The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 14

by Kira Freitas

  Bruce shook his head and, smiling, started tying his shirt ties again.

  - No, Kayna, you're not disturbing anything. - he said without taking his eyes off me. - We were just talking and my future wife was just saying she needs a nice cold shower before dinner.

  I shook my head from side to side, squinting my eyes. Bruce laughed even more discreetly and turned to face Kayna, who looked at us without understanding anything.

  - Very funny, Mr. Duke! - I retracted, which made Bruce laugh.

  - Take good care of her, Kayna! - he asked as he passed the girl, who smiled at Bruce settling down. - I'll see you later! Now, I need to freshen up a bit, because I've been messing with fire and almost burned myself.

  Smile about his words. Kayna kept staring at me. She was waiting for my orders to start helping me. I hadn't had a maid for that in a while, and to be honest, I didn't like it very much. Luckily, my old nanny was a lady who treated me like a daughter and was very comfortable talking to her. It was night when I came down to join the others for dinner. Just imagining sitting next to Bruce made me feel the blood boil.

  - Not that one! - I whispered when I saw that Bruce was already at the table with Adelaide sitting next to him with the face of a few friends.

  I prayed I wouldn't see Adelaide at dinner after what Bruce had told me. She looked at me from the table and, so that only I could see, passed her hand on one of Bruce's generous thighs. Obviously, she gave the excuse that she didn't mean to, but from the top of the staircase where I was, it was very clear that she didn't mean it.

  - Let the games begin! - I whispered with a smile and, breathing deeply, I went down to the salon.

  Alistair showed up right next to my sister. She was wearing a beautiful red dress and her hair was stuck in a long braid. She loved to braid them. I joined everyone and sat next to Aideen in front of Bruce.

  - Annabel, you shouldn't be sitting next to me, you should be sitting next to Bruce. - said Aideen when she realized Adelaide's look at me. - Adelaide, would you mind switching places with Annabel?

  Snorting, Adelaide got up and switched places with me. Bruce smiled as he helped me sit down.

  - Good night, beautiful lady! - he whispered kissing my hand.

  - Good night, gallant sir! - I returned it by bowing.

  Alistair had a laugh.

  - They'll be worse than us! - Alistair said kissing Aideen's hand.

  Adelaide turned her eyes to look disgusting, as did Ector, who went further, and took an expression of indignation at the scene. There was no reason to hide anything from anyone, since we were happy and had not done anything wrong.

  - I love the dress, my sister! - Aideen said. - It matches the color of your eyes. You should use these shades more often, instead of those yellow shades that make you so pale.

  She was dressed in a turquoise dress she'd won over Bruce.

  - Thank you, Aideen! It was a gift from Bruce when we were trapped in that village.

  - You have great taste, Bruce! - said Aideen smiling.

  - Yeah, it is! - said Alistair. - I never thought I knew how to choose dresses.

  - I had the help of Abigail, a friend of Annabel's. She's the one who picked them, I just paid for them.

  - I believe this story! - Alistair fired.

  Everyone at the table laughed except Adelaide, who snorted even more with the gentle play of Alistair and Aideen.

  Dinner went smoothly, although Adelaide made it a point, from time to time, to bump into Bruce under the table or say something to confront me. I had decided that night that I would not downgrade myself to her level and, using one of the tactics my mother had taught me, I just smiled and ignored it. It was a very difficult task, but I realized that she became increasingly angry when I ignored her. That brought me more satisfaction than threatening her with a knife or squirming. Bruce saw what I was doing and smiled with the corner of his mouth, showing that he approved of my attitude. You could see that he was already irritated by Adelaide bumping into him or touching him whenever possible. That was not a good sign, for Bruce was as unpleasant as I was when he was angry.

  - Adelaide, I would like to make it very clear that if your hand touches any part of my body again, I swear I will rip it off!

  They all looked at Adelaide who, at the height of his irritation, rose from the table. She was red, but not angry, but ashamed that Bruce had exposed her.

  - Dinner's over for me! You're gonna pay me for that more humiliation! - she said in a cold voice. - They both will!

  The last words were spoken with disdain, but they were addressed to me. I felt I should keep my eyes open until she left. That night, after dinner, everyone decided to retire. Bruce accompanied me to the door of my room and, with much effort, left me with just one kiss. I was frustrated because he said he would only touch me again after we were married.

  - Damn it! - I grunted after rolling for the twentieth time in bed.

  I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk to clear my head. It was late and it rained a lot outside, so I decided to explore the castle again. The last night I decided to do that, I ended up finding Alistair's room, so I wouldn't go that way again. I wore a cape over my sleeping clothes and picked up a candelabra. Walking would make me sleep again. Coming out of the room, I looked from one side of the hall to the other. I went to the wall where I knew there was a door behind the tapestry and went in the opposite direction to the one I had gone before. I didn't want to run into my sister's bedroom door and get in by accident. I didn't know what I'd accidentally see. The corridor I followed was long and had few passages. I was frustrated that I only found the prison. One thing caught my attention and I decided to watch. A soldier had delivered a plate of food to Morvan, but his gesture indicated that he had not only given the food. Morvan smiled at the guard and started eating. Suspicious, I decided to tell Bruce for him to check. Now I had to find his room. Taking a deep breath, I continued to follow the path that the hallway took. Another door went nowhere, so I went back and further on I followed a staircase. She was circular, so I was sure she was in the north side tower. I went up until I got to the second floor. A few steps away from the stairwell, I found a passage. I studied the markings well and noticed a lever hidden behind a lamp that was out on the wall. It was very curious, so finding places and leaving them became my favorite pastime. When I opened the passageway, I wrapped myself in a tapestry and, with a little difficulty, I managed to get out from behind it. There was a lot of dust. That meant no one used that route much or the cleaning lady was a lazy one.

  - Damn it! - I grumbled by pulling out a web that had stuck in my hood.

  I looked at the tapestry and was surprised to see that it was a huge and very wide portrait. I lit up to see better and held my breath. At the center of the tapestry were three people embroidered. A woman, a man and a boy. The woman had long black hair and eyes of the same color. It had an elegant posture and a captivating look, even for embroidery. She was sitting on a chair and had a boy with long hair, sitting on her knees. He was no more than six years old and his eyes were blue. Even though I was very small, I recognized that look, which I looked with admiration at the man standing next to him and smiled at him. The boy was Bruce. The standing man was his father, for I perceived that he had the same black hair and blue eyes as the child. Bruce had inherited his father's expressive gaze, which can range from serious to terrifying, depending on who he is directed to.

  - Kelden MacCalister! - I whispered by passing my hand through the tapestry.

  The MacCalisters were two brothers: the father of Bruce, who was the youngest and had died when he was only ten years old; and the father of Alistair, who was the oldest. They inherited from their ancestors the crown that kept us in complete harmony, until Roy disgraced with everything. I was admiring the tapestry for a while until an idea occurred to me. If that tapestry was there, then...

  The sound of a deep sigh caught my attention and I slowly turned around. As he illuminated the environment,
he noticed the details in black, Bruce's favorite color. Yes! She was in her room, so she smiles glad she could find him. My smile died as soon as I lit up the bed. Bruce was lying on his stomach without his shirt and covered with a fur blanket, just from the waist down. His black hair was falling under his eyes, but I noticed that he was asleep deeply. Beside her was Adelaide, lying with her head on her back. She didn't look like she was wearing anything, because the top was uncovered. Hate took hold of me and without thinking I let out a scream.

  - Bitch! You bastard!

  Chapter 18


  Annabel's cry echoed in my ears awakening me from a dream I was having about her. I felt a weight on my left shoulder and raised my head in a confusing way to face Adelaide, who jumped into bed, scared.

  - Adelaide? - I said sleepy. - What are you doing in my room? Get out now!

  Adelaide looked at me with a frown and a confused look. Whatever she was up to, she'd forgotten what she'd do as soon as she was discovered. I did not have the patience to understand what she was doing in my bed and, moreover, naked. To make matters worse, I noticed that Annabel was standing in front of us with an angry look. She squeezed the candlestick tightly and slowly lowered it to the ground. What was she doing in my room too?

  - You whore! - she screamed. - I'm gonna kill her!

  I didn't have much time to react or think, because Annabel grabbed Adelaide's hair and started pulling her out of bed.

  - Let go of my hair! You fool! - Adelaide screamed trying to get loose, but it was useless.

  - Annabel, release Adelaide! - I commanded myself to approach. - Now!

  Annabel continued to drag Adelaide toward the door of the room, squirming offensive words that were not good to repeat. Only the word prostitute was spoken several times in Latin, Greek, French and in an ancient dialect that I could not even say which one.

  - Let go of me! - Adelaide screamed again.

  - You bastard! - Annabel screamed. - You think I'm wild? I'll show you how wild I can be. You'll regret touching my fiancé and trying to cheat me.

  - Stop! - I ordered it, but she ignored me. - Annabel!

  Luckily for me, the tower on the north side was far from the central rooms where Annabel, Alistair, Aideen, Ector and Adelaide had their rooms. Just like the servants, which was on the back of the south side. No one would come here because they wouldn't hear the screaming. It was precisely for this reason that I decided to have rooms on the north side where the dungeons were located. As Annabel had found my quarters, I could even guess, but Adelaide I would kill for boldness. I wanted Adelaide to leave soon so I could calm Annabel down. I knew what Adelaide's intention was, but I doubt Annabel fell into his trap, otherwise I'd be getting caught too. Adelaide didn't know Annabel, but she was about to know what she was capable of. I didn't know if I'd sit around and watch Adelaide get it or help her and then kill her. The first option seemed to be more interesting, but I thought for good, to let it live for now.

  Even though I knew I'd get a beating, I grabbed Annabel's waist and lifted it up in the air. The surprise caused her to let go of Adelaide's hair, who fell on the floor with a red face. She looked at me grumbling and held the sheet firmly against her breasts. Meanwhile, Annabel struggled in my arms screaming for me to let her go.

  - What are you waiting for? Get out, come on! - I ordered Adelaide to leave.

  - No! She won't run that easy! - Annabel screamed before giving me an elbow right on top of the wound, which was still healing.

  - Annabel! - I roared before I grabbed his arm.

  Luckily, he gave Adelaide time to run, but not to prevent Annabel from grabbing the blanket, leaving Adelaide naked.

  - You fool! - said Adelaida blushing. - Give it back to me!

  - Ask one of the guards! - Annabel fired with disdain. - Maybe he'll warm her up tonight.

  Annabel laughed when Adelaide tried to cover herself with her hands. She just kicked the door in, knocking it and leaving Adelaide naked outside the room.

  - You're crazy, you know that? - said with his hand about his abdomen. - But Adelaide deserved it. How did you get in here? Better, how did you find my quarters?

  - How did I get in? I'm good at finding places, you forget? - ...she gave it back in a harsh way. - The question is how did that cow get in here?

  - If you think I invited Adelaide, the answer is no.

  Annabel looked at me snorting and crossed her arms.

  - I know you don't. - she fired a smile. - If I wanted to sleep with her, I would have done it by now.

  - Exactly!

  - Why are your quarters so far away from the others?

  I took a deep breath sitting on the bed and ran my hands through my hair.

  - I've been having a lot of nightmares for years, so I wake up screaming and sometimes attack people around. - I said in a low voice. - I was tired of waking everyone up early in the morning and never predicted when it would happen. Other than Alistair, no one else knows that my quarters stay here.

  Annabel softened her expression and threw the blanket, which she still held, over the bed.

  - I'm so sorry! - she said passing her hand on my shoulder. - I've seen him having these nightmares before, and they're really awful.

  I nodded and sighed and frowned, putting my hand over my abdomen.

  - When I walked in, you seemed to sleep peacefully and deeply.

  - It's that tea you gave me in the village. - I explained. - I haven't said anything before, but I've been taking it and it's had a very good effect. Except two nights ago, I've been drinking it often since we got back.

  She shook her head from side to side and took a deep breath.

  - Adelaide must have followed him. Maybe he wanted to pretend they were sleeping together. - she said making a face. - I knew from your words before you left dinner that she would do something. Even to force him to marry her and not me, but I arrived just in time to avoid a scandal.

  I let out a laugh by shaking my head.

  - Looks like you had the same idea, huh?

  - I wouldn't go that low, even because I don't need to. - Annabel laughed. - The duke's heart is already mine.

  I had a laugh.

  - Then I'm arrogant.

  - That's funny! - she rolled her eyes. - I found the passage by chance I was sleep-deprived, so I decided to explore the passages again to see what I found.

  - Does my room have a secret passage?

  - Why is that? You didn't know? - she smiled at the wall behind you. - It's right behind the tapestry.

  I looked at the tapestry, which was actually a picture of my family, and I frowned. I'd die in that place without knowing there was another exit door.

  - I don't think even Alistair knows that. - ...said by arcing his eyebrows.

  - I believe so, since he didn't know about the passage in his room either. - I arched my eyebrow and she held her breath. - Long story, but I swear it was for the greater good.

  I had a laugh.

  - I know you were with him before you married Aideen.

  - You do?

  - Yeah. Just like I know you asked him for protection for your sister.

  - I wanted to make sure Aideen was safe.

  - And he did.

  - Yeah, I got it.

  She smiled and we stared at each other for a while. Even though her hair was disheveled and her face was red, Annabel looked even more beautiful than before. The cape she wore over her shirt was half-opened and showed part of the square neckline of the garment.

  - Should I stay or leave? - she asked by standing up. I was silent, not knowing what to say. I wanted to keep my promise to only touch her again after we got married, but it was hard to resist. - All right! All right! I'll let you rest, because we'll have a long day tomorrow. I'll come back through the passage, so I don't run the risk of meeting anyone and I'm still on my adventure.

  I took a deep breath as she bent down to grab the candelabra and the light shone on her silhouette. I wanted to sa
y that the angel of good won that battle and that I let her return to her quarters, but fortunately it was not so.

  - Fuck you! - said whispering. - We're getting married soon and there's no reason not to sleep with me.

  I walked slowly to where she was and stopped behind Annabel. My feet were barefoot, but she held her breath as soon as she felt my presence.

  - Let me have that! - I whispered and took the chandelier. - Stay and sleep with me.

  - What about your nightmares? - she asked on a voice wire. I could tell Annabel was panting and then she smiles.

  - There is no better remedy against my nightmares than your presence. - I whispered again. - I'm sure I'll be safe by your side, after all this won't be the first or last night you spend with me.

  - Bruce, I'm not sleepy!

  - Neither do I!

  I knew Annabel didn't want to sleep. You could feel the heat emanating through your clothes. I raised one hand and pushed Annabel's hair away, leaving her neck to show it to her.

  - You smell good! - I whispered before I started kissing sensitive skin.

  Annabel's skin gave me the creeps making me smile. With my tongue, I drew the outline of the neck slowly. My beard rubbed her skin and Annabel shrunk her neck. Releasing the chandelier, I used my other hand to pull the cape and sleeve away from the sweater. I was drawing a line from his shoulder to the curve of his neck. I kissed her face and nibbled her ear until I heard her moan. I started nibbling at his neck and shoulder, squeezing his hair from the back of his head. Annabel held my underwear tightly and tightly. I took the opportunity to gently pull her hair and when she gave me access, I took her lips in a voluptuous kiss. I continued the torture by using one of my free hands to touch his breast. I alternated the side of the neck and untied the cape. I untied the knots in my sweater and turned it around in front of me. I took Annabel in my arms and took her to bed while kissing her. She held on to my hair while invading her mouth with my tongue in a sensual dance.

  Annabel passed her hands over my shoulders and arms. She pant again when I left her lips to kiss her lap and went down to her breasts. I pulled the sweater by her arms and released the two delicate mountains, which went up and down as she breathed. Annabel held her breath when I touched the beak of one of her breasts with the tip of my tongue. She grabbed my hair and groaned when I chewed and then sucked gently. She twisted in my arms bowing her body and giving me even more access. I finished taking off my sweater and followed the trail from his abdomen to his navel with my tongue. I enjoyed every second, kissing, nibbling and licking every inch of your skin. No hurry, then, I wanted to make every moment count. We had until dawn and the rest of our lives to enjoy each other's pleasure.


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