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Page 5

by T M Chris

  Chapter 5

  Jake had earned this. A solid week of being a good boy had resulted in orgasms and affection and plenty of time spent with Eduardo where he didn’t have his nose stuck in a corner, but he was ready for something more, for a scene. A reward scene.

  The habit Eduardo had drilled into him of stripping at the door as soon as he got inside meant he was already naked as he knelt between Eduardo’s knees basking in his approval. He’d ticked every box on his to-do list. He’d even sent out a half dozen resumes. He’d been good, good, good, and now Eduardo was considering the other list Jake had made. The reward list.

  Jake squirmed a bit, keeping his mouth pinched shut. He wanted to direct Eduardo to his favorite things, but he knew better, so he stayed quiet, wishing with his mind instead of his mouth. Getting fucked would be excellent—he definitely hoped Eduardo would choose that—but a little pleasure-pain would be nice too. It’d been so long since he’d been able to enjoy his kink without it all going wrong, but if Eduardo played with him, he’d behave. Not be a brat at all.

  “Ooh, I like this one,” Eduardo said without turning the paper around to show him what he was looking at. “Let’s do that, shall we?”

  Jake could only agree. Whatever Eduardo had picked out, it must be something Jake would like since he was the one who’d written it down. He mentally ticked over everything on the list. Were there any gotchas on there? No, no, it was all good.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom. Not you,” Eduardo warned Earl, shaking a finger at him to stop him from following. Earl whined softly. “I’m not sure how he’d react to what I’m planning to do,” Eduardo explained with a quirk of his eyebrow. Jake shuddered. He was about to get worked, apparently. Good.

  He’d never been in Eduardo’s bedroom before. It had a less-ordered feel than the rest of the house, with things set out on top of the bureaus, not all tucked squarely away, and more soft surfaces, all of which were washed in pastel desert colors. The room was big, plenty of space to set up a scene in the middle with the bed angled into a far corner. And was that a…?

  “Spanking bench,” Eduardo confirmed, going over to fondle the padded leather. “I don’t use it for spankings, of course.” Because Eduardo spanked over his lap. Jake knew that fact intimately.

  “What do you use it for then?”

  “You’re about to find out.” Eduardo slid open a mirrored panel to reveal an array of items that weren’t clothes. “Go ahead and lie down.”

  Jake wanted to see which of the things hanging in the closet Eduardo would pick, but he obeyed so the scene wouldn’t go sideways before it’d even started. He lay down face first, draping his upper body over the bench. His arms trailed to the floor, and his knees rested on the mat Eduardo had placed beneath it. The mat was soft, like the ones he used for his mindfulness exercises at the gym, and the position wasn’t uncomfortable, only revealing and anticipatory.

  “Restraints.” Eduardo crouched down in front of him. “Just for the fun of it. Remember, this is a reward, so say yellow if you need a break or red if it’s not working for you. But I do expect you to be respectful. Use your manners.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Something touched Jake’s right wrist, and he looked down to see Eduardo fastening a Velcro cuff around it which he clipped to a link in the frame of the bench. His left wrist got the same treatment, then both his ankles, and now he was trapped, stuck, no longer able to use his strength to control the situation. He tugged on the restraints, his mind immediately sparking into resistance.

  “Are you going to be good for me?” Eduardo came back up in front where Jake could turn his face up to see him. “Or is this too much?”

  “I can do it.”

  “I don’t want you to fail,” Eduardo said with a frown. “Not tonight.”

  “I won’t fail.”

  He wanted to please Eduardo, and he looked forward to being hit. He liked being restrained, too. It was just that whenever the restraints came out, the brat in him and the marine in him teamed up to tell him to fight.

  “I’ll be good,” he promised, more to himself than to Eduardo. This was what he’d been hoping for—a scene and maybe a fuck. A little fun-pain, a little pleasure-pain. One of those instruments of destruction hanging up in Eduardo’s closet applied all over him.

  With a soft motorized whirr, the bench rose, leaving him dangling and even more helpless. Then something thin and leathery snaked over his back.

  “Guess,” Eduardo prompted.

  “A whip.”

  “What kind?” The slither traced lower, tickling the backs of his thighs.

  “Um, a carriage whip maybe?”

  “Very good. And this?” Something thicker with more spring, less flexibility.


  “Ooh, you’re good at this. What a good boy you are.”

  Jake felt a brush of wet pressure against the top curve of his right ass cheek. “Lips,” he said with a grin.

  “Cocky.” There was a second press of lips and then a tap on his ass—hard and completely unyielding, wide and flat.


  “Very nice. Last one.” Hard again, but thin and snappy.

  “A ruler, maybe?”

  “Exactly. I like the ruler. It has a disciplinary feel. Very schoolboy.”

  Eduardo sounded turned-on, and Jake liked the sound of him turned on. He knew Eduardo enjoyed dispensing discipline. Obviously. It was all they’d done so far. But Eduardo had been careful to restrict their punishment sessions to pure punishment. If discipline was his kink, maybe Jake could give it to him with a little role play.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get my assignment in on time, teacher,” he offered.

  There was a long inhale behind him and then another tap of the ruler against his ass.

  “How many times have I warned you about handing your work in late?”

  “I didn’t mean to, sir.”

  “You never mean to, you wicked little boy.” There was a firmer tap of the ruler, almost enough to hurt. “I guess there’s only one way to make you behave.” The first real strike, sharp and cutting.

  “Please, sir. I’ll be good from now on, I promise.”

  “Jake.” Eduardo was in front of him, crouching down so they could look other in the eye. “Are you sure you want to do this? We don’t have to.” But Jake could see the way Eduardo’s cock distended the front of his trousers, how hard he was from a couple of swats and a little playful dialogue.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Use your colors then, so I’ll know if you change your mind.” Eduardo tipped his chin up and kissed him, right on the mouth. Jake chased the kiss, wanting Eduardo’s mouth so much he was ready to skip the scene and go straight to sex, but Eduardo straightened up and went around behind him again.

  The ruler whistled then struck, making firm contact with the spot where his ass cheeks met the tops of his thighs, perfectly placed for maximum zip, and Jake remembered he wanted this too.

  “You’ve been thoroughly irresponsible,” Eduardo said, landing another perfect blow. Jake yipped, the sharpness darting straight to his cock.

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “Sorry isn’t enough.” Zing, whip, ouch, yip. “There’s only one way to get through to a boy like you.”

  “Please, sir. Please.”

  Please more, his body cried, opening up to the pain, letting it blossom through him. The first strikes had been tough to take—intense without any kind of warmup, landing right on the spot where he would feel them most keenly—but the pain was radiating outward now, infusing him with that special heat that made his head light and his cock hard. And Eduardo was loving it. Jake could hear it in every word. He was pleasing his Dom—getting to be rebellious in a playful way because he’d been good, was being good, was doing exactly what Eduardo wanted him to do. All those Doms who’d told him he was too big to play brat, and not one who’d ever wanted him to play brat.

  “You can’t do this to me,” h
e protested, getting into his role. “I’ll tell the principal.”

  “You think the principal won’t tan your hide twice as hard?” Eduardo whacked him good, a little higher up on his cheeks where he had more cushioning but wasn’t as warmed up, and Jake gave an anguished cry that was only half acting. Man, Eduardo had an arm.

  “You’re lucky I’m going easy on you.”

  “Ow, ow.” Jake wished he could throw a hand back and take the ruler across it, feel that bad schoolboy thwack. He struggled against his restraints.

  “Stay still and take your punishment.” Eduardo delivered a volley of slaps that had Jake’s blood singing. “Or I will call the principal. He’ll teach your ass a lesson it won’t soon forget.”

  “Please, sir. I’ll be good.” Jake had never role-played like this before, but it was kind of fun. This bad boy who was getting punished and pleading for mercy wasn’t really him, so it didn’t trigger his instinctive rebellion, and since this wasn’t real punishment, he didn’t mind that Eduardo was getting off on it. Not at all.

  “I doubt you even know how to be good.” Eduardo was laying the blows on thick now—across the globes of Jake’s ass and all up and down his thighs, finding every unmarked spot and marking it, showing no compassion for the imaginary schoolboy.

  “I’ll do anything you say,” Jake’s alter-ego promised. Fuck, his cock was hard.

  “Oh, now he wants to be good, does he? What’s the good boy going to do for me to show me how sorry he is?”

  “Anything, sir. Mercy!” But he didn’t want mercy, not really. The pain in his ass was flaming, almost unbearable, and the pain in his cock was just as bad, but he was flying high—a rush burning through his nervous system so bright he could almost come from this alone.

  Eduardo responded to his plea for mercy with a particularly hard strike that landed in that sweet spot at the top of his thighs, the one that’d already been well worked over, and Jake yowled at the fierceness of it, panting and rutting his cock against the bench. God, a little more.

  “What would you do for me?” Eduardo asked again, just tapping him with the ruler now—a threat and a warning. “Would you take my cock in your virgin ass?”

  Virgin. LOL. “I can’t. It’s too big.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to beat the badness out of you.” The light tap-tap of the ruler turned into another flurry of sharp swats, continuing unabated until Jake was desperate for what Eduardo had offered him.

  “I’ll do it. I will.”

  “What will you do?”

  “Take your cock, sir.”

  “You’re going to have to be a very good boy and take every inch of it. I don’t want to hear any crying about how big it is.”

  Jake whimpered, aroused but pretending to be scared. “Please be gentle with me, sir.” Please, sir, tear me up. “I’ve never done it before. I’m afraid it’s going to hurt.”

  “It is going to hurt, Jake. I can’t be gentle, not with such a bad boy.”

  Eduardo undid the restraints—ankles first, then wrists. His fingers shook as he worked the clips, the intensity of his arousal spiking Jake’s even higher. He couldn’t wait to have that fat cock slamming into him. Eduardo would make it rough, destroy him with it. Fuck, it was so good he could barely pretend not to like it when Eduardo made him kneel on the bed on all fours and present his battered ass.

  Rude fingers pierced him without warning—slick with lube, but rough with intent. Jake yelped like the virgin he was pretending to be, but the intrusion felt good, perfectly balanced against the throb of his brutally tanned skin and the insistence of his terminally hard cock. He squirmed away because the role-playing allowed him to be difficult about getting exactly what he wanted, and Eduardo slapped him right on the red roughness of his ass.

  “You asked for this, you bad boy. You can go back over the bench if you don’t want teacher’s cock.”

  “Please, sir. Give me your cock. I can take it.”

  “We’ll see about that.” The head of Eduardo’s cock butted up against his hole, fat and threatening. “Beg for it.”

  “But, sir,” he whined.

  “Unless you want more of the ruler.”

  He really did want Eduardo’s cock, but Eduardo made him beg beyond the point where he was playing, until he was sobbing with want and frustration. When Eduardo finally pierced him with a single commanding push, he gasped in relief.

  “Thank you,” he said, even though Eduardo hadn’t ordered him to. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he chanted as Eduardo went at him hard, yanking his hips back to meet his thrusts, driving him forward onto his hands with so much force he couldn’t maintain his position.

  “Do you understand the consequences of your behavior now, you bad boy?”

  “I’ll do anything you say. I’ll be so good. Only please can I touch myself? I’m so close.” He’d been too close for too long. If Eduardo didn’t give him permission to come, he was going to come without it.

  “Bad boy,” Eduardo said, not giving him permission at all. “Such a bad boy touching yourself while teacher fucks you.

  Jake grabbed for his cock, permission or not. He couldn’t stop himself from doing it, and Eduardo’s sharp words only gave him an extra bratty thrill. He was a bad boy—jerking off without permission while teacher fucked him. Coming without permission while teacher fucked him. His orgasm broke over him, his come jetting onto Eduardo’s bed in a few frantic bursts as he made a noise that wasn’t entirely human.

  “You like having teacher’s cock in your ass, don’t you? You wicked thing. So bad. So bad. So bad.” Eduardo repeated himself as he came too, his mouth stuck on the last thought he’d had. He stuttered to a stop, leaning heavily against Jake’s thighs, his breath wheezing in a way that almost had Jake alarmed.

  “Fuck, that was good.” He gave Jake a push to send him sprawling, then dropped onto the bed next to him. “Holy shit. I haven’t come that hard since I was your age. You enjoyed it too, I see.

  Jake winced at the wet spot that was proof of his enjoyment. “Am I in trouble for coming without permission?”

  “Of course not. That’s not a rule we ever discussed, and besides, this was a reward. You come all you like, big guy.” Eduardo ruffled his hair in obvious approval. “I should’ve taken the duvet off before we got started, though. Now I’m going to have to wash it.”


  “Not your fault. My duvet and my scene. I just didn’t expect it to be so hot. You melted my brain with all that teacher talk. There was no way I could hold off long enough to deal with a trifle like the bedding.”

  “Maybe you ought to be punished,” Jake said, feeling a little giddy.

  “My punishment will be to spend twenty minutes wrestling the duvet cover back on, but I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Thank you for that. It was lovely.” He wrapped an arm around Jake’s neck, hooking him in close, and planted a kiss right on his mouth. Not a brief one either. Not a kiss you’d give a child or a dog or a sub who needed reassurance, but a real kiss, deep and surprisingly tender.

  “Now,” Eduardo said, pulling back a bit. “What do you need from me? Food, water, lotion?”

  “Just this.”

  “Do you want to stay the night?”


  “I’d like for there to be more between us than discipline, but it’s all right if you don’t.”

  “I do. I think I do. What would more be like?”

  “We can figure that out as we go, but it could start like this. Stay tonight.”

  Jake nodded.

  “There’s just one thing I have to warn you about.” Eduardo opened the bedroom door. He gave a whistle, and Earl came running, bounding up onto the bed in a single leap.

  “I can’t believe you let the dog sleep in your bed.” Jake ruffled Earl’s face. “I knew you were a softie.”

  “Only for my very good boys.”

  “We won’t tell, will we, Earl? You and me—we got the best master in the world.�

  Chapter 6

  Jake handed Eduardo his to-do list as he returned the kiss Eduardo greeted him with.

  “Excellent work. I’m impressed. I thought you might have had too much on your plate today.”

  “I got through it.” Barely.

  He followed Eduardo into the living room in stocking feet but otherwise dressed. Over the last month, he’d fallen out of the habit of getting naked in the entryway. It’d been so long since he’d needed punishment, and sometimes the two of them went out—for dinner or to take Earl to the dog park—so he saved getting undressed for the reward portion of the evening.

  “Nervous about tomorrow?”

  “A little.” He cracked his knuckles, earning a frown.

  Eduardo had taken a seat, but Jake didn’t sit down next to him. He was glad to see the glass next to Eduardo’s elbow held something clear and effervescent—club soda, not brandy.

  “I was wondering if we could scene tonight.” He didn’t usually get to choose his own rewards, but right now he didn’t care if asking for a scene pissed Eduardo off. He hadn’t fucked up for a whole goddamn month, and he deserved whatever the fuck he wanted.

  “Need something to put you to sleep tonight, huh?” Eduardo tugged him down onto the couch next to him, and Jake let him rub circles that were meant to be soothing into his temples. “That interview does have you anxious.”

  One of the seemingly hundreds of resumes Jake had sent out had finally borne fruit. Just when he’d been starting to wonder if there was a difference between submitting your resume and throwing it straight in the trash, he’d gotten a call from a recruiter. The job would be perfect for him too, if only he could convince them he’d be perfect for it. Which he doubted he had the skills to do.

  “How did your coaching session at the VA go?”


  Not fine. His case worker had pretended to interview him, and he’d thought he’d done all right—made eye contact, kept his shoulders back and his answers brief—but at the end she’d said he came across as stiff and unnatural, that civilian companies looked for a looser posture, a more relaxed give-and-take exchange of information. So now he figured he might as well not even go to the interview. But he couldn’t tell Eduardo that. Eduardo would be disappointed, maybe angry, maybe punish him. Which was exactly what he was in the mood for, except he didn’t want to ruin this thing they had going on.


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