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A Season For Romance (The Seldon Park Christmas Novella Book 5)

Page 6

by Bethany Sefchick

  “Be his mistress?” Dinah finished for him, raising her chin in acknowledgement of Beau’s words. “I’m not the first, am I?”

  “Sadly, no.” Again, Beau would not lie to her.

  She considered that for a moment. “I don’t wish to know what became of the others, do I?”

  “Probably not if you want to sleep tonight.” Again, he could offer her nothing but honesty.

  Dinah began to walk slowly along the length of the gallery, dragging her fingers along the highly polished rail. Thank goodness the maids had dusted the rail, he thought stupidly. Though Beau doubted that at the moment, Dinah was all that concerned about a little dust in his home.

  “I take it he will search for me even if he does not find me here at Grayfield when he arrives. Even if I am in London or at Canton Hall, he will send someone after me.” Again, they were not questions.

  Beau shrugged helplessly. “The Christmastide season fast approaches so perhaps not just yet, but in time? Between Christmas and Twelfth Night at the very least? Then likely yes. When Ryfell desires something, he will often stop at nothing to obtain it. Especially innocent young women.”

  “I see.” She bit her lip again.

  “I wish I could tell you differently, Lady Dinah,” Beau offered with a sigh, “But Lord Ryfell is a hard man with a penchant for innocents. There is no getting around the matter.”

  “Then there is no hope for me, it seems. I will become Lord Ryfell’s mistress until he is finished with me. And I can’t go back home and put that sort of pressure on Edward to hide me. I might have been that selfish before but I no longer am.” Dinah looked up at Beau with sad eyes. “Perhaps this is punishment for all the wrongs I have committed over the years. I have chosen my fate, it seems, even though I did so unknowingly. Therefore, I will see it through to the end, whatever that end might be. Thank you for being honest with me, Lord Kingsford. I appreciate it more than you can know.”

  “You can’t really believe all that nonsense you just spouted, do you? That this tangle with Ryfell is your punishment for your past sins, real or imagined?” Beau snorted in disbelief. “You don’t believe in gypsy curses! Why on earth would you believe such tripe, let alone spout it?”

  Dinah’s eyes flashed. “Because I have done wrong and I believe that the world balances! I took and took and took from people, just as my father did. I might not have taken money, but I was cruel. I took their happiness and their hope and joy and destroyed it! While I have learned much, I also know that for each action one makes, there is a reaction. That is science, my lord. Plain and simple. It is not some curse!”

  “You are being ridiculous, Lady Dinah!” Beau snapped, uncertain where his anger stemmed from at the moment.

  “And it is not your affair, Lord Kingsford!” Dinah snapped right back at him.

  “It became my affair when I saved your life and allowed you to chase me down my own hallway!” The reality was, however, that Beau could have escaped Dinah that morning if he had really wished to; he hadn’t. Just as he could have escaped her now.

  But once more, he did not want to leave her. This woman made him feel. She forced him to confront the possibility that not everyone viewed him as a monster, no matter what his parents had said. That there might be some woman out there who could tolerate lying with him of her own free will, perhaps even marrying him. Dinah had shown him that much in the space of a single day, and Beau was not about to let her go now. Not when there might be more she could teach him and not when he all but ached to have her in his arms again, not to mention somehow tempt her into his bed.

  “Then what would you have me do?” Dinah challenged him again. “From what you tell me, Ryfell only preys on the innocent. If I was not? Well, that would solve a great many problems. However, it is not as if I can become a trollop overnight! I am many things, Lord Kingsford, but I am not that!”

  Except, Beau thought to himself suddenly, perhaps…she could be.

  Perhaps he could help her with her dilemma and, in the process, help himself as well.

  Provided, of course, that Dinah was willing. She might not be.

  But Beau would never know until he asked.

  “Care to wager on that, my lady?” Beau teased, his voice turning silky, the same way Nathaniel’s did when he was trying to coax a village widow into his bed. “For, using that logic, I can think of a way that we might solve your problem and ease one of mine at the same time.” At that, he saw something that might have been a hint of desire flash in Dinah’s beautiful blue eyes, as if the same thought had suddenly occurred to her as well.

  Beau might, in truth, be a beast, but he was also a man with needs, real ones that were becoming harder and harder to ignore. And Dinah was a lovely and passionate woman, even though she was still an innocent. He had noticed the way her body reacted to his earlier. Perhaps he could use that to both of their advantages. For he certainly wanted her – the sooner, the better. He had from the first moment he had pulled her into his arms last evening.

  For a brief moment, Beau wished he were a different man. He wished he were a stronger man or perhaps a better one. He wished that he were more honorable. But he wasn’t. In the end, cursed by gypsies or not, he was still a man with a man’s needs, ones that had gone unfulfilled for some time. And Lady Dinah Crestfield was a very beautiful woman in a very dangerous situation if Lord Ryfell found her.

  “There might be a way to keep you safe or at least make you undesirable for Ryfell’s needs any longer,” Beau whispered as he slowly drew Dinah into his arms, all quiet seduction now. Or at least he hoped this was seduction. He wasn’t very good at this sort of thing. Though he did note that she came to him willingly and without hesitation or fear. That was a good start. “It would require you becoming involved with a very cursed marquess, mind you. One that most people fear because he is believed to be a monster, right down to his very soul. Even Lord Ryfell fears this man.”

  “How involved?” Dinah asked, her breath hitching as she allowed him to pull her closer still. All hint of her earlier self-pity was gone. Now there was nothing but pure attraction in her eyes. Attraction for him. Oh, Lord, could he truly be this blessed? He prayed that it was so.

  “Very involved.” Beau stroked his fingers across Dinah’s cheek. To his relief, she did not pull away. Instead, she pressed her soft skin into his hands, as if craving more of his touch.

  “Define very.” She placed her hand on his chest. Beau thought he might die of joy where he stood.

  “Involved enough to cover every meaning of the word ‘very.’ You see, my lady, you would lie with me at least once to ensure that when we are finished, you are no longer the innocent young thing the duke desires. For the man won’t touch a lady he has not first deflowered himself.” Beau leaned down to lick at Dinah’s ear. In response, she hummed in delight, which made his cock all but throb with the need to release his seed. “To allow me to enter you with my cock. To allow me to deflower you.” He nuzzled the spot he had just licked and she gasped with unmistakable pleasure. “To let me fuck you.”

  Dinah shivered in Beau’s arms, though he did not think the reaction was out of fear. Instead, he thought it might be from desire. “And after that?” she asked almost eagerly.

  “After that…we shall see.” Beau could not make her any promises. He was in no position to take a wife and even if he was, he would not bind this magnificent, curious creature to him.

  “And we would need to do this just once?” she asked as she leaned up to kiss him as he had kissed her.

  “Or as often as it takes to ensure success,” he replied as he lifted her into his arms so that she could reach his lips easier. “Or even as often as you like. Provided you enjoy my attentions, of course. Though do not worry about enjoyment on my account, mind you. For I have no doubt that I will enjoy being inside of you immensely. In fact, I can all but guarantee it will be perfect.”

  Dinah kissed him. It surprised Beau at first because it was an artless and rather clumsy k
iss, first on the chin and then, when she became more daring, on the lips. However her kiss was full of passion and before he knew it, he was kissing her back just as passionately.

  Beau was even more surprised when she reached up to cradle his head in her hands. “Then my answer is yes, Lord Kingsford. I will lie with you. I will allow you to bed me. To…fuck me. And I suspect that if I enjoy the act as much as I enjoy your company, then we shall indulge ourselves more than just once.”

  At Dinah’s reply, something inside of Beau’s chest loosened and unfurled. She had agreed! He didn’t think she would. But he was relieved that she had.

  This was a moment out of time, a strange and magical holiday gift of some sort, he supposed. Whatever it was, however, he would be greedy for once and take what Dinah offered. He would not be a fool and turn her away. Especially since he was the one who had asked.

  “Then, if we are to indulge, don’t you think it is time you called me by my Christian name? Dinah.” Beau licked the corner of her lips in what he hoped was a seductive manner. “After all, true lovers are a less formal with each other.”

  “I would be delighted to do so. Beau. Because really, a lover would not call you Beaufort.” Now it was Dinah’s turn to lick him and she chose his chin as a place to start. “I would be absolutely delighted, in fact. More than you can possibly know.”

  Strangely enough, Beau believed she meant every word she had just said.

  Chapter Five

  Saints, preserve her! She was actually a wanton and a lightskirt at heart. That was the only explanation Dinah could come up with for her scandalous behavior last night. After all, she had agreed to allow Lord Beau McCandless to deflower her!

  Dinah hadn’t even wished to go that far with Billy Appleton, the baron’s son back home. She had barely even wanted to kiss the boy, but she had assumed that allowing him to take that particular liberty would help ensure that he offered for her by the end of summer.

  Then again, she hadn’t felt a single stirring of attraction for Billy Appleton. Which might have been part of the entire problem. Just as she had felt nothing but familial ties for Edward.

  Beau, on the other hand, was a different matter completely. Dinah’s attraction to him was so strong that she could barely conceal it any longer. Had he commanded her to disrobe in the portrait gallery last evening so that he could have his way with her, she likely would have.

  He made her body heat from the inside out, and even just thinking about him in the safety of her bed last night had made her damp between the legs. Dinah knew exactly what that meant. If nothing else, she was a country miss and knew the basics of mating. She had also received an earful from Billy about the specifics of human mating – which was how Dinah knew she did not wish to do that with him. Maybe not even after they were married.

  But with Beau, however? Well, Dinah would part her legs for him in an instant and not think twice about it.

  Thus, she must be a true wanton for even considering lying with Beau and not preserving her maidenhead for the bonds of marriage.

  On the other hand, the alternative was becoming the Duke of Ryfell’s mistress, and even though she had never laid eyes upon the man, Dinah had a feeling that Beau was the far more preferable option.

  Also, this whole mad scheme had been Beau’s idea. Which meant that he must want her in return.

  She hoped.

  Dinah hadn’t meant for Beau to make such a scandalous offer, though, in her heart, she was happy that he had. From the moment he had gently lifted her from the freezing river and into his powerful arms, he had captivated her. She hadn’t even seen his face, and she had wanted him! Somehow, her body had known what he could offer her. As usual, her head was a bit behind.

  The head had been behind yesterday as well, for she had known from the beginning that it was Beau following her through the halls of Grayfield all day. She hadn’t needed Dr. Longford to tell her. It was as if her body could sense him when he was near. As if he desired her as much as she was coming to desire him – even though she couldn’t see him as he lurked about and even though she had known him less than a day. The whole thing made no sense, really, but that was how she felt. What she believed.

  Oh, dear. There she went again, being fanciful and thinking only of herself. Thinking that she was the center of everything. Really, Dinah had thought she was beyond this. Not every man she met fell at her feet in worship or desired her wildly from the moment they met. She should know that by now. Even though Beau had followed her about the house all day, it was likely so he could keep an eye on this stranger he had invited into his home.

  No, Beau had likely been making certain she did not try to steal the silver or pry into his private papers. He had not been following her about because he was infatuated with her. Nice as that thought was.

  Dinah did suppose, however, that Beau must desire her at least a little bit. After all, he would not have made his offer to essentially save her from Lord Ryfell otherwise. Then again, perhaps she was simply the first willing female he had encountered in some time. He had said the ladies did not find him attractive.

  Which was, of course, the most stupid thing she had ever heard. Just because Beau’s eyes did not match and his skin color was not quite even did not make him any less handsome or desirable. After all, she hadn’t even seen his eyes and he had been able to arouse her to the point where her breasts ached and she felt hot all over. If other women could not see that? If all they saw were his eyes – which were beautiful in Dinah’s opinion? Well, that was their loss. And her gain.

  Just as it was their loss that they were not the ones going for a walk with him across Grayfield’s grounds this morning.

  Even though the snow was still falling, it was not quite as thick as it had been earlier. So before breakfast, Beau had sent Dinah a note, requesting her presence for a walk later that morning. If she would be so gracious as to accompany him, of course. Beau had also hinted that if – and most likely when – Lord Ryfell arrived, the duke would be more apt to leave Dinah alone if he believed that she and Beau had been lovers for more than just one night. Thus, it would be better for her if the servants saw her with Beau as often as possible.

  For according to Beau, even the slightly insane Lord Ryfell steered well clear of the “Cursed Marquess” whenever possible. If Ryfell believed that Beau had staked his claim upon Dinah? Well, then she would be far less appealing to a duke who simply wished to debauch innocents. A duke who had no wish to anger a marquess that many in Society had labeled a monster.

  Beau had also offered Dinah the use of anything in his late mother’s extensive wardrobe – or bedchamber. As Dinah had expected, her own trunks were long gone. Someone had managed to retrieve her valise from the river, but the contents were still being dried out, leaving her with nothing to wear.

  Not that she needed to wear anything at all, or so Beau had hinted. Dinah assumed that he was speaking of when they were alone and not when she was about Grayfield with the servants.

  Fortunately, the late Margaret McCandless was not much larger than Dinah, save for through the hips. So it was fairly easy for the maids to alter a few garments to fit her, including the lovely ruby red velvet riding habit she was currently wearing. Cecily had informed Dinah that the habit, which was trimmed in trademark LaVallier gold stitching, had been commissioned especially for the Christmastide season by the late marchioness. However, the ensemble had never even been worn since the late Lady Kingsford had fallen ill and passed away from the fever shortly after the garment had been delivered.

  To Dinah, it felt wrong, somehow, to be rifling through a dead woman’s things, especially things that had once belonged to Beau’s mother. However Cecily didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, she was rather cheerful about the entire process. As was every servant within Grayfield when they learned that Dinah and Beau were set to go out for a stroll that morning, even in miserable weather.

  The entire series of events that morning was curious, really. In fact,
it was as if someone from the staff had been spying on her and Beau last night. Which, she reasoned to herself, was quite possible. After all, Beau had spent the better part of yesterday spying on her with his friend Nathaniel’s full knowledge. It made a certain amount of sense that the staff might do the same to their employer. This was a rather unconventional household, after all. For which Dinah was thankful since no one here had even once mentioned or hinted that she was likely ruined after spending even a single night beneath Beau’s roof without a proper chaperone. Rather, the servants all treated her as if she had every right to be at Grayfield. As did Beau.

  Even with Cecily’s reassurances as the maid helped her dress, Dinah still wasn’t certain how Beau would react to seeing her in something his mother had ordered for herself and never been able to wear before her death.

  As Dinah descended the stairs into the grand front hall, she quickly discovered that she needn’t have worried.

  “Dinah!” There was something akin to pure pleasure in the way Beau said her name and it warmed Dinah from the inside out. She couldn’t recall ever being so warm except when she was in his presence. “You look lovely! Breathtaking. Truly.”

  She knew he was doing things up brown for the sake of his staff, just in case Ryfell questioned them. However the compliments still left Dinah with a bit of a glow, mostly because she knew that, on some level anyway, Beau did mean those words. This might partially be an act for his staff, but when he complimented her, those were not just empty words. Not truly. She could see the truth in his eyes. She also suspected that he had no idea she could read him so well.

  “It is not too awkward for you? Seeing me in your mother’s things?” Dinah wasn’t certain she could have been so unaffected if the roles were reversed.

  Beau shook his head as he offered her his arm. “No,” he replied sincerely as Dinah tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. “I actually saw my mother very little, especially when I was older. My parents were away in London much of the year.”


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