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Hating to Love You (Houston's Finest #1)

Page 16

by Erin Rylie

  Sophie felt her jaw clench. “Ugh, of course that piece of trash would have a nice dick.”

  Reese had been Becky’s high school sweetheart, and to say that their past together was troubled would be an incredible understatement. If Sophie ever saw that fucker again, she’d lay him out flat.

  “You haven’t heard from him or anything, have you?” Kelsey asked cautiously.

  Becky shook her head. “No, the last I heard, he was living in Dallas.”

  At just the mention of Reese, Sophie’s brash, confident friend had fallen silent, a contemplative look overtaking her features. Sophie clapped her hands and stood.

  “Ladies, I think it’s time for the cake!”

  “I’m all about cake,” Kelsey said, “but what is the occasion? I wouldn’t be surprised if you pulled out pie...but cake?”

  Sophie smiled. “Well, Rafe and I went to the doctor’s office this morning, and we got some news. News that had me rush-ordering a cake with a color-dyed interior.”

  Her friends looked confused for a moment, not picking up on Sophie’s hint immediately. She saw the moment Becky realized what she was talking about, her face lighting up as she jumped from the couch. “You know the sex of the baby? Get that fucking cake, woman!”

  She laughed and stood up to grab the cake from the fridge, snatching a few plates from the cabinet, and spoons and a cutting knife from the drawer while she was at it. When she walked back into the living room, the expectant looks on her friends’ faces were almost comical. Apparently they were as excited as she was. She placed the cake on the coffee table, setting the plates and utensils next to it. Kelsey and Becky looked at each other, coming to some silent agreement, before Becky picked up the knife to cut into the cake.

  She’d gone simple: the cake was covered in delicious white buttercream frosting and had a strawberry-flavored interior. She was almost as excited to eat it as she was to share it with her friends. Kelsey squealed when Becky began cutting into the cake, the pink of the sponge becoming almost immediately visible.

  Within seconds, Kelsey and Becky’s arms were around her in a group hug so cheesy it could rival a Disney movie. She didn’t care though; these two girls meant more to her than anyone in the world. When they pulled away, she realized Kelsey was crying.

  “You realize what this means, right? Our kids are so getting married. James will come to accept his arranged marriage eventually.”

  Sophie laughed. “Kels, you’ve been reading way too much romance. Betrothals are not a thing anymore.”

  Becky, never one to stay out of a conversation involving romance novels, jumped right in. “Hey, I just read a series set in modern times with a betrothed couple.”

  Kelsey shot Sophie a look that clearly said, See? I’m always right.

  “The main character was a demon, though, so I’m not a hundred percent sure that counts.”

  Sophie sighed, feigning exasperation. “You two are impossible. This is proof that you’ll turn literally any conversation into a romance novel discussion.”

  Her friends both scoffed, and Becky rolled her eyes. “You are just as much of a romance fiend as we are, woman.”

  “This is so off topic it isn’t even funny.” Kelsey laughed. “You’re having a girl! We will be sure to raise her on cult classics and romance novels.”

  “Is there any other way to raise a child?” Sophie asked, keeping her face as serious as possible before bursting out laughing.

  Becky returned to the cake, cutting them each a slice and serving it on plates. When they were all seated and eating, Becky turned to face her on the couch.

  “So, tell me. How are things with Rafe, really? Is he excited to be a father? Are you two serious? How’s the sex?”

  Sophie laughed, taking a bite of cake to give herself a moment to think before answering. “He really is incredible. It all feels too good to be true, and I’m just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. I’ve never had a successful relationship in my life; there is no way I just stumbled into one now. And the sex is out of this fucking world. Hands down the best I’ve ever had.”

  “He seems to be pretty serious about you, Soph. I know your exes have been awful, but I’m really proud of you for giving this a shot,” Kelsey replied, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. It’s fucking terrifying. My first instinct is to run for the hills, you know? This would all be so much simpler if he was just some guy I was dating, but a ruined relationship with the father of my child? What if he doesn’t love me, or he cheats, or we break up for any number of other reasons? We will still be in each other’s lives forever.”

  Becky jumped in, stopping her from rambling further. “Alright, let’s say you didn’t date him. Let’s say you ended it now and you two just raised this child together. Eventually, he’s going to date someone else, maybe even get married. Can you honestly imagine seeing him start a life with another woman? Because you will see it. Your daughter ensures you’ll have a front row seat. Can you handle watching that happen, knowing that you lost your chance with him because you were scared? People break up, Sophie. It happens. But if you end things before they really start, I guarantee you’ll regret it.”

  “I’ve seen you two together, Sophie,” Kelsey said. “He looks at you like you’re his whole damn world. Having been here through all of your dating mishaps, I can say with complete certainty that he is nothing like anyone you’ve dated before.”

  Sophie mulled over their words and imagined seeing Rafe with another woman. Her chest hurt at the thought of him touching anyone but her, giving someone else his silent comfort, his sleepy smiles. She rubbed at the pain in her chest as though that could ease the ache. Her friends were right—she didn’t want to be with anyone else, and she sure as hell didn’t want Rafe with anyone else.

  Her phone rang from the coffee table, startling her from her thoughts. When she saw Rafe’s name on the screen she smiled. Cult classic night was sacred, though, and she wasn’t about to break their cardinal rule: No Dicks Allowed. Before she could reach over to silence the phone, Kelsey picked it up and swiped to answer.

  “Hey lover boy, when are you getting your sexy ass over here?”

  Becky and Sophie burst out in laughter, and then watched as Kelsey’s face flushed brightly. “Oh, hi, Carlos. Why are you calling Sophie on Rafe’s phone?”

  Her friend sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “Oh, right. Yeah, she told me the news. Did you know that women in biblical times gave birth standing on two bricks? They were called birthing bricks.”

  Sophie needed to save her friend immediately; who knew what kind of random history she’d spout if left on the phone with Carlos much longer. She stood and reached over to grab the phone from Kelsey’s ear, putting it to her own instead.

  “Hey Carlos, what’s going on?”

  “Not much, shortcake, just learning about birthing bricks—a pretty standard night for me.”

  Sophie laughed. “So I’m guessing Rafe told you the news, yes?”

  “We’re having a girl! Should I go pick up a shotgun now? Uncle Carlos is gonna have to chase the boys away somehow.”

  “I’m sure you and Rafe will come up with some way to keep boys away from her. Speaking of, is Rafe there?”

  “What, my conversation isn’t scintillating enough for you? I’ll grab him for you, but I’m fucking offended, Sophie.”

  She rolled her eyes, but chuckled when she heard Carlos through the now muffled phone line. If she had to guess, she’d say he was covering the speaker with his hand and yelling across the room at his partner.

  “Hey, Officer Pencil Dick! Your baby momma wants to talk to you!”

  She heard a shuffle and a muffled, “Fuck, man, that hurt,” from Carlos before Rafe’s smooth voice came through the line.

  “I’m going to fucking murder him. He just yelled that shit across the damn precinct. Everyone in roll call heard him.” Rafe growled.

  “I mean, you could
always whip it out and prove him wrong.”

  “Why, Ms. Klein, I’ll have you know that’s considered indecent exposure.”

  Sophie blushed and turned her body away from her friends, not quite wanting them to hear what she said next. “You could just indecently expose yourself to me instead,” she whispered.

  “Dammit, Sophie, I’ve told you how uncomfortable it is to get hard in these fucking polyester pants. I’m about to leave work now. Can I come over?”

  Sophie turned back to her friends, taking in the half-eaten Mexican food, the cake, and the cult classic still playing on the TV.

  “I can’t tonight. It’s cult classic night. Chicks before dicks and all that.”

  Before he had a chance to respond, Becky pulled the phone from her hand. “Sophie will be at your place in thirty. Dress sexy.” Becky listened to Rafe’s response and disconnected the call, throwing the phone across the couch at Sophie.

  “Dear Lord in heaven, that man’s voice gets me all kinds of hot and bothered,” she said, fanning herself.

  “What the hell, Becky? I can’t ditch you guys on girls’ night.”

  “Sure you can.” Kelsey shrugged. “Maybe you could grow a pair and say the L-word to him tonight. Or, you could just indecently expose yourself.”

  Sophie threw the small pillow next to her across the room, nailing Kelsey in the head. “You’re the actual worst. I need new friends.”

  Becky reached over and shoved her lightly. “Get your ass up, woman. We’re officially kicking you out.”

  Sophie chewed on the inside of her cheek. She didn’t want to ditch her friends, but she did really want to see Rafe. Plus, they were practically pushing her out the door. “We’ve never stayed at his house before, and I’ve only been there once. I didn’t even go inside, and I definitely don’t remember how to get there.”

  “Good thing he’s going to text you his address then,” Becky replied. “Stop making excuses and get your fucking ass over there.”

  Sophie held her hands up, “Fine, fine.” Becky slapped her ass as she walked by, and she grinned. She really did have the best friends.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sophie pulled up to Rafe’s building, parking in one of the spots indicated for visitors. It was a gated complex, so she called him as she got out of her car, heading to the main entrance. The apartment building was all brick and was surrounded by a wrought iron fence. She pulled open the large gate and ascended the stairs leading to the small, gated doorway to get into the actual complex. He picked up on the second ring and said he would be down to let her in in just a moment.

  A few moments later, she saw him walking toward her, sweats slung low on his hips and a tight athletic T-shirt hugging his upper body. She felt her core clench and her nipples pebble in her sports bra. She’d like to blame her intense reaction on pregnancy hormones, but she knew it was just him. Rafe was mouthwateringly sexy, and she found herself wanting him day and night.

  He opened the gate and let her in, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his body to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Hey gorgeous,” he murmured, his lips brushing hers a second time.

  Before she could sink into it, he pulled her through the complex’s courtyard toward the stairs. The building was beautiful—two stories of apartments looking down on a pool and barbeque area in the center of the courtyard. They walked up to the second story, and Rafe led her to an apartment with a dark-stained wooden door.

  He opened the door and gestured for her to walk in before him. His apartment had hardwood floors and a warm, masculine feel. It was decorated in grays and blacks, with a large leather sofa and flat screen television. Before she could inspect it further, she felt something furry brush across her legs. Sophie jumped in alarm, gripping Rafe’s arm tightly.

  He laughed and bent down to pick up an orange ball of fluff. “Sophie, this is Socks. I swear, he’s harmless.”

  “You have a cat?”

  “Hey, what’s so shocking about that? I don’t like to come home to an empty apartment, and I’m not home nearly enough to have a dog. I started feeding Socks a few years ago; he was just a stray in the neighborhood,” he said, rubbing the cat under his chin. “He decided to stay here with me, and the rest is history.”

  Sophie’s heart clenched at his words. Of course he didn’t want to come back to an empty apartment; he wanted a family to fill his home. This man continued to surprise her at every turn. She reached over and let Socks sniff her fingers carefully before petting him. After a few moments, he apparently decided he’d had enough and jumped out of Rafe’s arms, tearing across the apartment like his tail was on fire.

  Rafe reached for Sophie’s purse, placing it on the couch and lacing his fingers through hers. “Do you want the full tour?”

  “As long as this tour ends in your bedroom, I’m in.”

  He shook his head. “Really, Sophie. I’m more than a piece of meat, you know.”

  She rolled her eyes and followed him through the apartment. He kept it clean, and she wasn’t the least bit surprised to find his fridge fully stocked with healthy food. Not a pudding cup or slice of pie in sight. They reached a closed door and he stepped behind her, placing his hands on her hips and kissing her shoulder lightly.

  “I think you should open this door first, babe.”

  Sophie threw a confused look over her shoulder before twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open. What she saw in the room took her breath away. It was a fully furnished nursery. She stepped over the threshold into the room, flipping the light switch on as she went. There was a plush gray rug on the floor, and a dark wood crib was pushed against the far wall. The window was already fitted with a blackout curtain, and he had purchased a dark wood changing table and rocking chair to match the crib. She noticed that the walls were bare and wondered if he had plans for those. Now that they knew they’d be having a daughter, she could picture this room filled with pale pink to complement the grays.

  She turned around and found Rafe leaning against the doorjamb, a soft smile gracing his lips. Sophie walked across the room and wrapped her arms around him, placing a gentle kiss over his heart.

  “When did you do this, Rafe?”

  “Well, I moved into a two-bedroom unit as soon as I found out you were pregnant. I’ve been kind of furnishing the room over the last few weeks. I didn’t want to do too much until we knew the gender. I thought maybe you’d like to help me decorate the room?”

  She stood on her tiptoes and brought her lips to his, kissing him before pulling back to look into his clear blue eyes. “I would love to help you decorate it. Maybe we can go get some stuff tomorrow morning?”

  A blinding smile took over Rafe’s face. “That sounds nice.” He paused, cupping her face in his hands, his eyes flicking over her face. He swallowed before continuing, “I know you have your house, but James and Kelsey are taking up your spare bedrooms, and I’m not sure what your plans are there. Maybe if we’re at that point when the baby comes, you’d consider moving in here? With me? I know it isn’t a house, but it’s pretty spacious and I think we could be happy here for a few years. At least until I can afford to put a down payment on a house for us.”

  “You already think of these things?”

  “I know how I feel about you, Soph. This is still pretty new and I won’t rush you, but I know that I want to wake up with you and our daughter every morning.”

  She wasn’t sure she was ready to live with him just yet, but she was open to discussing it. She was just barely into her second trimester, so they had some time to think things through. She was willing to admit to herself that she loved him, but moving in was a huge step. The last time she’d lived with someone, she’d come home to find him fucking another woman. It was hard to move past that, but she did need to come up with a plan before the baby was born. She knew Kelsey wasn’t ready to leave just yet, and she certainly didn’t want to displace James. The poor little guy was going through enough changes right now.
  “I think it’s something we can talk about.”

  Rafe smiled broadly before grabbing her by her hips, pulling her into the warmth of his body. She placed her hands on his chest, one over his heart, and looked at him. The warmth in his eyes threatened to steal her breath; the depth of her feelings for this man both terrified and thrilled her. He was caring, thoughtful, and he made her laugh on a regular basis. She’d never been in a relationship that felt this easy.

  She didn’t realize that she’d dropped her gaze until she felt Rafe’s hand under her chin, tilting it up so that he could take in her features.

  “Where’d you go?”

  She smiled softly. “I was just thinking about how right this feels. I’ve never been in a relationship that felt this easy.”

  Rafe gasped and clutched a hand to his chest. “Are you calling me easy? I’ll have you know I’m still a virgin.”

  Sophie raised her eyebrows and moved his hand to her stomach.

  “So this was divine intervention, huh?”

  He rubbed his hand over the baby bump before dropping to his knees. He kissed her stomach lightly a few times.

  “You are already so loved, little girl. I can’t wait to meet you, hold you, and spoil you. Your mom says I have to read you Harry Potter, so you’ll probably come out a little nerdy, but that’s okay—your mom’s nerdiness is one of the things I love about her.”

  Sophie sucked in a sharp breath at the sound of the word love on Rafe’s lips. Was it possible he felt the same way she did? The words were on the tip of her tongue when she felt movement in her womb. Rafe gasped, placing his other hand on her stomach.

  “Sophie, did you feel that? Did she just kick?”

  Sophie laughed and joined him on the floor, placing one hand on the growing bump. “Keep talking, Rafe. I want to feel that again.”

  “Alright my little avocado, want to hear a secret? I haven’t even told your mom this one yet.” He looked at Sophie, his dimple making an appearance as he offered her a small smile. “I am hopelessly, ridiculously in love with your mother. I love everything about her: her addiction to pie, her dry wit, her smile, her infectious laugh, and her abysmal cooking. You know, even first thing in the morning, without any makeup on, she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. In seventeen weeks, the two of you have become my whole entire world.”


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