you if something was wrong.”

  I feel bad for omitting the truth, and I’m sure I’ll be serving a lengthy sentence in hell for lying to him when he finds out. I know he’s only trying to take care of me, but I am attempting to do the same for him.

  Once we’ve thanked Mike and are at the front door, I fumble around for my keys. Yawning. Again.

  “Tired, are we?” Aiden chuckles.

  “Yep. Had a busy day. Hectic morning and a crazy fiancé who keeps me up all night fornicating.”

  “So, we’re fornicating, not making love anymore?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Potato, potahto,” I say, blasé, which makes him laugh.

  When I finally find the key and open the door, we’re greeted with the heavenly smell of homemade bread. We make our way to the kitchen where Chris has a pot of soup on the stove and a freshly baked loaf of bread cooling on the counter.

  “That smells extra good,” Aiden says, wrapping his arms around my stomach and resting his head on my shoulder.

  “Thanks, man,” Chris gushes. “You guys home for dinner?”

  “No. We’re going to Callie’s. She has something to tell us apparently.”

  “Oh, you know what that means,” Chris states with a smirk.

  “I’ll bite. What does it mean?” Aiden exhales.

  “She’s up the duff. Knocked up. With child. Has a bun in the oven. Preggers. In the—”

  “Right, uh-huh, that
’s enough. She’s not pregnant, you idiot,” Aiden interrupts.

  Chris laughs, and then Aiden and Chris continue to chat, so I make my way to our room. The second I see the bed, I lay down resting my head on the pillow, and I’m pretty sure I’m asleep in two seconds.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but I hear Aiden’s soft voice, “Baby, if you’re tired, I can tell Mom we’re not coming.”

  “No. All good. We have to go. She wants to tell us something that’s obviously important to her. We can have dinner and then leave early, if that’s all right with you?”

  He sits on the edge of the bed next to me, leans down, and kisses my cheek. “I’m fine with whatever you need.”

  Aiden stands and gets changed into a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He grabs my yellow summer dress with the brown belt for me to wear. I slowly get off the bed to get changed. Honestly, the tiredness is making me feel physically ill. I guess stress can have an adverse effect on my body, and tiredness is definitely one of the side effects I am feeling right now.

  “Are you sure you want to go tonight? Mom won’t mind if we cancel.”

  “Aiden, we’re going,” I snap at him in frustration.

  “Okay… sorry.” He looks at me, raising his eyebrow.

  Shit! Now I feel bad. This overwhelming tiredness is making me cranky, and I should know better than to take it out on Aiden.

  “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m sorry. Your mom obviously wants us there for a reason, so we should go. I’ll be okay. I’ll drink a soda on the way over to wake me up.”

  He nods. “As soon as you’re ready, we will leave.”

  “Sure.” I throw on my yellow sundress, inhale, close my eyes, and exhale slowly to mentally prepare myself.

  I can do this!

  It’s just an apartment, and my bastard ex won’t be there.

  Thank fuck!


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