Book Read Free

Protector Dragon

Page 10

by Liv Rider


  “Don’t worry.” He raised his head to smile at Thomas. “Just surprised, that’s all. It’s fine. You can go for two.”

  Thomas looked skeptical, but two fingers went in without too much effort.

  “Told you.” He was panting now, the sensations building up inside of him as they always did.

  “Tell me when you’re ready,” Thomas said, as he kept fingering Joel and preparing him. “Tell me when you want me to do something else.”

  Joel rocked his hips, letting out a soft moan when the fingers felt even better. “Mmm, this is fine. Very fine.”

  “I bet.” Thomas leaned down to kiss Joel’s knee, then kept going up his thigh until he could close his lips around Joel’s cock again.

  “Ah!” Joel shuddered, gripping the sheet underneath him tight. “Oh fuck…” He moaned, then reached with one hand to grab Thomas’ shoulder. “This is good,” he panted. “This is great.”

  It felt amazing. It felt perfect. Thomas knew exactly where and how to touch him to turn Joel into a puddle of bliss.

  He couldn’t let this go on for too long, or he’d definitely come down Thomas’ throat. The thought made him shiver. Some other time. Some other time, after he’d returned the favor and made Thomas feel this amazing. “Wait. Stop.” He pushed against Thomas’ shoulder.

  “Hmm?” Thomas looked up after releasing his cock. “Joel?”

  “Get the condom. I’m ready.”

  “If you’re sure.” Thomas trailed off, giving Joel’s cock a last look as if he was sad he no longer got to suck it. He gently pulled his fingers out, then sat up to remove his boxers.

  Joel got his first eyeful of Thomas’ hard cock and his eyes widened. “Oh.”

  Thomas dropped his boxers on the floor. “What?” He caught Joel’s eye, then looked down at his cock. “Um, I can go back to preparing you?”

  Joel shook his head. “That won’t make your dick any smaller.” He spread his thighs. “Go on. Maybe use some more lube to be safe.”

  It took Thomas some time to put the condom on, and he muttered under his breath about his slick fingers. Once he was done, he looked so pleased that Joel had to snort with amusement. “Oh, like you could’ve done it faster,” Thomas told him, kneeling between Joel’s legs.

  “Probably not.” He had his own experience with slick fingers making things more difficult. “I’m very proud of you for managing it.”

  Thomas shook his head as he inched forward. The tip of his dick brushed against Joel’s ass. “Thanks.” His tone was dry as he looked down. He wrapped one hand around his cock.

  Joel couldn’t really see from this angle, but he could feel the blunt tip push against the skin between his cheeks, then against his hole. “That’s it.”

  Thomas slowly pushed forward, but even with the slick lube it didn’t go in easily.

  Joel closed his eyes, focusing on breathing out and relaxing as much as possible. It was so much thicker than the finger, but he knew it would fit inside eventually. “Keep pushing.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’ll let you know if it does.”

  Thomas pushed, and it did hurt for a split-second.

  Joel hissed, squirming a little. “Try again.”

  It went better the second time. Thomas had to rock back and forth a few times before the tip was inside and Joel could hear his rough breathing.

  “Okay,” Joel managed, opening his eyes, “slow and steady, please.” It still hurt a little, which at least meant he wasn’t as close to coming as he’d been before. He focused on that and on how much better it would soon feel, on how patient and kind Thomas was being, on how everything else had felt amazing so far.

  “Got it.” Thomas moved slowly, his eyes going from their groins to Joel’s face, watching for any sign of discomfort. When he was a few inches deeper inside, he moved forward, hands on either side of Joel’s shoulders.

  Joel raised his upper body to lean in for the kiss. It was awkward, but the quick peck made him smile. He settled back down, breathing in and out slowly, gasping when Thomas pushed in deeper.

  “Too fast?”

  Joel nodded, seeing the concern in Thomas’ eyes. “I don’t have shifter healing.” He meant it as a joke, but Thomas’ expression became more serious.

  “I should’ve remembered. You’re not in pain, are you?”

  “No more than I can take.”

  Thomas narrowed his eyes. “Joel.”

  “No more than expected. Keep going.”

  Thomas rocked back and forth a few times, then pushed in deeper. “I don’t want you to be in any pain at all.”

  “Then you’ll have to get a smaller cock,” Joel managed, making Thomas laugh.

  Laughing meant Thomas was moving his hips without being too aware of it, driving his cock even deeper.

  Joel moaned, because oh, that feeling was what he’d been hoping for. He moved his own hips slightly, searching for the best angle. “There, like that.”

  If Thomas was surprised that Joel had gone from mild discomfort to moaning in pleasure, he didn’t say it. He pulled back a little, then pushed in again.

  Joel moaned louder at that. Yes, this was definitely the right angle, and Thomas’ dick was starting to feel amazing inside of him. This was what he wanted. This was what he needed. “You can go, oh, faster, if you like.”

  Thomas groaned, nodding as he rocked his hips back and forth. “Okay, okay, if you’re sure.”

  “Uh huh.” Joel whimpered at the next thrust, and the one after that. He had never felt like this before.

  Thomas lowered himself, leaning on his elbows as he pushed in deeper, moving to get more comfortable.

  Joel raised his knees, wrapping his thighs around Thomas’ waist, then gasped as the slight change in position drove Thomas’ cock further inside of him.

  Thomas went still, panting against Joel’s neck. “Okay?”

  “More than okay.” He wrapped his arms around Thomas as well, wanting to touch him, wanting to feel his body against his own. “Keep going. Do it.”

  Thomas kissed his neck, groaning as he pushed in deeper. “You feel so good.”

  “So do you.” He kissed Thomas’ temple. “So good. So great.”

  The next thrust pushed Thomas in to the hilt, and he shuddered on top of Joel. He stayed like that for a moment, nuzzling Joel’s neck, then began to thrust.

  Joel rocked his hips to meet Thomas’ thrusts as much as possible, but he was clinging tightly to the other man. He wanted to be as close as possible, feel him everywhere, inhale his scent.

  Thomas groaned with every thrust, his arms pressed against Joel’s sides as he kept moving.

  Joel closed his eyes, letting the sensations fill his body and mind. Every thrust added to the pleasure coursing through his veins until he was sure he was going to burst with it, and then it kept going.

  It kept going until he couldn’t take it anymore. “Thomas, please.”

  He wasn’t sure what he was begging for, but Thomas pressed kisses against his neck.

  “I’m here, Joel. I’m here.” Thomas’ breathing was as rough as his own.

  The next thrust pushed Joel over the edge. His vision turned white and he was sure he saw stars as he came, gasping and moaning. Pleasure took over, filling him with light and warmth. The feeling faded far too quickly, and he clung to Thomas, panting as Thomas kept thrusting.

  He knew Thomas was close as well. Joel kept stroking his back, his hair, anywhere he could reach. Everything felt so good.

  Thomas’ thrusts sped up, harder and deeper, and Joel felt Thomas’ hot breath against his neck. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, Thomas, yes.”

  Thomas groaned, thrusting in hard and shuddering in Joel’s arms as he came. Joel kept stroking his hair and pressed a kiss against his temple. They stayed like that for a moment, tangled up in each other, but then Joel’s body protested at Thomas’ weight.

  “Can you move?” He pushed gently again
st Thomas’ arm.

  “Do I have to?” Thomas’ voice was muffled by Joel’s shoulder.


  Thomas let out a tired groan, then slowly pulled out of Joel’s ass before sliding over to lie next to him. He dropped the condom on the floor, then wrapped one arm around Joel’s waist. “Hey.” His voice was soft as he nuzzled Joel’s cheek.

  “Hey.” Joel turned his head to give Thomas a lazy kiss. “Mmm.” His body was still thrumming from his orgasm. He moved slightly to cuddle up to Thomas.

  Thomas rolled over to lie on his back, bringing Joel with him. “That was…”

  “Definitely.” Joel closed his eyes, resting his head on Thomas’ chest. He could hear Thomas’ heartbeat, strong and steady. Thomas ran one hand up and down his arm, holding him close.

  “I’m glad you came home with me. I mean, not that I wouldn’t have wanted to go back to your place,” Thomas added, “but I like having you here.”

  “Me too.” Joel squirmed to get more comfortable as his arm went around Thomas.

  “It’s a shame we both have to work tomorrow… we could’ve spent the day together. Not in bed, obviously. Or at least, not the whole day. Maybe just the morning.”

  Joel hummed noncommittally.



  “Are you tired?”

  Joel smiled, keeping his eyes closed. “I just had a mind-blowing orgasm, so yeah, I’m gonna take a nap, if you don’t mind.” Thomas’ chest moved as the other man laughed.

  “That’s fine.”

  Joel felt a kiss pressed against his hair, but then Thomas started to move away. “What’re you doing?”

  “Grabbing the cover.” Thomas pulled it up to cover them both. “There.”

  Joel settled back down against Thomas. “Okay, that is better.”

  Thomas held him close. “Sleep well.”

  “You too.” Joel found himself drifting off, feeling completely content.

  He felt a little disoriented when he woke up the next day. In his sleep, he’d turned away from Thomas and was now facing the door. He blinked, ran a hand through his hair, then stretched. He still couldn’t believe how good it had been last night.


  Thomas’ happy voice behind him started him. “Hey!” He gave Thomas a smile.

  “Slept well?”

  “Very well.” Much better than he usually did the first time he stayed over with a boyfriend. “Your bed is awesome.”

  “Hmm, and here I was hoping to take some credit.”

  “You’re awesome too.” He leaned in to kiss Thomas, moving to get closer to him as the kiss deepened.

  Thomas pulled away. “What time is it?”

  Joel checked the alarm clock. “A quarter past nine.”

  Thomas groaned, closing his eyes for moment. “I’ve got that meeting at eleven… I still need to finish reading everything and get there, so I need to leave around ten.”

  “Ten’s fine.” That would leave him with enough time for a quick shower and breakfast.

  “I don’t like having to ask you to leave so soon.” Thomas pulled Joel in for another kiss. “It feels wrong.”

  Joel smiled. Thomas really was a sweetheart. “You’re offering me breakfast, so you’re already ahead of several other guys.”

  “I should hope so. I should hope I’m ahead of all of them.”

  “You’ll have to do better than cereal,” Joel teased, kissing him again. “Much better.”

  “Whatever you want,” Thomas told him. “Next time.”

  His heart jumped at the mention of ‘next time.’ “I’ll hold you to that. Now, where’s your bathroom? I should take a shower.”

  “It’s down the—” Thomas’ eyes widened, then he grinned. “I should get a shower too.”

  Joel knew exactly what Thomas was thinking. “I don’t know if sharing a shower would get you out the door before the ten.”

  “Hmm, good point. Next time, though…”

  “Next time.” They kissed again, Joel happily letting himself fall back into Thomas’ arms until the other man pulled away again.

  “Okay, I’m going to have a quick shower,” Thomas told him, “and then I will make you the best cereal you’ve ever had.”

  Thomas’ bathroom was, of course, also bigger than Joel’s. It even had a bath, which Joel filed away for ‘next time.’ He was sure Thomas was willing to share that too. His resolve to not share the shower almost fell apart at seeing Thomas move around the bathroom, still damp from his own shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, telling him where everything was.

  It was ridiculous. He had seen Thomas naked, but somehow seeing him glistening and wearing nothing but a towel was kicking Joel’s libido into overdrive.

  “You’re good for your shower?” Thomas beamed down at him.

  Joel nodded. He had brought his clothes with him from the bedroom and was using them to cover his groin. “Yeah.”

  Thomas kissed him again. “Next time, we’re definitely sharing.”

  “We’re going to need several next times, because I’ve got plans for your bath.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Thomas caressed his cheek, giving him a quick kiss before stepping away. “I’ll have breakfast ready when you come out.”

  Joel nodded and decided that he would have the fastest shower he’d ever had. And also a cold one.

  “Okay, when you said you just had cereal…” Joel trailed off, gesturing at the bowl in front of him. He sat at the kitchen table while Thomas put down a mug of a coffee in front of him and handed him a spoon. “I thought it’d just be cereal with milk.” Instead, the bowl was filled with yogurt, cereal as promised, a handful of blueberries, and some sliced-up strawberries.

  “You’d prefer that?” Thomas looked uncertain as he was about to sit down opposite Joel.

  “No! I mean, sure, cereal with milk is fine too, but this is awesome.” It was twenty to ten now, so he had time to enjoy his breakfast and coffee before having to leave.

  “Good.” Thomas smiled in relief, but he still looked nervous. “Joel, there’s something I should tell you.”

  “Oh?” He stuck his spoon in the bowl, but didn’t dare eat. His stomach had turned to lead. That sentence never boded well.

  “Nothing bad,” Thomas quickly assured him. “That doesn’t help, does it?”

  “Not really.”

  Thomas took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “I thought I’d have more time to think about how to tell you this, but this feels like the right time, now that we’ve slept together. Besides, I don’t think I could keep it to myself for much longer anyway.”

  “Keep what to yourself?”

  “That we’re mates.”

  Joel stared at him. His hand was frozen around the spoon, still stuck in the mix of fruit and cereal and yogurt.

  They were mates? But he was human. He couldn’t have a fated mate.

  “What?” he managed.

  Thomas buried his head in his hands. “That wasn’t the right way to tell you either!” He made a frustrated noise. “This isn’t going well.”

  “We’re mates?” It didn’t make sense. “Like. Fated mates? Destined to be together mates?”

  “Yes,” Thomas said firmly, now looking at him. “Do you know what it means?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I learned about it. I didn’t think… I mean, I’m human,” he replied, gesturing at Thomas.

  Thomas shrugged. “That’s happened plenty of times before.”

  Joel was still feeling overwhelmed. Thomas sat silently across from, watching him and waiting. His own thoughts were a jumbled mess, torn between denial, confusion and the relief that it explained why Thomas had been so interested in him from the start. It explained why Thomas had been so persistent and understanding. Thomas had known from the moment they met.

  From what he remembered, once a fated couple had found each other, only death and disaster could tear them apart. The love, trust, and certainty betw
een them was that strong. He wondered if he’d ever feel the connection as strongly as Thomas did. He hoped so.

  “Okay.” He nodded. “Okay.”

  Thomas raised his eyebrows. “That’s your response? ‘Okay’?”

  “What else am I supposed to say? You’re sure, with your shifter instincts and senses and—and whatever, but I’m not. I trust that you’re not lying or bullshitting me about this, but I don’t have instincts telling me you’re the one for me.”

  “No, I suppose not.” Thomas’ shoulders sagged. “Sorry, I know this must all sound kinda weird to you, even if you know about shifters and true mates.”

  “I never expected it’d happen to me.” He’d been told it wouldn’t. Then again, compared to everything else, being lied to by a teacher wasn’t even the worst thing that had happened to him.

  “I was hoping to find mine, but I didn’t expect it either,” Thomas admitted. “I definitely didn’t expect my mate to be human. I figured it’d be another dragon shifter.”

  “Right.” Of course Thomas had expected that. No one wanted to be stuck with a human for a mate. He looked down at his bowl of cereal.


  Joel looked up at him again. “What?”

  “That came out wrong. I didn’t want my mate to be a dragon shifter. I wasn’t hoping for it. It seemed logical. But you being human… I think that’s actually even better.”

  “Better?” he echoed, confused. How could it be better?

  “You’ve got nothing to do with shifters. My entire day is filled with shifters, their problems and concerns. Most of my evenings are too, if I’m honest. I need someone to pull me away from that, to show me there’s more. I need a better balance between my job and…” He gestured vaguely. “The rest of my life. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I went to the movies before last night?”

  “No?” Why was Thomas asking him?

  “Neither do I!” Thomas sat back in his chair. “I’ve been so busy with work that even when I have time to relax, I still spend it with friends talking about work.” He took a sip from his coffee. “For the past few years, my whole life has revolved around shifters, so I think it’s good that the most important person in my life isn’t a shifter.”


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