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Hunter's Moon

Page 2

by McKayla Schutt

  "Then don't stop yourself." Luna pulled out her key and slid it into place and yanked it out to soon. Maybe it’s a sign. She ignored her inner bitch side and tried again. Part of her was completely ready to give herself over to Hunter while the other side wanted to save herself from any possible hurt. I can’t live a life without hurt, right? She tried again and this time the light turned green and he jerked it open. With them so close together she could feel his hard cock. Heat zipped through her body and warmed every inch of her soul. Once the door clicked closed, they undressed each other between kisses. When she only had a pair of white panties on she sat down on the bed.

  "Before we start I need to warn you about something." Luna inched back onto the bed, he shoved down his boxers and her eyes zoned in on his erection. Holy shit, he’s bigger than I expected. She swallowed back the nerves.

  "What?" Hunter climbed onto the bed and his eyes roamed over her body.

  "I'm a virgin," Luna whispered and his eyes snapped up to meet her gaze.

  "How? You're sexy as hell." He let out a shaky breath. She didn’t want to bring up why she had stayed a virgin for so freaking long. That would kill the mood in a heartbeat.

  "It's a long story I can tell you later." Her hands moved over her stomach trying to cover herself. He grabbed her right hand and kissed it sending butterflies through her belly.

  "I'll be slow and as gentle as I can." Hunter kissed her other hand and she relaxed under him.

  She gasped when he shredded the sides of her underwear. Oh goodness this is really happening! Her hands roamed over his chest and a smile touched her lips.

  "I like this." She met his gaze while her fingers intertwined with his light-chest hair. Her other hand traced down farther and brushed against his hard cock making him groan. "But I want to feel this more."

  "Happy to oblige." He winked and settled between her thighs. His tip pressed against her entrance. Inch by sweet inch, he entered her core, a hint of pain zipped up to her belly and she forced out a breath. She grabbed his arms, he stopped and kissed her. Oh, I don’t know if I can really take him. Slowly she relaxed under him as his lips pressed into hers. Another inch into her and the pain faded into pleasure. He stretched her farther than she thought possible but it no longer hurt.

  "Oh," Luna tipped her hips sending pleasure through her body Yep, no longer the oldest fucking virgin. Her heart leapt inside her chest as she adjusted under him. She had found something she never expected to find, a mate in a sexy as hell werewolf.

  "Are you ok?" He hesitated and she found it almost charming.

  "Move, Hunter. I need you to move." Luna wiggled her hips and her nipples brushed against his chest. Zips of pleasure rolled around her chest. He kept at his gentle pace but she needed more! She grabbed his hair and forced him to look at her. "I'm not fragile."

  Hunter grinned and nipped at her neck before slamming into her core. Oh, sweet heaven that’s amazing! He repeated the motion and her back arched up to him. So much pleasure souring through her, she almost had to stop him as the hum of magic threatened to roll through the air. After a few deep thrusts he adapted to a quicker pace. She let herself live in the moment and if magic started to happen she would deal with it then. Luna’s fingers roamed over his back enjoying the feeling of his skin against hers.

  Luna cried out his name as her pleasure spiked and an orgasm ripped her in half. His cock swelled a little inside of her and then he pulsed in her body. The little zip of the imprint raced under her flesh sending more pleasure through her soul. He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss.

  "I don't think I could have asked for a better first time." Luna sighed with her eyes closed. She thanked the goddess above for her magic not going crazy. He slowly pulled out of her and she winced at the end. Oh, those bits are a tad bit sore.

  "Did I hurt you?" He met her gaze.

  "No just a little tender." Luna smiled. Hunter kissed her neck and looked at the clock and his eyes widened. She glanced at it too and realized she missed the first bus.

  "Listen, I don't want you to think I'm a bad guy but I'm late for work and I still have to stop somewhere for my boss. Can we meet here tonight?" Hunter scratched the back of his head.

  "Yes. I have a few things to do today too." Luna placed a hand on his arm. "I don't want to get you fired." Luna winked. Hunter kissed her again and dressed quickly. Watching him leave was hard but she had to let him get to work. She didn’t want to mess him up. As he sped out the door, she snapped her fingers and dressed herself then fixed her hair with a bit more magic. I hope finding my parents is as easy as finding my mate.



  LUNA PLACED HER FINGERS on her lips and smiled while riding the bus. One more stop, and she would need to focus on finding her dad. She only had a name, Dominique. The light flashed, and the bar changed to notify her of the next stop ahead. Luna stood and kept her bag close. She had a rental car but only had limited experience driving in the big cities. Her shoulders ached from being so freaking nervous.

  The bus stopped, and Luna made her exit onto the semi-busy street. Ash suspected her father to be a werewolf and this was the only pack close to the coven where her mother was last seen. Hope I don't make a complete fool of myself. Luna turned a corner and found a car shop named Dominic's place. She pulled at her shirt and straightened her body.

  If this wasn't her father, then she would be walking right into a bunch of older wolves and some could be downright asses. Images of Hunter made her smile for a moment.

  "I can do this." Luna squared her shoulders and approached the shop. Two cars sat in the bays being worked on. Luna sensed the werewolves resting under the skin in the workers. She had spent enough time around them as a test subject to know. A tall male with long blonde hair pulled into a pony tail strolled up to her.

  "May I help you?" He sniffed the air then scrunched up his nose.

  "You might be able to. I need to speak to Dominic." Luna smiled. The man rubbed his hands on the cloth making his muscular arms more apparent. He had a sense of familiarity, but she ignored it. She didn’t have all day to figure it out.

  "You need to go back to your coven little one,” he hissed low. He didn’t scare her one bit.

  "Excuse me?" Luna crossed her arms in front of her chest. This wolf wouldn’t get in the way of Luna finding out if Dominic really had fathered her or not.

  "I can smell you’re a witch. Don't play stupid. Your kind isn't welcome here." The guy sneered. Luna glanced down to his name and took a deep breath.

  "Well Tommy, like I said before. I'm not here to see you. I'm here to see Dominic. Now move or I’ll make you move." Luna wiggled her fingers and his eyes zoned in on them.

  "What is going on out here, Tommy?" An older man with dark skin and no hair strutted up and patted Tommy on the shoulders. Luna swallowed hard when she met his gaze. His shoulders were twice as wide as hers.

  "Nothing she’s just leaving." Tommy glared at Luna, but she ignored him. She let her magic surface just in case something turned south.

  "Do you know where Dominic is?" Luna focused on the older guy hoping he had actual manners unlike Tommy. But she kept her focus on the magic, she knew better than to trust people at first sight.

  "You're looking at him." He smiled, and Luna's stomach dropped. "What did you need?" He rubbed his hand on his jeans before extending his hand. She shook it for a moment, her brain stumbling to figure out what to say. Cars zipped behind her and no words came to her mouth.

  "I umm..." Luna licked her lips and met his brown eyed gaze. "I’m wondering if you had a child about thirty-three years ago?" She pushed back her hair and studied the huge male in front of her. Could this really be him?

  "What's this really about?" Tommy growled low. Luna glared back at Tommy, she resisted the urge to punch him in the face.

  "Dominic, I don't know if I'm in the right place but I'm looking for my parents. A friend of mine dug up old pack records from the time of my birth an
d it stated you had a child the same month and year of my birth." Luna hoped deep down for her search to be over.

  "Luna?" Dominic rubbed his eyes and looked back at her. "Is that really you? Your mother told me you were dead with your grandparents." Dominic scanned her, glanced at Tommy then back at her. He grabbed her arm like she might vanish before his eyes. Her heart skipped around, she had found him thanks to Ash’s help.

  "Wait what?" She never expected to hear about dead grandparents.

  "Tommy get back to work. Oh, and if your brother isn't here soon he’ll be cleaning out oil pans for a month longer." Dominic grabbed Luna's hand and they strolled into the garage and straight to the office. The scent of oil filled her nose, but it faded when the door closed.

  "Real quick, why does that Tommy guy hate witches so much?" Luna glanced back to find Tommy tossing tools into his rolling toolbox.

  "His family was burned bad by some of the witches in your mother's coven. All of them hate witches. Their youngest seemed to be on the fence for a while but they convinced the poor kid too." Dominic shook his head and pointed to the chair across from him. Luna sat down and tried to relax.

  "Do you mind if I close the blinds?" Luna asked. Dominic shook his head and Luna clapped once and they all closed at the same time.

  "Damn girl. You're powerful just like your mother." Dominic glanced around the room before meeting her gaze. His cluttered desk had invoices strewn across the durable plastic. Luna focused on the word mother and hoped they still spoke.

  "Do you still talk to her?" Luna didn’t like the pain filling Dominic’s eyes. She opened her senses using magic and every word he spoke so far about being her father held truth.

  "Not since you, well since we thought you died. She called to tell me the news and then stopped calling. You see, we made a plan to go find you after your grandparents came back but a semi hit their car. Your mother assumed you were in the car too." Dominic scratched the back of his head. Luna had no idea how to react to this piece of information. For a while she had been expecting something along the lines of ‘I was young and dumb’ but nothing near this. How can I blame them for not tracking me down? If she thought someone had died she wouldn’t be looking for them either.

  "If I had known you were alive I wouldn't have stopped looking until I found you, Luna. I give you my word." He met her gaze and she couldn’t help but believe him.

  "Well if that’s the case I think my life would have been a whole lot better." Luna looked up at the ceiling trying not to cry. She had found her father. She couldn’t blame him for not coming to find her. Dominic rustled in his desk and pulled out an old framed picture.

  "It's the only photo I managed to take before your grandma took you away." He rubbed part of the picture with his large thumb.

  "Why did they take me? I don't understand." Luna couldn’t even imagine what would bring grandparents to force their child to abandon their own.

  "Your grandmother and grandfather were very old-fashioned. They believed a witch should marry a witch. A human would be better than mating with a werewolf." He pointed at himself. "When I met your mother and we imprinted I didn't think about anything but being with her and she was the same way.” He chuckled like a memory came to his mind before he sighed heavily. “We just wanted to be happy and together we did, at least until she tried to bring me home.”

  Luna grabbed the photo and looked at a younger Dominic standing next to a woman with tanned skin in a white sun-dress. She held a little girl in a white dress. Luna’s eyes had the same shape as the woman in the photo and her father’s nose. A few tears slipped past her willpower.

  "Have you met your mother yet?" Pain laced his voice causing Luna to lift her gaze.

  "No, I had planned on seeing her today when my friend, Ash, called and told me about you." Luna wiped a tear from her face.

  "Tell me about your life, I want to know everything." Dominic smiled, and he seemed genuinely interested. Luna rolled her shoulder. This might get interesting.



  HUNTER’S SHOULDERS relaxed when he pulled up to work. Good Dominic’s with a client. Hunter inched into the garage trying not to be spotted even though the blinds were closed in the main office. Tommy did a slow clap and shook his head at the same time.

  "Little bro, you have some serious explaining to do when Dominic finds you." Tommy grabbed his rag and wiped his hands of oil.

  "I found my mate, didn't want to chance anything so we completed the bond in her hotel room." Hunter shrugged, most of his older siblings had mates, so he figured his brother would understand.

  "You found her at Pappy's hotel? What if she runs off?" Tommy asked. Hunter hadn't thought of that. His wolf perked up as a different scent filled his nose. He didn’t have the best nose in the pack, but Tommy’s didn’t do much better in tracking situations.

  "I don't think so." Hunter shook off his worry as he glanced at Dominic's office.

  "Dude, the boss might have a witch as a freaking daughter." Tommy growled low when he looked the same way.

  "Wait what?" After years of lying to his family about hating witches, today he might have to be put to the test. He hated the lie but after getting his ass kicked repeatedly at the age of six, he went into self-preservation mode. His stomach tightened and his happy mood vanished quicker than a shift.

  "Yea, the bitch came up all strong until I blocked her off. Well until Dominic came to her rescue. She's in there now talking to him." Tommy rubbed his hands together like he wanted to fight the witch. At the age of five all his older siblings were at his throat to hate witches. Going on and on about how they were evil and well Hunter didn't want to judge a species just because of what they were. He dealt with it enough at school when humans judged him. Till the age of seven they kicked his ass and told him they would stop if he just admitted he hated all witches. He did just that and lied through his freaking teeth.

  "Tommy calm down. You're going to over work your brain." Hunter shook his head and strolled to the office. He knocked twice. A chair screeched, and Dominic opened the door.

  "Look who decided to show up," Dominic said as he opened the door. Hunter almost laughed until he met Luna’s gaze.

  Hunter swallowed hard and looked up at Dominic. "I was uh..." Hunter fumbled with the right words to say. My mate can’t be a witch! Tommy picked that moment to walk up and slap Hunter's shoulder.

  "Dominic, you'll never believe it. He’s late because he found his mate." Tommy chuckled like he was the running joke. His fingers tingled while his gut tightened.

  "Oh, who's the special lady?" Dominic chuckled. Luna shifted around in her seat.

  "I am." Luna stood and adjusted her shirt. Dominic stopped laughing and turned toward Luna. Hunter swallowed hard and tried to think of something, anything to say.

  "You imprinted with my daughter?" The second in command to Brauc, sounded pissed.

  "You mated with a witch?" Tommy growled and grabbed Hunter by the back of the neck. "Oh, mom and dad are going to kill you." Tommy pulled him toward the garage door. His joy of finding his mate had vanished the moment he heard witch and now his brother wanted to kick his ass.

  "Let Hunter go, Tommy." Dominic's voice boomed through the garage making everyone stop moving but Hunter's idiot brother. Hunter tried to get out of Tommy’s grip, but the fucker had a few years on him.

  "This isn't your concern. This is a family matter." Tommy yelled back. Hunter twisted his body and managed to lose his brother’s grip.

  "I'm above you in the ranks. Now! Let! Him! Go!" His voice grew louder as he punctuated each word at the end. Tommy shoved Hunter and he managed to stop himself before he hit the ground.

  "Well I'm going home." Tommy grabbed the rag from his coveralls and tossed it to the stained cement. "I quit by the way." Tommy glared at Hunter and shook his head before trotting away.

  "Are you ok?" Luna dashed to Hunter and he backed up a bit.

  "Are you really a witch?" He his
sed. Hunter sniffed the air, but he hadn’t met many witches unlike his siblings. He couldn't catch the difference in the scents. She lowered her gaze for a moment and when she looked back up hurt filled her soft eyes.

  "Lux," Luna whispered and a ball of light hovered about her hand. The light vanished as Dominic marched to them and grabbed Luna’s shoulder.

  "There are humans in here," Dominic spoke low.

  "It lasted two seconds and any human would think it’s my phone." Luna didn't stop staring at Hunter. "Can you say something? I mean everything was so great an hour ago."

  "An hour ago, I thought you were human. My family..." Hunter thought of what his mother and father might say when he arrived at home for family dinner night. Might be a good night to skip dinner. Hunter tried to think of what to say but words were completely failing him.

  "Hunter I'm sure your parents will be happy if you're happy." The pain in her eyes broke his wolf’s heart and his but he ignored the ache.

  "Dominic, I'm glad you found your daughter and all, but I need to go." Hunter stood and brushed off his pants. His mind couldn’t fully wrap around the idea of having a witch as a mate. Witches are bad news no matter what. His family’s warning rang in his ears, but his heart wanted to trust the one meant to be his.

  "I'll go with you." Luna moved to follow but Hunter put up his hand.

  "No. I have to break my promise. Maybe we didn’t imprint.” He paused. “Static. That’s what it was earlier. I can't be mated with a witch." Hunter shook his head. His wolf growled low, but he didn't listen to him. Even as he spoke the words, he knew them to be false. Luna was his mate and he acted like a complete jackass.

  "What?" She reached for him but missed his arm.

  Hunter turned and scurried away from Luna and Dominic. He needed time to think. Tension built in his stomach making it twist and turn. He climbed into his black mustang and drove off.


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