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With Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga

Page 20

by W. Bert Foster



  At this time Benedict Arnold was thirty-five years of age, a restless,ambitious man who had sought frequently for an opportunity todistinguish himself in life, but who had never been willing to pay theworld's price for real success. He looked for a short-cut to power andfortune, and because of his impatience of restraint and the smallchances of promotion, he had once deserted from the British army. Whenthe Revolution broke out he was living in Hartford, Connecticut, wherehis business was that of druggist, and where his reputation was not ofthe most savory among the more respectable merchants of the town. Hischaracter, however, contained those elements of recklessness andpersonal daring which stand for bravery with many people, and he wassomething of a hero in the eyes of his thoughtless associates.

  It seemed a peculiar fatality that both Arnold and Allen, coming fromthe same colony, should go to Bennington and be thrown together at justthis time. It was a great moment in Ethan Allen's life; the time waslikewise pregnant with the elements which so influenced the afterexistence of Benedict Arnold. Ethan Allen's mind was filled with adesire to help the Grants, and despite the military glory he craved, heentered into the scheme for the capture of Ticonderoga with a real hopeof assisting the patriot cause. He was, indeed, a patriot from thebottom, ready to sacrifice his own interests as well as his life for thegeneral good. Arnold saw in this rising of his fellow-Americans the longsought chance to distinguish himself and gain that power and influencewhich his nature craved. He saw in the proposed expedition toTiconderoga a quick road to prominence. For him to see this chance wasto grasp it.

  Having no following of his own he planned to seize the troops gatheredat Castleton and thus have his name go before the Continental Congressas the leader of the expedition. If it was successful the honor would behis; if it failed, his name would be quite as prominent and the affairmight gain him advancement which he could hope for in no other way. Hehad no thought nor care for the men who, after weeks of toilsome effort,had gathered the little army together. Their feelings in the matter, ortheir standing with their followers, did not enter into hiscalculations.

  That, indeed, was the secret of Benedict Arnold's life. He never thoughtof others. He was ever for self. As a boy we read that he was cruel tothose smaller and weaker than himself, being the "bully" of the schooland of the town in which he lived. He was ever utterly reckless of hisreputation and his greatest pleasure seemed to be found in some form ofmalicious mischief. Personally, however, he did not lack boldness andphysical courage. It is told of him that, being dared by other boys, heonce seized the arms of a waterwheel and followed its revolutions half adozen times, being completely submerged in the millrace at every turn.The danger to a handful of illy-armed troops attacking a fortress likeTiconderoga appealed strongly to the man's reckless daring.

  Although Allen and Warner came from the same colony as the newcomer,neither knew nor recognized Arnold as he approached the group ofofficers at this important moment. But Arnold was not a man who could befor long ignored. His military bearing, his dress, and the hauteur ofhis countenance attracted the attention of the three leaders. "Sir,"said Allen, courteously, "you evidently have some communication to maketo us?"

  "I have, sir," replied Arnold, calmly. "But not having the pleasure of apersonal acquaintance with you----"

  "I am Colonel Allen, commander of this expedition," interrupted theother, brusquely. "This is Colonel Easton; this Major Warner. What isyour desire?"

  "I am Colonel Benedict Arnold," said the newly arrived officer, "andbear a commission from the Massachusetts Committee of Safety withauthority to take command of the troops here gathered, or which shall begathered, and proceed against Forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point," and hedrew the commission from his pocket and presented it to the company.

  Allen's ruddy face paled for an instant and his eyes flashed. "Do Iunderstand you aright?" he exclaimed, and his voice was sharp enough tobe heard by many of the troops near by. "You have come to take commandof these men?" and his gesture took in the lines of waiting patriots.

  "I have, sir. There is my commission."

  Allen's wrath got the better of his politeness and he struck theoffending paper from Arnold's hand. Warner stooped hastily and securedit. He and Easton examined the document with angry scrutiny. Both hadgiven way with cheerfulness to Ethan Allen's superiority in the matter;but this affront was personal to them as well as to their belovedleader. Allen, with his arms akimbo and fire flashing from his eyesfaced the suave and cold intruder. "Sir!" he exclaimed, "I do not careto see your commission, nor do I acknowledge your authority. I bear acommission from a higher court and recognize an authority higher still."

  "What do you mean, Colonel Allen?" demanded Arnold, for the momentfearing that the Green Mountain leader had indeed received someappointment from the Continental Congress, perhaps, which wouldinvalidate his own.

  "I mean, sir, that my authority is based upon some slight precedence inthis matter--a prior claim which dates back some years now, ColonelArnold. I have led some of these men in defending their homes on morethan one occasion and by their free act of will they have made me theirleader now."

  "Your commission, sir? Where is it?" inquired Arnold, cool again, uponfinding that his antagonist's rights were based upon a matter ofsentiment.

  "It is there, sir!" cried Allen, furiously, turning and pointing to thelines of waiting men. "It is there, sir,--writ on the hearts of thoseGreen Mountain Boys. And a higher commission than any Committee ofSafety can seal."

  The words were heard by the files of waiting troops and already they hadbegun to murmur. That their beloved leader should be displaced by anyperson--no matter how high his office--was more than distasteful tothem. At once they were in revolt.

  "Ethan Allen forever!" arose the cry. "We'll not march without hecommands us!" and more than one threw down his arms. Arnold foundhimself facing the possibility of marching upon Ticonderoga alone, forthe mutiny seemed general.

  "Sir, sir!" exclaimed Warner, in anxiety, addressing Arnold. "You seethe feeling of these true-hearted men. No person can come here and takecommand of them in this way. We are not regular troops. We are bandedtogether for the good of all, but we do not yet acknowledge theauthority of a sister colony. We desire to be a commonwealth of our ownhere in the Grants and have already been disturbed enough by usurpersfrom outside. Reconsider this, I beg of you. For if you persevere theexpedition must fail and that which might result in great good to ourstruggling brethren, will end in harm because of this folly."

  Arnold, if ambitious and unfeeling, already saw that he was beaten. Hewas not obstinate enough to do that which would be sure to redound tohis own hurt and discredit. He had not expected such opposition, for hedid not know the veneration in which the Green Mountain Boys held EthanAllen. Now, seeing himself undone, he did that which for the timeendeared him to all. His countenance cleared; a frank emotion playedupon his features and advancing a step toward Ethan Allen he said in aclarion voice, heard by all:

  "Colonel Allen, you have precedence here after all. I was mistaken in mypremises. Give me a musket and let me march in the ranks. I shall beproud to be led by so gallant a commander."

  Instantly a volley of cheers broke out among the soldiery, and Allenwho, above all men, could appreciate such generosity, offered his handcordially. "Egad, sir!" he cried, "you are a man after my own heart.When there are so many jealous cattle running about the woods, it is apleasure to meet with a man. Give me your hand, Colonel Arnold! There isglory enough in this campaign for all, and you shall share the commandwith me, if you will."

  He turned then to his followers. "Men of the Green Mountains!" he cried,"we are to march at once. Fall in! And with your courage and the help ofJehovah we shall succeed in our undertaking. To your places, gentlemen,"to the minor officers, "and Colonel Arnold and I will lead you."

  Amid cheers the column moved forward into the forest and took up itsline of march toward the shore of Lake Champ
lain. Never had the GreenMountain wilderness echoed to the tread of such a body of men. And theywere worth more than a passing glance for they represented the spiritwhich made the American Revolution one of the greatest struggles of theages. Like the campaigns of Joshua of old, the battles of the Americanyeoman with the trained military of King George proved that, when guidedby the God of Battles, the weak can overcome the strong. These men,fighting for their homes and firesides, were inspired with a confidencethat overcame even impossibilities. They possessed a faith in theircause and in their leader like that which threw down the walls ofJericho and defeated the allied armies of Canaan.

  Even had De la Place and his garrison been informed of their approach,and of their numbers, he would doubtless have laughed at the possibilityof their successfully attacking his fortress. And one there was amongthe Green Mountain Boys who feared that news of the expedition hadalready gone to the British commander. Upon his return from the Otter,Enoch Harding had sought and obtained an audience with Colonel Allen,and to him had related his adventure with the Yorker whom he believed tobe his deadly enemy, and told his suspicions regarding the man'sbusiness in the region. But Ethan Allen was not to be shaken in hisconfidence, or in his intentions.

  "I have an honest man at Ticonderoga now, Master Harding," he said. "Ifspies were through the country we should hear of them from othersources. But you did right to come to me with this, and if Simon Halpenfalls into our hands I will hang him for his past offenses, if not forthis attempt on your life."

  The appearance of the American troops was welcomed along the route withacclamation. Many settlers, knowing the course the army would take, hadwaited to join it as it passed their own doors. Shopkeepers andmechanics left their work and fell into the ranks; the farmer left hisplow in the furrow, seized his rifle, and joined his neighbors; awoodsman who was "letting sunlight" into the gloom of the virgin forest,hid his axe under a fallen log and with a deadlier weapon on hisshoulder followed in the train; the hunter on the trail of thefrightened buck saw the column coming through the forest road andallowed his prey to escape while he turned his attention to matters ofgraver moment. Thus the army of Americans was swelled from hour to hourby new recruits.

  To camp at night was a small matter to these hardy pioneers. The scoutssent out upon either flank acted as hunters and fresh meat was abundant.Besides, every man was fairly supplied with provisions brought fromCastleton. Inspired by the energy of Ethan Allen the column rapidlyapproached the shore of the lake. While some miles away, however, thegroup of officers riding ahead of the main body, suddenly descried atall woodsman striding through the forest toward them. "Who is thischap, Major?" demanded Allen of his friend Warner. "Had I not sent 'SiahBolderwood to watch Old Ti like a cat at a rathole, I'd declare this tobe he."

  "And so it is, Colonel!" returned the other. "Something of moment musthave sent our lengthy friend this way, for he is a man who knows how toobey orders," and he spurred forward to meet the footman.

  "Wall, Captain," was 'Siah's greeting, squinting around the horseman atthe long column of marching men, "you look like you had a slather offolks yonder. I guess there'll be something in the wind around Old Ti'fore long, hey?"

  "And how is it you are not there, Bolderwood?" demanded Warner.

  "Wall, I got an idee into my noddle an' leavin' Smith and Brown to watchOld Ti, for it might run away 'fore ye git there, ye know, I trotteddown this way ter see the Colonel. Ev'rything is safe there so fur, butthere's one thing we've neglected."

  "What is that, Bolderwood?" cried Allen, riding up and hearing this lastsentence.

  "Why, Colonel, although I count you as purty near ekal to 'mostanything, an' them fellers behind ye seemed armed to deal with any foe,still I calkerlate you ain't expectin' ol' Champlain ter open for ye topass over dry shod, hey?"

  Allen smote his thigh with his gauntleted hand and the expression on hisface changed. "Right, 'Siah! I can't forgive myself for mythoughtlessness. We must have boats--and plenty of them--to cross to thefort."

  "That's what struck me last night, Colonel. So I left the others terwatch the fort--an' a sarpint that wriggled into aour han'syesterday--and come kitin' down here for orders."

  "A serpent, 'Siah?" said Warner. "Who is it?"

  "One o' them Yorkers, an' one that I've not had my eyes on--let alone myhands--for a good many months. An' I see a chap behind you there that'llbe some interested in meeting the rascal, too."

  'Siah had looked past the officers and, in the very front rank, caughtsight of his young friend Enoch. The latter waved his hand to the tallwoodsman and Bolderwood, knowing that discipline was lax on the march,beckoned Enoch forward. "Come here, youngster, and hear what news I'vegot for ye," he cried. But Allen caught at the matter instantly, andunderstood to whom Bolderwood referred by his appellation of "theserpent."

  "You mean to say you've got Simon Halpen?" he asked.

  "That's the identical sarpint, Colonel," declared the ranger. "We caughthim tryin' ter cross to Old Ti and thought it was best, under thesarcumstances, ter keep him close till this leetle business is over.What he was doin' riskin' his carcass on this side of the line is more'nI can tell----"

  "The boy was right, Major!" exclaimed Allen, turning to Warner. "Hardingmet the fellow while he was stirring up our folks in the Otter countrylast week. He thought he was up to some rascality then, and the fellowdid try to take his life."

  "Tried it again, did he?" cried 'Siah, as Enoch approached. "Is that so,Nuck?"

  Enoch repeated his adventure with the murderous Halpen. "If I'd knowedthis," the ranger declared, "I'd saved the grub the scoundrel iseating."

  "We'll make an example of him when we reach the lake, 'Siah," declaredthe leader of the Green Mountain Boys. "But now for this other matter.It is most important. Every bateau within reach must be secured."

  "I know where there are three of 'em. And there may be others down thelake furder."

  "You shall have charge of this, Bolderwood!" the commander cried. "Imake you our captain of scouts. Take any reasonable number of men withyou and hurry ahead. Every moment is precious."

  "Good!" said the ranger. "With Smith and Brown I won't need but eight orten more. And I'll begin by taking young Nuck here. He's a good oar."

  "Take whom you wish. We depend on you," replied Allen, and within thehour the ranger and his party, including Enoch Harding, set off on theirmission ahead of the more slowly moving army.


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