Book Read Free


Page 3

by Penny Wylder

  I take more towels and swap them out, and dump some of the wet towels in the sink of the downstairs bathroom to ring them out. I swap them out again and finally seem to get a hold on most of the water. Edward has a flashlight and he’s peering up into the shattered plaster, trying to find the problem. “Anything?”

  “Yeah,” he says. “Combo problem. Looks like there was a leak from a pipe that’s been building for a while, and it finally burst through because water from the rain got through the roof and added to it. It shouldn’t be too hard of a fix. Slow leak for the most part.”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling a measure of relief. “So it’ll hold until we can call someone tomorrow.”

  “I’ve got it,” he says. “Don’t worry.”


  “Sure. I’m going to seal the leak in the pipe, but I’ll have to wait until tomorrow so that it’s dry, but I did some construction in the summers during college. This is nothing but a plaster job. The roof leak where the water got through might be a different story, but I’ll take a look and see if there’s anything I can do.”

  I’m stunned into silence, just…staring at him. “Wow.”


  “That’s just…really nice of you. You don’t have to do that.”

  Edward smirks as he reaches up into the hole and I hear a noise that sounds like tightening. “What are neighbors for?”

  Oh God, what a loaded question. Neighbors could be for lots of things. Especially when he’s looking wet and delicious like that. Playing the knight in shining armor role seems to come pretty naturally to him, and I can’t say that I mind.

  He pulls his arm out of the hole and smiles. “That should hold the pipe. I imagine it’s probably been just a drip-by-drip leak for a while.”

  “I seriously owe you one.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “How am I allowed to collect?”

  I laugh at the same time that my gut tightens. There are a lot of ways that I’d let him collect. “Anything within reason.”

  He doesn’t hesitate. “Go on a date with me.”

  My breath catches in my chest. Suddenly the reality that he’s interested in me is real. Holy shit. “You want that?”

  “I do,” he takes a step closer, reaching out and tucking a strand of damp hair behind my ear. “I would very much like to get to know you, Julia Palmer.”

  I’m not breathing at all. It’s completely gone. And when he leans down to kiss me, I think that I’ve gone a little crazy. I don’t even realize how cold I’ve become from the rain until I feel the fire of his lips. The first touch is soft, gentle, and then entirely not. He consumes my lips, and I let him. Edward’s hand curls around my neck lifting my face to his as he deepens the kiss, and suddenly we’re pressed up against each other.

  His other arm falls around my back, and I love the sheer solid size of him, combined with his heat that burns through my clothes. This is what people mean by seeing fireworks. Pleasure shivers down my spine, and I breathe him in deeper until I have no choice but to gasp for air.

  “Holy shit,” I say. The sound he makes in response is dark and full of lustful promise. “Is this what you meant?” I ask. “When you said you didn’t mind me staring?”


  “How long?”

  He laughs softly, breath brushing my lips, and he kisses them again. “Years.”

  “Fuck. Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re doing it now. And you didn’t give me an answer.”

  I tilt my fact back in order to see him. “To what?”

  “Go on a date with me.”

  Laughing, I press myself against him more. “I would have thought that kissing you back was your answer.”

  “I like to be very clear,” he says. But he takes the opportunity to kiss me again.

  “Yes,” I breathe against his lips.

  “Good.” Without warning he pulls back, standing away from me so that we’re no longer touching and I’m suddenly very cold again. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “You can stay,” I say.

  He smirks. “We both know what happens if I do.”

  “Is that so bad?” I raise an eyebrow.

  Edward’s eyes go dark with the possibilities. “Believe me, it’s not. But I’d rather not have your mother burst in on us together.”

  Fuck. I know that he’s right, but I wish it weren’t true. “You could stay anyway.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” he says. “Bright and early.” Taking one last look at the ceiling to make sure it’s not leaking, he disappears out the door, and I’m left staring after him in the rain.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to have my roof cave in.



  Holy shit did that actually just happen? Did Edward Werlin just kiss me? The flock of butterflies in my stomach could be a thunderstorm like the one outside. My knees go weak and I have to lean against the wall. God, I want to go after him into the storm, but he’s right. I have no idea when my mom will be home and based on yesterday, I don’t think that she’d exactly warm to finding him in the house.

  Even if he wasn’t fucking me—which is what I would prefer.

  The leak is down to a drip now, so I empty the dish pan that’s still full and place an empty one beneath it. I put a fresh towel down too and do my best to make sure the floor is dry. I toss all the wet towels in the laundry and start it—God knows what is in that water—and go change my clothes before settling back on the couch. A note isn’t going to cut it when my mom walks in and finds that her ceiling has collapsed.

  I turn on my show again, but I can’t focus on it, and I can’t imagine trying to fall asleep right now. All I can think about is Edward’s lips on mine. The fierce pressure of his mouth and the way I opened for him like our lips were tailor made for each other.

  The sheer confidence as he pulled me in makes my stomach do flips, and I want more. God, everything. I’m going to see him tomorrow, but tomorrow seems like too far away.

  But maybe it doesn’t have to be. I go into the kitchen, and find the paper that’s suddenly popped into my head. A year ago my mom went on a mission to make sure everyone in the neighborhood had everyone else’s phone number. Including cell phones. I’m not sure how she managed it, but a piece of paper with most people’s phone numbers now hangs on the bulletin board.

  Supposedly it’s for emergencies. I would classify this as an emergency—because I’m horny enough that I’m about to call 911. Grabbing my phone, I enter his number and send the message.

  Edward? It’s Julia.

  There’s the little symbol for typing and his message comes back almost immediately.

  Is everything okay? Did the leak start again?

  No. I type. I just...didn’t want to wait until morning.

  There’s more typing.

  That is a pity. But I look forward to seeing you in your window in the morning.

  I can’t believe you saw me watching. Not going to lie, it’s a little embarrassing.

  Don’t be embarrassed, he replies. Why would I mind having a beautiful woman watch me? Unless there’s another reason?

  Do I admit what happened?

  Maybe there is another reason.

  Edward sends a smirking emoji and I can just see the face he’s making at his phone.

  Are you going to tell me what it is?

  I pause long enough that he sends another message.

  I’ll go first. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you got back. I want to bury my hands in your hair and watch as you suck me off. I want to hear the way your voice sounds when you moan. I want to be the one to make you feel everything. And more than that, I want to get to know you now. See what makes you happy.

  For the second time this evening my breath catches in my chest. I’m suddenly so wet and so wanting it’s everything I can do not to get up off the couch and walk out the front door to him.

nbsp; Oh my God. The sweetness mixed with the blunt sensuality of what he wants bowls me over.


  Your turn, he writes. Tell me the other reason.

  I take a deep breath and start typing. Fair is fair, and if he wants those things from me, then I want him to know about the things I want from him.

  I imagined you turning around and coming back into your driveway. Climbing the ivy and coming through the window. After that...I’m sure you can fill in the picture.

  There’s a long pause.

  Christ. Yes, I can. I am.

  I have to put the phone down for a moment. I’m overwhelmed by arousal and need and I can’t even breathe right now, waiting to hear what he has to say. When I pick up the phone again, he’s still typing. And I watch as that infernal little bubble appears and disappear. And finally, just a short message.

  All the things I could say would just drive us both more crazy. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  God, I want to know all the things that he typed and erased. My mind is spinning with the possibilities.

  I want to know.

  And I want to tell you. But in person where I can see your breath catch and see you blush. Good night, Julia.


  Good night.

  One final text.

  My dreams will be of you.

  Oh my God. I flop back on the couch and put a pillow over my head and scream into it. Just yesterday this was a distant dream with nothing on the horizon. Now we’re hurtling towards each other and I know that we’re going to collide. It may not be tomorrow, but it will happen.

  And I can’t fucking wait.

  I hear the scrape of the key in the lock and sit up. Okay, now comes making sure that Mom doesn’t completely freak out. She steps through the door, and I watch her take in the towels and the ceiling and the bucket. “Shit.”

  “It’s okay,” I say. “It’s better than it was.”

  Mom glances at me. “What? How is it better? Julia, we can’t have a hole in the ceiling right now.”

  I stand and join her in the foyer. “I know. It’s okay. It was pouring through, and there wasn’t enough time to call you or a service, so I asked Edward.”

  Her head whips toward me and I can see the look on her face hardening, but I cut her off. “I know you don’t like him, and I don’t pretend to understand why, but he came right over and helped me stop the leak, and he even offered to fix the ceiling. I don’t even think he intends to make us pay for it. So the ceiling will be fine and no one will know.”

  She sighs, but she looks less angry than she did before. “Fine, he can fix it. That’s kind of him.”

  “It is,” I say. “And he didn’t even hesitate when I told him what was happening. He grabbed a bucket and a tool box and came straight over.”

  She hangs her coat up on the rack and sighs. “In that case I’m glad that he was home.” I’m not entirely sure that that’s true, but I’m not going to push it. “One of the donors asked me to go on a tour of their facilities tomorrow. I think it will help them give more if I go, so I’ll be heading out early.”

  “Okay. The dinner went well?”

  She smiles. “Yeah, I think so. As well as it could have gone for a completely untested charity venture. I’ll be eager to have this thing off the ground.”

  “Good,” I say, turning off the TV. “I’m going to head to bed.”

  “I should be back for dinner tomorrow at least,” she says, pulling me in for a hug. “Have a good day. With me out of the way you’ll even get to work on whatever room in the house you want to.”

  “That’s true,” I say. Though I think that I’ll probably be a little pre-occupied with Edward in the house. But if I have a chance to get ahead on this project so that we’re done with it, I honestly might take it.


  “Night, sweetie.”

  My phone feels like it’s burning in my hand as I walk up the stairs. I want to text him again and ask him to tell me. He’s right, whatever he would say to me would drive me crazy. But not knowing is driving me crazy too.

  I think that’s probably the way that he wants it. To keep me on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear what he’s going to say. But he said he was imagining what I said. How hard? Was he touching himself thinking about me?

  The thought stops me in my tracks and I have to close my eyes for a moment. My pussy is throbbing with need. I close my bedroom door and lock it, because like hell am I going to be disturbed right now.

  One thing’s for sure, my fingers are absolutely not going to cut it right now. Tonight is a night that I spend with my vibrator between my legs.



  When my alarm sounds in the morning I’m already awake. I could barely sleep after the text exchange with Julia. I had to cut it off because if I hadn’t, I would have told her exactly what I wanted to do to her. In exact detail. Not just the brief overview. As it was, I had to take matters into my own hands and finish. And thinking about her touching herself while thinking about me drove me mad.

  When she asked me to stay, I almost did. The feeling of her lips on mine was intoxicating, and her body fit against mine perfectly. Her curves under her soaked clothes were a map that I wanted to explore. Will explore. That’s the plan. Even if it isn’t today. I’m excited for more than just the physical. I can see glimpses of her humor and brilliance, and I want to uncover it all. But first, I have to make a trip to the store.

  I’m glad my parents made me get a job between my hours of internships in the summers. The skills I’ve learned doing construction have been helpful not only in being able to fix the house when things break, but I know that the patch on Julia’s ceiling is an easy task, and won’t take that long.

  I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and head out to my car, glancing up at her window as I go. She’s not looking down on me, but it’s earlier than usual and it’s Sunday. I’m not shocked that she’s still asleep. There’s a part of me that wants her to sleep and save her energy in case anything happens later.

  The door to the Palmer house opens, and Julia’s mother steps out. Jane Palmer is an intimidating woman, and she’s never made bones about the fact that she doesn’t like men. I know for a fact that hasn’t always been the case, but she has her reasons. That doesn’t change the fact that I want to take out her daughter. I can charm anyone, including Jane Palmer.

  I wave to her, and she stares at me for a moment before coming toward me. “Julia told me you’re willing to fix the ceiling.”

  “That’s right. On my way to buy supplies right now.”

  She stares at me hard. “Why?”

  “Julia told me you’re having a party soon, and I used to work construction. No sense in hiring a contractor when I can do it just as easily.”

  “Well that’s…kind of you,” she says.

  “It’s not a problem. And please, put me down for an invitation to your charity event. Werlin Venture is always looking for more charitable avenues to support.”

  Jane’s eyebrows rise into her hairline. “Your father’s company?”

  I nod. “He’s still the owner, but I am the CEO.”

  She goes still in surprise, and I take in her reaction. It’s common for people like Jane to be shocked at the fact that a twenty-six-year-old runs a company. Especially her, given her feelings towards me and my gender. “I hadn’t heard that. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I say. “I’m very curious about the charity and would love to come.”

  She nods. “I’ll make sure you’re on the list.”

  “Thanks. Have a good day!” I jog back toward my car as she watches. She hasn’t smiled once through the course of the conversation, but she looks less like she absolutely loathes me now. And that’s a good thing. There’s a little bounce in my step that stays with me as I hop into my car and as I make my way through the hardware store and grab everything I need. Plaster and spackle and a piece of drywall.

; I won’t lie that a little bit of my excitement comes from the fact that I saw Jane leaving. Hopefully that means I’ll get some alone time with Julia. I’m not sure what Jane’s hang-ups are. But navigating them isn’t going to be easy.

  When I pull back into my own driveway, I see her. Her dark hair is wild around her head and she’s leaning sleepily against the window. But when she sees me, her whole face lights up and she places her hand against the window. I wave, and the feeling I have when her smile hits me is crazy. It’s like I’ve consumed a ball of light and am carrying it around in my chest.

  I lift the bag of supplies and nod toward her door. My phone chirps in my pocket.

  Give me thirty minutes to get pretty.

  I type back.

  You’re already beautiful.

  She’s blushing so hard that I can see it from here.

  Fine. Ten minutes.

  I’m counting.

  I sit down on her porch steps and check my emails. Nothing urgent from Patrick. Just some updates for starting the work week tomorrow. I’ve barely thought about work this weekend thanks to Julia, which isn’t usually the case. But taking off Friday afternoon was the best decision I could have made.

  At ten minutes like clockwork, the door opens behind me. Julia is leaning against the door frame in jeans that look like they’re painted on her and a shirt that’s just short enough to see a strip of skin, and my eyes are glued to it. I want to feel how soft her skin is and watch the goosebumps form as I taste it.

  “Hi,” she says, voice still thick and rich with sleep.

  “Morning. Ready to fix your ceiling?”

  Julia smirks. “Sure.”

  I grab the bag of supplies and my toolbox and I come inside the entryway. In the chaos of last night, I hadn’t noticed what Julia mentioned: that the house is in disarray from being entirely re-organized. But I see it now. Papers stacked in haphazard piles on some tables, boxes full of things to be sorted. And now with a hole in the ceiling, I understand why she was so panicked. But since I stopped the pipe leaking water, it looks like the plaster has dried pretty well.


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