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Beauty from Ashes: Authors & Dancers Against Cancer Anthology

Page 10

by Vera Quinn

  “Woo-hoo! Now your jeans!” Desire yelled, clapping.

  Sawyer went back to the plant, dropping the root ball into the hole. He glanced up, sensing a commotion.

  Nan stood with her hands on her hips. “I’ll find it.”

  “No. You sit and enjoy your visit. I’ll get it.” Stephanie rose. He appreciated the way her shirt and shorts accented her curves. She disappeared into the house. His aunt wore the little smirk that said she’d gotten her way.

  Sawyer moved on to the next hole. Halfway done, Stephanie appeared at his side.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your work—”

  “Any excuse to stop will do. Especially when a pretty lady does the stopping.” He leaned against the shovel handle.

  She shifted her weight as the pretty blush returned. “So, do you want thirty or fifty SPF sunscreen?”

  Sawyer’s gaze dropped to her hands. She held a tube of lotion and a spray can. She shook the sunscreen. “Ticktock. You’re getting sunburned while you decide.”

  “I don’t need it,” he said, shaking his head.

  Items still in her hands, she put her hands on her hips. “You will use it.”

  “Or what?” he grinned.

  “I’ll tell.” She cocked her head to the side and a sly grin slid onto her lips.

  “Go ahead. I dare you.” He leaned into her space, but she didn’t back away.

  “Aunt Wanda, Sawyer won’t use the sunscreen,” Stephanie tattled.

  Wanda jumped up, giving Nan and Desire a scare. She moved as fast as her spindly legs could carry her with her friends close behind.

  Sawyer closed his mouth as his aunt approached. She pointed at him. “You put that sunscreen on right now young man. You need to protect your skin from the sun. I don’t want you getting skin cancer. It’s not fun.”

  “Your skin is your biggest organ,” Nan said.

  “Maybe not,” Desire said, glancing at Sawyer’s pants.

  Stephanie lifted the choices again.

  “I’ll rub the lotion on him,” Desire said, edging closer.

  “No, that’s okay. Steph can do it. Can’t you, darlin’?” Sawyer grinned at her shocked face.

  Stephanie handed the spray back to Wanda, then picked uphis T-shirt, shaking off the debris. “Turn around.”

  She wiped his back, then squirted some lotion into her hands. The cool sunscreen and her warm hands sliding over his skin relaxed his aching muscles. She massaged it into his skin. “Here,” she said when it came time to apply it to his chest.

  He raised his dirty hands. “Would you mind?”

  “I’ll do it,” Desire offered, raising a hand.

  “Come on,” Nan said, tugging Desire back toward the patio.

  Stephanie wiped him dry again. How he wished he’d just popped out of the shower and she was toweling him dry. He closed his eyes and hummed as her fingers skimmed his pecks. Opening his eyes, he found Stephanie studying him with yearning. He tipped her head and gazed into those deep blue orbs.

  He lowered his lips to hers and she gasped. She opened for him and he swept in. She tasted sweet and fresh. Forgetting his dirty hands, he plunged them into her hair. The scent of summer swirled around, tantalizing him.

  Her hands wrapped around his back and tightened.

  They broke apart, breathless. “Your kiss is addicting,” he mumbled, his forehead pressed to hers.

  She smiled and sucked his bottom lip. He moaned, diving in again. His heart tried to escape from his chest. He didn’t need oxygen, he needed Stephanie.

  Chapter Nine

  One month later…

  Stephanie held her breath. Her heart always raced when she saw Sawyer. Not only then but thinking about the handsome devil made it pitter-patter too. It was too late to guard her heart.

  She’d been foolish to give in to the pretend engagement because she’d fallen for Sawyer—hard.

  What would happen when Wanda was no longer there? Would Sawyer want Stephanie like she wanted him? She shook her head.

  “Are you ready to go?” Stephanie asked Wanda, taking her hand to help her down the front steps.

  “Ready and willing.” Wanda shifted her bowling-bag-like purse. “I’ll treat to ice cream after the appointment.”

  “Sounds great.” Stephanie drove out of the driveway. She was taking Wanda to see the oncologist. A couple of beers or a few shots would be more appropriate if she received bad news.

  In the waiting room, Stephanie tried not to think sad thoughts about the others there. Wanda cheerfully chatted with the receptionist, whom she knew by name.

  Stephanie pretended to read a decorating magazine. Her stomach churned. She was a liar. Her life with Sawyer, a hoax. Wanda deserved to know the truth, and Stephanie couldn’t live with the falsehood any longer. It hurt.

  She walked with Wanda and the nurse to the private room. The nurse asked questions and took Wanda’s blood pressure.

  “This is my soon-to-be niece,” Wanda said with a bright smile.

  Stephanie sunk back into the orange plastic chair and wiped damp palms on her pants. She’d breathe easier when she confessed the truth.

  “My nephew had to meet the plumber or he would have brought me. He’s fixing up my house.”

  “That’s great that you have family close,” the nurse said.

  “He’s a good boy,” Wanda boasted. “Someday, I’ll be a great-aunt.” Stephanie closed her eyes, biting her lip.

  The nurse smiled. “The doctor will be in shortly. He’s finishing up with another patient.”

  The door clicked shut, filling the awkward silence. Stephanie jumped up and started to pace the small space. Wanda watched, her brow lowering a small bit with each pass.

  “What’s wrong?” Wanda asked, crossing her ankles and tilting her head.

  “I need to tell you something.” Stephanie rubbed her hands and stopped with the door behind her.

  “Are you pregnant?” Wanda asked.

  “No.” Stephanie glanced at the floor, blinking her eyes refusing to cry. “It’s not like that.”

  Something brushed the door, but it didn’t open. Stephanie moved a few steps closer to the table.

  “It’s about Sawyer and me. We aren’t really engaged. We pretended to make you happy.” She swallowed. The door made the weird noise again, but she ignored it. “You were really sick, and he wanted to give you peace. He didn’t want you to think he’d be alone.”

  Wide-eyed, Wanda cleared her throat. “Y’all seemed so in love. I would have never known it to be anything but the truth.” She glanced around the room and focused behind Stephanie.

  Stephanie lowered her head again. “That’s because it is the truth, at least for my part. I’m falling for Sawyer, and that’s why I had to tell you. I have to end it. It’s too hard to live with it when it will be nothing more than a lie.” She wiped her eyes.

  A hand landed on her shoulder and Stephanie jumped. She was twirled around into a man’s embrace. Recognizing his scent—fresh linen mixed with his spicy cologne—she inhaled. His warmth and arms soothed her.

  Her eyes snapped open. What had he heard? She pushed back, her face on fire. She scanned his face. He wore a wolfish grin, making her long to kiss him. She swallowed.

  “Do you mean it?” Sawyer asked, stroking her cheek.

  “What did you hear?” she asked, glancing at Wanda, who held her hands as if she prayed.

  Sawyer took Stephanie’s hands in his and squeezed. “I heard you come clean to Auntie Wanda and the reason why.”

  “Oh,” Stephanie met his eyes.

  “Is it true?” Sawyer asked again, this time in a whisper.

  Stephanie nodded, and he pulled her against him into a bear hug. He hadn’t rejected her. Joy permeated her heart and tears escaped.

  “Young man, you need to tell her.” Wanda pointed at Sawyer.

  “I know.”

  “Tell me what?” Stephanie asked, gazing into his hooded eyes.

  “I…” Sawyer blushed
and grinned a lopsided smile. “I…ugh.”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, he loves you, too.” Wanda stood with her hands on her hips. “Kids these days.”

  “Is it true?” Stephanie asked, hope taking flight in her soul.

  “Oh hell yeah,” Sawyer said, descending on her lips.

  Fire lapped at her skin and worked its way in, filling her completely. She couldn’t breathe and she couldn’t move other than to press closer.

  “Stephanie.” His breath feathered her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. “I can’t get enough of you. Thinking about our engagement ending leaves me feeling empty. I need you, Steph.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she wiped them away as the doctor entered the office. Wanda gushed about her nephew and his fiancée like no proclamations had ever happened.

  “Kids, why don’t you go to the waiting room,” Wanda said. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Sawyer and Stephanie watched the minutes evaporate. “Do you think she’ll have good news?” Stephanie asked.

  “I should have stayed and talked to the doctor,” Sawyer said, taking Stephanie’s hand.

  “There she is.” Stephanie pointed to the checkout area. “I’ll go get my car and meet you at the door.”

  Sawyer nodded. He helped Wanda into the car and closed the door behind her. Stephanie didn’t know how to ask about what the doctor had to say without sounding nosy. She didn’t bring it up, and Wanda seemed quieter than usual.

  Stephanie prayed that she was only tired and hadn’t had dire news.

  At the Cummings’ Estate, Wanda was out of the car and inside the house before Stephanie turned her car off. She met Sawyer at the door.

  “Wanda didn’t say two words the whole way home,” Stephanie said, holding his arm. “I hope she’s okay.”

  He frowned. “Me too.”

  “Kids.” Wanda leaned over the balcony down at them. “Come to my suite. We need to talk.”

  Sawyer and Stephanie glanced into each other’s eyes and climbed the stairway together. Stephanie chewed on her bottom lip. They sat together on the sofa.

  Wanda sighed. “It’s my turn to confess.”

  Stephanie felt Sawyer tense, and she patted his leg.

  Wanda stood straight and appeared less feeble. Her cheeks had a healthy flush, most likely from the hurried stair climb.

  “I may have exaggerated my condition.” Wanda glanced out the window.

  “Condition?” Sawyer narrowed his eyes and leaned forward.

  “My health. I led you to believe it’s worse than it is.”

  “But the cancer—”

  “I had melanoma and needed surgery to remove some spots. That’s why I’m a stickler about sunscreen. If I would have taken better care of my skin, it’s possible I wouldn’t have had skin cancer.”

  “But the headscarf?” Stephanie asked.

  “Rose bought it for me, so I had to wear it. It’s lovely, but I didn’t lose my hair.”

  “The will?” Sawyer growled.

  “Part of the ruse. Nan told me you’d be furious with me, but…”

  Stephanie put a hand on Sawyer’s arm. “She wanted you to get serious about your future.”

  “Stephanie is right. I didn’t want you to live life alone. I know what it’s like and I don’t want that for you.” Wanda shook her head. “Then I met Stephanie at the historical preservation meetings and I remembered your tête-à-tête.”

  Stephanie chuckled nervously.

  Wanda continued, “You’ve grown into a wonderful, kind woman. I knew you’d be perfect for my Sawyer.”

  “Auntie Wanda, I can’t believe you.” Sawyer crossed his arms.

  “Hey, an aunt’s got to do what an aunt’s got to do if she wants to live long enough to see her great nieces or nephews.”

  Stephanie stood, hugging herself. “And the cancer?”

  “I’m cancer free, but I have to go back for checkups. They are watching a few spots. The one spot on my leg, they had to dig pretty deep to get it out. It hurt like the dickens when I walked, so that’s why I used the walker.” Wanda lifted her pants leg and exposed a taped gauze pad.

  Stephanie hugged Wanda. “I’m so glad you’re fine,” Stephanie said her voice gravelly from emotion.

  “Damn. We would have had a really long engagement,” Sawyer stated, waggling his finger at his aunt.

  Wanda shrugged and laughed. “I’ve enjoyed having you both here.”

  “Well, we’ve all come clean today,” Sawyer laughed.

  “I feel better.” Stephanie gazed into Sawyer’s sultry eyes.

  “I’m glad you know the truth and you’ve found each other. Now, if we could only find the treasure.” Wanda rubbed her chin, then turned toward her bedroom.

  “I found my treasure,” Sawyer said, pulling Stephanie into his arms.

  “Not in here, young man,” Wanda said, shaking her finger.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sawyer took Stephanie by the hand and led her to the balcony overlooking the library.

  “Are we looking for the treasure?” She studied the wall of books.

  “It’s not exactly what I had in mind,” he said. His velvety, sensual tone had her heart racing.

  She quirked a brow. “What—”

  His lips descended to hers as he pressed her against the bookcase. Sawyer plunged his fingers in her long, ebony hair. She tugged at his shirt until she was free to skim his skin with her hands.

  He moaned and lowered her to the ground. Wedged between the wall of books and the railing, she stared up as he sucked and nipped at her neck.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed. “Darlin’, you don’t know what you do to me,” he breathed, fanning her neck.

  Stephanie’s unfocused gaze toured the ceiling, then slid to the colored book spines. She gasped.

  Sawyer sat up, breathing heavily. “Are you hurt?”

  “No.” She blinked. “What did your father say about this room and the treasure?”

  “Dad said this room is the key to the treasure.”

  “Are you sure he didn’t say the key to the treasure is in this room?” she asked.

  “It’s the same. Why?”

  “Because I think I found it.” Stephanie kneeled before the bookcase, feeling the smooth hardwood underside of a low shelf. She bit her lip, finding a divot. “Ah! I had to slide the pocket back.”

  “Pocket?” Sawyer kneeled beside her, watching.

  “Voila!” Stephanie held a black skeleton key, dangling it like bait.

  “Holy hell.” Sawyer gaped. He lowered himself to inspect the isolated cubby that had hidden the key. “I wonder what it opens?”

  “My heart,” she said.

  In an instant, he was on her once more, his firm body pressing her to the carpet. His caresses had every nerve tingling. As Sawyer loved her, Stephanie relaxed her arm, letting her hand fall between the balcony rails. She opened her fist. The key bobbled, falling to the first floor with a clang.

  Sawyer gazed into her eyes and smirked. “No more pretending. You’re my treasure, Steph. I don’t need anything but you.”

  Beauty in It

  Chelsea Camaron

  Hellions Ride On Series

  Written By

  USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

  Chelsea Camaron

  Content Warning

  This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language, violence, and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18. All characters are a work of fiction.

  This book is not meant to be an exact depiction of life in a motorcycle club, but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.

  *** Warning: This book contains graphic situations that may be a trigger for some readers. Please understand this is a work of fiction and not meant to offend or misrepresent any situations. There is quite a bit of violence, so if that’s not what you’re looking for, then
please don’t read. ***

  Production acknowledgements

  God because it’s through him I have been gifted this talent for storytelling. Faith over fear.

  Editing by: Asli Fratarcangeli from EL Edits and Mandy Smith from Raw Book Editing

  Author Lifesaving Critique Partner: Ryan Michele

  Beta Readers: Jenn, Cola, Suzanne, and Aunt Jan, thank you for cleaning up my crazy.

  Insignia Photo Credit: Shutterstock

  Hellions MC Insignia Design Credit: Jennifer Rivera

  Channing and Laura

  Two broken people, one second chance together, this is a passion fueled ride … are you ready?


  Life didn’t mean a thing for me before I patched into the Hellions Motorcycle Club.

  The man I am today is a far cry from the troubled days of my youth.

  I’m nobody who found out he is somebody when I earned my rocker.

  I am Channing “Hawk” Stevens.

  My life is the club, and nothing, absolutely nothing, else matters.


  I don’t remember how to breathe. I’ve lost all the beauty in life.

  I am Laura Marie Shell.

  I was completely lost until I found a brand new me … and it’s all because he saved me from myself.

  Their love was born in the nightmares. The friends become lovers when they learn to find beauty in the broken inside them both.

  Hellions Family Tree

  Blaine “Roundman” Reklinger

  (Haywood’s Landing Original – overall President and founder to the club)


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