Be a Sales Superstar

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Be a Sales Superstar Page 9

by Brian Tracy

For example, repeat to yourself these powerful words, over and over again: “I like myself! I’m the best! I can do it! I love my work!”

  Say to yourself, “I feel happy! I feel healthy! I feel terrific!”

  Remember, fully 95 percent of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself, most of the time. The way you feel determines how you behave. And how you behave determines how much you sell.

  Your job is to get yourself on an upward spiral where you think and talk to yourself positively, all day long. Think, walk, talk, and act like the very best people in your field. When you do, your success becomes inevitable.

  Success secret number seven: Take positive action toward your goals, every single day. Be proactive rather than reactive. Grab the bull by the horns. If you are not happy with your income, get out and get face-to-face with more customers. If you are not happy with any part of your life, accept responsibility and take charge.

  All successful salespeople are intensely action oriented. They have a sense of urgency. They develop a bias for action. They “do it now!” They have a compulsion to reach closure. They maintain a fast tempo and move quickly in everything they do.

  And the good news is this: The faster you move, the more energy you have. The faster you move, the more ground you cover. The faster you move, the more people you see. The more people you see, the more experience you get. The more experience you get, the more sales you make. The more people you see and the more sales you make, the more your self-esteem and self-respect go up and the more you will feel great about yourself. You will have more energy. You will be happier and more positive.

  The faster you move, the more you take complete control of your entire life. You virtually guarantee that you will be one of the top performers and the highest paid people in your field.

  Conclusion: Pulling It All Together

  Istarted my life with very few benefits or advantages. I worked at laboring jobs and worried about money all the time. I bless the day that I got into selling. The field of selling offered me, and offers you, all the great joys, benefits, and possibilities that life has to offer. And the better you become at selling, the more respected and important you become to your company, to your community, and to your world.

  Salespeople are among the most important people in America. Every single company depends for its survival on the success of its salespeople. High sales is the number one reason for company success. Low sales is the number one reason for company failure. And you can be in the driver’s seat.

  Over the past thirty years, I have trained more than 500,000 salespeople in twenty-three countries. I have trained people who have come to the United States with no money, no friends, no contacts, and, very often, no ability to speak English. But they have taken these ideas, practiced them over and over again, and gone onto become sales leaders in major national organizations.

  The Law of Cause and Effect is the iron law of human destiny. In effect, it says that anything that anyone else has done, you can do as well. All you have to do is find out what he or she did and then do the same over and over yourself until you master it.

  Remember, no one is better than you and no one is smarter than you. People who are doing better than you simply have learned and applied the principles of success earlier than you. They have learned the twenty-one great ways to be a sales superstar and they practice them every single day. When you begin practicing these ideas yourself, you will see the results almost immediately. Once more, here they are:

  1. Commit to Excellence: Make a decision today to become one of the very best salespeople in your field. Get going and keep going until you achieve your goal.

  2. Act As If It Were Impossible to Fail: Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. Resolve today to face whatever fears of failure and rejection might be holding you back, and do what you fear anyway!

  3. Put Your Whole Heart into Your Selling: Make a 100 percent total commitment to your profession of selling, to your company, to your products and services, and to your customers. Put your whole heart into your work.

  4. Position Yourself as a Real Professional: See yourself as a consultant, an advisor, and a valuable resource to your customers. Conduct yourself as a consultant would, in every customer interaction.

  5. Prepare Thoroughly for Every Call: Do your homework before you see a customer for the first time. Find out everything you can about the customer and his or her business so you can be of the greatest service to the customer.

  6. Dedicate Yourself to Continuous Learning: Learn something new each day that can help you to be more skilled and effective in selling. Read, listen to audio programs, and take additional training.

  7. Accept Complete Responsibility for Results: See yourself as the president of your own personal sales corporation, completely in charge of your own life and sales activities. Instead of making excuses, focus on making progress in your sales work.

  8. Become Brilliant on the Basics: Learn and practice the fundamentals of the sales process. Use them in the proper order, every single time. Never allow yourself to get distracted or to take shortcuts.

  9. Build Long-Term Relationships: The more the customer likes you as a person, the easier it is for you to sell. Ask good questions, listen attentively to the answers, and focus on the person before the sale.

  10. Be a Financial Improvement Specialist: Look for ways to demonstrate to your prospect that your product or service has a definite return on investment, that he or she will be better off financially by buying and using it.

  11. Use Educational Selling with Every Customer: Take the time to learn how your product or service can most help your customer. Then teach your customer how he or she can get the most benefit and enjoyment out of what you sell.

  12. Build Megacredibility with Every Prospect: Everything counts! Be sure that you look the part of a believable and trustworthy sales professional. Use testimonials from satisfied customers. Build credibility with everything you do and say.

  13. Handle Objections Effectively: Learn how to resolve customer concerns and overcome hesitation in the sales conversation. Be prepared with well-thought-out answers to every question.

  14. Deal with Price Professionally: Be proud of your product and your prices. Concentrate on showing your prospect that what you sell is valuable and worth every cent that you are asking.

  15. Know How to Close the Sale: Learn and practice proven sales closing techniques. The future belongs to the askers—those people who boldly ask for what they want—especially to those who ask the customer to take action on the offer.

  16. Make Every Minute Count: Your time is your most precious resource; it’s all you really have to sell. Work all the time you work. Don’t waste time on idle chatter or low-value activities.

  17. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything: Spend more and more of your time on your most valuable prospects and customers. Allocate your time based on the potential value of the activity, the top 20 percent of the things you do.

  18. Keep Your Sales Funnel Full: Your job consists of three main activities. They are prospecting, presenting, and following up. Your income is determined by how often and how well you perform these three tasks. Concentrate on them all day long.

  19. Set Clear Income and Sales Goals: Decide exactly how much you want to earn per hour and how much you will have to sell to earn that amount. Never do anything during the working day that does not pay you your desired hourly rate.

  20. Manage Your Territory Well: Cluster your calls so that you can spend less time traveling and more time face-to-face with people who can and will buy your products or services.

  21. Practice the Seven Secrets of Sales Success: Keep yourself positive and motivated all day long by thinking continually about how you can get better and better in the key areas that determine your success and your income.

  Remember, there are no limits to what you can accomplish with your time and your life, except for the limits you place on yourself.

od luck!

  Learning Resources of Brian Tracy International



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  Focal Point Advanced Coaching and Mentoring Program

  Brian Tracy offers a personal coaching program in San Diego for successful entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and top salespeople. Participants learn how to apply the Focal Point Process to every part of their work and personal lives.

  Participants learn a step-by-step process of personal strategic planning that enables them to take complete control of their time and their lives. Over the course of the program, participants meet with Brian Tracy and another professional Coaching Associate for one full day every three months. During these sessions, they learn how to double their income and double their time off.

  They identify what they enjoy doing the most and learn how to become better in their most profitable activities. Participants learn how to delegate, downsize, eliminate, and get rid of all the tasks they neither enjoy nor benefit from. They learn how to identify their special talents and how to use leverage and concentration to move to the top of their fields.

  Focal Point Personal Telephone Coaching Program

  Brian Tracy’s personally trained professional coaches work with you step by step to help you move to the next level of performance in your career.

  This intensive twelve-week program comes complete with exercises, audio programs, prework, and personalized coaching.

  You learn how to implement the Focal Point Process in every area of your life. Working with a trusted mentor, you develop complete clarity about who you are, what you want, where you are going, and the fastest ways to achieve all your goals.

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  Brian Tracy is one of the most popular professional speakers in the world. He addresses more than 250,000 people each year in talks and seminars, from keynote addresses to sessions three to four days in length.

  His topics include

  • High Performance Leadership for the 21st Century

  • Maximizing Personal Performance

  • Advanced Selling Skills and Strategies

  • Counter Attack! for Salespeople and Businesses

  For more information, visit Register for a free subscription to one or more of Brian’s helpful newsletters on Personal Success, Time Management, and Financial Mastery.

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  ABC Method, 113

  acceptance by others, 24

  accepting responsibility, 47-50

  accessories, 78

  acting “as if,” 15-17, 140

  action exercises

  acting enthusiastic, 21

  determining rate of return, 64

  focusing on the prospect, 60

  goal setting, 129

  handling objections, 87-88

  handling price objections, 95

  identifying your fear, 17

  improving ratios between prospects/sales, 123

  listing ingredients of megacredibility, 82

  planning closings, 101-102

  positioning yourself as consultant, 27

  positioning yourself as teacher, 71

  preparation for sales meetings, 34

  preparing your training schedule, 45

  skills evaluation, 13

  strategic planning, 50

  task lists, 113

  territory management/organization, 134

  time management, 107

  using AIDA model, 56


  closing the sale, 55-56

  taking positive, 138

  advice, 43. See also feedback

  affirmations, 20

  agendas, 32, 34

  AIDA model of selling, 52

  ambition, 9-12

  analyzing your product/service, 117-118

  appointments with prospects, 120-122

  approaches to selling, 68

  Aristotle, 17

  asking the customer, 69, 100-101

  assets, 79

  associations with people, 136

  Assumption Close, 99-100

  Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA) model, 52

  attention of customers, 52-56

  audio learning, 36, 39

  Authorization Close, 100


  basics of selling, 51-56, 141-142

  benefits, for stimulating buying desire, 54-55

  building credibility, 73-82

  buying desire, arousing, 54-55


  caring, 19

  cause and effect, law of, 3-4, 140

  checklists of questions, 34

  closing the sale, 55-56, 59, 97-102, 116, 143

  clothing, 76

  comfort zones, 4-5


  to personal excellence, 10, 140

  to selling, 141

  confirmation, asking for, 59

  consequences, 105

  consultant versus salesperson, positioning as, 23-27

  continuous learning, 35-45, 141

  control, 90-91

  Covey, Stephen, 58

  credibility, 73-82, 142


  getting attention of, 52-56

  presenting to, 68-70

  testimonials from, 80


  decision making, 12

  defining what you sell, 62

  Directive Close, 99

  discipline, 106, 127

  dressing for success, 76-77


  earning ability, 103

  educational selling, 67-71, 142 80/20

  rule, 109-113, 116-117, 143

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 16

  emphasizing value, 81

  energy, 138

  enthusiasm, 19

  experts, learning from, 43


  fears, failure/rejection, 15-16

  feedback, inviting, 69-70

  Feel, Felt, Found Method, 86, 90

  financial comfort zones, 5

  financial improvement specialists, 142

  positioning yourself as, 61-65
/>   first impressions, 76-77

  first-time buyers, 74-75

  fitness, mental, 7

  focus, maintaining, 105-106, 127

  following up, 116, 143

  formula for doubling income, 128


  getting in line, 11

  goal setting, 144

  sales/income, 125-129

  taking action toward, 138

  grooming, 77-78



  doing things you fear, 16

  high performance, 6

  healthy personalities, 48-49

  hesitancy with sales offers, 74

  high performance, habit of, 6

  Huthwaite Associates, 58


  income, goal setting, 125-129, 144

  increasing sales, 115-124

  interest, arousing customer, 53-54

  internal rate of return (IRR), 62-63

  investing in yourself, 43-44

  Invitational Close, 98-99


  keys to building megacredibility, 75-81


  Law of Cause and Effect, 3-4, 140

  Law of Six, 84

  learning, continuous, 35-45, 141

  Leavitt, Theodore, 79

  length of life of product, 74

  listening, 39-43, 52-56, 85

  long-term relationships, 57-60, 142

  looking the part, 77-78



  principle of, 128-129

  of territory, 131-134, 144

  time, 103-107, 119-120

  of time, 143

  megacredibility, 73-82, 142

  mental fitness, 7

  healthy personalities, 48-49

  positive attitude, 78

  millionaires, 1

  mistakes, 67, 73



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