Inside Trump's White House
Page 46
53. Interview with Jared Kushner, 2019.
Of course, I want to thank my editor, Kate Hartson, but as it turns out, she got praise directly from the President of the United States.
During one of our interviews in the Oval Office, I reminded him that my editor, Kate, had told me only to get the facts, and to be nice to him. He laughed, obviously charmed, and asked for her name and phone number.
Then, before I could say a word or warn Kate what was coming, the president was on the phone with her via the White House switchboard, talking about my work on this book and some of her imprint’s other books and authors such as Newt Gingrich, Judge Jeanine Pirro and Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie. They chatted for a few minutes, and the president thanked Kate for the fair coverage he’d always gotten in the books she published. She responded by thanking him for all he was doing for the country.
After he’d hung up the phone, the president offered some key insight into his day-to-day process.
“See, how I just got that done?” he said, “right while I thought about it? No need to have something nagging on a list somewhere. Get it done. Bam. It’s done!
“By the way. When I promote a book it will go to number one,” the President added. “You watch. Your book will be number one.”
It inspires me even now to finish these acknowledgments.
Thanks to White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, the boss, to Bill Shine, Sarah Sanders, Stephanie Grisham, Madeleine Westerhoust, Julie Radford, Avi Berkowitz, Brad Parscale, Judson Deere, Baxter Murrell, David Bossie, Katrina Pierson, Caroline Moore, Kimberly Benza, Janet Mondesi, Rachael Craddock, Lindsay Walters, Bridges Lamar, Paula White, Andrew Brunson and Giovanna Coia.
My thanks to my wife, Myriam, and children who helped me with this book. Thirty years ago my wife transcribed hours of taped interviews with George H.W. Bush for a book I co-authored with the 41st President. Now, three children and three grandchildren later, she was doing it all over again with President Donald J. Trump. My son, Joshua Wead helped research and write on foreign policy and edit corrections that came back from the Trump family. My daughters, Chloe Fuentes and Camille Castillo, organized the photographs. Another friend whose name must remain unmentioned for security reasons, helped organize the hours of voice recordings, helped write the chapter about the hostages and did all of the primary research on Melania Trump. Dan Godzich researched and helped write about the resistance and the Mueller Report. My sons Shannon and Scott, their spouses Janeen and Amy helped me. Thanks to Jesse Benton and Wesley Bishop. Finally, there is the long list of anonymous sources inside the Trump White House and the government who gave me a fly on the wall perspective of the most important moments of the first three years of the Trump administration.
Thanks to the versatile team at Foundry Literary for representing me. And thanks to Rolf Zettersten, Patsy Jones, Sean McGowan, and the sales team at Hachette Books.
Finally, most of all, thanks to the President and all of the Trump family members for trusting me and letting me inside to see and hear more than they probably should have. Thanks to the First Lady, Melania, to Don, Jr. Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Eric and Lara, Tiffany and Barron.
On occasion I felt like a time traveler, coming back from the future, encountering this remarkable family in the middle of their remarkable journey at the beginning of the 21st century. They are the Trumps. Not the Medici’s or the Rockefellers or the Kennedys but they are ever much as colorful as any other family we have seen in history. While I had to labor and write for many days and months, sometimes I just sat back and enjoyed the voice recordings, listening as they told their stories. Another 400 unused pages lay on the cutting room floor. For a student of history, such as myself, there seems to be so much to hear and read and so little time capture it all.
1. This happened during an interview with the president in January of 2019. This conversation was edited for the reader’s convenience. It can be heard in its entirety in the audio version of this book.
ABC-Washington Post poll, 1
Abe, Akie, 1
Abe, Shinzo, 1
Abedin, Huma, 1, 2
academia, American, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Access Hollywood video scandal, 1, 2, 3
Adams, Abigail, 1
Adams, John, 1, 2
Adams, John Quincy, 1, 2, 3, 4
African American voters, 1
Ailes, Roger, 1
All I Do Is Win (song), 1
All the President’s Children (Wead), 1, 2
All the President’s Men (Bernstein), 1
Alvow, Mordechai, 1
America First policy, 1, 2, 3, 4
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 1
American middle class economic bloodletting of, 1
financially supporting the world, 1, 2, 3
home values of, 1
money transferring to China, 1
renewing its dreams, 1
tax burden on, 1
American public The Apprentice humanizing Trump for, 1
criticism for Trump family, 1
disconnected perceptions of the Trumps, 1
ISIS campaign and, 1
media’s hostilty toward Trump impacting, 1
mistrusting the media, 1
Paris climate accords and, 1
power elite exposed to, 1
receiving delayed election updates, 1
resenting politicians, 1
Trump’s use of social media for, 1
American-style politics, 1
Angel Families, 1
antifa, 1
anti-Trump riots, 1
“anyone but Trump” appeal, 1
The Apprentice (television show), 1, 2, 3, 4
Arizona State University, 1
Arlington National Cemetery, 1
The Art of the Deal (Trump), 1, 2, 3
Asian immigrants, 1
Assad, Bashar al-, 1, 2
Assange, Julian, 1
Austria, 1
Avenatti, Michael, 1
Ayers, Nick, 1
Baier, Bret, 1
Baker, James, 1
Bannon, Steve, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Barr, William, 1, 2
Bash, Dana, 1
Bastille Day, 1
Bastille Day military parade, 1
Battle of San Juan Hill, 1
BBC, 1, 2
“Be Best” anti-cyberbullying campaign, 1, 2, 3
The Beatles, 1
Bedard, Paul, 1
Begin, Menachem, 1
Behar, Joy, 1, 2
Benenson, Joel, 1, 2
Benza, Kim, 1
Beria, Lavrentiy, 1
Berkowitz, Avi, 1
Berman, John, 1
Bernstein, Carl, 1
Bernstein, Jacob, 1
Bertrand, Natasha, 1
Beschloss, Michael, 1, 2
Biden, Joe, 1, 2
bin Laden, Osama, 1
Bismarck, Otto von, 1
Black, Charlie, 1
Black Lives Matter, 1
Blair House, 1
Blitzer, Wolf, 1, 2
“blue collar billionaire,” 1
Boko Haram, 1, 2. See also ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
Bold TV, 1
Bolling, Adrienne, 1
Bolling, Eric, 1
Bolton, John, 1
Bolton, Josh, 1
Borger, Gloria, 1
Born Rich (documentary), 1
Bossie, David, 1, 2, 3, 4
Bow Wow (rapper), 1
Brauchli, Marcus, 1
Bremmer, Ian, 1
Brennan, John, 1
Brexit, 1
Brinkley, Douglas, 1
Brown, Jerry, 1
Brunson, Andrew Craig. See also Brunson hostage case arrest
of, 1
facing judgment and sentencing, 1
guilty of spying, 1
indictment of, 1
moved to home detention, 1
praying for Trump in Oval Office, 1
as prisoner, 1
welcomed at the White House, 1
Brunson, Jacqueline, 1, 2
Brunson, Norine, 1, 2
Brunson hostage case. See also Brunson, Andrew Craig Erdogan unmoved by sanctions, 1
European Parliament and, 1
exchange for Fethullah Gulen, 1
judges’ sentence, 1
Netanyahu and, 1
Trump’s involvement in, 1
Turks backing out of release, 1
unidentified witnesses against, 1
US congress demanding release of, 1
world watching trial, 1
worldwide headlines on, 1
Brusca, Robert, 1, 2
Bryl, Nicole, 1
Brzezinski, Mika, 1
Buckingham Palace, 1
Burns, Ken, 1
Bush, Barbara, 1
Bush, Billy, 1
Bush, George H. W. Bible, 1
branding slogans, 1
breaking campaign promises, 1
debate preparation, 1
funeral, 1
intelligence, 1
invading Panama, 1
October surprise, 1
Queen Elizabeth state dinner, 1
spying on Hillary, 1
Supreme Court nominees, 1
as vice president, 1
Wead and, 1
Bush, George W. administration turnovers, 1
approval rating, 1
Bible of, 1
breaking campaign promises, 1, 2
concern for daughters, 1
debate preparation, 1
intelligence of, 1
invading Iraq, 1, 2
on Jerusalem, 1
Monroe Doctrine and, 1
Queen Elizabeth state dinner, 1
recession and, 1
tax cuts under, 1
Trump compared to, 1
Trump’s frustration with, 1
at Trump’s inauguration, 1
Wead and, 1
Bush, Jeb, 1, 2, 3
Bush, Jenna, 1
Bush, Laura, 1, 2, 3
Butts, Gerald, 1
Buzzfeed, 1
Byrd-Hagel Resolution of 1997, 1
Cabinet Room, 1
Cain, Johnathan, 1
Cairo, Egypt, 1
California, 1
campaign bus tour, 1, 2
Capital Grille, 1
capital investments in business, 1, 2
Capote, Truman, 1
Carson, Ben, 1, 2
Carter, Jimmy administration turnovers, 1
on American hostages, 1
approval rating, 1
evangelical vote, 1
failing economy, 1
inflation and, 1
intelligence of, 1, 2
on media attacks on Trump, 1
pundits attacking, 1
Carter, Rosalynn, 1, 2
Cavuto, Neil, 1
Chamberlin, Libby, 1
Chase, Chevy, 1
Cheney, Dick, 1, 2
Chibok, Nigeria, 1
Chicago, Illinois, 1
China. academia codependent with, 1
American deficit with, 1
American hostages in, 1
environmental cleanup in, 1, 2
extradition treaties, 1
imports from, 1
jobs going to, 1
Kushner on, 1
North Korea and, 1, 2
One China policy, 1
stealing American intellectual property, 1
trade relationship with, 1, 2, 3, 4
Xi Jinping, 1
Christie, Chris, 1, 2, 3, 4
Churchill, Winston, 1
Cipollone, Pat, 1
Clancy, Joe, 1
Clapper, James, 1, 2
Clinton, Bill administration turnovers, 1
approval rating, 1
branding slogans of, 1
breaking promises, 1
evangelical vote, 1
on Hillary’s own identity, 1
Kosovo war, 1
on moving American embassy to Jerusalem, 1
pastoral counselors for, 1
Roosevelt’s medal of honor, 1
Russian government ties, 1
sexual abuse by, 1, 2, 3
at Trump’s wedding, 1
Clinton, Chelsea, 1
Clinton, Hillary. See also presidential debates on Access Hollywood scandal, 1 Bill and, 1
claiming bugged White House, 1
conceding election, 1, 2
Election Night party, 1
as first lady, 1, 2
mocking Trump on campaign trail, 1, 2
Occupy movement and, 1
October surprise, 1
Pantsuit Nation supporting, 1
pay-to-play scheme, 1
private email servers use, 1
as Russian spy, 1
Silicon Valley and, 1
standing ovation on Inauguration Day, 1
supporters of, 1
at Trump’s wedding, 1
Clinton campaign collusion with media, 1
election day headquarters, 1, 2, 3
financing Steele dossier, 1
giving Trump the evangelical vote, 1
journalists embedded with, 1
on living presidents’ support for Trump, 1
Russian links to, 1
Trump impressed with election party
design, 1
Trump’s compassion for staff of, 1
on Trump’s last-minute resources, 1
Clinton Foundation, 1, 2, 3, 4
The Closer (television show), 1
CNN with Piers Morgan, 1
promising sunk stocks, 1
promoting Trump as Russian spy, 1
Schiff interview, 1
Steele dossier and, 1
Trump on, 1
WikiLeaks emails and, 1
withholding Associated Press results, 1
Cohen, Michael, 1, 2, 3
Cohn, Gary, 1
Collins, Susan, 1
Comey, James documenting Trump meeting, 1
ending Hillary email investigation, 1
firing of, 1
Midyear Exam investigation, 1
Obama and, 1
Steele dossier and, 1, 2
strategic leak of Trump meeting, 1
Trump and, 1, 2
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, 1
Conrad Hotel, 1
Conway, Kellyanne on ABC-Washington Post poll, 1
at Buckingham Palace, 1
distributing remaining campaign resources, 1
leading presidential campaign to victory, 1
Mook and, 1, 2
Pence and, 1
planning Trump’s concession call, 1
rewriting Trump’s victory speech, 1
Cook, Tim, 1
Cordes, Nancy, 1
Corker, Bob, 1
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), 1
corporate community, 1
Council of Economic Advisers, 1, 2
criminal justice reform bill, 1, 2
crony capitalism, 1, 2
Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 1
Cruz, Ted, 1, 2, 3, 4
Cuba, 1, 2
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1
cyberbullying, 1, 2, 3
Daalder, Ivo, 1
Dahler, Don, 1
Damon, Arwa, 1
Daniels, Stormy, 1
darshan, 1
Davidsen, Carol, 1
Davis, Lanny, 1, 2
de Gaulle, Charles, 1
Deere, Judd, 1, 2
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 1
Delgado, Arlene “A. J.,” 1, 2
Democratic candidates, as “the seven dwarfs,” 1
National Committee, 1
Democratic Party. See also the Left immigration and, 1
media alliance with, 1, 2, 3
presidential primary debate, 1
response to Supreme Court nominees, 1
sending message to Saigon, 1
wanting impeachment, 1
Dent, Elizabeth, 1
Depp, Johnny, 1
deregulation/deregulation process, 1, 2
Detroit Free Press, 1
Diamond and Silk, 1, 2
dictators. See also Kim Jong-un controlling academia, 1
as predators, 1
Stalin, Joseph, 1
U.S. president’s approach to, 1
digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) technology, 1
Dilanian, Ken, 1
DJ Kaled, 1
Dobbs, Lou, 1
Dorsey, Jack, 1
Doyle, Emma, 1
Dukakis, Michael, 1
Dumbauld, Cassidy, 1
Economy Carter’s failing, 1
declining unemployment, 1, 2, 3, 4
deregulation and, 1, 2
gross domestic product, 1, 2
growth rate, 1, 2, 3, 4
increased productivity, 1
inflation and, 1
Jared Kushner on, 1
jobs creation, 1, 2
media reporting on, 1
Mulvaney’s views, 1
Obama’s predictions, 1
preferential tax treatment, 1, 2
regulations, 1
tariffs and, 1
trade deals and, 1
trade deficits, 1, 2
trade wars, 1
Trump’s predictions, 1
Trump’s success, 1
unemployment figures, 1
wage stagnation and, 1
Egypt, 1
Egyptian Coptic Christians, 1
Eisen, Norman, 1
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1, 2
Eisenhower, John, 1
Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 1, 2
Election Day. See also Election Night AP exit polls, 1
Bossie’s account of, 1
Clinton’s team operating at Peninsula Hotel, 1