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Wishes Page 7

by J. C. Owens

  Auri tensed further, even more wary now. This man could have no reason to welcome another into the harem and every reason to seek to dominate him. How could he possibly want another rival to Kanar’s affections? This whole idea of multiple loves made no sense to Auri at all. True relationships were one-onone. Here there would surely be favorites and those seeking to be. This man would be dangerous.

  He finally nodded in response to Bredan’s words, showing he had heard, but he did not answer, unwilling to give this man the slightest inkling of his thoughts and feelings.

  Bredan waited until it was completely apparent Auri was not going to give an opening, then he sighed and leaned forward slightly, watching as the younger man’s eyes hardened in preparation for combat, physical or verbal.

  “I am not your enemy, Auri. None of us are. You are not familiar with our ways. You may have a preconceived notion of what a harem is, but I assure you, it is not a place of politics and favoritism.”

  Auri’s felt his skepticism had to be obvious.

  Bredan leaned back again. “The Felinian culture is quite different from human. The females are not bonded to any one male. They are completely free to choose who they will breed with, who will sire their kits. They tend to choose the strongest to continue the race. Kanar himself has over seven hundred kits.” He laughed a little at Auri’s look of stunned amazement. “The females raise their young in groups of their own and are most possessive of them. Males are not welcome. When the kits are of age to be trained, the young males are taken to group places, where they will stay for the next few years as they are educated in the arts of war, politics, science, etcetera. School, if you wish to call it that. The young females do the same, but under the supervision of older females. A female is free to study anything she wishes—there is no set division between the genders.”

  He continued, watching Auri’s frown at this description of so foreign a life.

  “Since there can be no permanent bond between female and male, males find love amongst their own. It was discovered though, even before the wars, that humans have a connection with Felinian males that is different than between two Felinians. For some reason, we complete something in them, a great need to be protective and to bond permanently. Our thoughts are capable of meshing with theirs in a way foreign to their own people. When it was discovered there was a destiny involved, that certain Felinians needed to find certain humans, it became the norm and has gone on for several generations now. It is rare there is more than one mate, but it does happen, and then the group is considered a harem: a much-loved group of mates, whatever the number.

  “I am first mate, Auri. That does not mean I get to be a tyrant as you are probably imagining. It simply means I have responsibilities to the rest of you. I have to ensure each of you is happy and well cared for. If any of you have problems, you come to me to solve them if possible. I smooth the way for Kanar. He could not possibly cope with his duties as king as well as all the concerns of his mates. That is where I come in. Each in the harem is equal though perhaps not in duty. As you settle in, your talents will come to the fore and tasks will be found for you. It is not good to wallow about, I have found. It only leads to sadness and too much inner searching.”

  Auri narrowed his eyes. Was this a comment on his own chosen isolation? What did this man know of anything? He was obviously here of his own free will. Their situations were nothing the same.

  Bredan was a mind reader it seemed.

  “I know you are not happy to be here, Auri. I know it was not by your own choice, but then life often throws us things we do not like. It is up to us to accept and find what happiness we can or continue to bewail it, making ourselves and everyone else miserable.”

  Auri rose to his feet and leaned over the table, teeth bared. “You know nothing, you sanctimonious bastard. Do not come here and speak as if this is all my fault. I had my own life, a life I was content in. All I was, all I was trained in, good at, was taken away from me, and you expect me to accept becoming a little play toy? I don’t think so.”

  He straightened and walked away, standing by the window, keeping one wary eye on his visitor, his chest heaving with fury.

  There was silence for a long time, then Bredan slowly rose to his feet, no anger in his expression, only sadness. “You will make your life here very unhappy with that attitude. There will be things here you are good at, things here you can succeed at, enjoy. You are not just a plaything, whatever you might think. It is up to you to create what you will be. Nobody can make you do it.” His eyes hardened ever so slightly. “But you make Kanar unhappy also, and that I do not accept. I will do whatever is necessary to ensure he is not harmed by your animosity. He does not deserve it.”

  “In your eyes maybe. Not in mine.” Auri’s tone was hard with conviction.

  The two men stared at each other, then Bredan shook his head and turned for the door.

  “I have brought someone who perhaps will help. I pray so, for all our sakes.”

  Auri watched with cold eyes as the door opened, then he froze in shock as a familiar figure entered.

  “Neel,” he whispered in complete disbelief.

  * * * They sat together in a small inner courtyard enclosed from the cold weather outside by thick glass. Auri watched the snowflakes fall with dull eyes, his mind numb with shock.

  A hand reached for his and held it gently, a thumb stroking the back soothingly.

  “It is not your fault, Auri. I chose to come here. I could not leave you, not knowing what you were facing. I had to see for myself and once I got here…” Neel’s voice trailed off, his face flushing as he looked down, fussing with the hem of his shirt.

  Auri turned his head to look at him, watching his expression disbelievingly.

  “I met Kanar’s brother, Nadim, and…we felt each other so strongly.”

  Neel looked up, his eyes begging Auri to understand. “I knew you were not happy here. I had to stay. When Nadim told me I was his mate, I knew it was right. I would have a reason to stay with you; they would not be able to send me away.”

  Auri wanted to feel grateful, wanted to feel anything, but the only emotion was a terrible guilt that he had brought Neel to this, put him in the same position as Auri himself. Trapped. “Auri, stop it.”

  Neel’s voice was a little sharp, and it shook Auri out of his self-absorbed daze.

  “I told you. This is not your fault. This is my choice. I am happy here, Auri. I know you don’t understand, but I am. I love Nadim. If you are the one to bring me to him, I cannot be anything but grateful. I would never have found anyone like him back home.” He reached over and hugged Auri tightly. “I want happiness for you too, Auri. Please open up to them. They would love you like I love you if you would just show them who you are.”

  Auri slowly hugged him back, but with nothing but stubbornness in his heart.

  * * * Auri did find himself more content with Neel’s presence. Despite the younger man’s distressing tendency to talk about how wonderful the Felinians were, especially the unknown Nadim, his friend’s presence soothed his nerves, made him calmer. His despair lessened, and the days did not seem so dark with Neel’s ready laughter at hand.

  Occasionally Bredan would join them, as if acclimating Auri to his presence, and although Auri did not like him any more than before, he learned to tolerate him in short doses.

  It seemed he had little choice yet again.

  He had not as yet, met the other two mates. He knew Bredan did not yet consider him “safe,” and he was fine with that. He did not want to learn about his fellow prisoners.

  His feelings about Kanar were so mixed he tried not to think of the Felinian at all. The few times he had seen him had been a warring of fear and awareness that left him speechless and unable to communicate. It seemed to distress Kanar, and he came to visit less as time passed. Auri told himself this was a blessing.

  His heart was not so sure.

  Bredan only watched him with condemning eyes, reminding
him his behavior was hurting the Felinian.

  He tried not to care.

  * * * Felinian guards came to escort Auri to Kanar’s quarters. They took him within huge ornately carved doors, then bowed to the figure standing by the immense windows. Kanar gestured and they retreated, closing the massive doors with a solid thunk behind them. There was silence for a moment, then Kanar turned to look at Auri, his face grave and expressionless.

  Auri stood motionless as his mate approached, though his muscles tensed in preparation for he knew not what.

  Kanar bent to kiss him gently on the forehead, then he took Auri’s hand and tucked it through his own arm, leading him to a table set for two. He seated him with great courtesy, then settled at the head of the table, pouring them both wine and passing a glass to Auri.

  After a brief hesitation, Auri accepted it, confusion in his eyes.

  “I have supper with each of my mates at least once a week. Private time with each of them.” Kanar’s voice was quiet as he watched his fourth mate digest the words, a faint frown on his brow.

  Auri’s caution faded somewhat at the


  “We will eat together and afterwards, if you wish, you can return to your room.” Kanar gave no indication whether he would prefer Auri to stay longer.

  For other things.

  Auri flushed at his own thoughts and almost choked on the wine, cursing himself.

  Part of him desperately wanted to stay, wanted to touch Kanar and…

  He looked out at the snow, attempting to cool the images crowding his mind. Was he mad? How could he want such things from this being of all others?

  He was distracted when the doors opened once more to admit servants carrying a mouth-watering array of dishes. Many of them he could not name, but they smelled delicious and his stomach growled so loudly Kanar gave a chuckle, smiling even wider as Auri felt a blush heat his cheeks.

  “Eat, my mate. Enjoy.”

  Auri flashed him an embarrassed glance, then began to sample the food set before them. The servants ensured everything was to their king’s taste, then they discreetly left, leaving the two in intimate companionship.

  “So, my mate, tell me of your life. You seemed to have done well for yourself, being second in command of a ship like the Hagen Fell. You must be very accomplished to have achievements at such a young age. I hope you will find something here to satisfy your talent. I would not have such a mind go to waste.”

  Auri blinked at him, wanting to get angry at the mention of his former life, but he was tired and lonely and something in him, that accursed link, wanted to be close to his mate, wanted to talk and be talked to, to… He shook his head at his own fancies.

  However, he could not rouse himself to his former coldness and, haltingly, he spoke between mouthfuls. At first he was reticent, and Kanar had to work to get answers, but at the Felinian’s obvious interest and avid attention, Auri began to open just a little. Kanar was deeply intelligent, and his questions showed a quick mind able to grasp foreign concepts with enviable ease.

  “You have a very organized mindset, Auri. That would be of great use here, down at the docks. That is where we receive incoming goods and store items for trade with other worlds. They would be grateful for you, I think.”

  Auri stared at him, fork still poised. “I am not confined to the harem?” His tone was incredulous.

  Kanar smiled a little, not enough to make Auri think he was mocking him. “Of course not, my little tiger. None of my mates are confined in such a manner. That would be cruel in the extreme, do you not think?” He took a delicate sip of the wine.

  Auri was speechless. What other assumptions did he hold that were totally untrue? He flushed a little then, realizing his bitterness and self-isolation had blinded him to truth.

  He took another bite, mulling over what he had just comprehended.

  Kanar watched him quietly, obviously pleased his little mate was thinking now, not just reacting. The man was extremely intelligent, and sooner or later, he would see his situation was not so dire as he had thought. Perhaps he might even begin to accept his role as mate.

  Kanar smiled into his wine at that wonderful thought.

  * * * The wine seemed to have loosened his tongue, Auri thought bemusedly. The evening had been wonderful, and he could not believe how time had flown. They had even argued, amicably enough, about Empiric policies and how they harmed or furthered the Empire’s reputation.

  Auri found himself hard pressed to keep up with Kanar’s lightning fast thoughts, and it made his own mind stretch. Even being born in the Empire itself did not guarantee he knew more than the Felin. Kanar was obviously well read and conscious of politics in a way the Empire had not given him credit for. It made Auri smile to think of how the diplomats must have been totally unaware they were being played in a manner they thought impossible for a “barbarian king.”

  The bastards so deserved it, he thought viciously. When Kanar stood up at last, Auri stared at him blearily, realizing the evening was over and he had a choice to make.

  He could go back to his lonely room or…

  His inhibitions blurred by the wine, he found himself standing, reaching for his mate, and pulling the larger male down to kiss his lips.

  Then he pushed away, wide-eyed at his own audacity, turning to leave.

  Kanar caught him, pulled him back against his chest, his voice rumbling by his ear.

  “Do you really wish to leave, little tiger? Or would you like to stay and know the pleasure of a mated pair? I will, of course, abide by your decision.”

  Auri hesitated, unsure, but his heart knew what it wanted. It wanted touch and closeness and attention.

  Kanar could provide all of that.

  He turned back, searching the Felinian’s eyes for an answer to his inner questions. The golden orbs were soft and warm with affection, hot with need and want.

  Auri threw caution to the winds in a manner totally unlike himself. He tilted his face up, and Kanar, thankfully, understood his gesture and took over, kissing the smaller male until he was dazed and senseless of anything but the need for more.

  “Come, little tiger.” The Felinian’s voice was rough with emotion, his fingers stroking everywhere, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

  Auri did not think to protest, not when he seemed to want this so much. The past seemed to blur into something best forgotten, his mind rationalizing the whole thing with a desire to move forward, to create some life for himself that was not so bitter and angry.

  Surely there could be more.

  He was led through a smaller doorway lined with impressive carvings, then into a massive chamber with a bed dominating the center. Large even by Felinian standards, it beckoned.

  He yelped as he was picked up effortlessly and placed carefully on the bed. It reminded him of Kanar’s strength and as if to confirm that, he ran his hands over the smooth muscles of his mate’s arms, marveling at the leashed power there.

  Kanar purred at the touch and reached down to strip off his own kilt and then Auri’s. With gentle fingers, he unfastened Auri’s shirt, pulling it back to expose his little mate’s leanly muscled chest.

  Auri let his hand’s roam over Kanar’s back, purring himself as he felt the muscles ripple under the fur. Something inside him rose, unstoppable, wanting only the touch of his mate and the pleasure he could provide. Perhaps the bond had begun to work both ways at last.

  Kanar began to lick his way down Auri’s neck, and some instinct prompted the younger male to tilt his head submissively. His mate purred more loudly, licking Auri’s ear in reward. Auri shuddered, arching up into his mate’s body, wanting more, wanting…

  Kanar put a powerful arm under him, pulling his body up into a bow so he might suckle a tan nipple more easily. Pleased with the moans the action wrung from his little tiger, he laved the second one even more thoroughly, nipping, though watching his teeth.

  “You are so beautiful, my little one,” he whispered, feeli
ng his own body flush with need as he saw Auri’s eyes darken with lust. It was actually happening; his mate was actually touching him back, participating. It was more than he had hoped for.

  Auri drew him down for a long kiss, their tongues twining, breath mingling. They could not seem to get enough of each other’s taste, and they were both panting by the time they finally came up for air.

  The younger man parted his legs, pulling his mate to lay between then, hardly able to reach around the large body with his heels. He rubbed fervently against the sensual fur, delighting in the sensations it produced on his heated skin.

  Kanar reached to the side of the bed where a small pot resided on a heavy wood table. Dipping his fingers in, he brought them down to the puckered entrance of Auri’s body, his own body throbbing with anticipation. His eyes darkened, became more golden, and his teeth elongated as his excitement grew.

  He made little chuffing noises as his shaft emerged from its sheath, damp and ready, eager to claim its place in the enticing body writhing beneath him.

  With claw carefully retracted, one finger pressed in and Auri cried out, hands clutching at the bigger arms encircling him. The thick digit slid deeper, calloused pad rubbing over his prostate in a way that had him shuddering, mind blanking with the sweeping pleasure that seemed to almost paralyze his body.

  He made little whimpering sounds, writhing on his impalement, sounds that drove Kanar wild with need. He licked and bit at Auri’s neck, his purrs becoming growls.

  Another finger pressed in and Auri pushed onto them both, his body wanting more, deeper than a finger could provide. He looked up into those golden eyes, almost begging, no thought beyond the fact his body was tightening to the point of pain, and he was so, so close to some pinnacle…

  Kanar removed his fingers and held his engorged shaft to the opening with a shaking hand. He pushed in, ears flattening at the little sounds of pain Auri made as he struggled to adjust to the massive invader. With gentle thrusts and sufficient time between, at last the Felinian was nestled to the hilt in his mate, his balls covering Auri with heat.


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