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From A Harlot To A Princess

Page 5

by Cage Thompson

  Her curiosity was swiftly wiped away, when he turned to her slightly causing her to haul in a sharp breath as heat pooled in her abdomen.

  “I’ll open your door,” he stated, his eyes blazing, and she knew he was referring to much more.

  In a moment of brevity, she reached out and ran her knuckles down his cheek, which, despite the hour, was cleanly shaven. “Rochelle,” he warned, as her fingers caressed his ear before running over his lips.

  “You know so much about me it seems, and I know next to nothing about you,” she whispered, sucking in a breath when he drew a finger into his mouth and grazed it with his teeth.

  “You’ll learn more as we go along, but for now, I only need to hear you scream my name in ecstasy, cara,” he stated, his eyes flashing in the semi-dark interior of the car. “My name is Carter,” he whispered, kissing the pad of the finger that he had scraped with his teeth, and she drew a quick breath. “Say it,” he commanded, as he nibbled the pad once more. Her muscles quivered in answer.

  “Carter,” she gasped breathlessly, and he closed his eyes, groaning.


  Reaching across, he lifted her over the divider and onto his lap. “We’ll have to take it slow next time,” he breathed in a promise of more to come. But his breath hitched as she shifted slightly to place her hands on his shoulders. “Fuck, Rochelle, if you keep squirming like that, you are going to unman me. So help me, but I prefer if I came apart in you, instead of my pants.”

  His eyes tore at her face, as Rochelle’s lips parted while she struggled to take calming breaths, and he stifled another groan. Leaning forward, he placed a small kiss on the corner of her lips. A guttural groan passed his lips when she cupped his face, forcing his lips to meet hers. He dragged in a breath when her teeth gently scraped his bottom lip, giving her full access to his mouth and oh, boy, did she take it!

  Carter dug his fingers into her soft curls as she feasted on his lips, tilting his head slightly to get a deeper access to her warm cavern. He screwed his eyes shut when she rocked against him, starting a gentle rhythm that opposed the fierceness of their kiss and the hunger within them. Masculine hands cupped her slender shoulders to still her, at the same time that her fingers found a way under his shirt, causing him to swear softly.

  “Rochelle,” he warned once more, breathlessly, as her fingers worked his belt buckle, causing a separation their lips for mere seconds.

  “I can’t wait, Carter,” she murmured into his mouth, as she quickly unzipped him; his name passing easily from her lips as if she had said it millions of times before.

  “Fuck, Rochelle!” He hissed, as her slender fingers freed his throbbing member none too gently. He covered her hand as she began to gently stroke his rigid shaft.

  Briefly, his size seemed to worry her, her neat little brows knitting, but then he brushed one of her breasts with the back of his hand, and she was lost. Her fingers flexed under his other hand as she unconsciously tried to restart her strokes; he tightened his hold warningly.

  “I’m not planning to fall apart outside of you,” he stated, and kissed her swiftly, to take the sting out of his gesture. “Seeing that you’re so eager to do this here, I’ll do my best to oblige you,” he continued with a grin. Tucking a wayward strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear, he kissed it gently, before pulling the lobe into his mouth. “I’d almost think that this would be your first time in a car, how eager you are,” he chuckled, when she moaned softly.

  “It is,” she stated breathlessly, and he clenched his teeth.

  “Oh dammit, Rochelle, you’ll unman me with your words only,” he complained. “You and that luscious little mouth will be my undoing,” he commented gruffly, as he moved to stroke her chin tenderly. “Face the dashboard, sweetheart, and let’s make this quick, before we both expire,” he chuckled, before assisting her.

  He nearly flew into the roof when her plump derrière brushed against him. He could bet his life on the fact that if it wasn’t for his Mediterranean complexion, his veins down south would be a shocking shade of blue. Without looking, he knew that the veins were dark and pulsing with blood already. He wouldn’t last long.

  Thankful for the high splits on both sides of the dress, he shifted the skirt slightly and hissed out a breath when he found her underwear. It was a barely-there thong, and he almost fell apart; this woman was a sensualist through and through.

  Grasping her hip with one hand, he eased her forward, and with the other, shifted the scrap of material. His fingers dug into her hip as he struggled to suppress his need when his fingers brushed warm liquid in the process of uncovering her heated retreat.


  Rochelle felt when he hesitated slightly and without thinking, she blindly reached between her legs and positioned him before he could change his mind. A moan passed her lips, her mouth opening in awe as he slowly and achingly sweet stretched her on her decent. She had expected one smooth path, but he was too well-endowed. She was being widened beyond what she’d ever been before, and oh how good it felt.

  Behind her, Carter clenched his teeth as her warm nether lips enveloped him; her hands fell to brace on his knees, her shoulders not far from the steering wheel, but thank goodness for the extra space in his custom car.

  Even her legs were shaking like crazy, not to mention her hands, but neither noticed nor seemed to care.

  He shifted slightly, and heard her whispered swear as she took a few more centimeters of him. With a concentrated frown, he gripped both hips and eased back, slamming into her tight cavern in one, almost smooth, thrust, allowing her body to claim as much of him as she could manage.

  “Oh, fuck!” She hissed, her nails digging into his kneecaps.

  Chapter Five

  “A good morning is when you’ll have me for breakfast.”

  — Unknown

  AFTER THEIR HEATED COUPLING, Carter brushed her long curls, now slightly unscrewed from the heat, over her right shoulder, before brushing his lips against the left side of her neck. He smiled against her skin when she groaned. “Someone’s insatiable,” he chuckled, as she dug her nails into his muscular thighs. He sucked in a breath when her vaginal muscles clenched and unclenched around him. “I believe that you are doing that deliberately,” he laughed. “Can’t a man get a rest period between?” He questioned, breezily.

  Rochelle’s head lulled back into the crook of his very broad shoulder as she felt him stir within her. “Carter,” she whispered, as she shifted and felt him swell. She tightened her hold on his thighs when his hands tightened around her hips to still her, indirectly driving himself deeper.

  Prying a hand from around his thigh, she reached between her thighs, stroking him where they were joined. She sucked in a breath when her hand brushed against her pearl, that was well-moist and swollen from its last encounter with his deft fingers. “Oh fuck,” she moaned, when she felt him twitch within her as he pulsated beneath her fingers, bringing what could’ve hardly been classified as dead back to full-blown life. She swallowed, as his grip tightened some more, and he flexed his hips. She had no idea where this hunger came from, but she needed more of him.

  From her introduction to sex four years before, Rochelle had blocked her mind against the fact that anything pleasurable could come from sex. It had taken a few tears, and mad discomfort, before her father had begun drugging her for his clients; not too much that she would be comatose, but enough so that her genitalia would cooperate. She was nothing more than a robot to him, just another warm body that could accommodate his clients.

  At least he was a bit selfish with her, but it was for no fatherly reason. She knew full well that the only reason that he allowed her to be mostly eye candy, instead of dessert, was because the fewer people that got access to her body, the more expensive she will be. With her beauty and almost chaste virtue, he kept obscenely rich clients enthralled, making hundreds of thousands off them, and only a few would actually be allowed to bed his daughter. Of those, majority were br
utal, and others too sweet when she started to cry.

  But with this man, Carter, the tears were different; they were ones of awe and joy, from blessed fulfilment.


  Carter dragged in another breath, as her fingers brushed their joining once more. It was the most intimate thing he had ever experienced, and that in itself made him as hard as platinum.

  Reaching around, he stilled her fingers. “We need to make it into the apartment this time, sweetheart,” he stated gruffly. He clenched his teeth when she jerked her hips in a fashion that he now swore only Jamaican women knew how to master and execute. “Rochelle,” he warned, as he felt his scrotum tighten. He was sure as hell that if she didn’t stop, he was going to spend the rest of the night spilling himself in her, over, and over, again in his car.

  Adrenalin spiked through him when she laced her fingers with his and pulled his hand forward. He closed his eyes as she guided their hands to their joining, knowing that this was not leaving the car.

  “Tell me that you don’t want to do this now, before going to your apartment,” she murmured silkily. “I bet it will be pretty difficult to walk to the elevators with this,” she finished, while boldly stroking him, allowing his palm to rub against her.

  After that, it was a mutual deal that they weren’t leaving the car.


  Rochelle stretched leisurely, and smiled, when she felt her muscles protest; Carter had been utterly thorough in all his deeds, and oh how she had enjoyed it. She snuggled deeper into the feathery softness of the pillow, oblivious of the time, well-contented. As she dozed, last night’s scenes riveted through her unguarded mind.

  Her lips curved into a smile while she slept, and she tucked her delicate hands under her head on the soft pillow.

  He had been everything that she’d ever thought, or imagined to dream for, and every sore muscle was worth it.

  They really hadn’t moved from the car for a while, a very long while, but she had savored every second of it, and with the progression of time, he had only gotten better.

  She hadn’t been able to resist him when he had slammed his fist against the elevator button, and grabbed her either. Oh how he had stretched her already tender vaginal muscles. Even now they quivered longingly at the memory.

  He had even managed to teach her a few things about herself too, for she hadn’t even known she had been so acrobatic. How her leg had reached on that broad shoulder in the box of steel, she had no idea. But it had, and she had matching fingerprints on her ass to prove that he’d taken his fill and then some.

  She sighed, but no sound came from her lips as she snuggled deeper into the expensive sheets, feeling the warmth of her arousal pooling into her lower abdomen.

  It had almost been impossible to quench his hunger for her. What had seemed like a hundred orgasms later- even when she had feared she would expire if she exploded into oblivion once more- he had still managed to expertly guide her until they were both thoroughly sated.

  Such a magnificent creature… Lust whispered dreamily.

  He is not yours to keep, remember? Reason pointed out.

  But how will we ever function without this delicious specimen? How can we ever let another touch the places he has? Lust bawled.

  You’re not the owner of your body— Reason began harshly, but she cut her off.

  But it is mine! Mine to choose who I welcome into it! And I want him!

  Tell that to your father; not me! Because I wouldn’t let him an inch out of my sight either! Her conscience stated strongly.


  A few doors down, Carter tapped his earpiece when his cell began vibrating. “Tyler,” he answered curtly, while running his fingers through his dark locks.

  “I understand that you requested for me to call you as soon as I woke up,” Tyler responded, unfazed by his boss’s mood.

  “I need you to add security detail to Miss Rochelle Angel Jones. Everything that occurs, if a fly so much as pitches on her, I should know whether or not it decided to take a dump before flying off. Have I made myself clear?” He demanded, tersely.

  “Yes, sir,” Tyler replied, but instead of hanging up instantly, he held onto the line. “Sir, it’s four a.m., get some sleep.”

  Carter grinned and took out the earpiece and placed it on the desk before him; he looked hungrily in the direction of his bedroom. He really needed to do that, but he had had to get away from Rochelle for a bit.

  She had hit him harder than he had anticipated or planned for. He swirled the amber liquid- so like her eyes- in the expensive crystal and eased deeper into the buttery softness of his winged back chair, laced with mahogany. Placing a long finger on the new growth on his chin, brought the coolness of the glass’s contents closer to his skin as he thought. He hadn’t expected this great attraction when he’d sought her out, and he now had to learn to detach himself and quickly.

  Then why am I getting the feeling that you really don’t want to? His conscience questioned, and Carter became starved for words. Cat got your tongue, didn’t it?

  Pushing away the close to nagging voice, he got to his feet after placing the tumbler on his deep red, mahogany desk. With squared shoulders, he walked through the great room to his bed, hunger radiating in every step. Touching the panel on the wall just inside the door, he brightened the side table lights a bit, before making his way to the bed, sure that she could feel the thirst within him calling out for a drink from her body.

  A smile played on his lips when she sighed softly, and snuggled closer to his side as he sat down. Reaching out, he caressed her cheek, brushing back a few strands of her hair that had preferred to crowd and hide her beautiful face, instead of joining the others splayed across his pillows.

  He breathed somewhat unevenly as he took her in. She was definitely a strikingly stunning woman. He traced her eyebrow and she smiled, her lashes fluttering up to reveal drowsy, hazel eyes. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” she responded, shyly.

  Cupping her chin, he brought his head down, kissing her briefly before using his thumb to trail the path his lips had just covered. “Don’t be shy,” he whispered, and then tucked her hair behind her almost pink ear. “You’re blushing as if I am the only man who has ever taken you to bed and you wake up still seeing,” he chuckled.


  Rochelle looked up at him through thick, dark lashes before wetting her suddenly parched lips as her chest tightened. “You are, Carter,” she murmured, wondering if he understood what she meant.

  It was true; he was the only man whom she’d allowed to take her to bed willingly, and outside of a nondisclosure agreement.

  Carter’s heart slammed against his chest when he saw the honesty and innocence in her widened eyes. He caressed her cheek that wasn’t hiding in the pillow anymore.

  This picturesque, quaint creature, deserved so much better, so much more, he acknowledged mentally.

  Then be her more, a voice taunted; you seem abundantly fit for the job.

  Maybe, I should, he thought, as his hands moved on their own accord.

  His fingers had their fill on her silky, smooth skin as he stroked her body and his eyes drank in what they could. “Rochelle…” He stopped, as her fingers closed around his hand on her cheek, deep purple nails glistening up at him. Pulling his hand away, she brought his fingers to her lips and kissed each one.

  “Forget about that and just come back to bed,” she murmured, and glanced at the time projected on the dark wall from the alarm clock. “It’s not even four thirty yet; I’m getting lonely.”

  He smiled, and then ran his finger down the gentle pout that elevated her lips. “Who am I to deny a goddess her heart’s desire?” He questioned, with a mocking shocked expression, causing her to laugh.

  His eyes darkened at the sound of her rich laughter, and her breath hitched when his green eyes flashed.

  Rising to his feet, he shrugged out of his robe and slid between the sheets.

g up on her elbow, she leaned over to gingerly kiss him, fighting to contain her hunger. She traced his hairline before looking him into his eyes and said as convincingly as she could. “I want you to make love to me, Carter.” She placed her finger against his lips when he moved them, seemingly to speak. “Slowly this time...” She fingered the outline of his lips, and smiled when she felt him suck in a shocked breath. “…Really slow.”

  Carter nodded his understanding, lost for words, before reaching up to pull her down to claim her lips. Shifting, he spilled her onto her back and straddled her, pinning her to the massive bed, his body shadowing hers. “Your wish is my command, Your Highness,” he stated, with a mock bow, and she giggled. Intertwining his fingers with hers, he controlled her hand movements as he rained small, butterfly kisses over her face.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded, as his mouth shied away from hers.

  “Is that how you ask for it?” He questioned softly, easing up when she bowed off the bed in an attempt to catch his lips. “Oh no, you don’t,” he laughed, pressing his erection into the soft swell of her tummy, causing her to groan before trying to grind her hips into him. “Settle down, tiger, or I’ll have to restrain you.”

  Rochelle rolled her hips into him in desperation. She wasn’t sure now, if telling him to take it really slow had been a very good idea, because when Carter goes slowly, it was brutally so.

  An intense heat unfurled in her abdomen when his lips brushed hers briefly, mimicking his earlier actions when she had awakened. She was burning inside for him already; there wasn’t much more of this that she could take.

  Carter raised his brows at the hunger in her expression and movements. He felt himself twitch, as blood pulsated throughout his manhood when she moved beneath him again. With a smile he leaned forward, knowing what she was trying to do; two could play this game.

  Slowly and expertly, he ran his tongue around the edges of her lips, tracing them with such care, only an artist would utilize when creating his masterpiece. She hissed out a breathed, as a shiver ran through her body, and he knew that he was pulling her closer towards a full body orgasm.


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