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A Fragile Chain of Daisies: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 4)

Page 25

by Jackie Williams

  Pierce glanced down at Daisy. She had taken off her hat and her beautiful hair cascaded over the shoulders of his coat. Her crestfallen face told him everything he needed to know. She might have put on a brave face as they rode, but now, when comfort was about to be snatched away, her emotions were clear and he knew that regardless of the cramped conditions, he had to do something. He swept her into his arms and felt a rush of warmth to his heart as her arms laced around his neck.

  “My wife is exhausted. Any room will be perfectly adequate for her needs. And our mounts are used to each other. They will be perfectly comfortable sharing a stall for one night.”

  The stable lad gave a quick nod.

  “Well, if you are sure, but there’s likely only an attic room available. And that’ll be a single.”

  Pierce shook his head.

  “It is of no consequence. It wouldn’t be the first time I have slept on the floor.” The boy looked him up and down, clearly reassessing Pierce’s worth, and the likelihood of any tip. But Pierce knew that his clothes were of the first quality, and it was apparent that the lad thought so too. He ducked his head and took the reins of both mounts.

  “You had best be getting into the inn fast. Mrs. Trout doesn’t allow people in after lights out.”

  Pierce turned and saw a large bosomed figure through the side window, heading for the lantern by the door. Grasping Daisy close to his chest, he quickly made his way around to the front of the inn and met the woman as her hand lifted to snuff the lamp.

  “I hope that you have room for two more weary travellers.” He gave his most winning smile, but it seemed that it was ineffective. The woman glared up at him over the top of Daisy.

  “At this time of night? You’ll be lucky. I’m closing up for the evening.” She snuffed the lamp and stepped back over the threshold.

  Pierce stuck his foot in the door and shouldered past the shocked landlady.

  “Oi! What’s your game? We’re full. Can’t take another soul in ‘ere tonight.”

  Pierce placed Daisy in a chair by the fire, making sure that his coat remained tight around her.

  “My wife is with child. The sickness has weakened her. She cannot go on tonight. Anywhere will do.”

  The woman’s features softened slightly.

  “Aw! Poor lass. I know what that’s like. My Jimmy, you met ‘im in the barn, caused me to cast up me accounts every morning and eve for more ‘n six months. Felt like a limp dishrag most of the time. Well, on account of your wife’s delicate condition, I’ll see what we can do. There’s a small single room in the attic if that will help.”

  Pierce nodded gratefully.

  “Thank you. And if there is any chance of a plate of bread and cheese and some washing water...”

  The woman looked doubtful, but a groan from Daisy had her rolling her eyes.

  “Of course. Hungry all the time too, I suspect. It’ll be a cold selection, but I’ll send someone up with everything. You’ll ‘ave to take your own bags up. My ‘usband ‘as gone to bed already, His feet were playing up.” She looked about the place and Pierce smiled apologetically.

  “No bags so not a worry at all.”

  “No bags? And with a pregnant wife. Most unusual.” The woman scratched her head.

  “We weren’t intending stopping. We thought we would be home long before now, but my wife’s sickness became too violent and delayed us. If she can take some rest, we’ll be out of your hair first thing in the morning.”

  The woman gave a sudden gruff laugh as she reached behind the bar and handed him a key.

  “Lor” Now that will be a first. I know what you toffs mean by that. More like raising your head from the pillow ‘alfway through the day. I’ll send breakfast up at twelve.”

  Pierce shook his head.

  “We will be away at the crack of dawn. We would like to be back in London before lunchtime.”

  The woman raised an eyebrow.

  “Well, good luck with that if she is as sick as you say. I ‘ope you ‘ave plenty of buckets in your carriage. Your room is up two flights. Right at the end of the hall. Betsy will bring up a plate of food and some water as soon as you have settled.” She swung away from them and into the depths of the inn.

  Pierce held out his hand. Daisy hauled herself from the chair and hopped to his side. She raised her arms around his neck again as he lifted her to her feet. Her head nestled beneath his chin, her hair tickling his skin.

  “That went better than I had imagined.”

  She gave a small laugh.

  “We haven’t seen the room yet.”

  Pierce huffed out a breath as he planted one foot before the other and walked up the first flight of dimly lit stairs.

  “The room doesn’t matter so long as it has a bed where you can rest that ankle, or we won’t be going anywhere tomorrow” He turned sideways and gathered her closer as he made his way up the even narrower second staircase.

  Daisy clung to him unable to miss his masculine scent. She sighed into his neck.

  “The thought of rising when we haven’t even slept yet is not a tempting one, but we have to go home as soon as possible. You shouldn’t have come tonight. You were meant to be clearing your name.”

  They reached the head of the stairs and Pierce stopped for a second, looking down the dark corridor before setting off once again. It took only a few seconds to reach their door and he raised a knee to support her as he fumbled with the lock.

  The door opened silently and the light from the hallway shone into a tiny room furnished simply with a bed, a chest of drawers that doubled as a dresser, and a small wooden chair. A curtain screen concealed one corner of the room and the material fluttered in the breeze filtering in at the open window set in the eaves.

  Pierce crossed the space in two strides and lay Daisy on the mattress. It was wider than had first appeared and the blankets had been tucked in tightly. He lifted the tinderbox on the chest of drawers and lit the candle before closing the door and turning around again.

  “Well, it’s not much, but it will do for the night and at least you will be able to rest.”

  Daisy propped herself up on her elbows and regarded him.

  “And you will sleep where? That chair doesn’t look as if it will hold your weight, and the floor doesn’t look inviting.” She glanced at the thin rug that covered the narrow gap between the bed and the door and paused before speaking again, but a tap on the door prevented her saying more.

  Pierce knew where he wanted to sleep, almost came out and said it, but instead he walked back across the room and yanked open the door. He glared at the two young women standing there, one with a covered tray and the other with a jug, a bowl, and two towels over her arm. It took him a few seconds to clear his head and realize what they were there for.

  “Of course. Please put it all on the dresser.” He beckoned them in and then remained silent until they left the room once again. He whisked away the cloth covering the tray and smiled at the sight of the cold chicken and ham pie, the pieces of cheese, and chunks of crusty bread. There looked to be wine and water too. The fare was simple but looked good. And it might take his mind off the woman sitting on the bed. He glanced down at Daisy. “Would you like something to eat? Any wine?”

  She shuffled to the edge of the bed and peered hungrily at the food.

  “Food yes, wine, no. Goodness, this looks delicious.” Her stomach rumbled as if to confirm that she had missed dinner.

  Pierce grunted in agreement. He had missed his dinner too.

  “Let’s hope it tastes as good as it appears.” He cut a piece of the pie and handed it to Daisy.

  She closed her eyes and groaned as her lips surrounded the pastry.

  “Unbelievable,” she murmured before taking another bite.

  Pierce took a piece for himself and shoved it in his mouth before pouring himself a goblet of the wine. He washed the pie down and poured himself another glass. Anything to stop himself thinking about what he would prefer her l
ips to surround, but a flake of the pastry had stuck to the corner of her mouth and his mind went wild. He wanted to lick the crumb away and taste her. He wanted to delve inside that warm recess and discover the flavour of her.

  But he knew that he couldn’t. Barely able to drag air into his body, he quickly put his glass back on the tray and cleared his throat.

  “I’m going to the stables to sleep. There’s not enough room on the floor here.” His tone was more abrupt than he wanted it to be, but he was about to lose control and had to get away before he did something he might regret.

  Daisy gulped down the last of her meal.

  “But why? There is room in the bed.” The words were out of her mouth before she had time to think, but she wasn’t sorry. This was the perfect opportunity to confront him on the subject of their relationship. It wasn’t as if he would ride off and leave her there, but it would have helped her confidence if he hadn’t gaped at her disbelievingly, his mouth gaping open like a stranded fish.

  Pierce hauled up his slack jaw and nearly choked on his breath as ran his fingers through his hair. Had he heard her correctly, or was his brain playing tricks on him? Apparently there was nothing wrong with his hearing or the current state of his brain. She regarded him with a direct challenge in her eyes. The sort of look that he had seen from her many times before, though usually they would precede a wild race across the fields on horseback. But this clearly wasn’t that sort of contest.

  He managed to swallow his surprise.

  “For the love of God, Daisy! I might not be a complete scoundrel, but I’m no saint either. Do you think I will be able to keep my hands off you if we lie in such close a proximity!” He turned away from her and stalked to the window where he sucked in several lungfuls of cooling fresh air.

  The silence that followed his outburst grew until it almost split the air. He couldn’t look at her, couldn’t say another word. He was about to storm from the room when she suddenly spoke again.

  “Perhaps I don’t want you to keep your hands off me,” she whispered, her voice floating dangerously in the air.

  Still unable to believe his ears, Pierce spun around and stared at her. He wanted her more than he wanted anything in the world, but this was unthinkable. Her husband had died only a few weeks before, and she had only recently lost a child. Was she offering herself to him simply because she wanted physical intimacy? It hadn’t sounded as though her husband had been much of a lover, but even so, succumbing to her charms was unthinkable. Pierce couldn’t bear the thought of her regretting her actions later.

  “Don’t even think it. You don’t mean it, Daisy. It’s too soon.” He ground his teeth together, but she was suddenly on her feet staring up at him, her bluer than blue eyes blazing with something he had never seen before.

  “It’s not too soon. If anything it’s three years too late!” She took a limping step closer, her hands fisted at her sides, determination clear in the tilt of her chin.

  But it didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Not any more. She had taken a step too far. Her scent had assaulted him again, and he was lost, any resolve destroyed. He took a last pace towards her, closing the final gap and lifted a hand to her cheek. His knuckles brushed her velvet skin.

  “You don’t know what you are saying. This isn’t something to be taken lightly. Because if we start, Daisy, I won’t be able to stop.” It was as if sand coated his throat and his voice almost broke with tension.

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth for a fraction of a second before shaking her head as she blinked up at him.

  “Neither will I.” Her fingers twisted together and her stomach churned with apprehension. She meant every word but if he turned her down now, she thought she might die. Her offer of the bed hadn’t been planned, but something in his tone had told her that his flight to the stables wasn’t merely because of an uncomfortable floor. There had been something in his gaze as he watched her eat the pie. Hunger definitely, but not of the usual kind.

  The silence grew again. She could feel her heart pounding. Could he hear it? Did he care that she teetered on a precipice of longing? Had done for years. Was he going to let her fall off the edge?

  She thought her heart might stop as his gaze searched hers. Desire, need. Doubt! Oh God! Her eyes filled with tears. But she needn’t have feared. His fingers slid under her hair, his heated palm cupping the back of her head. His lips descended to hers, the lightest touch of warmth before he spoke again.

  “Please tell me that you are doing this because you want to, not because you feel I have some stupid husbandly rights over you.” His eyes raked hers.

  She reached up and placed her fingertips against his tight jaw.

  “I have wanted to do this since the day I turned sixteen, and suddenly realized that you were far more than a friend to me.”

  His shoulders relaxed as he worked his fingers into her glorious mass of hair.

  “You have always been mine, Daisy. Always,” he whispered, his whole body roaring to life as, unable to hold back a second longer, he pressed his mouth to hers.

  How long had he waited for this? How many years had slipped away? So much time wasted. He hated that he wouldn’t be her first, but as her mouth opened beneath his, he realized that he didn’t care. A fire raged in his stomach as the heat of her lips seared his soul.

  Never had she guessed what it would be like to kiss the man of her dreams. Her skin felt too tight. Everything burned to an exquisite pain. Parts of her body throbbed, ached for something she couldn’t explain.

  “Pierce, please!” She gasped as his lips left her mouth and swept along her jaw. A blazing trail of gentle kisses lit a path to her ear.

  “Please what, my darling? Please kiss you more?” He asked as his mouth came back to hers and he kissed her again, deeper, longer. She tasted like nothing he had ever tasted before. More delicious than his cook’s freshly made bread, sweeter than honey straight from the hive. Headier than the wine he drank with his dinner, and more sinful than the best brandy his money could buy.

  Her hands fell from his face and caught his lapels, fingers clutched in the fabric as though she would never let him go. She pulled him against herself, her breasts pressed into his chest. His hands slid down her spine to her waist. There was far too much material between them. He dragged the linen from her breeches. Letters fluttered to the floor, but he barely noticed them. The heat of her body dampened her chemise. She sighed into his mouth, her body becoming supple beneath his touch.

  The backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed and her legs gave way but Pierce held onto her and lowered her slowly, easing her down onto the mattress and following her. He angled himself to the side so as to relieve her of his weight, but she pulled him back, a tiny cry of frustration leaving her delectable lips.

  Her shirt rose and bunched beneath her breasts. Pierce wasted no time peeling it over her head. Tight, dusky nipples revealed themselves through her sheer under garments. His mouth fell to them drawing them in as she gasped, clutching at his shoulders. Her breathing quickened and she moaned out his name. Surely it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

  Perspiration broke out on his brow as desire filled him. God damn it! He wanted her now! This instant. He wanted to plunge into her, to feel her slick heat engulf him. He shrugged out of his jacket and ripped his shirt over his head. Her hands were instantly on him, driving him insane with need. He caught hold of the neck of her chemise. There was no time for finesse, he would die if he didn’t have his skin touching hers.

  Daisy startled at the sound of tearing fabric, but she had no time to consider what she would wear in the morning. Pierce had already lowered his mouth to her breast. The sensations rippled through her and she arched her back, offering more. He didn’t refuse and cupped the other mound, a strained groan rising in his throat and vibrating over her flesh. Fingers slicing into his hair, she held him there, her breasts rising and falling as rapidly as she breathed. How long had she waited for this? Her body
ached to feel more. She wanted everything from him, everything of him.

  His palm flattened over her stomach and inched lower, sliding beneath the waistband of her breeches. Heat flared within her and her belly tightened, almost quivering with anticipation. His breaths had deepened and his mouth suddenly left her breast. Cool air wafted over the stiffened peak and she let out a gentle cry of surprise.

  A soft chuckle touched her as he inched himself lower, laying kisses along the soft skin of her stomach.

  “Pierce?” She raised her head slightly and looked at him. His hair had flopped forward, tickling her but he didn’t stop his onward progression. He shifted slightly, kneeling on the edge of the bed as his fingers worked on her clothes. He dragged the material down her legs, tugging at her boots when he realized they were still on.

  Swivelling swiftly, he pulled his own footwear off and peeled his trousers down muscled thighs. His shaft stood erect, straining away from him and she felt her eyes widen in surprise. She bit back a giggle. Freddie Fountain had definitely grown up. More than she could have ever imagined.

  But she had no more time to consider the implications of what she had seen in the flickering lamplight. Pierce came back to the bed, but instead of doing as she imagined all men would and unleash himself inside her, his hands fell to the inside of her thighs, parting them gently. His head followed his hands, his lips tantalizing her tender muscles before trailing higher, his ragged breaths parting her dusting of curls. And then his tongue flicked out.

  Her world stopped, her heart staggered, a sound such as she had never heard before rose in her throat. What was he doing? What was happening to her? Her mind spun in confusion, before losing itself to the passion. Nothing had ever felt this good.

  Pierce wanted to roar with pride, the sounds she made telling him that her fool of a husband had never bothered to give her what she needed. The scent of her arousal filled the air around him and her whole body vibrated with need. A need that he was determined to satisfy if it killed him.

  Which it might. His own body was on fire, his cock throbbing, his balls aching for release. But her need was greater than his. Her hips rose to meet him and he buried his tongue in her most secret place, worshipping her as her fingernails scraped his scalp.


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